OTTAWA CPi Progressive onservative Robert Stanfield atid New Detnocrat TCtIommyl Douglas are among the many distinguished veteran MPs not seeking reelection May 22 Though each man will cani paign for his party botli Stanfield former Nova Scotia premier and federal Con servative leader and Douglas former Saskatchewan premier and tiatiotial NDP leader are bowing oitt of political life on Parliament Hill The list of Mls not running again also includes former Iib eral cabinet ministers wliodate back to the days of the late Les PM one of candidates II Pi Prime Miti ister Trudeau is one of 26 can didates not yet nominated by the three major political parties to contest the May 22 general election onseryative Leader loe lark has been nominated in the new Alberta constituency of Yellowhead while Ed Broad beiit has been named in ishaw tntintario The prime ministers office said Iuestlay Irudeau will at tend nominating meeting in his Montreal constituency of Mont ltoyal next week Lists provided by the Liber als onservatives atid NDP show that because of the clecr tioii false alarms of the last year most of the 1282 con stititencies have nominated their candidates The onservatives lead the way with 233 candidates named The are followed by the Liberals witli 304 and Nltl with 13 The nttiiiber of Social tredit nominations was not aailableluesday All parties have said they ex pect to field lull slate in the election iti which the number of seats is increased from the 264 of the last Parliament because of redistribution The Conservatives have nominated Dr David IieJong to run against Trudeau in his Montreal riding As yet there is no NI candidate Lt ltllx Hill FONS Neither the Liberals nor the New Democrats have found op ponents for lark yet on servative lim Souch will op pose ltroadbent and Liberal has not yet been named Ten of ill cabinet ministers have not yet been nominated Those who still must be named by constituents iticliide Deputy Prime Minister Allan MaeEa clieii External Affairs Minister Don lamieson Finance Minis ter Jean hretien and Agricitf titre Minister Eugene thelan Veterans Affairs Minister Dan Maclionald is ill but his aides say he still plaiis to seek notni nation in ardigan in Prince Edward lslaiid Most of the big guns in the tonservative and NDP cauc uses have been nominated Bulk of budget for TV till The New Democratic Party announced election campaign plans Tues day to spend $12 million con centrating on votes iii So to To of 383 ctitistittiencies across the country laity officials said the bulk of the budget for the May 22 vote will be spent oii television adyertising to promote NDP Leader Ed Hroadbent as the man to give anada econonitc leadership Itroadbent is to give an elee tioii speech Thursday iii Io ronto meet party workeis in his ttshawa tint riding and visit St atliariiies on Friday aiid Kitchener on Saturday He is to campaign in an comer on Monday Ethnonton on Tuesday Regina on Vednes lay and tinnipeg on Ihiirsday in the first leg of fiis official tour that is scheduled to be non stop except Easter weekend until election day Itlttllltlil letrodate Caught off guard by election call tflfl Pi aught off guard by Prime Minister lrudeaus election call Monday night Mls scrambled Tuesday to plan campaign schedules map strategy and determine exeactly where they stand as their status as Mls evaporates in stages The phones began ringing early Iuesday morning iii om mons Speaker James Jeromes office as Mls sought clari fication on what parliamentary privileges and benefits they re tain when Parliament is dis solved larliaiiientary law clerks also were kept busy advising Mls on what they can atid cant do now that theyve lost their status as MPs said parlia mentary lawyer Michael Heattprc Mls keep their salaries free airline passes and their con stituency and larliaiiient Hill offices during the campaign lIltl their ommons secretaries and research assistants must confine their election activities to their spare tittie and this volunteer labor must be de clared under the Election pensc ct tlier privileges disappear lti