Mpeblcletices NOTICE TO CREDITORS ANDOR CLAIMANTS All persons having claims of any kind whatsoever against the estate of RAYMOND WILFRED DOUDREAU late of the City of Barrie in the County of Simcoe CNR Employee who died on or about August 5th 1978 are required to file the same with the undersigned solicitor on or betore April 16th 1979 alter Which date the assets may be distributed among those persons entitled thereto having regard only to those claims Which have been filed DATED at Midland Ontario this 13th day of March AD 1979 JOHN GORMAN Barrister Solicitor 518 Elisabeth Street PO Box 626 MIDLAND Ontario UR 2A1 Solicitor for the estate of Raymond Wilfred Boudreau M19 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DIRECT PHONE 7282414 anslfied advertisements and notices for these pages must be received by pm day preceding publication with the exception oI Ousllied Display advertisements which must be In by pm two days prior to publication NINTH NOTICE 3550 ENGAGEMENTS MARRIAGES DEATH NOTICES 40 words $550 Additional words IOcts per word CARD OF THANKS 40 words $550 Addi tional words IOcts per word WMORIAM NOTICES No verse $550 With verse per count line 22 cents per line COMING EVENTS $322 per column inch 24 WORD MINIMUM CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Cash Discount labs apply II paid within days One or two insertions 9Vc per word insertion Three norecutive insertions cents per word In Iertion total 3648 Six consecutive inser tiom BAc per word per insertion total $1224 Multiple insertions may be ordered sublect to cancellation when satisfactory results obtained Method of counting lower that words count as 24 words Each Initial dsbrevlation set at numbers etc count as separate wards PHONE 72844 Route ADDRESS PARENTS SIGNATURE NAME MEJGE CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DIRECT PHONE 7282414 Classified advertisements and notices Ior these pages must be received by pm day preceding publication with the exception of Gustlled Display advertisements which must be In by pm two days prior to publication INTII NOTICE $550 ENGAGEMENTS MARRIAGES DEATH NOTICES 40 words 3550 Additional words to cts per word CARD OF THANKS 40 words $550 Addi tlanal words IOcts per word MEMORIAM NOTICES No verse $550 With verse per count line 22 cents per line COMING EVENTS 8322 per column inch 24 WORD MINIMUM CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Cash Discount Rates apply II paid within days One or two hsertions per word insertion Three comecutive Insertions cents per word In sertien total $648 Six consecutive Inser tions 86 per word per Insertion total 5122 Multiple insertions may be ordered subject to cancellation when satislactory results obtained Method of counting lewer that 24 words count as 24 words Each initial abbreviation set of numbers etc count as separate words ERRORS AND CORRECTIONS All phone Insertion orders are accepted as convenience to the advertisers Therelore the Classified Advertising Department re quires ad advertisers to kindly recheck their advertisement immediately after first inser tion In order that any error or omission may be reported before am In order that same may be rectilled for the following day publication The Examiner ls responsible for only one incorrectly printed Insertion of any advertisement and then only to the extent ol portion of ad that Involves the mlsprint Er rors which do not lessen the value ol the advertisement are not eligible for correc tions by make goods The Examiner reserves the right to classify revise or relect any want ads PHONE 72824 BOX REPLIES While every endeavor will be made to forward replies to box numbers of the advertiser as soon as possible we accept no liability in respect of loss or damage alledged to arise through either Iailure or delay in forwarding such replies however otherwise TF EXAMINER WANT ADS 72824 YOU CAN