the examiner Monday Mar 1979 For student problems Adviser always there lifes Editor Claudia Krau with friendly ear Ii IINIIY IItlIIC Student Reporter likc Zuliani divides his week between the llIirtIe and tiiillia campuses of lenrgian tnllegc He sits in II small crIInipcd ott Icc itli one dth IIIitIiig to hear Ii knock on lIIs door Turning to tIIce II student he smiles and says lli thliani ho hIIs II masters degree In couiisell litt from the tniveisity ot tIIlgIIIy Is student IitlIseI tni leoigiIin tollege He turns tiIciitlly and pericnccd titl tn the pro liltllis brought to him by students such problems llltltltlt career choices liicIIk tips of couples and students lio lllt been kicked out til the house by their parents and dont knou IhIit tndn any of the students Ilin conic ZIIlIIInI iie tltll III the dumps nt many of lltiti Illt IhII XuliIIiii IIlcrs tltitt III on llltlllstlts lliosc slitltli IIlio do llIlt II seiIniis tiiin lllllill ptnbii lli ittiIlIIIId to depression are lllt ty pe you llll look nitt lttl Zulmiii sIy leiyoiie through Iiinniciitaiy lns and get vlcpiIssiil Illlttlll one thing oi Iiiinlici IilIInI says Iiylnnu tilll IIIIIsc dcptts siiitt lilt littltLlitI til tlttiies Iontlttpinvlwiiitliepeisnii l4 or stlllltttllt well balanced II IIIIIinI tIIIluic tiIrissioir but so ti goes IIitists iiicoiie tlin eperiences cnII tinuIIl sell doitbt Iibotil small things can become depressed while waiting in line at It grocery check out lXlllttltlll€l Zuliaiii will sit with It stu deiil in his office and let linii oi her talk abniit Ii problem until its out ot the system the end of the session the student Is pretty ell drain ed emotionally he says Its good for them to bare their soul for Iiii hour or so and they feel good doing it replied Znham That is they start to feel good until they think about their pro blenIIIgIIIn ZuliIInItriesIohclptlicstu lent clarify what liis been going on and encourages the student to come back to see him try to give them II reason to lll to come back Students get depressed toi many reasons says ZiilIIiiII Some students who come tn the college are from out of lttll and havetit becn IIIiy lttiiiilioitielicloit loi llltlll llIIirit Is lllt ltig ity Ilicie they dont know their IIiy around and they dont know anyone There Is II lot ol pressure on them and this pressure lll their homesickncss cicIitcs depression lhe piessure pm on students by their parents to do well III school may also cause depression ll lllt lli dividual Is III Ii program ot their parcnts choosing and wants lobe III ditfercnt pro grant tension disappoint iiieiit and depression result It tliestudent is failing III this gt course the depression is tur tliei increased The student gets II feeling of hopelessness helplessness II real feeling of terrorsays ZuliIiiIi Students or anyone llt gets depressed Ill ithiliIiu from the piobleni liiliani asks faculty to look closely at their students and note any changes III students such as complete personality change These changes signs of depression ll II student is depressed his llltlltl will noticc the change ton and ayoid cnii tact till the ltltllltlllttl because he brings them tltlll making the reasons for being depressed worse states ZulIIIiII tieoigiIin tollcgt has Ii tIIIily healthy student body btit an average of one student Ii day comes to ZiIlIIIm tor iltlltt Those students ho lIIiyt II more serious eIiInIIoIIIIt pro blciii are stlil to the nut patient clinic of itoyal Ic totIIIllospIIIIl llIIiiiI lltlt they can be helped by ltltilts sInnIIIs ZIIlIIIIii would like to feel llt Is helping the students Ihn come to see him The tcyytI Ilin hayi tititlllt back In see him tliebettei llIenIItitally Im trying in put myselt ott ot Inrk he laughs may be Named 1979 president of local VON branch ltIiiI llttltll ot iitlllt was recently named president of the ltT board of Iltittlois til the Simcoe tnunty branch of the Victorianttrtlciol tttscs inoldi Ii Kltlils luli nitmiter and tiiistei with the lIIiiie Iiiid ltistrict iiItcd III tcplIitts itll ltoltti til lilllllLIiJNtl ltttiltlt lll be assisted by Paul Mills of Victoria llarboi first Icepresideiit and by Marion tIIiletoii nl lllltill se cnnd ltt president Linda ltls nt ttiIllIIi Is secretary and long loon nt Iirrie is treasurer William titlibms lttH nl lnnIslIl lownship is honorary presi dent The Victorian ttider of Nurses giw professional at home nursing care under the guidance ot II physician the Sinicoetoimty liiIIIIciI tnitiiid III IIth the itlllitltlllilltill of the tollingvml tiiillIII Iind Harrie lJlIItitllts mIidc 3Ltiu home lsllstlltllllL ltiit Youd better like hockey or youre in trouble lililtilti Itl ln titi mi to know the liighligli or lti lllt as II hockey players uifi ilzwl taili llIItIiiltnii Illemu loe IIIIIIith III ivllfl lim Wot bubbled tip as site Local students receive awards These local students were among i2l Georgian College students who received awards recently at ceremonies held