WA the examiner Saturday Mag24 1979 Sally Field as Norma Rae her acting career takes off HOLLYWOOD tll Part of the excitement of emering the Hollywood scene is wateh ing career take quantum leap It happened Illl latI Fonda Now its happening 1th Sally Field Just as Fondas later per fermanees wiped out the men or of Hurry Sundown and tt rabarella so Field is titalxttii 1x forget that she was bilge anw the Flying Nun Sally Field is starring in Norma Rae lltll continue the Jttth tIItIII Eox pone provtding strum tiilt women She meets the elm lenge portraying wwlet nnll worker who awakens telleetuall litttrtltttll an militant Heat lllil1i italv her bewildered husband mi Ron Leibnian is he labor or gamler who opens her titttl broader oild Trial date set for Blair lllillll9 Actress litttli llli kiss from hei loinw 1m before the totiplt Itl ti federal court and entered of not guilty to charges tin spirac todistribtitetm rm Miss Blair 21 and Ilartlett Jt ot tinnivi met outside the innumw betore their tttait llttttstla The were to on Slow bail eatt Mm ttial tentatively set for lu Miss lllait of Mlon who at age Il stiin llitlt lhe lfsoieist reinav talk to reporters She UltLttIall was new along lllt oflbi Floridadrug tiitltl December 117 IIII so it fought thtattiion zt neetieut and the may dismissed Hart 1i Ietendan the sanwase federal Illtlltlilit lIi tlItlII 0f pltvttttLl lllt Jlt it about minesot ltvt iiin The charge LnIIlpx imum penal at 11 ye prisonnient and We BY llottK tilt In Hunk IHIUINITI itl Ii Ion Bennett named to the recent HINHII it Villianiss engagene Imperial Room new 34 fesstonal tlllllliltiiti Aligtlts wouldnt punt Bennett eaugli the sh way He listened to entire 43nnne2 Iongdistaneetelephone nv thedmmglounee lhe Inislnmdrwife writing team of Irving Ratvetch and Harriet Frank lr wrote the script l1ltll was inspired by real We epertenees of women whose personal lives were re tlHl hen the tried tolielpoi pie he mills Marlin Ititl an old lllll at social causes ll ti if lll llltt III llie character of Norma line eineial tor the films suer tIttt the ttllt lllll iwi tier Iiss Ileltl 1LT Atoll tlltLIllt ems llt lble It sub aw ner ouxn personal into lt tvli Kii orina ltae nu EutIWl for It the same Environ Iii tttllllt1 lir ylitl for which be min or tlltl it Li eitam steps In ittltiel IIL 3m izid ltte she In Isttt through the mbi Lamtlnm that help lppl all the foam 1h it ear inns ltItI Hue slie it tttl when ate YOUR HOTEL BILIS Ib hhmnlond In mt save you hundreds or Mesa uls it dollars every year on your hotel tu tutu over 30 mos toast to roast you tn so ltri Idlllï¬lpdltllg Hilton Inns Hyais HIJ In by Ines Shutotms Best Westerns r4 tv 15 at Inns and IraveLudgus You pay er oqma rum yJU lost night and yLiu got the lotemational Travel 49m wim ieiu team now NHL HOvv II WORKS mp qu out on In Card ertui DNBiUIy Illiludc om rtn SOVIET INFLUENCE IS BUILTALMOST EXCLUSWELYON Fortiwllrterit Alemttdwr latp guilty it FORCE 0mm THE RLS or tr zznlttHWtIilt1ttttlllt3tlltltttlttallthfOlNAlO ot one honr television profiles no and idea have ttllttt3lttit3tl our very lives Ir iltéi ettet WATCH Wild Xxl If it It WW Sunday March 25th at 800 pm on GLOBAL lffl firreit program Box thy and rates lists or thotard You ti inflow nitfirttiud roser mount your membership wt no mo hi image to which had working and un ionized clothing mill that proved all too realistic for the actors The noise is unbelievable Miss Field recalled The workers have to wear ear plugs which are made of liquid plastic that hardens inside the car Without the plugs you would become temimrarily deaf within half hour The company managed to film the extensive mill scenes in month thanks to the wiz ardrjv of cinematographer John Alonzo He shot most of the scenes amid the maze of ina chinery with handheld cam sulyylsutjpn CHIS Rift amazed and delighted 2lth enturyIox by titan lIIn tap finishing IVorma Itae two weeks early The visit to pclika had profound effect on Sally Field Ml AGLIE SAVES You MONEY MOIIITIIES tilzilly visited the mill here she worked and the house that she probany lll talked Im girl from IIncino and to the people she worked and never totally realized that lIttl with and by osmosis the most of America works hard for eh aeteistartedtojell living It was startling and st Il lth lltl sad loi me to see young people Norma Rae was filmed in and who have dead feeling Ihcy around ttpelika Ia lhe work so hard with no hope of it bama lilmCommission helped getting any better that they the producers find the location grow old very fast MARCH 26 and 271979 Our Reg Price 94¢ Choice Brights APPLE JUICE 48 oz tin Our Reg Price $126 Fresh Whole or Hall PORK PICNIC SHOULDER ROASTS Fresh Ontario Pork Heavy business travelers or vacationers can save hundreds or even thousands of dollars every year ORDER TODAY and start saving next week matme ravcl Card Box 458 Midland Ont L4R 413 Home forward my momborlhip cord and directory My annual leg 00 X10 00 is 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