Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 24 Mar 1979, p. 4

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WW sv lhe Examiner is member at The Canadian Press CF and Audit Bureau at NEWSROOM ADVERTISING BUSINESS COMPOSING ROOM an up Circulations ABC Only the Canadian Press may re publish news stories In CraigElsonmana9ino caiior Lon Sevltktmanaoer Marian Gougn accountant Jatk Kornov torcmnn 66 this newspaper credited io CP The Associated Press Reuters or Aoence Ian Mutqrow oily callor SALES Delva Mills Glenn Kwnn asst lorcman mr oidays France Presse and local news stories published in The Examiner aiii McFariam wire editor Bert Stevens Gail McFarland Don Saunacrs DavoFullor sportscdilor PeogyKevanaoh VikkiGranl Lorne Wass WEEKLVbvcariN The Examiner claimscopyrghlon altoriginalnews and advertising material Claudia Krauso Lilcslylo editor Wayne Hay Brenda Woods Wilt Cadoqan 90 cents created by its employees and published in this newspaper servin orrie Aden Smith Stanwav YEARLVbyarrI0r Saturday Mar 24 1970 mcoe mumy RE ponrsas sine Skinner cmcuumo Bill Raynor 50 Copyrighl registration number meis register iii can DcGursc Barb Boutlon Hdlhosr managt MOM av MAIL Barrie siipncn Nicholls Steve While assistant manager Janic HarmI National advertising oltices as Queen st Toronto 66 mo Cathcarl PUbIShed bl CfJOdcn Newspapers company Ltmled connis Lnnlhitr CLASSIFIED 2mm Haughlon susan Kilchvn coEtgUN 5r Montreal Nancy Figucrua Rulh alais supcrwsor Iva LaPlanlc Ron Gildcr IM Boy is Street Barrie Ontario UM 4T6 Lon Cohen Fm Shim Lisa War mm SW so bl it DGVEFiSW darees that the publisher shall nol be liable lor damages arts ruce ow an pu i5 er Slcphcn Gauchcnlcr ainmcn 9099i Chapoll Elaine Parlor PR SSROOM MO OR THROW OF me out ol errors in advertisements beyond the amounl paid lor the space ac Gary Forbes sports Dana Homewood Cheryl Aiken Don NM mum 539 year lually occupied by trial partion ol the advertisement in which the error NEWSROOM Ianle DV5IG Clsswlim BUSINESS 39 Amcrv WW3 °p°° 150 M°° rid Prinrc mi torimun SFWHE RE IN CANADA 91 hem We PBWEMG SNVMs 0m Davc Burcsm photograph Harris niannmia 533 so ycar Wise and there shall br no liabiiily lor non insertion ol any advertisement 7266537 7266539 7266537 72324 7266537 trianMnrr beyond the amounl paid lor such advertisement lawysxafemfififikm From the legislature Teamwork needed on child abuse llic of thc disturbing aspccts of modcrn socicty is lhc bat tclcd child liuring International Ycar of thc tliild cstxicially its cii couraging to note thc dcvclopmcnt of teamwork approach to the problcm lhc tcaiii involves mciiibcis of tlic Simcoc tounty Family and thildrcns Scrviccs and 17 county policc ftilttS who will bc mccting in the next two wccks to discuss child abusc Sharing information bctwccn child workcrs and policc is stop at conccrtcd countywidc approach but the problcm 1230 rcportcd cascs last ycar sug gtsts this is only bcginning lhc fact is thc numbcr of child abusc complaints lcccivcd iic only llic tip of llic iccbcrg llic fact is too that child abusc is iiicrcasing with tho slrcss and frustration rcsultiiig troiii difficult cconomic conditions loo ottcii those problems arc takcii out on hclplcss child in physical or psychological abiisc Today thc battcicd child is cyciyoiics rcsponsibility loligcr can onc agcncy or small knot of voluntccis hc cpcctcd to dcal with thc problcm lioctois tcachcis muscs policc lawycrs and conccrncd citizens all hav rolc to play kivcrnmcut also has rcstxmsibility to providc funding for adequate iiiimbcis of professional workcis As many as eight tulltimc professional workcis arc necdcd iii Simcoc County Only four are available Only