Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 21 Mar 1979, p. 30

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IIelp wanted FACTORY ACCOUNTANT Koolatron Industries Limited requires an accountant to assist with general accounting functions and to develop factory cost accounting production control 30 the examlner Woanouaey Ivinrizt Ten Iltenders 68menels MECHANICAL CONTRACTORS Replace Condensate Line in School Building No 814858 at the Adult Occupational Centre EDGAR Ont ANNOUNCING THE OPENING OF THE ANGUS PROFESSIONAL BUILDING 2s it and in CM66763 nghway and ceCII STreeT Vonlary Control systemsfor Need help JUSt ook over 1he ads bGIOW The od Repairs and Alterations to the Sewpge rapldly expanding Treatment Eqmpmentat the Ontario Student monuiaciuring company JC vertisers listed are experts tn their field and Will assure you Loadenhip Cam LONGFORDMILLS Om Barrie Applicants must have 0T lhelneSI IOb possible 5066907 J°l°led experience and Separate Individual Sealed Tenders will be received until prefemwy years of formal 24 2zmpm local time on Wednesday Aprl Tl I979 TUESDAY iifltlDAY °°9 5° Combined Tenders will not be accepted Mount open Tender documents may be obtained from the Ontario IJII to noon DJ pm WC Ministry of Government Services Georgian Bay Regional Dancliuli mmm fImGlAss REPAIRs stiow Iiiowmc mun p°m you 9mm rInREGLAss REPAIRS boats anawmobiles GUITAR LEssONs Classical and Popular KARL FORSTL mowmowmo Drivewayi Ollce James Slreel Ecsl PO Box 790 0ll° om°rl° anything fiberglass Free estimates Low Marcel Potvin GultarStudio 7264489 907M l0 ldWalll III 3th mva7 on45 FORFYFII whitr rots Workmamhlp ancienti AdéoitoioNTjijitorj page organ begin ISP 79 579 30 NOTE For further information regarding the Tenders please Install Vinyl Sldlng 215389 ner and advanced Two months trial lnstru ban lo ham New Canadian ca Mcisaoc at the above address Telephone No MONO THURSDAY Id FRIDAY sfefol 599 Dswm Academy ofMusic i2i Bayfleld 7284199 705 3257403 Soffit Fascia Eavestroughing Urrm To Run to prn vinylShuflers VIC WATSON Fireplaces and masonry to IGN The lawest or any Tender not necessarily accepted he estimates phone 7284599 CUSTOM BUILT and designed Specializing TUESDAY I2 noon to 330 pnt em any Limited Wont scratch or dent VELLINGA PAINTING and decorating In required by Nursing Home for te ior teror Work uaranteed Es Optometrlst Care to Profoundly Mentally DlMouav6ml6lsumuum aimwlffllafiiiip°gil¥ilii all tablishedEIOylears77677274269002 mumm Handica ed Children and 73779 THURSDAYS Adolesclblitts Own tron uwoou GARY GREENFIELD Attorney at Law sportation necessary For APPLIANCES pAmeG STOHEFRONT8 PLYLUN SIGNS FIREWOOD ii NIIL MlNAT MONDAY to FRIDAY plierhvievzab mmnimen gaggglgwgfgrgggg Hgdm 011013 Wm °7°5ggy Paperhanging8 Murals IECMUNOLET moms $0608 Ontario SerVIces M2 28 9P one °mI ifluggfiflgncgalvar Unit I9 77813392 7289357 Interior and exterior PmI Free estimates Low rates RENTALS AVAILABLE M23 CHMNEYS Fast service DESIGNED AND 78 Id 9° Satis action guaranteed tNSTALLED To YOUR tr ll II It more III AWN 7371295 COMPLETE MON RIDINL INSIRUflION IIiltIIinr iiIIIil 7Wm tlorsii tiimritiiit ITITIIL tiyL ITIIIIIII TF TOT HARRY AND MID Windy Haiiriiiimm mom DRESSES mad by JOSE Aoumo FENCE DELIVERY srssuNo PROFESSIOhNAL PAINTING Ho vsrusntn mm BUILDING LOTS DLEBROOK Lot Con BET ii lllll In ertor ex erIor paper anging us om It 312 21 m°iii2 =i°° 4372113 wow mm 73 74453 by 7°°TWP DONTTITIOIII MYERAHON f0 00 wm PAINTING PAPER hanging experienced TF Power sale onlomed In Dreclons APPTOX mllo rEchARI wny tighi ymir anIIiIIli Wow and child comm Tgbgipm 