Police chief says Chief Earl Snider involvement key to efficient force By STEPHEN NICHOLLS The Examiner Community involvement and com prehensive approach to police work are the keynotes of an efficient police operation says Barries number one cop Chief Earl Snider is proud of his force and he hasa special philosophy to maintain local law and order Chief Snider has headed Barries police department since his arrival here in March 1976 Under supervision of the Barrie board of police commissioners he directs all city policeoperations Im the coordinator for the whole opera tion said Chief Snider in an interview Im responsible for the efficient policing of the city of Barrie Todays policing is complicated and police force must keep pace with modern technology he said computer terminal in Barrie police headquarters provides access to computer network that links police departments throughout North America It gives us an instant profile oti person who has been involved with the police its marvellous assistance to police said Chief Snider The chief believes in training Officers are continuously given upgrading courses to improve law enforcement skills Weekly lectures on various aspects of police work are also given Certain officers are specially trained The force has fivemen tactical squad to cope with gunplay situations These firearms experts under supervision of senior officer have been called several times but have not fired shot said the chief Four men are trained to deal with hostage taking incidents he said Intelligence operations to combat organized crime have undercover policemen Barries intelligence officers are the only ones between York Region and North liay and they are often summoned to other areas to help out White collar crime where la rgc amounts of money are extorted from people by virtue of some scheme drug and theft rings are the crimes handled most often by the intelligence officers he said One constable recently completed first aid instruction that will enable him to teach other officers said the chief Working with the community is very ini portant to successful police work said hicf Snider Were only as good as they liarrie residentsl want us to be he said We do get excellent cooperation in this city The cooperation rendered here far ex ceeds anything Ive seen in all my years of police work he said But more help is needed if people see anything of an unusual nature if theyre suspicious of anything give us call Let us investigate said hief Snider Despite comprehensive crime preven tion program involving site inspections and advice many Barrie residents are still careless in protecting property Two thirds of car thefts here result from thoughtless drivers leaving keys in the ignition be said Willi Toronto less than one hour away by car this city receives heavy tourist traffic from the larger centre Visitors flock hcrc all year and many crimes can be attributed to nonresidents said the chief Weve found lately if crime is commit ted locally Im talking about major crimes we stand good chance of coin batting it Its more difficult hcn llK transienttype criminals who do it lic said ovoperatioii and advanced help however Fora small force we have tremendous capability said Snider technology The temptation was too great to resist Christa Paulik had to judge for herself what sap tasted like Her conclusion it tastes like water Christa and her family attended recent maple syrup demonstration at Tiffin Con servation The free demonstrations will be held every weekend until April Lnfourweeks CRS to unvefl new unit MIDIIURSI tStafft anal dian Rescue Services will unveil its new mobile disaster unit in about four weeks iary Ioice coordinator said today This sophisticated tiiiit is now being built by ambridge custom manufacturer he said Equipped with ftill radio com munications system an aux iliaiy power plant emergency flood lighting and telephone hookups the trailer can serve as an litlrllltï¬ttllt emergency services headquarters Its it feet by 10 feet in sie and it can be used for publicity displaysIoiccsaid His will lend it to Sinicoc Rescue Squad to take to public events for educational pur poses The trailer can also be used as mobile training centre for students learning rescue tcchiiiiiacs in tltS instruction couises The unit is worth about $20000 said ioice btit ltS will pay oiin about $Irt000 for it He said The llitch House Ltd arr ranged special deal with the ambridge firm First of its kind in Canada the unit should prove to be big help to emergency rescue loice sid it would have been liclpliil on the scene of the Iaii 