at the Barrie campus handy Dryden Iiiid liIIwiIII Ntilson talked to reporter about the life of II hockey wilt lliisliIiiids Al Hamilton Davi Dryden and Jun Neilsnn plIiy tnt the World Hockey sstlt tIoiiSEdmontontiiltis Youd better like hockey oi youre III trouble taili sI You lit to loyt lllt good times yylicii they happen because Iiieyitalily llltlt will ltf rottentiines se7266537 Taxes rise with profits Taxation and how to save money in taxes were the topics for Larry Jones above left and Gerry Voll not shown of Powell and Jones and Co Chartered Accounts speakers at recent United Way receives $530 meeting of the Barrie and District In it Wu Builders Association Voll explains to BDBA president Ray Gariepy right how taxes rise with profits Ex aminer Photo Doug Sutton an assistant manager at Towers Department Store Ltd Bar rie accepts citation on behalf of the employees of the store who raised $530 for the United Ways i979 fundrraising drive Presenting the citation is John Henderson chairman of the United Way board of trustees Examiner Photo Hightech new trend for home decorating lttltttNit itlI Filing cabinets Iis bedside table warehouse skids as coffee tables and laboratory beIIktis as Iises lhIit according to architects Iiiid interior designers is high tech the latest trend in home decorating The term high tech Is Ii play on the yoids high style and technology It Ii nuts and bolts and cxposedpipes technological look sIIys ioIin Kron and hitanne slIsiii of New York who hIie It lllltll II book on it High tech is all the rage in III terior design Iii New York Iiiid now Is catching on In Toronto The use of industrial and coin mcrciIiI eniiipiiieiit Is setn as functional and therefore beautiful nmmercial and Industrial items turning up In liiiliits In day were produced strictly for theirfunctionality If Sliltt liSllIIlllt They were engineered rather than designed for esthetic reasons Kron and Sitsin iny tine of the reasons Industrial chic Is popular Is because It ot ltts II cheap IilteiIiIitiye to high cost custom crafted products Hiile some high tech items are expensive $10m tor II large console desk made ot stove ducts with glass top most are reasonava priced ss Is Ann Landers Medicineflhelps hypertension in 71 Dear Ann Lenders read recently that you testified in Washington before the Select Iommittc on Aging in behalf of additional funding for the detection of high blood pressure Last year you ran terrific column on hypertension lt ac complished something had been trying to do for years get my husband to have his blood pressure checked Thanks to that column he finally went to doctor His blood pressure was so high he was on the verge of stroke lm sure you could save morc lives if you would run it past your readers again Wlll you Grateful Forever Drarttratitut With pleasure Here it is Dear Ann Landcrs This letter may be matter of life and death not mine my husbands He doesnt listen to me because am only his wife He reads your column religioulsy and thinks you know everything George has high blood pressure His doctor has ordered him to lose weight Wthh he has done but not enough He was also told to quit smoking tGeorgt is down to half pack day from two not bad lroblcm He has stopped taking his medicine because the last time he went for checkup his blood pressure was normal When told George to call his doctor and ask If It was OK to stop he shouted dont have to call anybody if get any symptoms go back on the medicine know my husband is wrong Will you please tell him Worrying Sick Dear There is no known cure for high blood pressure but it can be controlled by UNlth ED medication This means the pills must be taken for the rest of ones life The real problem is that 23 million Americans have the disease Ithis is between 13 and 20 percent of the adult population and half of them dont even know they have it because often there are Ni symptoms lntreated high blood pressure can lead to stroke I700000 new cases every year heart disease and kidney failure George if you wont listen to your wife please listen to me Put your car up close to the page so you can hear every word It let your weight down to where it should be t2 STUPSMOKING tfse salt substitute There are good ones available titi You must keep taking your medication or your blood pressure will go up again P1s To all you physicians out there Are you impressing your patients with the Importance of staying on the medication or do you rush them out of your office so you can tct through the staggering list of patients your nurse has ovcrbooked for you And if you male patients complain that the medication re duces their sex drive or products Impotence plcasc lll vestigatc the recent strides made In treating hypertension Drugs are now available that do not haw these undesirable sidecffccts Erma Bombeck Fantasy falls flat Since work from home fantasIc Ii lot on how it would be to climb into the car every morning and drnc Into the citytoanofficeinca