10 Richmdw 7767070 M4 certain mortgage made by west of Alliston on Hwy 89 to alon In nrl ltllD Call iiilIIilrI 728080t MAKE YOUR It 770 ITITVlllllll 3TB 9A1 PAINTING Paper hanging Experienced wood liqfltun 3Ilzulnllrrru conSLucfloln Llrtmled as he con the n0h approx WOULD IKE Io ioinw slarl ii hIiIiII II GENERAL Mm momma Pm tiirriam JACK RICHARDSON KNOCKIN oN wooo 487i55339am rigagor lowing fully miles or mile east of woekmis Hum5W All pm An MRCHSPFCIAI 9009 basements cleaned rubbish 683 ET serviced lots shall be sold on Everett then south on 6th Can 716 imme iate opening exists in our Mar eting Department fora Ed PP°° GOd behouof WM II I365 flMfllG mw REMOVAl gee approx mi arm on ifirlll slittilrllltllflonp rirllnz ojn selfstaging engineering or busrness graduate who Is in GENERAL ANDMAN Lots to I5 and 20 to 32 all SATURDAY MARCH 24th Tlllphltlt 728 you tereste In pursumg career In marketing SPRING CLEANUP zaimgucgl fyzpfiunx incusive on Plan M407 100 pm lufitmfll UNI1 DEIIRLIZINLIHII rIIiyy Reporting to the Manager Marketing SerVIces the Incumbent owindow iorim removed phm728 3770 °roofcleared of ice85now Village or Elmvoie in the The sale offers beef cattle incl km will be responsible for recording monitoring and producing all l°d ClirTVleYIta °°V°55leaned county of Simcoa The toys are cows With calves at foot 6° instructions beheaded Please send resumes for confidential consideration to WARREN HOWES 174 West Street South Orillia Ontario L3V 6L4 Stewart Electronics CARPENTER TULLV EXPERIENCED rerxnallolis cedar Lteiks bathroom tiling with ACTON BOOKKEEPING TAX Personal and RR No SNANTY IAY ONT LOL 2L0 PNONE 73035 Stiowriowmc PAULS SNOWPLOWING Three trucks for prcifllpl dependable service at ornpetiirve VIP VINYL REPAIR SERVICE We can fix NOTICE Deadline for classified Homelyord clean up hlll3wtlltfhiXLIfinlTwostgrltnitrrtgylecksytiIg marketing statistics as well as acting as resource for the CGE UTHFR film FYFR Rubbuhmmmol no momglom PMS REPAIR mm malil movirgg lobsfl rublbish loaned on Beflmm Dnve on heifersv steers sh yearlmgs Manlynm llm 68 MKlll in Shelan compUler sysem ltril slxleriurpairiringlIepUIIS mg dOTOfIVVWGIIIY aly on plaster or an yman repel wor the 005 side of the Village of T4 North Country Cheviot Am you JNAHMHFD MLVW The InleldUOl will also assist in the preparation of yearly OCAl48734 drywall KoaRA Free estimates 7265378 or 4873I4I Emvoer Suffolk ewes NCC Ram siiiiili or itivur ILt Mirt ttiit ipw rel 76469 WW WW WW forecast special marketing research protects and periodic QRglRfsVOIFSET Ju7 VOUNG MAN Murmovunowhom one we be submnmd papers can be got 19 Leghorn NM reports as requtred knowledge and Interest In heavy process RUBBER SIAM Prompt mu Reasonable rates Call me undersigned on or laying hens MF model 50 58 PART Nli Wl IrlOtJT PAHINT eqmpmentplusacomputer background an asset my tractor ood one Ford 8N ltLllil vi Ni run ME IINi NIfrvr Demon Ca 0d dl DUPLICATING 0MMPROVEMENTS RUBBER STAMPS before the 9th day ot April 9° 0d tilt Mririti II it MIUIIHIIIHII lt ls OP growmg Ono lon company SERVICEV l979 OTTETS may be for all or 905 300 9° onOTi 099 siiiiiiii litiitlr Rundf iIr ii In iiI speCIalizIng In the supply of liquid solid separation equipment COMWUCION °°°9 l° Made To Order 65 and haying equipment and lrniiiitOttrtiIs dotions renovations additions Phone REYNOLDS Tv SERVICE Repairs to color 05 To AM kmwwh MWMW tot pulp and paper chemical mineral food environmental mi in iixrmic rw 43679550fte16pm bind and WW Mi sold The high or any one and turrow PH plows Case my thermal and to the underground mining industries for both NORTHERN