25 bus tanker trtick accident on Highway 400 when emergency crews worked to remove dead and critically injured victims We could have rolled it to the scene and used it for head quarters for all emergency ser vices said Ioicc ommunicatioiis and co ordination of community ser vices could be centralized from the disaster scene onversion from training centre to disaster unit takes only about to minutes said loicc Board union resuming talks ontract talks between the Simcoc ounty Board of llllll tion aiiil its support staff will rcsumc March 30 the head of the staffs union local said to day letcr Worth president of local liilo of thc anadian lmon of Public lIiiiponcts ttlllilt said negotiator has been appointed by thc proyiii cial minisry of laltoi liititlslt thctalks Worth itlil thc loll iiiciiibcis of the local met last Saturday and otcd iii tator oi slltlyt it incdiation lttll to scttlc thcii dispute ith the boaid oi cduca tion He said the loyal lll hold gciicral nitcunt larch Lt dcpcnding on the lIlllIs of thc ncgotiationniccings llttt wc itc littaily til posi tion to goon lllthtlll ltltll git Worthsaid Setting the strike policy was simply to protect ourselves he said Negotiations began in December and the locals lllillllltlltllltP and caictakci workers have been working without contract sinceJan Worth said thc workers arc asking for ccnt an hour in crease in new one ycar con tract He said the local had original ly asked for $1 30 an hour in Iltlt over two ycar liflllKl but had no icspotisc tioin thi board lhc woikcis lowcicd the figure to SI 10 and still did not gct iiiy wlicrc Worth ittl Worth said the isstic has conic to hcad because of the increasing risc in lllt cost of ll inc and llll fact that thc local was getting tuithci and fur thci bchiiidcycry cni MP says we have too many illllfltlldii llitt ltKl iiiginy problems at the momcii to worry about constitutional amendments tius litic lio gtcsstyc toiisciytiiim Il tot ircy Siiiicoc says In stairincit ttltittl Saturday litgcs Milll too until time Is bciiig spoilt ll constitu tioiial contcrciit am titlllllllil the unilvl ing block llI itlilllllllllil our con stitutioii besides lllll to gci tlic llltiil and proyincial govcriniicnts to aiicc 12 llll with sonic iiiillioiil iiiavlmii battling iiitlation and unemployment now is not the right tuni to go tbioutli thc ctcisc of constitutional fun and Lititiiis lltillttt ittcnduut tlic con problems ltttttccs lll the government of taking lltitt pontits lhis pciciiiiizil coiitioiita tioii sccius to prcdoiiiiiiatc the federal pioyiiicial contcrcncis llltl has inadcthciii fllllilll non productiicaiid llclc OPP charge three youths lllllt Stafti till thcy charged thicc tiuclpli youths Sunday night after in ittciiiptcd break in at lot tcnhaiupharmacy ltiilictl Volpc litttttloll Wilson and lctcr tilynn arc chargcd withnttcniptcrlbicuk tlllltllltl saidpolice tcdcral iway Spreading little Irish cheer Surely on St Patricks Day the younger set has to be reminded of the day Ralph Guinn of Barrie was at King Edward School Friday to give the children in Kindergarten through Grade taste of lrish custom and look at Ireland itself with slides and map Guinn who works at General loses money when he parttime musician Electric says he usually plays for schools because he loses half day pay but added somebody has to spread little Irish cheer Examiner Photo City Editor Ian Mulgrew7266537 Curling club may get off Council told too costly to press by lfy lllIVNISIJVIIlIIJIl If The lIamiiicr lhc liarricturling iliib may not have to pay Mo tcc tor public hall licence Ity administration is icconi mending no action be taken against the club because it would cost too much to take tliciii tocouit lhc mattcr conics belon gcncral committee tonight at in Last year city council passed bylaw to hpr ctitorce lirc ptcyciitioii regulations at pubhchalls inthccity latc last year the curling club rcftiscd to obey the bylaw saying it was not public hall The city asked lan ltowc lawyer to investigate picssing charges against the clttb The question bctlici the curling club is actually place of public assembly within tbc lllaw ilï¬ï¬‚til idnunisttattyi ttltisi llicic arc llltll ways to prove II but ll would bc costly to the tll says Ihc iccoinincn daiioii il Knowlcgt itill today hcwould lic happy tosuppoit thc withdrawal of llll chargcx The club says ll oliiccts to thc by law on piinciplc lhi widciiiiig of LuluId Strcct fioiii llighway too to undlcs ltoad may be one step closci II the coniniittcc sup ports an administrative iccoin iiiciidatioii tonight Admiiiistiation