Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 21 Mar 1979, p. 4

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The Examiner is member at The Canadian Press and Audit Bureau at circulations ABC Only the Canadian Press may re publish news stories in this newspaper credited to CF The Associated Press Reuters or Aqence France Presse and local news stories published in The xaminer NEWSROOM Craig Etson manaolna editor Ian Mutorew clty editor Btu McFarlane wtre editor Dave Fuller sports edltor Claudia Krnuu Lifestyle edltar RE POR YE Carl De Guru ADVE RY lSlNO Len savlcli mnnnuei SALE Bart Stove Peaay Kavniinuli Wayne Nay Adon Sinllti Stove Skinnri BUSINE SS Marlon Gouah accountant Dolvn Mltls Gull Ml Parlnnd Vlttlil Grunt KalhleMtti ttnll CIRCUI AYION COMPOSING ROOM Jark Kerney lornman Glenn Kwan asst lorcman Don Saunders Lorne Wass Wt adogan Stanme llill Raynor Published daily except Sunday and statutory holidays WE FKLY by carrier 90Lnls vr APL by carrier S1680 the eXaminer The Examiner claims copyright on all original news and advertising material created by its employees and published in this newspaper Wednesday Mar21 1979 St319 home and simcoe county Copyright registration number 7038l5 register at our rczicts and governs according to each new crisis the poorest and most expensive form of manage mcnti rather than strong con trolled selfdisciplined government through priorities and objectives many Strcct thc Sccdcr Project annexav tion you name ll These issues rc niain unsolved and will remain so until common scnsc prevails lion issue tiil ivorgiaii lask Forcc for this areas gt ti lll pattcrii i145000 population Published by Canadian Newspapers Company Limited to Baytield Street Barrie Ontario L4M 4T6 Broce Rowland ADVERTISING 7266537 NEWSROOM 726 6537 CllCUlAllON 7266539 publisher ClASSIFlEDS 7282414 Lets celebrate springs arrival Theres something different about spring this year The difference is spring is here right on time No endless waiting for the end of winter Its been mild the snow is melting the sap is running and all by the appointed day of March 31 Of course the signifigance of spring is better felt than ex pitsscd But an early spring ifthat is what We have is important in real terms Business and building activity gets an early seasonal start mps can bc sown early and Vith luck Wlll develop into inc harvest Lets hope our timely spring is an omcn of good things to come We an all use that And everyone ran enjoy the finest season of the year from the very first day of spring With an early spring cleanup Aftcr winter its soon time for spring clcanttp its fine tradition and everyone can gct in thc act Not only will you feel bettct for it but tlic community will benefit noticeably As thc wcathcr improves groups and indiy iduals can begin thc job of sprucing up their property lcaning up the apjxiarancc of IlllYZttt liomc scts good cxatnplc for all to follow Little more is needed than applying coat olcxtcrior paint and making certain cyctytlllng is put away in an orderly lllillllltl lts not work but pleasurc to bcgin thinking about an carly spring clcathp this ycar Your neighbors and the community will bc glad you did Is it sign of our times or is it only municipal government that The crises for today could be the widening of Dunlop Lct us takc look at the anncxa very expensive issue involving some two million tax dollars lhc anncxation stalemate has olcrl bccausi of scvcral factors ilt two main oncs arc creditibility and responsibility rcdibility as it applics today to figurcs contained in thc lic ycar 2011i and thc usc of torur figurcs by our municipal and provincial lcvcls of government to nltllSll guidclincs government policy and llic responsibility should not real bc shouldcrcd by Barrie lnnisfil or cspra bccausc it was the provin The world today By JOHN llARBltth loi cigii Affairs Analyst lhomson News Servicc What luturc price for the vital oil we nccd No oiic ltSl of all our govcrnmcnts can tell is ccrtain that gasolinc at thc pump by llzl catlysll 1000s is going to cost $1000 and letters to the editor