CARPENiRv Specializing HI lugnmsnmp andmodels 4746IBI will no necessarily be up tandem disc Mp pH it IVII lliu rut HM Mr terior work Rec rourru kitchens bath with domestic and export markets AUlé low puneumg Mummy 776 9002 SERVICE Spied cultivator JD manure spreader 00 MH ISrun groin drills harrows JD PH Further information and copies of the form of offer gt ll lit are LII SuPEnIOR AVESTROUGHTNG SPECIALIer Iecrooms eti Telephone 716 I27 any vinyl material sofas chairs car tops iilii rip NW Ail rodLng and roofing repairs Sheet metal TWOCARPENIERS fully experienced on all MWF luggage etc Prompt serwce 7764 may obtained from the kCUlN CECIITSIIUI SIdG igigv we Morim Veriiralen New Lowell interior or IIIeIIuI udrtitimis oliniriiiims To er CY 9T3 W090 DORROLIVER CANADA LIMITED 42¢ 956 Kitchens bathrooms no 2451 undersgned rock bale elevator grain auger cement mixer Allied type snowblower Pioneer 24 chain saw Buzz saw andrmisc DATED at Toronto this 9th day of March I979 FARANO GREEN BRANS Re bwrrm returns 90 in toflp iii no we rates Call Paul 737 3064 word ads aorrmers soiimors NANTTO EARN EXTRA TELEVNON iNcoMi iAx rm mm mm sun sNowPLOWINo Residential and 16 Eglimon Ave E0 fizmsr Feed cage IIOOO bales mi it ii rim rum bi re st mmumroiomom sreneo RADIO tii dishonor Wm 52117223w Pm Some 802 pp WHEN YOURKIDSAIE NOME IrrvArmrrr Hausehold furniture Elec Other Electronic Equtpment Bill ALLAN SNOWPLOWING Reasonable Toronloi OHIWOI M4P Become an AVON 51 rutsu Arm dispatched 24 trout sgrvug ay preVIOUS Am appliances some antiques and Represemoive and do bow Telephone7372897 Tons collectible items Partial list 7289457 STAN KNICHY MAsorIirv amt llmk uiiil RIIOILN sNow PLowmo ortltf Sriowblow noon SOTUTdOy Tel 4I6I4878776 Flexible hours let you sell during the hours that wit you best For details call 7289652 This position will be of particular interest to someone who has buying experience and would like to make full use of this ircwiedge and expertise Reporting to the Manager Pur TF stone work tummy report fireplurus Ipoualiy treeuitiiiiuiu 705 HA SISH mg Romnnoble rum Contracts seasonal by Inuii up Call 776 5666 Lunch booth Everett WI Terms Cash day of sale cheques with identification orwrite PO Box 485 BARR crews and Stores the successiul candidate Wlll become in NOTICE Accidents Neiher the owner or Murf miter ihe total purchasing function for specified supplies 7T ITOIP wanted 7T IIOlp wanted 77IOQCI 78tenders Deadline for 855493 no me auctioneer Wm be word ans res nsible for accidents or OPEN TERRITORIE pr are level of formal education preferably to Include NOHCE To CREDHORS CORPORATION OF ropzr I055 NOWAVAILABLE lPi iproma is required to complement minimum of three pm AND OTHERS THE TOWNSHP OF ERNIE SEVERN BARPIE rears eced experience do In the Estate of KENNETH WEST GWILLIMBURY preVIous and surroundirigtonsr rertse carts shoulddirectadetailedresurneto AUClloneer late of Barrie noon Saurdoy Nov Allison Sha ad CRUSHED GRAVEL co Roquued by expanding automotive manufacturer local0d 31280nimi 0y SEALED TENDERS plainly Tel 435 4878 No lo txmmrcmstcsnnr northwest of Toronto Experienced Oppltronl must be Iairiiiror persons howng loims marked as comm win be 79atiction sales 79euctton sales Must like meeting tre Burie Road with single andinultispindle screw machine 090m esme Kenneh received by the undersigned and hage It UN OnTllu Attractive starting rate plus company bQITCTITs Samuel Oakley me of Barrie until 1200 noon for out of tow exec Dictation and garc speed necessvy allbenefits Reply stating 99 status and referer MI TN EXAMINER MILO yr musesA siou Iaflnl in pevu yaw