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Sizes 714 Our Woolworth reg price 1037 ea DIR SALE PRICE Mens Hurricane Joggers by Adidas Nylon insoles arch supports ripple rubber soles in blue Sizes 612 Our Woolworth Reg Price 1997 pair uppers Oil SALE PRICE 6X Our Available in with CIIILDS HOODED SWEATCDAT NIPo acrylic in blue or red color sizes to reg price 488 each OUR TERRlllC PRICE 3X 897 Girls 100 Cotton Indigo Denim Joule with stylish cigarettelegs fly front belt loops and 4pockets Terrific when worn with the shirt above Navy Sizes 714 Our Woolworth reg price 1595 pr DIR SALE PRICE Nylon White Brown Green Red One size fits peb ll Girls Prewashed Navy Denim leans Canadianmade 100 cotton or polyester cotton blend Straight legs back pockets Super value 714 Dir Woolworth Sde Price 10° cushioned soles colours Size 1012 pairs to mens to 11 Our Woolworth package Great value Reg Prices Mens 6197 Ladies 5997 pair YOUR CHOICE DURSALEPRICE Pair Woolworth 32 5676 BAYFIELD sr DOWNTOWN BARRIE entrance off Maple Avenue Toddlers Tshirts for boys and girls Cotton and Polyester blend Made in Canada stripes and iacquards Sizes 23s Toddlers Cotton Denim leans for Boys Belt loops 4pockets Great outfit when pairedup with the above Tshirt Navy 233X Our Woolworth reg price 693 pr DIR SALE PRICE Ladles Kneehigh Bernwda socks with cuffs Plain knit Acrylic and ladies Kneehigh Bermuda socks Plain knit heatherlook Acrylic One size fits 911 mm 300 Mens Ladies Western Boots All leather uppers with neolite and decorative beige tan Sizes ladies to 10 MISSES RDADRUNNER SHIRT Polyestercotton made in Canada short sleeves plaids sizesS Woolworth reg price to 15 Our Woolowrth reg price 1387 each OUR TERRIFIC PRICE i002 Voolumrrh for your shopping convenience 1234 5678 901 CLAIRE ROY MADAEAIN 104 Available in asst zip front Doys TSliirts Cotton Polyester blend Made in Canada Jeans Shirt printed on front Asst colours 46X 43 MADE IN Boys Navy Cotton Denim Jeans Canadianmade Zipper front belt loops Grease or Night Fever CANADA embroidery 46X 797 blend Canadianmade fishermanWhite navy Nylon Viscose Rayon blend MADEN Canadianmade Jean Blue Camel Navy Lt Blue Lt Green CANADA ose Cotton Nylon blend Cushion soles elastic tops stitching Made in Canada Asst solid 48°53 96 LADIES IIDDDED KANGAROO JACKETS of 100 acrylic blue grey brown beige sizes SML Our Woolworth reg price 878 each LADIES WRANGLER JEANS 100 cotton denim sizes to 18 Our 1763 pair OUR TERRIEIC PRICE We OPEN rvm NIGHT lttllll 900 Hi mutton 000 Mi OUR TERRIFIC PRICE save NW SA ii 705 shoexarinlnor Wodnooday Mar 21 1m er Former nurse Mary Rose Robaczynskl who admits she disconnected the respirators of three of four patients she is accused Baltimore courthouse at midni deliberations AP Photo Jury cant agree in mercydeath case ltAlllhltllill Md llteuleri The three week trial of nurse accused ol mercy killings has ended till the Jury unable to agree on eidict Mar ltose litiliitttll was accused oi coin ttillllllL murder ll un plugging the respirators ot loiir criticall ill patients at Marylandtieiieral hospital The cases were being tried separalel and the mistrial $5 declared Tuesday night by Judge Robert Karwacki was the lirst to be heard by UNIV lrosecutor Howard iersh said the jurors were merlieard arguing about whether Mrs liobaczerskis patient thyearold llarry tessner was braindead when she disconnected his respirator The Jill deliberated for lo days Members of the of murdering leaves ght Monday after the first day of ury jury told reporters later the final vote was to t02 in favor of acquittal Mrs Robaczynski testifed in her own defence crying as she insisted Gessner was dead when she unplugged the machine wouldnt hurt anyone she said The prosecution tried to show Mrs Robaczynski had unhooked the respirator while her patient was still alive Senate defended by lawyers representing provinces illr itlr lttt representing three pronnces delendwl the olten maligned Senate lit the Siipreinetourt ot anada liiesda stiltttl ll is lkisttltillltlttlttalsslttit Jerrold liaiiagli ot Nova Scolia said his prmiiice would never have lilttltll ton federation in Hill Hllllitll asstirince ol representation in the Senate on equal basis tllt other pim illt1 Alan Reid ol Brunswick said the larliament oi anada is made up ot the Jimn the Senate and the oinnions It the ledeial government could abolish the Senate then it could he assumed it could abol ll1 thetlueen Reid said The statements came as the nine member court began hear ing arguments on the Trudeau giwerninents intention to re form the Senate by establishing House of the Federation its members would be ap pointed almost equally by the oininons and provnices Sena tors now are appointed ex cltisivcly hy the prime minister OlLlI BLOCK lI The House of The Federation would not have the power of veto over government bills as the Senate does it could block ELECTROHOME Service Electrohome thats us Well repair your TV whether its color or black and while no matter what maor brand it is Fix your stereos too Elur trainea technicians really know their stuff Best of all theres just one number to remember Wat1w w22lcallon you SERVICE ELECTROHOM Telephone 705 7265982 49 Morrow Road Unit Barrie Ont L4H 3V7 legislation for three months at which time it would be deemed law The controversial proposal that Parliament alone could re form the Senate without con sultation with the provinces prompted an allparty com mittee from the Senate and ommons to suggest that the matter be referred to the Su preme ourt for its legal opin Illil lt liobinette of Toronto ap pearing for the federal govern ment referred to section 91 of the British North America Act the anadian constitution which says Parliament can act alone to change the constitution with number of exceptions including loss of rights and privileges enjoyed by the provinces No provincial rights or privi leges would be lost to the prov inces if the Senate were abol ished said Robinette lie also noted that number of changes were made over the years to the Senate without consultation with the provinces The hearing is expected to end today although the courts decision probably wont be known for several months if theres in your future Welcome Wagon is planning Special Party for bridestobe and their mothers Monday April 1979 Continental Inn Barrie