daysaftertlicelcctioncall Meanwhile mood of con fusion and uncertainty pre iiilid among many of the Jooo House of oniiiions staff as they tried to figure out exactly what they are supposed to do during the campaign for the May election tonnnons clerk Alistair ltia sei lcioiiie and other toni moiis executives met all day liicsday ironing out benefits guides lot Mls and deciding what to do with the no per cent of the 171m oininons employ ees ho are permanent staff Many of them will tlllflllllt tlieii daily work polisliiiigthi miles of brass railing in the 13 MORTGAGE PARTICIPATION TERMS FROM T2 MONTHS TO YEARS INTEREST PAID MONTHLY PLEASE CONTACT RALPH LOUGHEED 7266367 JOHN COLEMAN 7288I39 building atid trances Lucky ones like the pages university students who rttii er mods for Mls when the tom mons is sitting will get five month paid vacation Hired fora year last Septein ber at annual salaries around $60m they will be allowed to return home to be on call in case Parliament is recalled this summer SAVE on repairs to TVs Radios and Stereos For Quick Service Call STEWART ELECTRONICS 289457 14 Pool St guarding en not yet nominated ltK noiiiitiitetl Iotiig by provinces Btitisli Columbia 28 seats NDP plans on spending And iii novel method of reaching otets ll workers and trade tiiiioii meinbersol the tanadtan Labortongress plan to set ttp telephone banks across the country Workers are to experiment with the system in Toronto this week Groups of trade union members will telephone co workers to talk about election issties llllltlZlSlllfllll lhe tIt an umbrella trade titiioii group representing tnore than two iiiilltoii workers has been pledged by leader Iiennis Meltcriiiott to throw its weight behind the Nlil which says tofis iices and tanadiaii con trol tilJllt economy ire number one issues The NDP held seats III the oltttttinis before Parliament was dissolved Monday night National ll campaign direc tor Itobin Sears said the party has nominated about Bill candi dates but will concentrate on So to To seats fairly evenly di vided across the cottiit ry Sears would not specify pleces of Kentucky Fried We French Fries Salad IGreclan Bread NDP 27 onservatives flit Lib vtlitlS 2t Alberta seats on servatives 31 Liberalle NDI ll Saskatchewan 14 seats Lib erals l4 Conservatives I4 NDPH Manitoba 14 seats oii servatives l4 NDP It Liberals ll Ontario seats toii servativestlti Liberals Tl Nlil frl Quebec 73 seats Liberals 37 onservativeslil NDP ltl lew Brunswick 10 seats Liberals ti onservatives it Liberals rNova Scotia ll seats on servatives it Liberals New Democrats Prince Edward Island four seats onservatives Liberals It Nlil 7Newfoundland seven seats Liberals New Democrats onservattves It Northwest letritories two seats onservattvcs Liberal ti Nllti Yukon one seat Nlll Lib eral ti tonservative ti $L2M which constituencies the NDP will focus on biit said tintario is critical area for ottr campaign as it is for otir two opponents Sears said the Nlil is well prepared because of election speculation for more than year and that the new election expenses law Mtnittting per sonal tav rite offs for political donations has had dramatic impact on oitr revenues In the 1974 campaign Sears said the Nlil national budget Lfls Stooooo There was lllltsfl mated regional and local spend mg on top of that but the total fell well short of lic1 million budget for this election The lefeision adeitiin campaign most of it already filmed will begin sometime after vipril and ill be aimed only at voters in regions where the Nlil feels most hopeful of winning Sears cited Nlil strength iii pockets of ltritish oliimbia Saskatchewan Manitoba tiii tario Newfoundland ape lire ton atid northern aiiada NEW 69 only MORE ELSEWHERE Available only at Rntictitthtet Stores located at ter Pearson such as Mitchell Sharp and Bud lrury And reelectioii ranks have otherwise dwindled as Mls such as Quebec Conservative laude Wagner who joined the Senate have accepted outside appointments or decided to piir sue other careers The dissolution of Parliament Monday night was form of goodbye for Stanfield