lit9277 OCCUPATIONAL MQIQA JOB OPPORTUNITY TECHNICAL SALESPERSON THE PERSON Aggezsru individual with rrrsricul aptitudez knowledge of grass uttirig familiar wrtli tractors and heavy Huiprrimt for grounds rriairitrmance capable of meeting and 1Illrig wrtli people at all levels MA liUt pleasant personality gregarious and free to truzel lrtf JOB technically oriented For interview call 4169364279 it lair first LITIGATION SECRETARY firm winiiwrtriri litillfrnritl iiiriii wlflr legal yams ioivurii eiieriirr it Alltllllrli Aiwtiuwli Home JKI HUMBII IIRiUNHfI SERVKT llll 718th Mll LOOKING FOR WORK Present yourself the ptoTOSSlbWll way with one of Individually propaiud III fftslllltlit help wanted unluutnlp Hltlllr NOTICE OF SALE Terrace Shanty Bay Road Barrie Ontario who died on or about the 74th day of February I979 are hereby reqUired to send full particulars of such claims to the undersigned executor on or before the IBth day of April I979 after which date the estates assets will be distributed having regard only to lOlttS that have been then recered and the underSIgned Will not be liable to any person UT whose claim he shall not then how notice KENNETH OAKLEY Barrie Terrace Shanty Bay Rd L4M IE8 M7ldl THURSDAY APRIL l2th I979 for the following contract Onor before June 15th I979 to supply crush haul and apply 4200 Tons of Granular to Sideroad from Highway 88 North mile l000 Tons of Granular to 6th Concession West of Simcoe Road 043 mile Onor before June ISIh l979 to supply crush and stockpile at Laws Pit 3000 Tons of Granular On or before September 30th I979 to supply crush haul and OPPIY I0000 Tons of Granular to all Concession Roads South of Highway 88 On or before September 30th crush and AUCTIONEER Farm Estate Grille ER mm AUCTION SALE SATURDAY MARCH 24 AT T030 AM TO BE HELD AT THE EMBASSY NA 386 BLAKE ST BARRIE GLASS PORCELAIN Cranberry glass including cut muffinsen rare size cafe muffinsen wine glasses pony glosses Diamond Quiltop vase cranberry Spotter covered candy jar threaded creamer linger bowl etc WASH SETS including Early Three Piece Set Circa 1840 Bowl and Pitcher etc SATIN GLASS exceptional matched pair hand painted Victorian Consignment Auctions 7265055 7372491 BARRIE ONTARIO 1979 Satin Vases Satin Scent Bottle Various small vases outstandin ireeller irr Orituriu ruriturtirig persons at the COMT lit and set us for last UNDER THE MECTHANICS stockpile pill23 PM 5000 large ewer with ormalefittings Jler MHHpnt Induqnm 30 OUHO Whig riiusmiulila and professional LlENAC MR DAN Tons orcranuiorA VOEDIGWOOD including excellent covered biscuit ior salad HINT tint creamer en tr grill Grounds Mriiritrmuriu cqmpinmit Ml Specrficotions and tender hlih Arrrpurr leliirlr supplied trurk Excellent SECRETARIAL AND NADHIN RR NO GUEUH IS indebted to TOlLl NDAL CREEK DAY documents may be obtained at ART GLASS including cased glass vases art nouveau etc also Opalescent vaseline Thret Trum at er ne Vaselin TYPING SERVICES the otfice of the Road Wine syrriIJTIETUTleI for TIN self motivated person Dumopi Auu MARINA LID Jll Tullvrldol superinmndem glass milk glass Royal Vienna handled cabarot troy lotgo port OMPANY Rd RR No it Barrio in the Lowest any ende no neuf bowl royal bonn dessert service Staffordshire money box 72398T9 County of Sinii iii In the depression glass toby mugs large brass school bells pr small Ontario based well reaper turf and highly regarded in our industry for many years Wr provide broad product range to meet the requiruiiierits of our MWl A20 llll liil III II Iii irlii llIiil rl rl IliIIlllii ilttl omit lllItli amount if $l7ilbl fut repairs IM 