12 the Examiner Wednesday Mar 21 1979 EH MARY MILES RINDLESS BREAKFAST BACON 119 WILIMIT PER CUSTOMER FAMILY PACK RIB END CENTRE TENDERLOIN BlIIIUN llIII Iiot an eiiieee Juno chore has singer nervous TORUNIU ill The song Burton uiiiiniiigs has ehoseii to perform at tonights Iiino Ayyards ceremonies is ne composition from his Iortheoin iiig liye alliuni But given IIIII mingss eurrent frame of mind his tttTti hit Im Seared might be more appropriate uniinings is more than little IIIVIUUS about this years anadiait reeord industry awards IIe aetiiig as host tor the first time and even the thought ol it to borrow phrase lIlml early Iuess Who has him shakiii all over Im not an Itlt not eo median Im singer And here Itaye seript to learn thats this thiek he says Iiold ing his fingers tuo iiiehes apart So yhy did tiniiiiiiigs agree totake thejoh lhe slimy organizers Ielt it would gi the thing more ered ihility to have one of the iioiiii iiees and someone whos been around the reeording seene for some time as host uniniiiigs qtialilies in both regards Ilis recording eareer started about In years ago at the helm of the Internationally popular luess Who and tor the last three years he has reached even greater heights as solo peilornier is ell he is nomi nated this year tor tour Iunos ISIIIIIUlSIFL Ilesiiite the nervousness he agrees that representative ol the reeording industry is the ol viotis hoiee to act as host of reeoid awards show For the last years the joh has gone to Illltllptgrlmltl eoinediaii Ia rid steiiiherg Iiayids bright funny guy LB PKG OUR REG PRICE 176 LB TENDERLOIN END LB AVERAGE PORK LOIN ROASTS 128 BITTNER LOIN CENTRE CUT CUT AS YOU LIKE THEM PORK TASTY GOOD FOR HAMBURGERS 75 BEEF SOYA FROZEN SOYA BURGER PATTIES 128 oun no mcs 168 SWIFT OR BURNS CHICKEN MACARONI CHEESE BOLOGNA 0R LUNCHEON COOKED MEATS BURNS STORE PACKED BREAKFAST PRIDE OF CANADA BURNS WIENERS 124 OUR REG PRICE 15 L3 502 OUR REG PRICE 74 BURNS HALVES OUARTERS but Iii not iittiii tIl SMOKED PlCNlC SlENA GOLDEN COlL SWlFlS SUGAR PLUM SHOP OLD VlENNA lOF tlt says ttiiiimiiigs alto Winni empr my SHOULDER SOPHESSATA ta SAUSAGE minis CHUBS 202 FILLETS doesnt really have any rela SWIFTS tioiiship to the ireeordiitgi tn BURNS OR SWIFTS LAZY MAPLE SUGAR PLUM SHOPSYIG OZ IOF Itistiy at all But in part II and the shim needs that kind ol eredi lIlIl Ihats mainly the reason laeeepted lhejoh utiiiiiiiigs hose solo eareer netted him tuo Iuno arrls iii 1977 is making no pierlietions about this year liven ll HII one ol the tour it going to he tiiihelievahle to me ye got enough to do and think about on the shim as it BITTIIERS ROUIIO WIEIIERS MACKERE swms niiiiiEii VARIETY Et149llllllallm 134 SAUSAGE $8169 iiAMS 8149 SALADS 89 49 Leading the list ol IItiIIIIntts this year is Dan Hill who Hll be judged in SI eategories Anne Murray appears iii lIH hut anon attend IlII year Her SlIUIIl ehilrl is due iii about No welzs lande tiiiiiinings iordoii IllLllIIUIl Nitk iildei and the Toronto Imsed group Itusli earli Iiayi loin nominations The awards show ill he tell ymd live Iioiii Ioi onto by lit beginning at in llSl THE SMARTEST THINGS WEAR DONT SHOW Soft Contact Lenses From $18900 We can arrange an eye appointment for you and check to see if youre suited tor contact lenses FIR Mony loci GovMu If fr IIlfjf Tlfyt Al Dunlap SI Dam 737m valuable THIS COUPON IS WORTH 60 OFF THE PURCHASE PRICE OF ONE OZ PKG 725 ORANGE PEKOE TETLEY TEA BAGS COUPON VALID UNTIL TUESDAY MARCH 27 1979 it 1rï¬ THIS COUPON IS WORTH 60C COUPON VALID UNTIL TUESDAY MARCH 27 1979 OFF THE PURCHASE PRICE OF ONE 25 kg BAG ALL PURPOSE ENRICHED MONAROH noun OFF L4L4 THIS COUPON IS WORTH 60 OFF THE PURCHASE PRICE OF ONE I0 02 JAR INSTANT RICHMELLO COFFEE COUPON VALID UNTIL TUESDAY MARCH 27 1979 Ii THIS COUPON IS WORTH 60¢ OFF THE PURCHASE PRICE OF ONE1 LB PKG PRIDE OF CANADA BURNS WIENERS COUPON VALID UNTIL TUESDAY MARCH 27 1979 COUPON VALID UNTIL TUESDAY MARCH 27 1979 tree THIS COUPON IS WORTH 60¢ OFF THE PURCHASE PRICE OF ONE 35 L8 AVG COUPON VALID UNTIL TUESDAY MARCH 27 1979 rï¬ THIS COUPON IS WORTH 60¢ OFF THE PURCHASE PRICE OF ONE 675 PKG CEREAL CANADIAN QUEEN BONELESS OUARTERS COOKED REGULAR UNSALTED FLEISCHMANNS CORN OIL MARGARINE 11935302 OUR REG PRICE 127 Vim 0L0 Houmd Mm Qéréale dc ble cremeusc 6EFRLL CREAMY WHEAT CEREAL BIL OUR REG PRICE 63 DELUXE FROZEN ENGLISH MUFFIN ALORO PIZZA 198 £318 OUR REG PRICE 249 ASSORTED VARIETIES LANCIA PASTA RICHS FROZEN COFFEE RICH ORANGE PEKOE SALADA OUR REG PRICE 205