EARN EXTRA MONEY AND WIN PRIZES roar EXAMINER ROUTES ARE NOW AVAILABLE IN THESE AREAS Phone 7266539 ELMVALE THERESA AMELIA ETC EUGENIA ST VINCENT AREA DRURY LN WELLINGTON ST AREA TlFFNFERNDALE Death Notices Engagements Cards of Thanks minimum 40 words additional words 10 cents per word InMemorIam no verse Verse per count line extra 22 cents Coming Events we SIbhbs WILLIAMS Peter and Linda ot RR Barrie are happy to announce the birth at their son Christopher lbs on Friday Mach 1979 at the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie brother for Bobbi Lyn and Russell grandson lor Mr and Mrs George Williams at Barrie great grandson tor Mr and Mrs Dan Williams at Inglewood Also grandson tor Mr and Mrs Gordon Beames ol Stroud and great grandson tor Nelly Foster ol Lelroy SELLERS gt7 Jim and Susie nee Camp bell are pleased to announce the arrival ol son Phillip James Woodrow on Sun day March tith 1979 at Royal Victoria Hospital Proud grandparents are Mr and Mrs Sellers ol Barrie and Mr and Mrs Percy Campbell oi Alliston Mondays Childislair ollace Tuesdays Childislullolgrace Wednesdays Childislullolwoe ThursdaysChiid hastarto go Fridays Child isloving and giving Saturdays Child works hard for its living And child that is born on the Sab bath Day Islair and wise and good andgay Children hearing this verse by Counter Cullen always want to know which day of the week was their birth date Keep this and other important inlormation lor your childs luture An Examiner Birth Announcement will include the name at your child the day at the week month and year at birth the weight and other vital inlormation printed message can become permanent record in Babys Book or Family Albums The rate tor an Examiner Birth Notice is only 5550 PHONE 21M ISeegegestents BEER JOHNSTONE Mr and Mrs Beer of Oro Station are pleased to an nounce the torthcoming marriage ol their daughter Eunice Elizabeth to Mr Terry Johnstone son at Mr and Mrs Everett Johnstone ol Coldwater The ex change of vows will take place on April 28th at Central United Church Barrie NOTICE Deadline for classified word ads pm day previous noon Saturday CLAPPERTON ST OWEN WELLINGTON AREA AGNES LOUNT STS MULCASTER ST PHONE Clip and send to The Examiner Box 370 Barrie LAM 4T6 EASTER TRIBUTE TO YOUR L0 VED ONES Viï¬th the significance of Easter Day in mind consider an In Memoriam as tribute to your loved ones It is beautilul gesture ol love and evotion to the memory of mother lather wile husband daughter son or those beyond the immediate lamin circle faithful lriend or kin In the sincere hope ol rendering helpful service to those who wish to select an appropriate memoriam notice for Easter time the Classified Department at TheExaminer will publish SPECIAL MEMORIAM TRIBUTES SATURDAY APRIL 14th To ensure that your message appears at this time telephone 72824 or write BEFORE WEDNESDAY April ilth EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 72824I4 Yes would like more information about on Examiner Carrier Wh Ramadas Holiday Inns Sheralins second night FREE International Travel Card JOHN leTH 18 ib 18 IO 41 HERES HOW IT WORKS hotels photograph call the inn directly vatiom Upon arrival semnd nights slay YOUR HOIE aid motel bills In over 300 cities coast tooasi you can choose from participating Hilton Inns Hyalts Nodeways Quality Inns and Travel the Inns regular rate your lirst night and you get the Your personalised membership card and the ln ternational Travel Card Hotel Directory Includes hundreds aI wellknown inns that honor the card You and receive confirmed reser vou present your membership card and Directory There will be no charge Ior your 5556 ssso ssso $3 22 er column Inch SSdsetlts BLAKELY William Henry Harry At the General and Marine Hospital Col iingwood on Friday March lo I979 Harry Blakely in his 77th your loving brother ol Mrs Grace Gibson ol Stayner Mrs Edna Allan