mm lll both this country and tbc lltlt incrcascs by thc many oil producing lllltlltts arc niiw coming in flurry all of tliciii madc tilllSll thc prcvious ncw pricc agrch to by thc llllt ttlrganimtion of lctrolcum llxportmg 0untricsi of which thcy arc all nicmbcrs lian of coursc is the major worry with lllt iiuilutionary rcgimc announcing it will auction oil to all comers chccpt South Africans and lsraclisi beginning at around $10 barrel lhals about $4 to fill barrcl more than Iranian oil was sclling for prior to llll ioiiiitry social rcvolution gt Iltlll Nigcria second only to Saudi Ai abia as oil cxportcr to both anadu and thc lnititl Stalcs has innounccd it will incrcasc oil prices up to about $5 more per barrcl to about $1600 lhc Vcnezuclans arc incrcasmg prices on certain kinds of oil especially the kind used for heating purposes cial governmcnt which stuck its neck out when onc of its ministers ilarcy McKcoughi assured the OMB that Barrie would reach its growth potential of 123000 by the year 201 It would be interesting to see what plans if any thc provincial government has to bring about this growth and if they are willing to help pay for it Government policy should not be above and beyond the law and under certain circumstances may have to bc questioncd This is especially true when it involves or interferes with other levels of government The question is how do you solve these problems You can get an ar bitrary decision through thc courts or you can use friendly persuasion better termed negotiations You can bet the latter is less expensive and it puts the decision making back in the hands of the people directly involved That is democracy at work Now if only common sense will prevail the annexation issue can be settled amicably lecryonc would benefit and we could get on with our futures Alex Manjuris Barrie More uncertainty over oil future And some of thc oilrich Arab statcs on thc Persian Gulf will also hikc priccs abovc thc present $114131 barrcl agrccd to at the last general tilllt incctiiig Libya should not be forgottcn in this oil pricc hikc pliasc as the most intcnscly anti wcstcrn anti lsracli Arab pil pltltlllttl with no scnsc of rcsponsibility whatsocvcr about thc pricc of product it iiscs oftcii to black mail VtSltltlllhtl nations All this rcprcscnts thc visiblc aspcct of the crisis of energy prices llic invisiblc is thc way in which continuous oil pricc hikes pcrmcatc thc hundrcds of industrics making thc thousands of products we takc for grantcd which require pctrorchcmical raw matcrial Many of thcsc from simplc plastic coir taincrs to hightcchnology household and industrial items we could probably do without in crisis And this is what we may soon have to facc reduction in durablcs to level of say the 1950s when we got along finc with about half of what we havc now in many consumer prod ucts But the first sign of major squccm perhaps more serious than the on iii 197374 when world oil prices took their first rcally sharp increase will be gas restrictions or rationing BUSINESS 7266537 Parliament From the legislature Stephen Nlchotls Dennis Lonthler Nancy Figueroa Lorl Cohen Richard Yhomns Stephen Gaucr entertainment Gary Forbes Betty Armer camera operator Dave Burcslk photographer tBnrh flotilltin CLASSIF IE Freda Stiliiiwi Pouoy tiniwll Donn Homewoud Jnnlce Morton Hill It SllIHIHtI MtIcIJIUIl Ottawa Bureau Thomson Ncws Sen icc Several months have conic and gonc siiicc wc last paused to look at the various rcscarcli contracts being tossed out by thc fcdcral govcrnmcnt to improve our lifestylcs It would bc pity to overlook thcm par ticularly sincc the latest batch totals morc than $0 million and many of thcsc could hau profound cffcct on our livcs The others likely will havc profound cffcct on thc l1t of 1hc successful contractors Whilc tlic govcrnmcnts spending in this arm has doublcd sincc wc last lookcd at thcsc monthly contracts thcrc has not bccn It llllltllh NELSth Qiiccns lark lturcau Thomson News Scri icc TORONTO lhat ancicnt lntario pastime arguing liquor laws appcars ready to make comeback aftcr