Pickets march in front of Parkland Nursing Homes north Ed monton residence in this file photograph from March I977 The alliston by Jean Hand 4355378 Ir Iraiik Itrieeo lhston ieweller tor 34 veais ill retire IIUIII his store at the end ot Iareh Iueh progress has been made since Frank tirst opened his shop on June Ill on the north sideol Victoria Street He recalls the muddy streets Iii Ihston hatk in the horse and bullll tItI He Is the last it the businessmen who were here wlten he lirst came He will eon tinue to do some repair work on eloeks III his home tongratulations and best wishes go to Ito and Irene lloh son on tlie oeeasion ot their 33th wedding anniversar bout TH tamil members reeentlv at tended dinner par held at the Lions Hall The dinner was arranged the Immediate tamih lhe Robsons have nine Ihildren giaiidehildien and Igieat giandehildien large number ot senior ItIens attended the meeting held Ioittlil Iarih in the iIilIItttt IIaII Devotions were taken Father Lawlor ol Ihston Margaret tolt piesi dent ol the club weleonied IIt new members Ir and lrs laienee Hieedon and II and Iis teIII IIovd were presented IIII gilt both eouples reeentl eelebtattwl their faith wedding an iiiveisaries musical pro gram was enjoyed all Ihree girls trom St lauts ukelele group sang number ol selei Iions also the senior tIllt hoir tavored the group till number ol songs Mam trips are being planned tor the sum meI and tall seasons Ihose ladies who attended the Spotlight on tread demonstrations at the Lonien Institute Hall on Iaieh were well rewarded tor their eltorts Inder the leadership ot Maggi nderson and Lois ellani he ladies were shown break and bun making trom treshI made dough as we as troeit dough measuring the IIII perial and llitIltt wa lhe studied Inadas Food ltules and the plaee ol bread In the diet tread Is the energ loud and It Is the spreads used on It that are the tattemng lood tither things prepared were tasty tInIa easserole English InlItlIiis and lemon hriothe dispII able had loaves ol white rte whole wheat lreneh and semohna bread well as the tiiIIshed produets ot the da Needless to sat Ito HIII went home hungry ediiesdti Marih Jl Iiss Irene IeIaster attended thi tuneral ot tIiiisiii Lew is Ier IIek at IlIe Kane lIineral home IIlodaIe Iis IIank llttssev Ilistor will ttItIiIillt her tTIIt birthdm iltllltltlt on Iareh Jih tongiatulations iii and lioiotln talilei returned lhIIIsitm lltilll wo week aiatioit tII latliatlos also llaII tIttl IIIIIe sIIIil IIie speii he past IIIk III Florida several IIllIIIINIs oi the llisttiitt IIUIIIIIIIIIIIII titlt emitted pttlrllllk supper held III loliii tltltltli llIIiIsiIi ItlIIlIL III anllar ot eshInk llltl Iiid ILtetalili ttttttkt Is Itt splutlxtt II this nieeiiig His remarks were based on plants and transplanting smuMNG Our new telephone number is 7265333 Manning picket lines two years later busload ot senior eItIens were on trip to Square hit and then on to Ihe Ioid plant at tiakville lliIlItL toIiI ot the plant was most Interesting lett Iiston at it 41a III Friday and returned home at 13 III It was Interesting to see tats eompleteh built and drum ott tor the tirst ime tiur guide remarked that to III1L to heat the reeordi ears are made each hour and tile lottt Ilt tire assembled III the seeonds Thanks lirnIs and tea timberland tor arranging his out ItiIIIHIIZIII Saturdm ILIIIII The timberland lloIIsiV on Queen St llisoii was opened lIdIIh Ittaitht ail Ininistrator weleomed III pie sent ltil this Iiteastion This home tor retarded IIIIIIItII was named alter IieoILt LIIIIIIII IIrnest tumherland lite titeiiiliei tit III IitItlltlttI ttilllIltlII IIinest has done eonsiderable amount ol work lot this assoeiation Iavor iak tira spoke lilltll anilmitthe ribbon held bx he home residents tillltlitllx open Ihe