Feds province promise $347M Politicians unsure By RICHARD THOMAS AND DENNIS LANTHIER Of The Examiner Municipal politicians in Bar rie and several townships in Simcoe County say they are still unsure how they can make use of funds which the federal and Ontario governments will make available to the pro vinces municipalities over the next two years Under the new community services program announced Thursday both governments have jointly approved about $347 million in grants and loans which would be used for install ing or improving sewage treat ment facilities neighborhood improvement and municipal nonprofit housing The grant program actually turns into loss situation for Barrie says Gerry Tamblyn city administrator Barrie has never participated in neighborhood or municipal nonprofit housing says Tamblyn In addition the grants for sewage treatment facilities will actually decrease with the new plan Tamblyn says In the past the city was eligi ble for 16 and two thirds grant from Central Mortgage and Houing Ltd it meant that any major project the city wnted to do would be partially through the scheme In the new deal the city will be getting jitst 15 per cent sub sidy from the province representing drop of one and two thirds per cent It turns into negative assessment for Barrie says Tamblyn Some grants carry qualifying factors which make it impossi ble for many municipalities to make use of them said rillia Township Reeve William Calverly Reeve alverley said there are several areas in rillia township which are badly in need of sewage facilities But dont know how much of the funds required would be an outright grant Reeve alverley said he had not yet had time to review the proposed funding but did not think the township would be apr plying for money for nonprofit In aid of reading housing We have nothing of that nature here he said Vespra Township also has no schemes for such housing which would allow them to take advantage of the funds said Vespra Reeve George Buie Reeve Buie said the township uses septic tanks for sewage but would be interested if the funding will cover water ser vice cant comment too much until have seen what the grants entail but there may be something we could use he said ro Reeve Howard Campbell said he would also have seen more information on the grants before knowing whether they have come up with anything we can use Reeve Campbell said the township has not been consider ing nonprofit housing and would be mainly interested in funds for sewage im provemciits along its lakeshore However the township could only benefit if improvements to The students of Barrie Cundles Heights School and the Interested Parents group are doing their share to raise money needed for machine to be used for remedial reading instruction Now volunteer parents are helping the children with reading problem and teachers say the reading machine will help the children Andrew Henstra l4 Grade student guessed the cor rent number of iellybeans in the bowl and he wins the bowl of iellybeans all 863 of them and Wendy Kelly Grade student won the doll Patches by giving her name Examiner Photo town country Hannon replaces Scott BARRIE Norm Hannon has replaced David Scott as president of the Georgian College support staff Scott who resigned on March led the support staff through its first strike during ianuary During the strike Hannon was first vicepresidcnt of the 108member support staff Local 1549 of the Ontario Public Service Employees Union tiSEt Motorcycle recovered BARBIE motorcycle stolen in Toronto three years ago was recovered in Barrie Thursday and city police charged Toronto man with possession of stolen property Police said search of local warehouse controlch by the man turned up 1965 BSA motorcycle rcpoitcdstolcn in Toronto in 1976 The bike is valued at $500 Charged is William icorgc Hecrebout 42 Environment strategy talk BARRIE An environmental strategy for Lake Simcoe is the topic of discussion at the next meeting oi the Simcoe County Chapter of the Association of Professional Engineers of Ontario March 28 at Miramar Gardens Guest speaker will be Steve Saibach supervisor of plaiin septic tank beds were included in the definition of sewage treatment facilities he said Simcoe County Warden Bill Gibbins said at this time he did not know the county could make us of the funds lot of the rural townships do not require sewage facilities he said Warden Gibbins said some of the smaller towna and villages who have their own water and sewage systems might be able to benefit from the funding Warden Gibbins who also serves as Reeve of lnnisfil Township said that municipali ty could use funds to improve its tile bed sewer system along parts of its lakeshore and will belookingintoit He said in the past funds have been short and the grants will be welcome pro viding the conditions of receiv ing them do not burden the municipalities today City Editor Ian Mulgrew7266537 If we have to match dollar for dollar it could be burden Warden Gibbins said Under the new community services grants program the two governments will con tribute total of $1416 million in the 197980 fiscal year Ouellet said The federal government would contribute $516 million in grantsthe Ontario govern ment total of $90 million about $56 million in grants and $34 million in loans LNO BREAKDOWN The provincial housing minister was unable to give breakdown of grants for in dividual municipalitiesbecause not all cities have submitted their proposals for project costs Urban Affairs Minister Andre Ouellet said the federal govern ments contribution in the se cond year of the agreement will be $8585 million Jury convicts Zehr of rape By STEPHEN NICHOLIS if The Examiner Steven Wayne Zehr was con victed of rape in Ontario Supreme Court in Barrie FriA day The 21ycarold Barrie man was found guilty by jury of nine women and three men Zehr was charged with raping Ztvycarold Barrie woman in her Queen Street apartment Nov The jury retired to deliberate about 430 pm Thursday and were sequestered overnight when they were unable to reach decision by 10 pm Deliberations resumed at 1030 am today and the jury brought in the verdict about pm Deliberations were inter riipted about 1230 