ycats of quits ccncc tionc mind you are thc days licn llic Premier of Ontario could be toppch by candidate running strictly against booc flhc last time was 1048 wlicn lcorgc rcw lost loronto High lark riding to tcmpcrancc knight llill Temple of thctll But the current holdcr of High lnrk Nlllcr lId Zicmba is no lcss crusadcr against the cvds of demon rum Hes called for five year moratorium on thc issuing of new liquor lllltS Zicmba claims thc Liquor Liccncc Board of lntario tLthtlt is but rubber stamp at llt hands of thc drink intcrcsts approving mori than 1000 applications ycar for liccnccs whilc denying but ZtHde At one hearing for example ltllllxltllflt group found it had only six days to llltlllllllt opposition to 59 applications an impossible task he said UREA RESIUNSE onsumcr and commercial relations minister Frank llrca haiidlcs 11140 questions in the legislature He notes thcrcs been an actual dccicasi III the number of purc liquor optrations in lllt province and that many of the new liccnccs arc for Homes For thc Aged and itxrcation facilities Ziemba also protests thc provinces allowing the sale of wine in sonic super markets and the expansion in thc number of wine stores as well as beer and wine sales in fast food outlets that catcr to young people Urea has his own concerns in thosc artas SCOOPS Ruth Blots supervisor ulll HallM mnnnurr titwot Whlte nutstnnl murmurr Andy llnouhtun Atvnl nlliiiiti Mn Wart lnlnn lortm tnryl Alkcii ilAllinby lnnw ltmltcl tium Ill tilii uno tntilIr lliittmra triiit lRESSRGOM ltuti Nlill toriinnit liiil li um has torciiimi thin 12 11am tmrd lli IiItMiIH similar cxpansion in contract crcatnity lnlikc thc prcvious pausc wc dont hat claboratc cxpcnditurcs on rat trials what cvcr thcy wcrc and thcrc is nothing to match that $410000 contract for divilop incnt of an analysis systcm for thc dctcctioii of tracc pollutants in cxhalcd brcath lliat particular contract was mastcrpiici ot crcatiyity in thc midst of our rcslraints program lcrhgips llii lxst clfort in that tlircction now is $2021xi0 contract for an cvaliiation study of lhc gun control lcgislalion ton sidcring tlic fact that thc final phasc of thi Icgislation was iiiiplcmcntcd only thicc months ago aflcr marathon parlianicntaiw Alcohol question heating up again somcwhat diffcrcnt from licmba Willi fast food joints for cxuniplc which scll cry littlc alcohol hc worrics lhc licciicc is simply mcans of paying tbcir stall thc lowcr Ininlnitini wztgc ratc that tiltllltS ltl Iiccnccd cstalilislinicnts Ill ltttl And hc isnt happy that winc storcs in supcrmarkcts pockct all tlic mark up as profit rathcr than giving it to thc govcrn iiiciit in iiiotlicr front ltrcn has to facc tlic linportcd inc and Spirit Assixiatioir who complain that Liquor ontrol Itoaril of iii tario Illti markups discriimnatc un ncccssarily and unfairly against imporfcd alcohol tlntario winc worth tit cuts will cost $1 til aftcr thc fcdcral govcrnmcnl and thc Ltlttt gct through with l1tsllll mark up protit In contrast bottlcofmiccnt iniportcd wiiic will end up costing $375 lhc asstxiation waxcs lyrical that this dcnics tbc maturc adult lrccdoiii of choicc in purchasing importcd alcoholic licv cragcs GRAPH EItUWIIItS Actually it means tanadian wincs havc pricc brcak which is rcasontiblc support for our domcstic winc industry and grapc lur mcrs Mcanwhilc thc lrapc irowcrs Markctiiig Board has its own list of problcms MW of their spokcsmcn puts ll bluntly Right now foreign wincs cross our ltanadiani borders without pciialty to compclc for listings in cach provincc As result we providc far morc salcs opportunities for foreign wiiics than wc do for our own Yes it looks likc thc alcohol wars arc hcating up again fucllcd by cvcr incrcasingI sales and profits so 190 mt MAIL Barrie S16 If vIMCOE COUNl S36 20 MOIOH YHROW Oil $191 year ltil Will IN ANif $38 Sf ytcir St Montreal National ufvrrlisino olliccs 65 Queen St Toronto 564 1710 640 Cathcart the advertiser amtes that the publisher shall not bi liable for damages aris inq out of errors in advertisements beyond the amount paid for