through adequate staffing can prcvciitativc action the real answer to child abuse be successfully practiced No one can turn blind eye to the child abuse problcm Its been documented that the battered child is likely to grow up prone to anti social behavior Only by cooperative front involving govcinincnt agencies and the public alleviated The following is takcn from open letter addresscd to thc citizens of hi nisfil and Barrie If annexation which has been dragging its feet for at least the past five years is once again allowed to go before the Supreme Court of Canada and the Ontario Municipal Board we the tax payers not thc developers will have the added burden of paying the costs WHY has this annexation question not been settled Who stands to gain or lose for that matter Bar rie Innisfil Or some cntcrprising developer We the citizens of Bar rie and Innisfil dont know bccausc all discussions are held in secret hush hush Do you realize that thc population of Barrie from 1970 to 1974 grew at 2i rate of 45 per cent per year and that from 1974 i31389 people to 1978 35586 peoplei thc growth was only 33 per cent per ycar Present statistics indicatc that the current growth is negligible wonder what the unemployment tigurcs arc in Barrie and lnnisfil It is obvious that thc blamc for our present dilcma ovcr annexation originated in 1977 whcn the Govern ment of Ontarios projected figures envisaged that Barrio would reach population of 125000 by thc your 2011 This projection was highly overestimated 41 liy manna ElSt tinoils Iark llltdll TlHDllISttll cus Scm icc lUltthltl us bi cl clciir about llll ttiilaiio inucli lllltlttl llllll boycott lcgisliilioiiiicluallydocs Listciiiiig to critical sinlciiiiiits lltilll Ioicigii Ltlttllllltl1l iab Iitiktllltli iiid lcdcial trailc iiiiiiislii Jack lltlllltl you couldliiclioiiiilikiiowing llii rabanada hiinibci ol toniiiiircc calls it rcd lliig tor Arabs lltltt Il as it distiiictnc icl ol hostility llltl tlltllllllllillltill llornci said ll costing us irailc iaiisiiii ditliiiilt lll llit banking liatciiiity and lll liiisincssnicii tl ioiiccriicil And Saudi libiaii litlbtllitll liiiilivt lllill billion ltltttilllllllll1lllltill ttlll tract llcll illliltlil has llll his govciniiiciil could bc gi cu clscu hcrc bccausc ot lllt li liticii tlic inti boycott ligislzitioii callcit lllt lisiriiiiinatory Itusmcss lracliics Act and docsnl iiicnlioii lcus or lili TlllIUllltil illoucvcr sincc lrcniici Vlilliioii Hana announcHl it in lsracl and it has long litlll conccrn of chish groups its origin is ob viously in thc Arab lsracli conflict So Vi hat docs it say The act milkcs all sccoiiil and third party busincss discrimination illcgal iii iiitaiio In piaclicc this mcaiis lllt iili tilllllti insist an Ontario company call it tllli lnc that wishcs to do llllllli llll Iliciii not do busincss llll lsiacl lirc ll ltlll directors or whalivir In thc othci haiid llic law docs not and should not prcviiit lllt Arabs discriminating in any thcy Hllll against wlioincvcr thcv letters to the editor will the problem be truly We have sccn various figures ban died about Two years ago thc in tario Municipal Board ibascd on Mr Darcy McKcoughs predictioni handed down decision that Innisfil would have to give up 13380 acres of land to Barric lnnisiil took the casc before the Suprcmc ourt of Canada But what happened bet ween thcn and now We arc all awarc that mcmbcrs of both Barric and Innisfil ouncils ibehind closcd doorsi have recently endeavoured to reach compromisc and ac cording to ncwspapcr reports In nisfil has now offcrcd Barric ltifitio acres of its land but this was rc jectcd by Barric Why was it rcA jcctcd Do you know dont