Friday when the jury asked ot question Mr Justice allon The justice was asked to explain the meaning of reasonable doubt when con sidering the circumstances of the rape The crown said Zehr broke in to the womans apartment and raped her about one Zehr testiticd earlier this week he broke into the apart ment in the early cvcmng but no one was there and he left without taking anything because he was scared prcscntciicc report will be prepared and lie will be remanded in custody until his sentencing April 11 Partridge hunt possible here rillia Staff Simcoe ounty sportsmen may be him ting Hungarian Partridge here in two years The trillia Fish and lame Conservation Club has been working with the ministry of natural resources to introduce the game birds into Rama and Mara lownships Murray Martin chib pro gram chairman said Thursday the project is in its fifth year and the birds are thriving localr ly Hungarian Partridge nativi European birds introduced into tmtario in 19219 were successful in the Ottawa region Ministry of natural resources staff bring in birds from that area and the club releases them in specific locations near rilliasaidMartin These locations are kept secret so hunters wont be tempted hunt the birds he said There is no open season on the partridge in this area said Martin If the bird continues to thrive here there may only be Ministry offers farmers money The federal ministry of agriculture is planning to in crease the amount of money available to farmers for long term loans Agriculture Minister Eugene Whelan said recently iic will soon be introducing new legisla tion in parliament wich would allow the Farm rcdit orpora tion lFCti to obtain funds from sources other than the federal government The proposed amendments to the Farm rcdit Act which has been administered by the for the past 20 years would allow the crown corporation to borrow some of its funds from the private financial mrket Whelan said In order for anadian farmers to have constant and sufficient supply on long term ing and coordination in the water resources branch of the ministry of the environment Slabach is the ministry representative on the Lake SinicoetYouchiching report com mittee Purchase postponed BARRIE The Simcoe County Board of Education has postponed buying nine trucks and vans until it is determined if costs can be cut recommendation presented at meeting Wednesday ad vised the board to buy the vehicles from cntennial Plymouth Chrysler Ltd for $4370688 The boards 1979 budget includes an allocation of $40000 for vehicle replacement Were $3300 over budget said Frank lrothcro trustee Surely there must be one of these trucks that could hang in there for another year he said The board voted to postpone the matter until further checking is done credit it is imperative the cor poration have access to addi tional funds he said Whelan said in recent years more than 05 per cent of the longterm credit extended to Canadian farmers has been supplied by the corporation Since 1973 the demand for longlttcrm agricultural credit has been increasing at rate of aboug 15 per cent year and forecasts indicate the demand could double between 1978 and 1981 to reach $185 billion Whelan said These changes would assist the Farm Credit orporatioii to meet the needs of Canadian farmers more fully even in period of governmental budgetary restraint he said If the legislation is approved it will mean the corporation will not have to worry about running out funds and turning down loans three quarters of the way through the year said Ron Mason FCC credit advisor for South Simcoe and York Region In the past the corporation has borrowed money from the treasury board and the amounts have been cut back several year in row Mason said Mason said last year the federal government raised the limit on what farmer could bor row froin the FCC wich in creased the size of tiic loans but reduced the amount of funds available Mason said the corporation lends the funds to farmers at rate one per cent above that which it is charged on its own loans from the government Mason said the corporations borrowing in the financial market could mean higher charge to the farmers but this has not yet been confirmed The farmers might be sub sidized if the cost of their borrowing increased he said The annual 15 per cent iii crease in the demands for long term loans indicates farmer are increasing the size of their acreage said Bob Cowan secretary of the Simcoe County of Agriculture two more closed seasons llcfore hunting them is allowed he said Hungarian partridge are very hardy and can tolerate the local winters said Martin They live in agricultural areas but seem to be more tolerant than native ring ticck pheasants WW FREE PARKING are BPM FRIDAY AND All iiiiv SATURDAY grants provincial spokesman said that while Ontario has not yet decided exactly how much it will put into the program in the 19801981 fiscal year $130 million would be safe estimate This would mean total of $21595 million for the pro vinces municipalities in the se cond year of the agreement Deadline for submitting pror jects for this year to the provin cial government is May But Bennett said municipalities which to not submit their plans by that date could still receive grants Under the community ser vices grants program the federal government hands over lump sum of money to the provinces which then decide how to allocate the money Previously the federal government had to approve each separate grant to each municipality The fedeal government will contribute total of $150 million to all provinces this fiscal year under the program ucilct said Grants in the 198081 fiscal year would climb to $250 million Similar agreements this year had been signed with New Brunswick and Prince Edward island and were in the works with all other provinces Only one to go to meeting BARCLA iin one of the townships road employees will attend the 1979 Anderson Road school May 09 at the liiivcrsityofiiielph Either Mike liciiipster superintciidaiit of roads and public works or his assistant Fred ilaughton will attend the annual cotttsc Both men previously attended together but this year council decided at lecst one person should remain on