recommends the city ask the proyincial govcruincnt to design titth liiicidditioii tothcstrcct The city could start the pro ctt Ill lllliit liiltil tost would be Siifmooo but the city share of tlic proicct would be $H30oo The province would contributi the rest In addition the city may app Iy tor $3ooo0 subsidy to buy property along thc strip lransit scryicc is also on the agenda for general cotiiinittcc tonight The Jlniinistration Is iccoiii iiicnding bus sciyicc in the city not bcctttiailcd to cut costs tity council wanted to cut bus llllt when it is not heavily used The administration says cut lungI sciviccwouldsayclittlc rctptcsl by liairic laiiutac turcis ssociation to expand bus sciyicc into the liayyicw ltriyc industrial area ill bc amincd lhc idiiiiiiistration llttliltit two iccoiniiiciidations lhc llll would ltllt thc associa tion that the city cant afford law ch expanding its transit now The second is that the city public works committee meet with association members to discuss the lftillil information item front the proyincial ministry regarding ptiblic transportation for the handicapped will be looked at by city council MlVlkt tcguniing July the ministry of transportation and communication is providing 30 per cent subsidy for municipalities opcrating special service for thc phy sical ly handicapped Aid lill Knowles says the scivicc would be gteath for arges Barrie and that the city should support it controversial subdivision plan in Letitia Heights is also on the agenda tonight Alliance Building orp is proposing 104 unit subdivision on land south of Letitia Street and west of Anne Street llanning board has already approved of the plan Residents object to it and say it will ruin the neighborhood and lower the value of their homes The item was discussed two weeks ago deterred because Aid Ross Stephens was on vacation He asked the matter be defer red until his return Trial delayed lrial of former lluronia Regional tcntic resident charged with muidcring two elderly trillia area men was postponed tiiitil March 20 in Supreme ourt lierelhuisday llarris hristopher George Whytc 31 was convicted and sciitcticcd to life imprisonment in March liiTi for the murders of Borden Quinn and James lclastct 7l McMastcr and Qumn who lived about 100 yards from each other in trillia Township were found shot to death Sept 27 1973 Following hearing of the Ontario ourt of Appeal in December new trial was ordered for Whyte who has been imprisoned since 1976 Trial was postponed Thurs day because psychiatrist who was to testify was not ready to proceed said Richard Clarke Whytes defence lawyer Maple syrup season time of hard work low profits but every year resul These youngsters from left to right Kristi Marr Cherrie Baunting Kelley Marr and Bobbie and Gavin Watson watched curiously as sap boiled to syrup at Tiffin Conservation Area 50 began running March The Conser vation area is on Concession of Essa Township about two miles south of Highway 90 Examiner Photo maple syrup demonstration at Tiffin Conserva tion Area isnt complete until youve purchased bottle or two of syrup from Dempsey Snow of the Conservation Syrup prices range from 50 cents for two ounces to i0 for half gallon Examiner Photo ts delicious liy llill€l if The liyaiuiuer Its lot of hard work and profits are low but the results are simply deliclous Maple syrup season has began once again in Sitncoe ounty Saturday about too peo plc attended maple syrup demonstration at Tiffiii onser vation Area near Angus The demonstration included look at the new and the old methods of making syrup lsing the old method it takes about to hours of constantly boilng s5oiiiikc syrup With the new method which uses an evaporation and propane fired finishing stove process syrup can be made in about one hour said ioliii Macham syrup demonstrator More than ooo trees are being tapped at the conservation area Some are tapped the old way with holes drilled into the trees and bucket to catch the sap llhcrs have plastic tubing which transports the sap direct ly from the tree to storage tank in both cases an anti bactcria pill is ptit into the holes To the surprise of most peo ple it takes about 43 gallons of sap to produce one gallon of syrup said Macham Following the demonstration children are treated to free maple candy at the onserva tioiis store Maple syrup can also be purchasHl Prices range from 30 cents for two ounces to $10 for half gallon Free demonstrations will be held every weekend until April it littin conservation Area is on the Eighth Line of Essa lowiiship about two miles south of Highway 00