tIImbiIIanil Ilouse loveI Ieiiiodelled home lIrnes gave short IepI and Iioii Bertrand president til the Issottation gIe tee remarks ll pieseii lltttttI the IIIneh served Ii Ilt hostesses lilllt ot Illi building ook plate Iaggi IIiliIsoit read poem she had tttIttI111 ediIIilieatedtothIsIIotIIe IilIIIIt IIU los humblx IinbIIII Ilttt tew linestodohonoi Io Iea and lIIItes timberland tor now and litIIItlllIlIIt van see them tears agotaking Iltll marriage Iid starting out ogethIr hand III hand tarviiig out lite tor heir littliIamilt Helping all and heme one withtheirioIIInIIIIIIt nd so they grew together throughthetears having eath new day with taithandlove lor taith like Illtll IIIIIs llltI somehow know Ihat help through liltil Isalwas ei near IIrI power nine to hIiii but never was abused Ihrotigh loe tor one another and their tellow man We see them now still walking hand In hand tiainIIILl strength tIoIII one Inotherandabou still IaiviniJ out lieii destin III ilitstonitiiliittv Still greeting eaeh new Ila with hopeandlote Today we honor them IoI Isonlv right loshow this happy eouple lhat III their strength there might The shown Its how lt tiltiet tltts SAVE on repairs to TVs Radios and Stereos For Quick Service Call STEWART ELECTRONICS 7289457 74 Peel St strike began March I7 of that year with active support from 53 of the union locals 63 members Two years later 25 members are still officially on strike and manning picket lines CP Photo IIUIMIHNHHUQIII IitLEIH IIIIIIIII HIe present as JII IIIaII 3itls were pIesIIiwl llowIIIanIIIeetsIIIaIIIIItIIIt as most ol tilll ivwt Ihaiiel tlllltlilitlltl Iquilliits llie tuili IIIoIi lVilIoIIIIL the iIIeitIIIii The shown us hoe Ibeit lniIIIIIII Awliniiittl iIlIIilt pinttdiilliv IIIIIIIIIIII IIt IIIIIII II nintha IIIIIIIII1iIIII at thusiIIIIpuI IIt No II IIIIIIL right illl wilteitattiziie IIIII Itltlttillt mi IIts IhblessingstioiiIlmtn lhts house is tilllttl lhe ttinIbeIIand lluusiotILIIIIaIIIIque Iggi IHIIIHII tatl iiiil Iltlllt Hear it IIoIIaIitsitetlon IIIIil Ith Llll Ieir Ilsotit tin IIIesidIIIIIIII ItIIlttItil tImI IIIn ItlIIItlI III oth tltlt1 IIIersii tor IUII tItI In titeei held II he IIIIIIIII lIalI aIIriII IIIgh Iittl ItItI Iiltttl IIIIII iWl Iatt IIiIId ot Iltii lt Iindax ltillltl guestn oi tw ORILLIA THEATRES ENEVA 16WEST 51 326633 ulstliuulsm ml titties Ill Ilflllllllllo oi mm mm Iteh and knit II II HIKIQWII IIM le SHOWS 795 PM mmnwm IIIltsiililtIl III lllll4ti sinIII the weekend tr thin IIII Ioanni ihizwoptiei out lllttl lIiIIIItlIz II Ihe ttLIIIIIlt Ilittt1 mt DENTURE THERAPY CLINIC FORMERLY BARRIE DENTURE CLINIC held on lIIesilI Iillt it 7264721 theHIaiItJIllall IitsnII It IIIiIe Illlttll nIII Iatioia presiding The ItttiIIIIL tIitt LIEI IIttllltltlttl oI lit ililwltlt St iIoiigtii in ti litt III III MEMBER DENTURIST SOCIETY hisiIIIL ItIIIIhvI limit mm CANADAS LARGEST AND BESTKNOWN RECORD STORES MONDAY APRIL AM ONLY SATURDAY MAR 31 AM ONLY lamW443 Iw IwL in mImi FP tong it I2 RECORD long Play new 357 iteirm Retails BEATLES Hit itest Hit I9 I970 Retord ti fade Here wines The Sun Let It Be ind 75 mote Quantiï¬ Limnod On For Potion er Roar 590ml Ouarmwu bmrtod Ono For Porn 3rd Floor Sportal THE FOLLOWING ITEMS ON SALE AT ADVERTISED PRICES WHILE SUPPLY LASTS FRIDAY SATURDAY MONDAY ONE EACH PER PERSON BEATLES Greatest HIIS I962 I966 QUfUIII ilm Loves YOU Michelle Help mil 43 mow at 41 7qu rgr 7M 24 41 Ming Ammo sum Wm th Amen hu Him lma MWIV minnow Wanner IN man BETHNAL HIlle For Iahimil Moll Im Cfflh luntiiiig Ilie IgtIIIII Foul Maureen more Mfume Wim mi AT SAMS AT SAMS ONLY BLONDIE lutuliel Lines Heart OI Glass IIture This end IO inin AT SAMS dv £231 GLORIA GAYNOR FRANK MILLS Head FIFSI Every IIMUI IIIIII love Iiiiiku NIII wivtw Ilui Poet And From Sidewalk OI You Was One iiw more Holmium and mow Culi Mum