Iq Illl ilt III bhlllirlauitth Shoppers win food prizes Three Georgian Mall sho courtesy of the Simcoe tions recent display at Means loss of jobs BL7Ritnt WIN The phasing out of nine active treatment beds at the obourg and District Hospital will mean the loss of seven jobs in early April hospital administrator Floyd Abrams said Monday Abrams said the reduction will leave the hospital with 126 beds and deficit of 840000 down from $185000 deficit if the number of beds were not cut The Ontario health ministry allotted the hospital Sper cent budget increase this year IIlNTIIR RIIAPS REWARD KIRKLINGIUN England MP sportsman who went pheasant shooting came home with bag containin £130 in It pence pieces Edwin Kirk 65 stumbled on the hoard in field Police say it was probably part of burglars haul from nearby school TRIBAL JEANS REG 2495 KIDS LEVIS HOODED REG 1598 BAYFIELD MALL DRAWSTRING NOW 1595 SWEATSHIRTS uow995 ppers won $50 each worth of Ontariogrown foods ounty Federation of Agriculture during the federa the mall Shown with some of the winnings is Jim Steed president of the federation The winners were Ross Brett Alliston Lisa McDermid Huntsville and Yousuf Mirza of Sarnia SIlES 5I5 HOURS TUB TD FRI 900 TD 700 SAT I30 500 APPOINTMENT SUE WISHES TO TAKE THIS WELCOME ALL HER CUSTOMERS TO HER NEW LOCATION AT 56 COLLEGE CR FAMOUS FIT PREWASHED FLARE 14 OZ DENIM NOW 95 REG 2595 SIZES 2644 MANY OTHER SAVINGS SHOP EARLY Jv THE BODY SHOPPE SUE CALDWELL IS NOW RELOCATED AT THE HAIR SHOPPE SENIOR CITIZENS DAY EVERY TUESDAY I0 OFF ALL PRICES PHONE 737I957 OPPORTUNITY TO BARRIE LEVIS AND DUDE SHIRTS 12 PRICE ASSORTED MENS AND LADIES SHIRTS SWEATERS OFF 7280622 Hes been at it for that long Howie months enjoys exercise Kllill2NElI nt li llowie Farrell Jr has been working out at an exercise pro gram for almost five months and enjoying every minute oi it That wouldnt be surprising Marguerite McLean 726691 oiigratulations to Mrs Itet ty Alford and Mrs lieth Hell who successfully came in first in the Iowder luff Howling lournameiit beating over too ladies They received many gifts the best being trip to Nassau They are planning to take their trip in ttclohei Mrs lom lartridge was the hostess for the low es Womens Institute March meeting leii COOKED Maple Leaf smoked pork ShOUIdEIS ill Avli the bakeshop PKGOF Deep Barnum Home Styli2 vs 19 Bilu iv POWDERED RDM WEIGHT PKG OUR REG PRICE IRISH II Nlll III Itlll llllN Pork Loin Roasts UN OUR REG PRICE PKG OF l19 dutchie donuts FEATURE Square Tide detergent BONIMART FANCY tomato IUICE BONIMART MILD MEDIUM OLD COLORED 0R OLD WHITE cheddar cheese except that llowic Jr is live iiioiiilisold You could say he even cries for his exercises says his mother Barbara Farrell registered nurse When Ilowie cries Mrs Far and visitor members answered the roll call Name an industry in which your taini ly is involved iirient events were given by all It was decid tII ed that we meet at River Gardens at it on April It for dinner and then the business meeting will follow at the home ot Mrs Ila Stephenson iii the absence ot the con tlltl ol iiiiadiaii Industries Mrs loiii llutcliiiisoii read an article called Food in tanada still bargain at current prices It is when we load oiir grocery earls with non tood items that makes it appear that OUR RIG PRtCE rell usually only has to exercise him gently and he smiles and goos llowie lr even has track suit similar to one worn by his dad who is ownermanager of the lanadiaii Fitness Centres our grocery bill is higher than II should be Today we have tendency to enjoy convenience toods but must realive it costs much more too Mrs Keith Iiees gave very humorous reading called lake inc IIgg Plans were made for the district animal to be held May 10 at the West itio Itaptist