at Windsor Elmer oi Toronto and Herb predeceased Sadly missed by nieces nephews great nieces and great nephews Friends may call at the Mathcrs Chapel ol the Robinson Funeral Home Stayncr after pm Sun day Servrce in the chapel on Monday March I9th at Interment Stayncr Union Cemetery BAKER Marjorie lsobelle At the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on Sun day March It 1979 Mariorie Baker in her 69th year beloved wile at John Baker 01 RR Stroud Loving mother at Alice Baker and Mariorie Mrs Beaten both 01 Toronto Jack at Barrie Nancy oi Toronto and Mary ol Stroud Dear grandmother ol Jacqueline John Kim Maryanne and Joanne and one great grandchild Tracey Dear sister at Lena French ol Bellavilla Resting at the Jennett Funeral Home l5 Bradlord St Barrie Visitation lrom Monday at 00 Servrce and committal compliIo in the chapel on Wednesday March Qist at 00 Intermench Line Cemetery BEACH Florence Lynn At IIIL Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on Monday March 19 1979 Florence Lynn Coleman beloved wrlc 01 Allan Beach rn hur 69m year Dear mother at Nancy Mrs Douglas Hrcklrngl and Davrd Dear grandmother ot Lisa Hrcklrnu Graham and Lindsay Bench Diur SISIIT oi Mar Mrs Myrrll Denim Madge Mrs Martin both at BJTIIL Irortu Mrs Ken Hughesl or Giltnrd PrldiliiflSCd by two brothers Fred and Berti Col eman Friends may all at Strcklvy Funeral Home 30 worslry St iinrrrr alter Tursday Funural servrci private on Wednesday Marer lst In terrmrtt Barrie Union Ccmotvry ln Iuu oi tlowors memorial UUIIrIIlOIIS may br In to Trinity Anqlrcnrr lturrtr or Canadian Cancer Sow1y 86 eerd of thanks HINES Many thanks to our tarnrly friends and all those who attended our retirement party it is really nrcc to know one has 50 many IFILTIUS Thank Youaillor ouriovelygrlts Sicn and Min HlnlS 87h memoriam MILLS In loving memory oi Iunr father and grandialhir Rug who poemd away March l9 l97l Your last parting wish We wouldl kc to have hoard And breathed rn your Pa Our last partrno word Only those who have lost Arr ablt to tell The pain in the lIIitTI At not saynq larowoll Always remembered and sadly rtrruwrt hy laughter Carol and UTIIIIII lnlrlrrrr Elarrw and an III II cosh erettts BINGO St John Vionney Hall EVERY TUESDAY $200 Jackpot MTF Spritg Feshioneble lfl Metemity Apparel 71 just arriving tum PRICES A50 MORES UNIFORM SHOP Toronto St 7264401 9om530pm Mon Thurs Sot MWFAl8 Dwrie Horticultural Society TOUR Courtesy ol Trovelwoys tours FREE To Seneca College Toronto to seea musical presentation by Scotts Family Lodge of NEW YORK Bus leaves Wellington Hotel 51DpmMon March 26 I979 Concert pm Home by 1030 pm Reserve with hookers 728 3873 7266798 7288248 Ml9 PUT OUR WANT ADS TO WORK FOR YOU PHONE 7282414 NOTICE Deadline for ciassrired word ads pm day previous noon Saturday xx save hundreds or every year Best Westerns odges You pay Please forward my me annual fee of $3000 Is bershrp Is annually rene Prov PostalCoder Chargemyl MasterCharge BankAmericard Credit Card up on and rm MosterChorgoBonls ExpDote Youve read about this others Thousands of 0N All BILLS Heavy business travelers or vacationers can ORDER TODAY and start saving next week New York Times Money Magaslne Advertising Age and today Tax deductible for Business Travelers patterns Apron Tunic Printed Pattern Yes Indeed youll give thanks for the coverall practicality of this tunic apron on holidays and all other days Its great grit for hostess too Printed Pattern 4835 Misses Sizes 3810 MHZ14 LUB 18 Medium takes 78 yards 45rnch Iabrrc $150 i0r each patterncash cheque or money order Add 35 each pattern for Instclass mail and handling Ont residents add 11¢ sales tax Print plainly Size Style Number your Name Address Send to Anne Adams Pattern Dept The hatter 109 recited Id Souborough Ontario MIR CHANGE The big fashion changes are In our NEW SPRING SUMMER PATTERN CATALOG Dresses tops