the space ac tually otrunied by that portion at the advertisement in wnih the error at round whether such error is doc to thc ncgllqtncr of its servants or other wisc and then shalf be no liability lor non insertion of any advertisement beyond the amount paid for such advertisement $9 million research contracts Viguaranteed to boggle the mind lllllilll thc goycrnmcnl ccrlainly didnt losc much timc in calling in thc tlllltltl for iniillicr look tlttlllfi And whilc lhc gcncral lcycl of crcativity may bc lowcr this tinic wc shouldnt ovcrlook that $31000 contract for thc dcvclopmcnt of partial picssurc waistcoat This has bccn iii oby ious oycrsight in thc avcragc unadian wardrobc ot all lltt projects arc this cxpciistvc lor cxaniplc an cxumination of transduccr dirccfivity cflccts in acoustic fish stock ilSStSSllltlll survcys something we arc anxiously awaiting is costing oiily $350 And for $t00 arc going to get the dcsign and drawings for an icc borcholc logger obviously handy lcvlcc particularly in wintci Again tlicrc sccms to bc littlc consistency in what thc govcrnmcnt cxpccts for its moiicy thilc onc contractor is told to design pttKtss licut solar collcctor for only $77M anothcr contractor gcts 838000 for thc ixrfoiniancc of an cncrgy audit of sutxrmarkct For $1100 Yancouvcr contractor is ex pcctcd to climinatc the vibrations from the tclcvision camcra on the Lions talc Bridge hilc loronto firm is bcuig givcnS11200010 study noisc lcvcls around the anadian lacific railway yard in Agincourt And for $300000 an Edmonton firm has signcd contract for thc acquisition of records information data and samples of catalytic hydrixracking trial of bituincn whilc for only 847900 Yancouvcr company is cxpcctcd to producc an analysis of mincrals in volcanic rock from thc Mount Ed ziza Volcanic omplcx USIIASIJIHCS For anyonc who wonders how our lin vironmcntal lrofcction Scrvicc tptltllts fhc govcrnmcnt has awarded at $2500 contract to Halifax man for the preparation of slidc show on its activities thtlicr wc will bc lining up to watch magic lantcrn vcrsion of otir 1Cnvironmcntal lrotcction Scrvicc in action rcmains to bc sccn dont know much about thc community of aldcifi Alta but thc fcdcral govcrnmciit is obviously intcrcstcd in thc smcll of thc placc Otherwise it would not havc awardcd to scparatc contracts to tacklc thc problcm An lldmoiiton firm gcts $2500 for forccdchoicc olfactomctric mcasurcmcnts of ambicnt odors iii thc community and algary firm has $5000 for an cxaniinatioii of thc impact of dicscl locomotivc cxhaust odors on thccommunity Makes you wondcr whctlicr llic govcrnmcnt has co ordinutcd approach to thc problcm lior thosc particularly conccrncd with co ordination its intcrcsting to note that 332000 contract has liccn awarded to thc llnivcrsity of Saskatchcwan for provision of adisory services to co ordinatc thc pulsating aurora campaign That particular campaign probably nccds all tlic co ordination it can gct Your business Arson rate up sharply By lNFIINT EGAN Business and onsumer Affairs Analyst Thomson News Service As times get toughcr arson is becoming much more common Insurers say there has been sharp rise in the numbcr of cases of incendiarism in Can ada sincc 1073 Proportionafcly however the incidence of this crime is still considerably lower here than in the nited States The Insurance Bureau of Canadas president JL Lyndon says firc officials place an estimate of 5000 on the number of deliveratcly set fires in this country each year and believe that oncthird of the 10000 fires of undetermined origin also involve arson Lyndon says arson in anada in 1977 caused property losses exceeding $125 million or 30 per cent of all firc lossis Thats more than five times as much as the average annual loss of about $230 million in the decade 1966 to 1973 although the rapid inflation of recent years would also contribute to the rise in the dollar figurc Inflation and othcr cconomic problems apparcntly lcad many people into the financial lllfltllllltS that they expect to re sotvc whcn flicy sct firc to insurcd property As thc economy