For Barries Single Parent of 1979 Dealing with loss brought strength BytlAUllA KltAlSlI have known that the young 0ftheExaminer schoolgirl named Lina was few decades ago in Chicoutimi Que no one could fated to lead life of struggle from which others could learn Lina Hunter mother of six children has been ac tively Involved with the Barrie chapter of Parents Without Partners since l97l She was recently named the chapters 7979 Single Parent of the year With the strength Mrs Hunter developed through loss she has been able to help others Examiner Photo She had no warning Her ambition then was simpv ly to learn English so she mov ed to Halifax at age 21 and took job as translator for SimpsonsSears Ltd But her life would not be sim ple wounding experience and the strength she developed as result would eventually cause other people to seek her for con sultation Lina Hunter is mother of six children ranging in age from 24 down to 15 She has been widow for It years When her husband licutenantcommander with the anadian navy died at age 41 the six children were only l2 It eight seven and four years old Since then she has focused on the needs of her own children of course but also the needs of other people facing combined chores of raising children and coping with life on their own Illl IN IIAITIIR Mrs Hunter has been active ly involved with the Barrie chapter of Parents Without Partners since May lti7t almost since it was formed When take on something really like to get involved she says so over the years she has held many of the top estcutive posts in the chapter This year however the Bar ric chapter has chosen her for special distinction She has been named the ltl7lt Single Parent of the Yea Parents Without Partners has done lot for me especial ly giving me the opportunity to extend to people Im humanitarian really like peo ple she adds Many years of helping other people to face their difficulties with confidence has had cor ollary effect for her She learn ed to forget her own sorrows With time the would closes You can never forget complete ly but still you have to learn it accept and then advance she explains Her children her half dozen as she calls them have been great help She savs Editor Claudia Krause7266537 every one of them has been blessing to her THOUGHT IIlSBANI When they were small and saw table full of little heads to feed used to think to mysell very often How would my hus band havc wanted to see me carry on few of my children were quiet and didnt want to talk very much about death or theii Dad but once in while one would say ad would say this wouldnt he Mom as if he was still with us would say that yes Dad would she says smiling com fortably That was all they need to hear from her It was enough reassurance At social events organized by the familyoriented Parents Without Partners Mrs Hunter says her children sometimes sought out single fathers in the group and formed friendships The chapter members together were like large fa ini ly because of the similar cirr cumstance that brought them into the organization It brings the feeling of fami ly back to us she says This is our purpose Mrs Hunter herself grew up with brothers and sisters Mrs Hunter says that when she was first widowed well ineaning friends who had known her and her husband as couple continued to invite her to their social gatherings but she felt uncomfortable as though shi were intruding Parents Without Part ners none of us feels out of place because were all in the saincsituation ItlItII BREAKINHVNS ttver the years she says she has noticed however the in creasing number of marriage breakdowns rather than deaths creating single parents Mrs Hunter says she has learned that marriage breakdown can happen to anyone and no one can he sure it will not happen to them Mrs Hunter considers people who have suffered marriagc Unusual ad produces result local teenager finds home By NANCY IIULIIIU The Examiner It was an unusual ad Fifteenyearold girl seek ing family to share their home Many were curious Some were intrigued Others however made sincere offers of the warmth and love of theirfamily to girl who needed just that warmth andlovc The ad was recently placed in The Examiner by Browndale Homes member of the tario Association of Childrens Mental Health entres Within four days Jim Wylie Browndale regional co ordinator had more than 15 en quiries We were looking for farm ly that was interested in the girl had room for her and would be with her at least until she finished school said Wylie Both the family and the girl had to mitments Wylie stressed It wasnt just placement job The girl Erin not her real name lï¬ryearrold Student at Eastview ollegiate was in need of place to call home make coli1 lIII LIVE llttNIII Although she has family at tempts at living with them were unsuccessful Iler parents are separated and her mother and the ohtcr children suffer health problems Although she has family at tempts at living with them were unsuccessful Her parents are separated and her mother and the other children suffer health problems