SIIIIIS pants vests rackets plus $150 free pattern c0upon 36nd 15¢ Ior catalog l3OSwutmSizes 3856 $150 INQuicIEssy TransisrsSl50 128Patchwork Quilts $150 127Rtthans Dollies $150 WHICH DAY IS BEST MNl AY IIUICSIM WEINESI TH URSI AY FRIDAY SATURI Advertisers frequently ask this question Fortunately there is no best day to advertise Each day new wants arise bringing new readers as old ones satisfy their wants We recom mend that you start your ad tomorrow and cancel it when you get results Altar many years of experience will millions of want ads we know tomorrow is the best day to start your ad and every day is the best day to advertise In The Examiner Classilied Sec Phone 7282414 even thousands of dollars mbershlp cord and directory My enclosed understand my mern wable money saver In editorials by The ords already In use Order yours Dr Daniel Salahi demonstrate Graupe of Technology right and research Thoughts cont Illinois Instltute of student Jovod thoughtcontrolled ar tlflclal arm held by Dr Groupe In Chicago The Adrift at sea in crate Boys recuperate from ordeal IiIIlltll IAII Four buys 1an 2i lug iilt rvcnvtrmg from Iihydration illifl exposure iiflti sprnding more than four days Ill refrigerator packing lilli iiilllll III the Alililiirzuiiun lllI Wtit rvmuwl Iirlnls tiny by fislwrrriuu Iluxwrn Ilzillnul null lll sun ililr mulrl uni lllllIVi llltli Il Il1il lhry ipprmirliirl Irv bu liili lxix flouting JIII klllllilllilS ill lllt iiilhl illll £l riulil llilillilL ums illliiruh Iii IrIpirlr Mirrt llll TN ll DID MM mum mu stungin NAME ADDRESS Win Record Player with every new subscriptions you will receive one chance Record Player Examiner carriers for ever 45 rprn single record Sam carries the largest selection of rock disco folk blues country lernational Canadian and childrens records and tapes in Simcoe County boys Iiflid ii to 11 were recovering in hospital gave this MTUUIII The boys ini Lebanese and throw Armenians were playing rm lKitCli Iii Il1 northern Iicrrul suburb of flora last Srilurrlziy Ifltrlllxlll whvn they llill £Iltl largo fibreglass iillt il Illt rlgi if the SiitSlIiliI Instrlv was srruffyr littrlilllil mongrel IIiry lliillXil ITiSIIlI In play Illi llItIliiflilllill1llIIOIILLil ilrr llflt lllllt Ill and gintly lift of draw on lllllfl fewrpm it rol artificial arm the examiner onday Mar 10 1979 18 arm duplicates movement of Salahls arm Elec trical lmpulses from Salohis brain are picked up by skln sensors and are translated Into move ment AP Photo the box Before long the four boys and the dog were drifting out to sea too far from land to swim back At dawn Wednesday the fisherman and his son were dropping tiwrr nils when they spotted while DJULI floating eight kilometres furlhor out As they got closer they were startled to see eight arms WilV In over the ridge of tho crati was little suspicious Hussein said later was Ifliild they were gunmen trying the examiner Currier Boys Girls you can win 45 mm SINGLE PLAY RECORD OF YOUR CHOICE With new subscription orders courtesy of 9mm cANAnAs unacsr AND asstknown Rcoono swans AT THE FIVE POINTS SAMS IIOURS MONDAY TO THURSDAY AM PM FRIDAY AM PM SATURDAY AM PM two new orders that you bring into the EXAMINER you will receive IF YOU WOULD lIKE AN EXAMINER would like to be carrier for and earn weekly income CARRIER ROUTE PHONE 7266539 THE EXAMINER 16 BAYFIELD ST BARRIE 7266539 eseeseeeseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesseeeeeeee i011 vocals classical in THE EXAMINER and win prizes trick me to come closer so they could steal my boat Bringing his boat closer Hus sein and his son were flab bergzislcd Four boys and dog very hungry thirsty and frighten Hussein recalled It was miracle they survived in that thin box in such sons The parents who had almost given up hope travelled to Tripoli 91 kilometres north of Beirut to take the boys home stsesm urn At Issuers