Until scttlcmcnt is rczichcd thc Provincial Government will not pcr mit any currcnty planned projects to proceed If this indccisivcncss is allowcd to continuc for anothcr two years both Barrie and Innisfil will stzignatc Contact your Mayor thc Rccvc or any mcmbcr of ouncils and tcll them its timc to stop footsying around and wasting thc taxpayers money Do it bcforc March itith because this is thc proposed datc on which furthcr applicaton will bc madc to thc Suprcmc Tourt of Canada to appeal thc dccision of the Ontario MunicipalBoard Mariannc chinstcibcr Stroud Antiboycott law enrages Arabs want ll Aciiii was lodo ll job Ill illtl iabia llial goycrniiicnt could insist iithviishciiiponics tiikcparl in tliiprojiit thcrc lll Il Which is liiic Saudi ribii is sovircign country and can dccidi lio llicy want to lct Illiillltil llial tlicy should not bc llltltll to do is insist Acniv iiol buy lroin lcuisli liriiis or stop dcaling lll1 lsracl on tlllltl prolicts oii pciially ol losinglhi contract And that swhiit thc law providcs llic tanada rib liainliii ol toiniiicrcc lliiiatciicd at tlic lllllt it passctl that in tariaiis ill pay diuiily llttlllt of tilt lcgislzitiiiii llii rccciil lloiiici and Saudi stiitciiiciits siomtoindicatisoiiictriitlilollial lit ltl lliiclioicitliciiisclcai Should yc rcptil lllt law and toriiially tllltllt discriiiuiialioii iii busmcss piacliccs liascdonracialorrcligioiisgrounds And norsc acipiicscc to rulcs cslablislicd by loicign govcrniiiciits on how conduct our husincss affairs in our prov iiicc What is most troubling about tlc wliolc cpisodi is tlic wciikkiicctl lcdcral approach liuriiig discussion lltll on tho lllllilllli Icgisliilioii cvciyoiii includiiii lltl iiiadc plain lllill llicyil rallici titlaua handlcil tlic ilitillcl llul thc liilciiil ginciuiiiciit iliiliil ccii iiilioducc lcgislalion until licciinbci and it only makcs icpoitiiig boycotts iiiaiidatoiy it docsiit outlaw lliciii iid lhc bill still sit waitingloractioii lcinlhilc lloiiici giiiiiiblcs ihoul tin tariospiiiiiiplcilstand Parliament Hill ll STE lT MaclJIUl Ottawa llurcuu Thomson Vcws Servicc Whin hc rcccntly spokc to lontrcal audicncc lrimc Ministcr Trudcau gavc us gcncréil prcvicw of his forthcoming clcctioii campaign by attacking lory lcidcr loc Mark as living prisoncr of tlic ltnlllttS llic iiicssagc was intcndcd to coiiviucc us that lzirk is caught among six toiiscrvativc prcmicrs who he doesnt want to oflciid and thcrcforc he is hamstrung Now in stinging follow up thc priiiic ministcr has taken his prcvicw oiic stcp furthcr With thc dcskpoundmg ipprmal of his lihcral collcagucs lcndiiii cii couragcincnt the primc ininislcr got down to spccifics and hc scrvcd noticc that its larks political alliaiicc with Albcrla lrcmicr lctcr Loughccd that niakcs him unfit for thc primc iiiinistirship This will bc main thrust of thc Libcrzil campaign And lrudcau got his opportunity to pructicc as larliaincnt dcbatcd thc cncrgy allocation bill amid thc tcsty lcmpcrs of the prccampaign Tominons Thc irits havc bccn chomping at thc bil ovcr thc cncrgy issuc ever sincc it was dccidcd that lctrotanadii thc govcrnnicntowncd oil company would bcconic lhc main buycr of oil from Vcnc zucla lrudcau maintains that lctrocan has bccomc indispciisihlc to aiiadas oil sccurity And hi ltlStS no opportunity to point out that loc lark has promised to disintmllc thc company if and whom Tory govcrnmcnt tissumcs officc lNlUlllll PLEDGE lhat prOllllSt was madc as part of Tory plcdgc to cut back on thc Sllt ol govtriimcnt And it cuinclxiforc linpcrial il Ltd was forccd to divcrt sonic Vcncliicla oil to thc US undcr ordcrs from thc arciil Exxon liriii Most lorics now agrcc