lunch The Family Night servue was held recently at West llro liaptist thiirch WllIl ialo Vas iiiie oi tiverseas trusades as the speaker tialo has been working itli the Luis lalaii leaiii food citv I11 CHOP ECONOMY PACK RIB CENTRE ITENDERLOIN PORTION CANADIAN QUEEN LINK OR FARM STYLE 33 IllnAnTunNL ViiNNA Jagdwurst Vii NNl itiHIMAN Morladella 529 our pork sausages SWlll IIIEMIUM IRi Vioiisti liltlltN Dover Plaice ALL PURPOSE GRIND Chase SCHDOIII coffee PRIVIOIISIY IROIIN Ocean Perch Fillets Bologna IRISH $189 Cheddar Cheese LII xiiiwilt $199 Fresh Cod Fillets Ill LII Back Bacon in Kitchener and nearby Cam bridge nt My husband may manage the fitness centres but the exerr cise program for Ilowie was my idea says Mrs Farrell She began planning fitness program for llowie lr some months heiore his IIIIIII Its an entirely new hitstyli and routine when mother hr iiigs her first born home and wanted it to he happy time tor all ol us And the exercises have prov ed to be just that The 150 pound on repairs to TVs Radios and Stereos For Quick Service Call STEWART ELECTRONICS 289451 74 PulISt good place to shop for savings DEVON OUR RIO PRICE MAPLE IEAF EUROPEAN CUISINE ASSORTED VARII TIES Deli Sausage YORK SWII PIUKI Ill BY THE PILCI MAPLE IIAI lR AVG WAXED REGULAR ORRHI Bologna OUR REG PRICE 299 gt Broccoli OUR REG PRICE 73 PHOOUOI OI US iINiii imam PRODUCE OF CENTRAL AMERICA DOLE 0R CHIOUITA LBS FOR OUR REG PRICEW 29 LB SIZE msEACN ALL PURPOSE 25 kg BAG OUR REG PRICE t79 Iii IIli pm en lullll IIVI iiivw wllmimm All lAlllILl MAM Aiii PRODUCE OF ISRAEL Jafla oranges 59 SIZE 120s OOZ OUR REG PRICE PRODUCT or Green Onions RINDLESS SLICED bacon CANADIAN QUEEN SLICED COOKEU ham 1002 STICK L8 L8 Five Roses flour WILSONS GINGER ALE ORANGE CRUSH OR HIRES ROOT BEER soft drinks 199 DUNCNES FOR junior athlete enjoys the in teraction with his parents Mrs Farrell designed the ex ereises to lit into the daily routines of hath time changing diapers or just playing with the baby IIIIIVIIIIIS INIIIIIJII0 It only adds few minutes oi you can start With live minute stretch extending to 20 minutes Its happy interac tion time bonding time betr ween parents and child You in corporate some fun with gentle unstructured exercises to help baby to develop She said all babies exercise on their own just by turning their heads kicking their legs and wavingtheirarms Siicli daily exercises enhance and promote the childs mind body co ordination and general develop ment she says IIIIILAIIVIL IILIIAIIIIIS CENTRE LIVIIIIII REGIST FOR AFTERNOON ER NOW PRING AND EVENING FOR MORE mro CALL NOELLA Uls33 ALLIANCE BLVD MAPII ltAI IOOKIII SMOKIO Ham Steaks $229 $139 ALL lTEMS AVA potato salad MARY MILES SLICED MAC CHEESE MOCK CHICKEN OR BOLOGNA sandwich corned beeï¬smoked beef or pastrami SHOPSYS cole slaw SHOPSVS SLICED ILABLE ONLY AT LOCATIONS LISTED TAOZ TIN OUR 1102 39 Sockeye salmon 39 Tea Flake saltines PEPPERIDGE FARMS FROZENBANANA DEVILS FOOD CHOCOLATE OR VANILLA layer cakes HABITANT ASSORTED VARIETIES readyto REG PRICE 159 8FL OZ PHOllUCI oi SA 99¢ PRODUCE oi as 601 39¢ 50 was mum ni gegelable My 29 MA 31 Avocadoes RadIShes Baby 89 cm Gen an Sht ill mm jimmy PRthUCt or usn mm as fjfmmj gym 29c 33335 69 Bmdw CANADA no tGRADl 69¢ DAISY mrsn 331 99¢ Adorn $139 WWI V° $279 Celery Stalks ucu Assorted Fruit Drinks on 89c Bran 59c Parmesan mi to Paste VN Muzllllrlllsfllll uiiaiiw RIIIII WINS by $18 saint mi mu iuuiiiooi Bulbs $269 on snuuimui twiiiuiuvimiii lush hm de Elm on FOUND 89c cjeenc 49 Owl Solid mutt musu Chips spread TOWERS FOOD ijy pLAzA if An $115 Ohllluns 329 NTIIIINIRIHVHIIIIIS HICIHWAY 2827 BAVFIE ST HAHHII gzosluner ou Inden Locoumiiumux nr fly Heavy w°pc 50 49 MONSAT9AM 10 PM p0 poly Candles in Margarine um $1 Wrap 13 89c Sotleuoi StuMs s29