Erin lived at Browndale home for two years We work with children who are difficult to handle said Wylie Many of them are on the Garden Notes Goocl gardeners prepare now for outside work in April By JEAN ABLE Harrie Horticultural Society March is month of preparation for the good gardener All being well you should be able to get out and do great deal outside in April Therefore urge you all to get some stock in now fertilizer soil and peat moss Those who have cableheated cold frame or hot bed can start their growing early but to those who have not Good Friday is time enough to plant your hot bed One of the joys of owning rockcry is to see the very early plants starting to grow Itockeries should always be on slope so the snow melts earlier than elsewhere and the early spring bulbs and Violas come into bloom even before the snow has gone Over 30 years ago made two artificial rockcries out of two piles of surplus rocks left from building our home One was just outside the back door and the other near the front door The purpose was to give me the pleasure of all the rockery plants every time stepped outside Indeed they did give me great deal of pleasure but they were not true rockeries and my horticultural friends called them my compost heaps That was not flattering and also the yellow jacket wasps insisted on making their nests in them On top os this had started loofoot rockery on the street slope which seemed sufficient What didnt realize was that only see that rockery when go to work in it while the others with fraction of the cost and work were on hand always The moral of this story is Plant to enjoy your garden yourself and never mind if it does not fit into the usual way of doing things have friends who own lights and cant wait to get their seeds planted The result is they are ready now for the 24th of May so what are they going to do with their plants Well you sure have problem because the larger the plant the greater the stock when planting out Potting as many plants as possible into separate pots and pinching hack constantly to give short bushy plant is my advice Dont let the plants become spindly there is nothing worse to transplant than long lanky plants that flop over with the slightest breeze word about pansies You people who have lights could stgll grow lovely pansies that would be ready to put out by Miiy 24 and give you two months of bloom before the heat verge of being sent to training schools Others have come through traumatic ex ptlltllttS deaths in the family suicide and accidents liasical ly they are children from troubled families Length of treatment at lirowndalc varies with each child At the completion of treatment the child usually returns to the family If that however is not in the childs best interest relatives or friends are approached about caring for the child HER SII IIIII1ItIIl In most cases dont think any kid should be placed away from the home he said tut with her things were different lf the child cannot be returned to the parents we ap proach aunts and uncles tsual ly someone else in the family or friends can help IIrin however didnt have relatives to turn to tnly rarely does Browndalc place ads for families With children like Erin however that is sometimes the only alternative In the past two and one half years weve only placed two adds including this one for lirin hesaid lloth ads brought overwhelm ing responses from Harrie residents Its great to know people care said Wylie IIrin hasnt yet settled in with her chosen family The fact is the families have been nar rowed down to two and the decision of where IIrin will call home will be soon made Advertising for fainin is rare thing to do said Wylie But all children need family to belong to and advertising was the best way to find fume ly for her comes Pansies like cool damp Weather They dont make good root system when they are transplanted just when the height of bloom is expected The ordinary gardener should Seed them the first week of July Then you can transplant them in early fall and with little mulch theyll bloom the minute snow goes If you are going to buy pansies make sure they have large clump of earth attached to each and disturb as little as possible when transplanting Pansies are one of our most beautiful flowers Why ntario doesnt grow more dont know The most beautiful pansies Ive ever seen was in Dauphin Man where the climate is pretty severe SUIICIY NEWS We are happy to announce we have coconveners for the Treasure Cove committee of the country fair chaired for many years by the late Mary Gould They are Audrey lIaltyard phone 7283242 and rphie Elliott phone 7289793 Thanks ladies The next open meeting will be held at pm Thursday April at odrington School and the speaker is Matt Valk from Bradford who will discuss Vegetables for the Home iardcn We still need convener for the dried flower section of the country fair You dont have to be an expert just willing worker Phone John Smith president at 7282767 Travelways Trous have offered courtesy tour to our society to Seneca College Toronto