Bow Dance and more AT SAMS AI SAMS AI SAMS ONLV ONLY ONLY INVEST now Illtttilltltilltlitilly IIIIIII iilillrli as DIAMOND NEEDLES XIEAIQSIEI Shit2213 OPEN mun 96 IO DUNLOP ST BARRIE mom IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIE the examiner Thqragay Itiiar 29 1939 STARTING TOMORROW MAKES HOMER AND ms SWEATBOGS LOOK LIKE KINDERGARTEN Santiago hit by unsolved bombings SANIIAGI hile IAII IltSlIItItI Israel llorquez Santiago has been hit Others were SCHIItlttI wave ol unsolved bombings through lieeember and early whieli the military govern January then they died ment says marks the return down until resuming in of Ieltist terrorism to thile Mareh Janna rv and tine man died and number Febmarv are hiles tradi ol houses and businesses tional vacation months have been damaged during summertime in this tlie last four months hemisphere lwo buses lull ol IIIsides liorquey the passengers were also stopped targets inellided the homes ol by armed men and women Appeals tourt iiidge Sergio who distributed propaganda littllltip Arturo loiitaine ol the Revolutionary Ieltist editor of the newspaper IIl Movement known its IeieIIIIo Iaudio IIIanes panish abbreviation Mllt lt viee Ieetoi ot the Iniveisit had been thought to he vir ot thile aro liaidoir IlllIIXIlllI Iiithile president ol the eiitral number of goveiiiiiient Hank lornier abiiiet opponents and some hilean Iiiiiiistei supermarket ol journalists however sa liees ol theeleelrie eoinpaiiv they suspeet that the bomb aiidothers ings are the work ol extreme Iil llI IIUII rightists who support the III Iiiost eases the damage government but are displeas was IIllIlHt with bombs going ed with ltttltl IibeiaIIation ott III gardensoi living rooms moves attei the hand had gone Interior Munster Sergio Iipstaizstobed Ieriiande says the govern None at the people hose iiieiit has no Inloriiiatioii to homes were hit sulleIed III support that view He has tltllt llowiur poliee GEORGE M3312 DIUL PICTURES THC Present KmLEDlUI ml GLENDA JACKSON Ind OLIVER REED In THE CLASS OF MISS MACMICHAEL AIIO Inning VIth JOKE ammo mbmher lint Composed ma Conducted by STABLE mils hacutln Producer GEORGE Mull Bued on naval by SAID MBOI lrtmn tor the Iciecn 1nd Produced by JUDD MD Anoclate Prodncur PATRICIA CASEY Directed SILVIO IAMZMIO THE GREAT TRAIN ROBBERY AT said the MIR is preparing reported that iar old terrorist esealation IIit Iltsl til stoit it built bingsoetlirred last JJat the homse ol Supreme toiiit Illt aetivist diet IaIIII while IIIakIIIL boiiib It liotise tit workers IIIILIIINIIIIINII ADULT ILTRTANMDLY TA TOMORROW SPRING DRESSES Reg up to $4899 NOWIusr$I airflow FOREMOSY IN FASHION 34 DUNLOP ST 7282246 Dustin HolIman Vanessa Redgrave lietioiial solution to the real Iiister ot Agatha Christies disappeIrIiite SEAFOODS I96 BlAKE ST 726 937i Emnli Ieck lenburg HAVE YOU TRIED OUR DELICIOUS FISH CHIPS lATElY COOKED FRESH EVERYTIME COMPLETE FRESH FISH SELECTION FOR DOITYOURSELFERS FRESH BC SALMON NOW AVAILABLE OYSTERS SCALLOPS SHRIMP SOLE WHITEFISH ETC CLOSED MONDAY Openduily l00am to pm Friday IOD mm to pm ICCOTendEd cu ADUlT ENTERTAINMENT Ruining sIIIII IImIiIIIIos tlll III Itoltl III II Iltllit ItIIiuIIIII Itttt IIIIIIIII lillti iIInIIImIoIIIIIo iIiIII iiiiiI tl tIIIlIIs Itiltt Itiltlzl kllil II IIIIIIR lliilIlHlI MIIIIIM mt iRIs IIRI Ittlk ItiII Iltllll iiIIIi it III IHIII Saturday lIOOam to pm Sunday 400 pm to pm DOUBLI IlATUlL CORVETYI AS SUMEIIPN TARGETVPM Walkers Special 01d Rye Whisky III hiiiwttiii III Unique blending Patient aging Smooth taste tttttt lllliil ill Illlltil it LLLALLLIIIIIIIIIIILIIIItti Itt Thats what makes it IIIIIIIIIIIIIII spew 01 II mil ll lt III In it Illil It Spet ial lid in these handsome new LIL kages will be Iilable soon at out liqttot store will Ill tl It it Iin IIIIIII IIiIllliittIt Him