Vva the oxamlner 13 Wodmsday Mar 21 1979 DOMINION CHOCOLATE CHIP ALLPURPOSE MAXWELL HOUSE GRIND COFFEE ENRICHED WHITE SLICED CREAMY BREAD Cancelled Patricio Hearsts famlly angrily cancelled on order for $I000 wed dlng gown after sketch of the dress was made public says the San Jose Mercury MDs happy with medicare By THE vIII PRESS Doctors In the tnited States do not want national health eare system sueh as Canadas the president the American III II MC OUR REG PRICE 349 LIMIT PER CUSTOMER OUR REG PRICE 45 Medieal SNULIHIIIIII said Tues ASSORTED VARIETIES PEEK FREAN KELLOGG CEREAL INSTANT SOUP MIX EAGLE BRAND DIGESTIVE NICE OR all Ii Neshitt said In an CORN NESTLES SDUPTIME CONDENSED SHCRTCAKE BISCUITS interviev Irom IIIS Nashville Tenn ottiee that the assoei atlon believes the system Is superior Ile said million IS resi dents eurrentl are enrolled in private health Inuranee planx Lo ineome earners and people older than 37 are eo IHI by puhhe plans Between 12 million and t3 mIIIion people are IIthout em erage FLUDRIDE TDDTHPASTE 49 OUR REG PRICE 65 Neshitt Sultl anarlian dottors haIe told the assmiatmn that national health eaie gt ltIIl leads to deterioratton III the ILIIIIII medIeaI eare Ilatp reduetlon In the £Illlttllllll ol SLIVICtS and Insullieient resources to support the plan III 1977 tltltltlrh had an average IIlttlIIlt oI SNIJMII he said anarlian dottors aver Frv fur SWEET gtIIJTl 5329 7457 SPECIALI SW SPECIAL gï¬ï¬vglig BijxhéllgllyEklxlEllgREElS3R SPECIAL $335520 SPECIAL voax moms SPECIAL Ti174 lltlltlllil anttort 535835 Itllll told doctors that FL 56 OZ as 14 FL the anadIan ystem eould DILLS 0223 62 CRYSTALS JFIILIEESIZEBSZEFCSZNT OZ 1133Iff pARAMoUNT RED SPECIAL ACCENT SPECIAL FROZEN SPECIAL HIGHLINER FROZEN SPECIAL ALL PURPOSE SPECIAL ï¬lilldql Mm presulent ot the Royal ollege 754 OZ 1L8 OZ 32 O7 32 OZ k9 ot lhIeIan and Surgeons of SALMON TIN SHURTENING ENHANCER com RIIUBARB BATTER PKG BAG tanatla aIII Ill San Praneiseo last tall that serious deterIo ration ot relationx has oeeured hetueen dotton and govern Inenls In hIeago three Igt ago the general IetII ol the nr tario leiIIeIl tltIIIItlII atd LJHIIIIIIHII IIISI eoneeln undei IIIIIIII health eare geimg lr7 Sle keel eosts do PRODUCE OF usA PRODUCE AVAILABLE IN It It IIm USA USA Inns elass IIduard Moran NO USA IIII another development 13s Ijlltigttllll too tltllltILlltlII iIIJ1IIIS PEI or WATERCRESS CAclus IIIIJIIIZIIZE13 Ilealth lIINtIIdIItt Ilan ean keel Ie IIIII ex IIHIIII glulitl Illllltttlllte tlleir Iotllllrs hills so ls But man tltltItIIS IIIo have let Ie llfltl demand wloltl plattentx leIe lthllilltll You deal personally Vlllth the specnalist preparing your Income tax return at HR Block ASSORTED NORMALORO SPECIAL ave THE SEA SPECIAL Illï¬levneo SPECIAL COLOURS SPECIAL CLAIROL SHAMPOO SPECIAL swms CANNED SPEC KELLOGGSCEREAL KLEENEX HERBAL cooxsn 99 can 95 CHUNK 95 89 TDWELS 323 ESSENCE 351 HAM TIN FLAKES LIGHT TUNA nu CHERRIES 02 an DOMINION UNSWEETENED ASSORTED VARIETIES Henry Black SEESEYTEDCOLOUQS SPECIAL ï¬gï¬ggggsgvRAFSETIES SPECIAL ggggmgigmzm SPECIAL éngRTTREEDEIlllyECTJRE SPECIAL RECONSTITUTED SPECIAL FRUIT FLAVOUR SPECIAL When you come mo ARRID HADDOCK cAIInv ORANGE LIBERTY of BATHROOM 502 TISSUE 2523 DEDDCRANT 555 79 FILLETS pxc BARS PKG JUICE 02 com CRYSTALS lgiigecrletaihgxgegnggl 53 00m JERGENS MAPLE LEAF CAREFREE CORONATION STUFFED stand QEEKEKNPLASTIC spscmu ALEENQE SPECIAL FACIAL SPECIAL mo SPECIAL PAN SPECIAL LOOSE PACK SPECIAL 8itHaï¬znuuhï¬goggep IBM 3909 PKGt 12 FL ing your return To dig ms 59 TISSUE 55 ISOAP 79 FLAKE At 17 SHIEle OLIVES oz tor the facts To OF 205 you as much money as IA II 33235 SPECIAL Values effective until closing Tuesday March 27 I979 LIZky£ZsrLblcorl€ lists orhn spew ER OVEN DOG roan 99 gizozzzxtggzzz Years ofdependabllltl IL BLOCK In THE INCOME TAX PEO TEMPTING DEEICIOUS RICHMELLO SPECIAL ï¬xgzuj in PLE LEMONMERINGUE BUTTER OF 12 TARTS Sunday IJII 10 pan 55 Dunlop St Barrlo 7263822 129 PIE Slmcoo Plaza Mend19mm 9pm 9aml09pmMONTO FRI FRESH SOFT SPECIAL Mn lo pm SATURDAY DINNER PKG nus Mm 936579961 ROLLS SHAMPOO 590 ominion WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES DOMINION STORES LIMITED Alwln Hutu Goorglan Mall Barrlo