to see performance put on by Scotts Family bulge of New York Hus leaves 530 pm Monday March 26 from the Wellington Hotel Concert is at 700 pm Home by it or 030 pm All free To reserve phone 7283873 7266798 or 7288248 The tour to the Sportsmans Show had to be cancelled as only seven hooked We are sorry because all proceeds from the Sportinans Show are used for conservation and conser vation is one of the objects Horticultural societies work for The The March 31 tour to Reeves Greenhouses Craft Show Bramalea details and Brampton is filling Phone hookers for In the school break how about teaching child to plant some seeds slip plant plant bulb like begonia or gloxinia or help cut up your dahlia tubers or cannas Show the sugar bush and teach them to respect Life in all it forms breakdowns have harder time adjustingthan she lid My misfortune had natural calisc accepted that this was the load Bod gave to carry And received strength from prayer lt was the only way could continue she says adding that she is ccr tainly not religious fanatic She was fortunate that hei husband had taken out suffi cient life insurance liinancial ly the family was well provid ed for although Mrs Iluntei has worked as supply french teacher at various schools in Barrie for about 10 years IlTlltII INKUWN She says she has listened to many sad broken hearted peo ple who feel the world has gone from under them good word and some understanding helps more than pity think she explains Parents Without Partners is definite tone that her work with the groups many aspects is fulfilling llcr volunteer com munity work includes visiting patients at the mental hospital in Penetanguishcne Despite titheconsuming volunteer work over the past ltt years employment raising family and keeping up the house on Steel Street that she her husband and young family moved into 12 years ago has she missed having man in her life No She has close male friend but he has five children of his own He is also single parent and they agree their families are their first rcspoii sibility Mrs Hunter explains They feel their children should not have to cope with second lather or mother image Tobe fair to thciichildrcn in all ways they have remain ne WS make £1 v1 mi Joe Paddlson of Barrie correctly identified last the examiner Wodnuday Mar 21 1979 17 weeks entry in The selfhelp group After the first Mrs few realize they must learn to hell her llven tier house looks themselves to advance and regain their confidence WORK lllIIIS Mrs Hunter says in ed friends lhintcr has needed friends and they have needed Newsmakers Contest as the Barrie Ys Men placing this years IceOut car on Kempenfelt Bay and won Big Meal at McDonalds If you know the story behind this weeks entry send your name address telephone number with your entry to Newsmakers Contest The Examiner Box 370 Barrie Ont L4M 4T6 Winners will be notified by mail Winners are selected by random draw of all correct answers Examiner Photo meetings people soon friendly proving her own words that she feels com fortable opening both her home and herself tootlicrs The comparable retail price indicates the price for oomparable quality of competitive products You can save the difference Every item is always sold with an unconditional moneyback guarantee WPREPASTED PEELABLE WALLPAPER IIiltlt it till llIlIlIl It it lltl iv sisItttl tinl PREPASTED WASHABLE WALLPAPER Il llll Illlslii pint nll VINYLS lll1llfll iltuuiiiicsi Ill lush it but lut ll tltIlllillill It it it 1IllllllIILIlIlItllitt ilu Illlt itittiuiitttlgix tll gri lllil st Iinii IiftIlgtIALIIs 98 98 tIll lsll lllll li ll unit lltlLl initial Ilillll 98 IilllllJlJIllt r4 tiil iirit toiiipnralilc rctuil prit $595 $795 ltiiiiiiJLilvlr IIIIllHl1 $8 INTERIOR LATEX FLAT outqu tllI lllli llivl lllr ih ll lI IltII liilsItiti Ill INTERIOR LATEX VELVET Itttl1lllltIIIlIIIIISII to walls IIHI ailiiigs lisi washable luoLsgrcit at mint has ti ll IlIIIl sittii INTERIOR me SEMIGLOSS iir ii linuii slimn Izu clluiit for high lrallii all iiias trim and doors Super scrubbahlr I3 INTERIOR SEMIGLOSS ENAMEL lit baerl iiiliiiui iIIIII III lfllslniltlltllltl1IlIslri slitt ii ItlIJl lor Lil llt its ILIlllrUllIllllltl liiin COLORYOIIR WORLD OPS IN VALUE TESTS As an ongoing procedure we conduct stringent comparison tests bet een olor Your World product and other manufacturers product but these laboratory tests conslstently prove is that olor Your World paint and wallpaper performs at least as well as or better than comparable products made by the other leading brands And were priced much less 20 to 50 less WALLPAPER SMOOTHER Iiilus illi ipriiili Il liglil ILlll Itltllli ROLLER AND TRAY nuiplclt nilli Lin IIHLIIII1III Llll IlllIIt llltl ltllsJItlI lllgll iiilt iullci I1IlllIIIl ltlll iuiils 99 Ideal fol lilliltt tion of rllrllltllttlllll floors nliilt painting IIIIIiiIIII III liu liiiiiiiil III liiililili Illll l1itL List onipnriililt retail price ili Ni ad tlllltl1 IlIrIll llt CHARGER VISA lor Your World 1in the look is cxpcnsivc 308 Bayfield Ste Associate Dealer JackYocom 1726553