at ilic partys SCOOPS wra ALL RIGHT HONEY if YOU REALLY THINK WILL HELP YOUR CAREER ILL my TO wow you INTO MY NEXT rv sPEClAl llIllilt Itllilll2l3l Squcclcplay proposal to cliniiiiatc or cvcii radically lVlltillll lctrocan is no longcr political popular lhc priiiic niinistcr was obyioiisly rclisliing thc situation as lic lct fly at loc laik ltil ncarly Till iiiinutcs in thc omnions Again lic talkcd about tlic iicccssity of him in strong indcpcndcnt goycriinicnt in tiltiiwa l1ltl1 would stand up to lclcr Loughccd and his il lcgcd dclcrininzilioii to Silllttlt lhc List dollar from his ll rcsouiccs llc tricd to coiiviiicc us that Iaik about to talk about oil priccs bccaiisc tic docsiit iii air 5Ale7 to You want to oltciiil citiicr liougliccd oi lrciiiicr Villiiiiii Davis of tliitario It would iiictiii hurting citlicr lirolhcr Loughccd or lirothcr Davis said lhc prinic niiiusici can undcrstand lllt prciiiicis trying to prolcct as much as possiblc lhcir jurisdiction llltll job is first and forciiiost to think of thc wclfarc of tlicir provincc Hut wc havc to think oftlic good of lhcwholc country ll llCll STATE IINTS Again hc iniphazicd thc gcncral lhcmc lll istablishcd in thc ctirlicr Montrcal spccch Who ill spcak for tanadi At that tiinc hc liilkcd of various strains on tcdcral provmcial rclatioiis ind hc said that tlark is so conccriicd with making ivciybody happy that thci wont niakc any bold statcnicnts llc rclcricd to thc bodyguard of prcniicrs surrounding Iark which allcgcdly prcvcntcd him from dcaling with any scnsitivc problcin involving lhc provinccs Sincc thcii Hllt that bricf crisis owr tlic divcrsioii of oil to lhc and lhc cnicigciicc ol lctrocaii as tlic indispcnsiblc anadiaii buycr ol ciicluclan oil thc primc ininistci obviously fccls lic has louiid tlic niosl tcndcr lory targct In any cvcnl hc unlcashcd pcrliaps his most powcrful oratory siiicc lhc last clcclion campaign How can you lacklc an ciicrgy policy without saying anything about priccs hc askcd pointing out that lark has failcd to criticilc liougliccd for sciking higlicr priccs And hc wcnt on to sug gcst that ll Albcrla kccps piling up rcsourcc nioncy it will havc locstahlish immigration posts to kccp out othcr anadians lliat hc said is not lhc kind of anada hc wants It tar too carly to know whclhcr this ty pc of campaign will bc cffcclivc ovcr two months But thclc is no doubt that it crcalcs sonic initial difficultics for lark who whilc not aprisoncr of any prciiiicr is obviously iiol about to proyc it by dclilxiratcly tcariiig do lcnccs YES AT THE OVAL OFFICE For all seasons Computers fall guys all By TRAYNOR MCFARLANE Computers are fabulous machines on which to blame things Those futuristic gems of mans inhumanity to man help industry in general to push pro duclion along at faster more efficient clip But you see they keep breaking down tmalfunclioning as they say in the tradei 0r theyre working all right but tend to Ioscthings The card with your order on it sir is still in the computer somewhere Well ship it out to you the computer as soon as we find it What order sir Yecs Yes Oh remember the one The problem was if recall that you foldcd your computer card That slows things up you know HANGIIIHHER Three weeks ago you say sir Well what actually happened was that we changed over to new computer code and that holds us back while were reprogramming month ago sir can assure you we sent it out Perhaps something went wrong with the computer at the post office What was that sir How dare you bc so rude The orer were looking for of course may well be held up through mistake on some clcrks part or lying unnoticed in corner of dusty warchousc But thc computer 15 the