26 Crow Collin TUISOI Registration No mode Iipriii Advertisers frequently ask this question Fortunately there is no best day to advertise Each necessarin accepted MILT BOWLES Road Superintendent ships bells Moorcroft Doulton large meat platters Brass fireplace Fender biscuit iars 18th century copper kettle large brass trivot etc pr brass candlesticks II III IrIIi IlIrtIIIiI will iii an ml Townshi of West Gwillimbur ll custorneys Ernploye ingu benefit package in rm iIl itli ii ii 421 llYWllli Ullgllualloll day now wants arise bringing 382 Holiland Box 69 CLOCKS 00k Tnonlel CIOCISS mantel clock Beehive type 1114 emu Huh Il lilill rri ii ri VOIV Yl 20 II out live new readers as old ones Bradford Onarioloo lco alarm large Gingerbread In original finish with Brassfittings IzI prosperous mi of pm iriIriuiyiiliiiaKiln ill Ii iiw OTTVOlllltlI trip IItJl stove Icu saisry mi wants we recom M22 LAMPS Cranberry Brass parlor oil lamp with etched globe trim REPLY TO BOX 280 Jifmlf lyjm Njj box sltUIII MM lPl mend that you start your ad Brass parlor lamp globe Blue reservoir parlor lamp gross 1m bl nf year mud THE BARRIE EXAMINER II mum tomorrow on conce It en inger amp owng ee Inger amp 11301990 IIIIII ll IlI III II IIIIlil III ALSO MR DAYI ARR Rl Tl you get results After many PRESSED GLASS Coke comports bowls fruitsets celery vases ymm WI wmwium jpjgtjlWVLIIHNmjdhyllI myll WAIIEIIRLS JtliNGWOOD yams oi eXpmienca win Deadhnefmcassmed muffineers carnival dark orange Carnival candlestick Mmmlres run ItIilI rI Hill iliilillI iii primii ONT III the TIIKIUHI Lif $855 83 mlmons OI wom ads we know word ads comiwfl grapeg Vine opergene at grudgiirllyhHamVrlltlNarnia kl WW ymriu upon 1965 toynorrow is the best day to CROCKS whiskey marmalade ginger beers ale bottles OR JAMES HENDERSON 77II IIIW Illlv II 40 009 start your ad and every day is wialley etc Muster sycfletrlc Services OUIIIOUHI UII PlYWfWI the best day to advertise in do revious PRIMITIVES Pine blanket chest bracket foot Simcoe County The Royal Victoria WI iIlrl ttllIlli um ll iIiiri llmfllm lUIm 35 The Examiner Classified SecI CIBAO original green butternut chest of drawers Bruce County nowhdum IltlillllllillLilizlillllllTllrilltlliHwI iI lip JUItlIiUlI OUTINJUILf single on noon Saturday c1870 refinished hanging won box 059 simcoo counyy Ianie0nterle LAN I64 R0 wri iri iiiiriiiiNirri Imit ii lttI mwmhbl lolr Toleware cream sugar tea cannislers from Muskoka Stage 7057189802Ext140 llill iiiriii IIririi llltlliii Duds 5inutwoik Coach sma pine box Hue planer English old cdn pressed M23 ml 31le2212fILIIf Ami 10 Ill SUM lOllENDAI Tj£l 18M glass finger lamp Pine dough board Peel Cty CI860 Butternut liilIIiillIirltJili lIllJIIl tit iir CREEK MARINA UD 05 flat wall cupboard refinished Simcoe County Old Singer iiii lltlt wmii iiI VVIIIIIJI retitairmd unpaid for marathon Troodle sewing machine Pine hanging wall cupboard Pine rIi iii SENIOR for one OT the followmg ObS liillIHi will ml Am ll 3°l5 PUWW swim commode orig paint from Onllio C1850 Captains chr Walnut lIlMlL At BOOKKEEPER rth fh MAIIIIII il warm wrtilliIl iriirririiii WW Lap desk refinished CI850 Tiffany type table lamp sev ad dus ass mned now lse Wl MV ILI RI5OI lqboi Clolle 733i 50 vertising posters York County Early hand carved scoop Vic 00 ron ttllllt il tVIty tl iir wmI um requires high emciem lliiillilHtIINI iriiiiimriiminim °l llv Sud boo WI be ltll sealedmnders Vi3784mm be received by 19 Ministry torian Gentlemans chair No of old dishes set Mennonite senior with several bookkeeper of Canada Employment Centre Vacancies include NEW PARTY PLAN WEDNESDAY APRIL