tland see me sitting be ind the wheel looking cool my lip gloss simmering and ms solar hair looking like an unmade bed as sip my Spartan breakfast of black coffee from steaming mug Sometimes II man three times larger than his sports car with license plates ItiAtllti pulls new to me and tries to catch my eye but stick shift into low gear and pull off leaving llllii in II cloud of exhaust IthouI thread of hope iii could pull it off After all lm not without creden tials hae transported three dogs to the vet Hlll three children one lll stomach flu and one blowing bubbles from his own sIIlIa in my cart arguing over two windows in the back seat hen an umbrella openwi automatically Its just that the opportunity didnt present Itself until yesterday when found myself in the early morning traffic gniiig Into the city This was my chance to fulfill my fantasy liIin II bnish through my hair put on skirt topped by racket with one nl those tietoot scarts that Just hang around the neck ct came the lip gloss and finally the mug of steaming hot coffee When the motor finally turned titl the ibrIItInn spilled part of the coffee all over the dashboard here It dripped do ii on my leg causing me great pain balanced It on the console and reached tor it It few times but cars were passing me on the rIghI and cutting lll inc time hen shifted fltlilN my entire hand Item Into the cup and sloshed colfee Iill mel the carpet iiice nearly had it to my lips hen the cars In front of me braked suddenly Iiiid got II lap full Ahead could see Ii light it timed it right could put the cup to my lips and look cool Ve Iiiched our way forward Iiiid finally my innnicnt had come brntiglit the cup from my side thieu my hair back Hit the tisSllltKlittSs of Ii woman executive on the move Iiiid started to sip my coffee The light changed The car behind me blew hIs horn Iumped Ii mile The coffee dribbled down my chm Iiiid onto my jacket My scIiit fell intowhat was left of the cold coffee The man In the sports car alongside me laughed until thought he Iould have It hernia drink too much cnftee any way Fillys Pointers Soda lifts Myrna Verwey of RR Susan McLeod of Bar Gary Ruffett of Barrie Kerry Williams of Bar odor in vinyl William Engel of Barrie Michael Squires of Bar enrolled in the civil rie enrolled in the Barrie enrOlled in enOLled enrOlled me second rle enrzuï¬d In me engineering technician survey technician pror Georgian Cpl999 Georglo COllegG Veg al Lesa an Ole opira DEAR llli My vinyl recliner has perspira program has received gram has received the legal secretaria pro mental retardation engineering technology program 05 tion odor that have not bttll tblt to remove with an award from Foh Georgian Bay Regional gram has won me counsellor program has program has received received the ASSOCIO bathroom cleaners or tnl cleaners do hope rametLtd Orillio Group of Ontario Land Kinette Club of Barrie been awarded the the Bell Canada FOOd SeerCGS km mw do Surveyors award award Molson Co Donation Georgian Bay Region and H05PlCllY DEAR RUBY Sprinkle baking soda on damp award Scholarshlp hibitors awardt sponge rub the chair and then wipe off with clean moist sponge If this does not do it try sponging with rubbing alcohol but do test effect on your vinyl first IOLIIY DEAR ltllY My white plastic tablecloth looks like embroidered linen but has several bad wrinkles that were made by packaging it came in do hope someone can help me with this problem HELEN DEAR HELEN Never put an iron directly on plastic but do try putting pressing cloth ovcr your plastic and then iron Hent usually softens such materials If this does not work try dampening the pressing cloth in white vinegar and water solution POLLY DEAR lttlIIIY remove tea Please someone tell me how to stain from It cottonpolyester tablecloth pretrcated it with Ii stain remover before washed It but the stain remained MRS DEAR MRS The usual treatment for ten stain is to pour boiling water through it but since your cloth is pnrt polyester this doubtless would not Sfeven Robinson of Bar Mary Lesage of Barrie Charles DonaldHIH of Judy Gilchrisf of RR Charles Stuart of Barrie Lucie Langlois of Barrie DOW Foreman Of 30 rie enrolled in the enrolled in the legal Barrie enrolled in the Barrie enrolled in the en0ll9d in SOCOIdYEOV enOlledl 19 firSltJr le 9°lled 23113 Suzannaiflcï¬llilnllhï¬xS resort and hotel opera secretarial program electrical engineering secondYear advertising bUSlness OdmlnlSro busness admlnlSmllon general secrelofal Pro chance that the hIiii from tiiundirtiigyour cloth may tion program has been has won the Simcoe technician program has Program has recelVed On has receVed Program has been 9Com has received the have set tin stiitn iou awarded the Blue County Law Association received an award from the lObONS Ontario ROLOFY ClUb 0f Barrie awqrded BYTO KWanls ClUb Mountain Resorts award Fahramet Ltd Orillia Breweries award award Greig Memorial award Kempenfelt Bay award Scholarship