the examiner Saturday Mar 24 1979 ut 3W Jim Benzacar takes quick barefooted walk Rough weaving was Karen Megraws way to show Slinking about the stage to the sound of The Pink 1940s flair governed the style and display of designs at Georgian College across the stage to show off his bathrobe and py practical but fashionable clothes during the show Panther is Ed Eves The Pink Panther music was during the dress rehearsal of Hey Look Me Over the fashion show lama OUm one male m°del$ eve carried She also displayed WOVen lOCker the background for Spy vs Spy skit between presented by the students in fashion marketing Kelly McArthur displays hls eddY bear 5099 for moral SUPPOF during Eves Orld ODOlherSlUdeN gatheredfront onepiece bathing suit complete with scarf and flowing the bathrobe section wrap Examiner Photos by David Burcsik mack chlnfz was the vehicle conveying Nadine Karen Megraw left and Peter Bird are lust Nadine Croley lets the audience look over her When me Show over is me relax and while she combs her hair croleys 405Iook dress and cap The 1940s slnglng In the rain with their rain ensembles The sleeveless evening gown The fashion show nng on 5099 offer me Show Belinda young ins couldni r3515 keeping her fashions were the centre idea behind the fashion show displayed number of alternatives for rain featured Canadian and student designed clothes foes warm Wm he fuzzy suppers presenied wear from extremely fashionable raln wear to the All the students in the show from the fashion old stand by the plastic rain coat marketing course were in first year