continues to be unsettled wc can fully cxpcct that increasing numbers of anadians will succumb to thc temptation to solve thcir financial problcms by setting fire to cithcr tlicir homes or businesses in ordcr to colch thc insiirancc says Lyndon WORSE 115 In tho lmtcd Stans arson accounts for propcrty losscs in thc ordcr of $3 billion your ilhc lilllllttl Accounting Office put tlic figuic at $3 billion in 1070 and said losscs vcrc incrcaslng by per cent year Arson IS iiigatiyc cconomic indicator an official of thc cw Yoixk based lnsurancc information Instituti has said During limcs ol an cconomic downturn we always havc an upturn 1l1 arson claims Wc cstimatc that 11 ccnt of all thc firc losses arcattributablc toaisoii lwo pltlftssltlllttl ilsonlrts camc out into the open last summcr to dcsci ibc their work to lhc Sinatcs pci niancnt iiivcstigations subcommittcc plttltltltlii arsoiiis scllcrs markct onc of Nnzitots Many busiiicssincn and speculators who know thcir way around can call an arsonist to prov idc instant liquidity of their property the way thc ivcragc person tclcphoncs reservation to rcstauranf lhc other torch claimed that thcnc is no such thing fireproof building and boasted that you cant stop an arsonist unlcss you catch him coming out of building thh the matches lnsurcrs disagrcc naturally enough If an owner wants to stump thc arsonists there are number of precautions to taki me of the most vital is to clicck security arrangcmcnts in storagc areas where three out of four malicious fircs originatc lhcsc areas arc favored by arsonists bccausc they providc casy hiding space and usually an abundantMil fuel for the fire Such areas should bc kept lockcd whenevcr possiblc and should bc givcn special attcn tion by security patrols cspccially during thc hours of darkness Arsonists also favor garbage as starting point 1sc mctal garbagc cans emptying thcm aftcr cach work shift To protect against any fire whcther ac cidcntal or dclivcratc install good sprinkler systcm backcil up with an automatic alarm and lock all thc protcction control valves in tlic open position Statistics show that fircs brcak out more often than normal at strike bound properties and at buildings that havc already been the target of an arsonist In such cases vigilance sllotlltl bc incrcascd friterprgfiflgjhe news Mid East peace tricky for US It GLENN StHllIltVllJJC lASllthYltW itli lop tmtcd States officials spcnt weckcnd of mixed sabre rattling and diplomacy 111 continuing efforts to win acccptancc for Middlc East peace scttlcincnt For its cfforts tlic rcccivcd some strong rcbufls that put in question the degree of sccurity rtllfllllvtttd pcacc treaty would have in the Middlc East The strongcst indication of problems was thc failure this weekend by Zbignicw Brze zinski lrtxsidcnt tllltnS national security adviscr to get promiscs from Saudi Arabia and Jordan to support trcaty lhc bcst lilltllllskl could gct was pledge from the Saudis not to takc immediate today is in tlicm told thc DIPLOMACY IS THE ART OF ALWAYS LEAVING DOOR IS THAT IN CASE YOU HAVE TO MAKE BREAK FOR IT MR SULLlVAN political or economic action to boycott Egypt for signing an agrccmcnt It was much less than the 17 sought from thc two Aral nations which arc coiisidcrtxl modcrate US friends In another movc two leading figures in 11 foreign policy addcd to the growing impression the 1s is ready to use military force if necessary in the Middle East to protect its Saudi Arabian oil supplies Senator Frank Church chairman of the Scnatc foreign relations committee said troops should be sent intoSaudi Arabia if they are needed to counter aggression from such countries as the sovict tliiion State Secretary yrus Vance added carefullyworded warn ing that the Saudi Arabian oil pipeline is of fundamental intcrcst to tho lhc diplomatic lltlllltlllVllllR underscores the urgency thc US secs in restoring some order in thc Middlc East after tumultuous series of events in the region as well as the danger for the 118 in failing to do so MBSbt ll HRAN

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