Mrs Campbell 4873201 Several iuthrie Inen have been patients in Barrie Hospital but they are all safely home again lihey were Vernon Hawkins Jini aldwell and John urrie Congratulations to Mrs Florenee Stoddart who celebrated her 76th birthday on Feb 22 Her diillgliltldlllii Mrs Lewis Stixldarl had par ty for her when the gnests were the innnetliate family and some of Florenees elosesl friends She is now resident at the id dlellows lloine tlil William St liarrie Mrs Laurenee liraser visited her sister and brother in law Mr and Mrs Ron ox in Listowel and enloute called on ltev and Mrs ieorge laison at iowansloun Mr llawson was the lnited hnreh minister here from July lllT to liee til ltthi Seven members of the loeal ll attended the thh an nual meeting of Sinieoe lreshytetial held in St Johns United hureh Alliston on March 14 it was an exeep tionally enthusiastie ineetini with ltev lt ltnnihall of the hureh of the heat in Toronto as guest speaker MORTGAGE PARTICIPATION TERMS FROM 12 MONTHS TO YEARS lNTEREST PAID MONTHLY PLEASE CONTACT RALPH LOUGHEED 7266367 JOHN COLEMAN 7288139 at South lnnistil enlre Mareh lith lhe Itielnnond llill Pipe and Drum liand also joined in the celebration The lrish Stew as lelieions Many prizes were given and the hand wish to thank all the merchants and friends Also thanks to the workers who prepared the ste The figure skating eluli held their eleelion of ofï¬cers for the new season The new exeeulive is president lioris laek iee president lietl Atkinson seeretary Susan ltnssell treasurer Sandra Mel liail Georgina Mitchell 4563232 ltowliniy had good turn out at llradlord Bowl Mareli l2 Five liowler pot red headpin strikes lhese inelnded Mina Kelly lhyllis iivens Maril orner iarland and Dare Davidson The So So as shared Norma errier and Frank iarr High triple for the lay for the Indies was lilora Mae Donald and for the men harlie Mael onald Letro Senior titirens held liesserl lInelne Mareh iii Twenty four niemliers present weleonied two guests MarpI iihnore and Lloyd irahani Letters were read from Siineoe ounty about the erililiage tour nanient eoinine April ti letter was also read from lollenhatn Womens institute They are planning another euehre April which will inelnde prizes and draws GAY information Centre P0 370 Collingwood Ont 4458506 CADA CAMP aonnrn RANGES The Royal Hamilton Light infantry Regiment will conduct live night firing of small arms from i900 hours to 2400 hours on Si March 1979 on Amiens and Vimy Ranges at Camp Borden Range The range property lies within the comp boundary and is bounded as follows To the NORTH by the Sunnidale Tosorontio Township Line and the SunnidoleEssa Township Line and to the EAST by the Fourth Line of the Township of Essa and to the SOUTH by the fifteenth side road of the Township of Tosorontio and to the WEST by the Fourth Line of the Township of Tosorontio The danger areas are clearly marked by danger signs on all approaches and indication that firing is in progress is given by the flying of red flags at entrances to ranges and at the firing point and butts STRAY AMMUNlTlON AND EXPLOSIVE OBJECTS Bombs grenades shells and similar explosive objects are hazard to life and limb Do not pick up or retain such objects as souvenirs if you have found or have in your possession any obiect which you believe to be an explosive notify your local police and arrangement will be made to dispose of it No unauthorized person may enter the range property and trespassing is prohibited BY ORDER Charles Nixon Deputy Minister Department of National Defence Opening new doors Eta small busmess Financial assistance Management counselling Management training information on government programs for business Please call on one of our representatives at 70 Collier St BARRIE 7286072 If you require tlnenclng to etert modernize or expand your buelneee end are uneble to obteln It elsewhere on reeeoneble terms and conditions or it you ere interested in the F808 management services of couneeillng end trelnln or wish information an overnmon lprogram evelteble for your uelness in FEDERAL BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT BA to our representative or more each alter discount Whitewall Size KevlarBelted MuftiCord 80 Alter discount 78 for VVlllltfithll ish Two Or more each alter discount The is supertire with undemoan plies Bella ofKovlargive strcnqthandlong nlllOélngtllyplllffil DuPont66 Nylon prowde extra safety2P0yostcrptiw moan smoothriding comfort 35000Mile 56315 km Performance Rated Whitewall P2057SR 14 6545 5838 2157511 14 1997814 12151751115 6845 22575R13i My 15 AM Turnpike 2+2 Polytlex Whitewall 5126 37814 E78714 3F7814 37814 67815 117815 lest results ill store All our passenger car tires are Year Road Hazard Insured 123 4513 789 it ill lt Apply for your CANADIAN TIRE CARD Safety 99 Kevlar Radial or more SW each after discount pigsmm at 6145 6795 6075 DISCOUNT for cash payment ontires in lieu of Bonus Coupons Turnpike Belted Polytlex A7813 Whitewall The Turnpike i2 has Polyester bolts atop Nylon plies Polyester lieltsiiiowdo dependableperformance while delivering cushioned ride DuPont 66 Nylon tillers strength and proven safety see Nevada Desert P19575R14 Whitewall or more each after discount for cash Kevlar is the amazing Aramid fibre that ispound for pound five times stronger than steel Weve put two belts of it in our Safety 99 Radial to produce amazing mileage and allow construction that delivers cushioned ride with improved fuel economy Two plies of DuPont 66 Nylon give added reinforcement for extra safety Andin radial Nylons overnightthermal set goes undetected 45000Mile 72405 km Performance Rated All our Passenger Car Tires are 5Year Road Hazard Insured No Extra Charge for Installation ofournewpassengertiresonmoststandard rims when you buya Dill orSchradervalve at ourregularpriceofStOOWemustinstalltire and valve together as Whitewtill in most 51295 at $2 00 more ownitemll ttlread not shown tDtiuhlo ply ply rating tor compact car conipatib Safety 99 AllService Nylon 37 After discount A7843 Gas Blackwall top replacement tire that has equrpped millions of cars since 1963 Continual modernization has kept the Safety 99 well up with the latest tire technology plies of DuPont 66 Nylon beat highway heat to ensure road safety HSSOEIHTE STORE BROWN BARRIE lTD annno MAll BAYFIELD 51 ion PHONE 7266413