who left Nova Scotia politics in HHS after ltl years as premier to steer the Tories through three federal elect ions Liberals defeated his party each try but this time the Lil year old Halifax Ml predicts that Prime Minister Trudeau faces the prospect of defeat IltiNlIlIltElMEDNAIIII Douglas Saskatchewan pre iiiicr from llHttil and an MI ltitlil pioneered North Americas first medicare sys tem Sharp best known for his six years as Liberal defence minisr ter decided to accept an ap poiiitiiiciit as northern pipeline agency commissioner instead of riinningagain tional since INN IlAS medicare pioneer KM 360 POLYESTER FIBREGLASS BELTED RADIAL TIRES 2py radial body construction extends tread lite Wide tread styling Full depth lateral sup ing tor maximum wet traction Whitewalls Advanced con cave mold construction with 36000 mile tread wear warranty Installed Road hazardinsured NAC Plan TREAD DESIGN NOT AS tttlJSlRATlD ON ALL SllES NO ADDITIONAL CHARGE FOR INSTALLATION BALANCING VALVE FREIGHT INSURANCE SINGLE TIRE PURCHASE IN ADDITION THE season It mumpfl ï¬t nuinl SUpER lOW3O Mlllflll fllL Twa Vang mart MOTOR OIL SAE TOW30 Exceeds new car war rarity requnements tqt WWI It mart MOTOR OIL SAE IOWdo Exceeds new car war ranty requtrements tqt RELIABLE 15 OZ OIL TREATMENT Ettectivetreatment for engine problems viowoi ti it IttttllPtultf xiimr ll Itt0tltQliiAtlltr it Kmart Kmart Kmart Spemat Special Special pnce Each pflce Each pnce Each Inca1 HWY 27 BAYFIELD ST BARBIE ONT Drury accepted an appoint ment as chairman of the Na Capital SllllLl ill campaign Iricei Izjjccliie 11 Saturday Iarri Tlilfhily While Quantities Ilf He rcierie the righl to limit Qtlunlilicv Commission the gr west overseeing federal around Ottawa and adviser to propert ivernmeiit on the North erritories Both men in their 60s were elected in the early 1960s Sharp Moiitr iii Toronto and Drury in cal and were quickly promoted to Pearsons cabinet Fort seals ments Every 000 miles for the life of your mart Tires we will perform without charge these maintenance services Property rotate tires Thoroughly inspect tires Check air pressure Check valve stems Check wheel balance Rebalance it necessary Check tront alignment Remove wheels ton rims botoreratter snow OX MOLY FREES STICKINC RINGS lmprovesmtettictency and much more 16 oz tdtl HPQJA tqt iiicr 27 Each It mail Special Pnce is orquuunnms mom Special Price Get inCreased ridin duty deluxe shock strength piston rods incre most North American cars they stayed well into Trudeaus reign ner justice minister lton Rasford who held three other portfolios since his 1963 election in Vancouver quit to join law firm last year Former supply minister JeanPierre Goyer who represented Dollard in Quebec and former finance minister Donald Macdonald of Toronto both quit to pursue business careers 0netime revenue ministers Joe Guay Liberal for St Boni face in Manitoba and Robert Stanbury of Toronto also will not run this time COLELLA DENTURE THERAPY CLINIC FORMEth BARRIE DENTURE CLINIC 7264721 T49A DUNLOP ST BARRIE MEMBER DENTURIST SOCIETY Check mart OF DRUMS mart Regular List Price 27 mart Special Price Each HEAVY DUTY OIL FILTER WRENCH Swwel action wrench has Vinyl grip ttI Regal litt Prick 177 Each mart SpeCial Pnce Advertised Merchandise Policy lt Necessaiyl 299 2589 STRONG TRAVWAY HEAVY DUTY DELUXE SHOCKS comfort and greater stability with heavy Triple welded lower mounts give added ase dampening control For BRAKE SPECIAL OUR UAUFIED MECHANICS WILL DO FOLLOWING Install sets at quality brake shoes Pressure bleed hydraulic system Check hold down hardware Check front grease inner and outer wheel bearings Parts and labour included In addition lnopectlinesandhoseslnspect master cylinder lnspect wheel cylinders Inspect brake drums Parts and labour extra tor replace RESURFACING Swan checked LICENCED MECHANICS Appointments may be made in advance to In our time 1c Mule and CORVIIIIOIICI With Installation Each HEAVY DUTY OIL CAN SPOUT Use durable spout and avoid unnecessary spills ImaitReuwai List Ti Each It marl SpeCial Price we WELCOME CHARGEX iiti iiv