fall guy nowadays covering up multitude of SIDS Now we know thcy do break down qum oftcn as sccn in the following dialogue Back at the wonder box all is chaos as 0p erators frantically push buttons here flick switchcs thcrc and pore over the squiggle of graphs in lhc instruction manual iDont want to scnd for the technician it takes too long think its that bluc wirc there Charlic Its in thc rcd terminal But thc ycllow onc scents to be in the right placc lcc its supposed to be in thc bluc holc And so it goes on thc lllllllOlrdOllal babies just sit thcrc red bluv and green eyes staring malcvolcntly and unblinking daring mere man who ciiginccrcd them into perfection land now doesnt fully comprchcnd thcmi to do his worst HEFlSE Tl OBEY Thc various slots from which the cards cmcrgc snccr in disdain as they obstinately rcfusc to obcy their human lcaderS orders its all mcchanical worldwide plot to slow down production at cvcry lcvel sos thc coiiiputcrs thcmsclvcs can take over somc day omputcrizcd skulduggcry as it were Man is pcrhaps slowcr than the computer but at lcast hc is rcliablc and seldom breaks down inialfunctions let it hzirlic tAt this point small puff of sniokc from thc electronic pancl cngulfs harlics fomi and he staggcrs back in confusion thcls discs and terminals arc whining and spultcring in complctc disar rav Nopc llidiit gct it lhc hcck with it thcn Wcll do it by hand Ah wcll iood old days hcrc wc conic Interpreting the news Hard to judge Namibia case lNlllIl NATIONS ltli Thc latcsl lnitcd Nations sccnario for Namibia is bcing playcd in such alight lippcd fashion that it is difficult to providc clcar appraisal of thc situation Whilc uranium diamond gold and coppcr miiics producc incrcascd wealth for their owncrs and hcfty lax rcvcnucs for South Africa intcriial partics in Namibia still pro fcss fcars that lhc communists will takc it all if lhcy maiizigc to gain powcr South Africa has bccn saying thc samc thing for ycars in thcir opposition to major political rolc for Sam Nujoma Marmst prcsi dciit of thc Soutlfltcst Africa lcoplcs Organization iSWAPtii But SWAltl has the official support of the as thc solc rcprcscntzitivc of thc Nami bian pcoplc and this docsnt sit wcll with such major intcriial partics as the pro South African Democratic lurnhallc Alliance tllA who opposc SWAPU South Africa wants to dcfusc lhc SWAlt rolc bcforc going along with any US cffort to bring llltllptllfltlltt to Namibia thc fonncr icrman colony of SoutlirtAcsl Africa ad ministcrcd by South Africa aftci thc First World War Whilc South Africa has acccplcd lcstcrn proposcd plan on which thc UN formula tioii is bascd for thc indclxndcncc of Namibia thc stumbling block has bccn SWAlOs military rolc during and aftcr thc ccssation of hostilitics in thc territory lhcrc was scrious dcadlock bctwccn South African and thc Wcstcin powcrs ovcr thc UN plan involving SWAIs confincnicnt to bascs during thc ccascfirc and transition period lcading to indcpciidciicc SETS IlATlI UN Sccrctary General Kurt Waldhcini in his Fcb 26 rcport to thc Sccurity ouncil sug gcstcd March 15 as thc datc for coastfiri and thc scnding of UN forccs to Namibia to bcgin thc indcrxndcncc pllKtSS lhcrc is still no full agrccincnl on thc inakcup of thcsc forccs South Africa objccts to sonic parts of thc rcport forcing high lcvcl privatc iiicclings among all sidcs this wcck in Ncw York Thc Wcslcm forcigii ministcrs including Don Jamicson of Canada oflcrcd sonnyttlw idcas including thc use of clcctronic mo tor ing dcviccs as an aid in kccping dow tcx pcctcd gucrrilla infiltration across Namibias nrdcrs oiicc ccascfirc is cstablishcd

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