I979 at l0 AM at 3i Tollendrtl Road Natural Resources Wasaga Beach Ontario until I2100 Noon shelves Waterloo Cty CI860 FURNITURE NEW KAUFMAN PCS Footstools tables clocks years com Ilylltltlilltiltinl xim IriIViVPiii iiiiriirlir some on April 4th I979 forthe construction of Gm doh clock iiiiI III min all gt it Or Pellfzsweoxpgtinezrfel Machinists Toolmakers if Irirjirririigarrlrrrr rir IIVIIiitulll Dated at Barrie this 20th day of CilzlcirgfilcoglloglgiizZigzlmirgusmmlk solid Oak Secretary Bookcase inlaid Oak commode Satin wuri Zliiiirivrrirrrir March I979 de calm P°Y°bl°I lnSlrucor BllSler Packagan llillIr im ARCHERCOLWILL Aumonee to be located in Beach Area Wasaga Beach Provincial 3075 32eréfriggi 0109 gsriolrlomgtlrlréaclfnzg fifugf °°V°bl°cfty°sl Mould Maker Tool and Die Maker muggy IIflflllylllyl LIIIIIIIVI Ml26A1 PM Nonvaou 00L sidechairs Oak footstool carved mahogany over neracnl In iirlii LII iiiitI Itll Auyomaflc Screw Machine Operator lIlUIIlt In tIIIIIII Iu IIIIIIIIiIIl lIIII llWlt Tmcl° documean may be Oblomed W°s°9° Beach mantel mirror Octagonal bevelled gl mirror Oak Butlers Tray mi Iii lti FPI IFQ Provmcral Park Office 22nd St Wasaga Beach Ontario bi Some formal accounting Fibre lOSS LOmanTOl Huitrill IIAIIYiIlII wiiiriri flit on ogon mac as rowers me an el Pl box Id srtiuril iLiiri rtiilri liliifllllHli rinit iItir While oval andaavof will be There wll be returnable deposl ITTY donors In date 1566 sm pine box Mahogany has drawers Soud oak glntng W00 an 0559 $lll IIIIIIIIIHITII April Alainpar mode orlord replies box 190 0T money Order Of COITITTOd cheque required Tor Dining table4 Oak hrs Pine chest orig finish C1850 ul T00 nftd VlllUIl NITTI oxlunhu Turret Lathe Sefup Operator iMinIIii Ii mu numbers of adveniser as Theéend9flozum3m5 °d dL7Wn9 Captains choir Oak hall seat and umbrella stand Pine Blanket WAITl RWAITRI sat tot tlftt 9s °P°n° PU iCY l2100 N00 box in ori rain finish Birds soon as OSSlble we accept no eye up om onglno DANCNUK Ornamental MOTOI Worker 32 I31$ abimy respect of loss or 779 W5090 Beach Provincial Park Office Jacobean Oak hall tree Armchair Ships box hand painted 1370uz MOUld Maker for Fibreglass BOOTS Li pvrwz IX NOITAWASACA iNN damage alledged arise For further information contact Dales or Burns at 705 scene Solid Brass ships wheel all tugl Red mahogany owed WIY ll 42925 rd drawer Itife tabl bl fl HM mm through either failure or delay 0° Wm FOR FURTHER INFORMATION Nrmp3 33113 in orwmdmg such mph LOWEST OR ANY TENDER NOT NECESSARILY ACCEPTED folk art carving wall box aiirl ILiisl cram Now Scotian Pine xpnimcm lino llIlhlil5217Iér1I$2413 hgygver oherwisieln 7771i chest drawers Vasey Ont UltUUdl signed blanket halt fmm AUTOMOBILE PARTS COUNTER PERSON for ChevOlds dealership in Alliston HUNTER Contact Bonnie Greig at the Mort ti lwtwtIIII ll 00 In Di li Nlmiili MATURE pursuits ri Iiiiirml liii Wllhlnd stiitts Apply to Hit Gull Firll SIrvrI is Our Bdyftlld IIiLi Own Sound origin radon bun I0 out Hot ioik tmm Fergus Ont unusual pine lamp table lell I850 Various priittspaitings blts bunk utm lll EXAMINER Ministry of CANADA EMPLOYMENT CENTRE Apply at 48 OWEN ST Utules Natural MISCELLANEOUS 23 cu ft lteerei snt antique ole no MOTOR SALES 2I7 Victoria PH 728 2468 mVVINIMLAWNQIIEFRJTOLISS ngc ovaIr Tradesmans books typewutet bin tiieptmo won It wAlll°n M23 M2 at Inkliiiu full SDlittStDllllle boilllrjbom ClUbsl AMFM radlflv Lulhl EtWdW old WdOITICNI nitirlIrii Iiousr available Call Rather wood arms Orton Ontario St 855 4053 antlers pictures six decoys M21 7282414 Ontario imp

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