the job in case of an emergency oun Kathe lans said iii crcasingly the assistant ac companies the siijwrintciidant wherever he goes and this is not wise practice She said the assistant was hired to take over for the siipcrintcndant whenever necessary Reeve Bill Gibbins said he was reluctant to deprive township employee of chance to obtain more knowledge that could benefit the municipality He said he wasnt sure if it was reasonable to ask one of the men to stretch out the eight year course even further licnipstcr informed council he could be back in lnnisfil within two hours in casc of an emergency and would check in with the department frequent iv the examiner Saturday Mar 11 1979 Finding out cooking is fun Children in the junior division of Barrie Cundles Heights School found out cooking was fun Thursday as they made popcorncaramel balls after school The afterclass program is for junior and intermediate level children teachers say Vivian Campbell i3 Grade student right helps Donna Lynne Greer bag her popcorn ball to keep her pockets clean when she takes her creation home Examiner Photo Health unit says people unaware Hy RICHARD Tilt if The Eamincr llcalth everyone is concern ed about it especially their it But most Canadians arent aware of just how much is be ing done to ensure their good health says thc head of Simcoe ountys health unit We benefit from certain quality of life around as but most people take ll for granted says Dr lctci Wat MUNICIPAL WM Taking break Its the cheapest way possible to move 20 right as he and his partner Ralph Carter 20 both of Barrie do some your furniture says Bob Nahorney public parking The duo carried most on Dunlop Street to their new abo David Burcsik of their furniture from an apartment de on Maple Street Examiner Photo by son medical otticcr for the Simcoe County liistrict Board of Health This quality of life or the general health of the public in Simcoe toiinty is the respon sibility of the health unit one of +l established across the pro vince tinder the ministry of health sayslir Watson And the average citi7en he says is not aware of how much is being done for him in the field of public health it is basically an unknown service Ieople dont realize how much work goes into it sayslir Watson With permanent staff of about 90 the health and serves the entire county including the citicsot Barrie andtirillia lnlike hospital which is more concerned with the health ot the individual the health unit is concerned with the health of the community says Dr Watson it there is any threat to the health of people it is my responsibility as medical ofr licer to identity the problems and run programs to protect them licsays Controlling epidemics infcc tioiis and contagcoiis diseases is one of the major functions of the liilll winch has ongoing iin liltllllltlllttll programs through out the schools says Dr War flll its epidemiology department works constantly to identify contagious diseases and discover how they spread while the nursing program im plciiicnts preventative measures through its contact with the pubic he says lint this is only the tip of the iceberg as far as the health units battle against disease is concerned Working out of its inspection dcpaitiiicnt II health inspecr tors are constantly nosing around the countys schools restaurants bakeries dairies and supermarkets to ensure food preparation handling and storage meet the standards set down by the Public Health Act Any situation which might pse threat to pubic health from food sold by concession at local firm to the installa tion of septic tank on private property falls under the responsibility of the inspectors says Dr Watson Even barbershops and beauty salons are inspected to ensure combs and brushes are proper ly disinfected he says However protection against possible disease is not the only preventative measure practis ed by the health unit Under its dental home care and nursing programs the health unit also offers educa tional and informational ser vices screening for physical problems especially among children and care for the sick The nursing program not only offers services such as prenatal classes for expectant mothers and physical examinations for preschoolers age tour to five but also its staff keeps close contact with cases of emo tionally and physically han dicapped children in the schools While the dental program concentrates on educating the younger children in dental hygiene the home care pro gram deals with the sick who requirc recuperative nursing Under the home care pro gram patients who have been in hospital can return to their own homes and receive nursing care or therapy arranged by the health unit Dr Watson says The health unit contracts the services of the Victorian Order of Nurses tosuppiy this care he says To maintain this variety of public health services the health unit has budget this yearof $18 million The provincial gpvernment pays 75 per cent of sum and spends about 13 per cent of its total health budget on com munity services Dr Watson says Canadians do not realize the advantages they enjoy until they visit some of the less developed countries he says Province considers stocking lake Auld Hrillia lStalfi The ministry of natural resources may stock Lake Simcoe with whitefish this year said Resources Minister James Auld lhiiisday Auld told local sportsmen here declining whitefish impulations iii the lake are cause for acute concern Ten years ago the whitefish catch was 170000 in the winter of 197778 it was down to 4000 More favorable weather locally may have made the catch siiadc bigger this winter but the age of the fish shows the situation is still precarous said Auld tonservationist have sug gested whitefish hatchery be developed but the ministry is not prepared to begin such an operation he said in theory at least this might be means of staving off extinction of the species in the lake while we are tackling the more basic problems of water quality said Auld There are though some technical questions connected with feeding that would need to be resolved irst Auld told Orillia Fish and lame Conservation Club members members whitefish spawn was collected from Lake Simcoe in November ztt