1a the examiner Saturday Mar 979 7282414 mm FRALICK ALUMINUM RR No Strand 4361830 Kaiser Aluminum Siding Sottit Fascia Windows and Doors Call now for tree estimate 4361830 TThSTF KAISER ALUMINUM Siding Sottit Fascia Windows Doors Eavestroughing Free Estimates Workmanship Guaranteed 4361585 trimsAlp ELECTROLUX Canada Ltd authorised Sales and Service Free Home Demonstra 1193 1A8 Alliance Blvd unit 72837312 RIDING BARRIE BOOKREEPING 55 Dunlap St West 7263022 Bookkeeping and payroll Reasonable prices Owned and operated by chise Owner TThSMy26 and CATERING To All SIMCOE COUNTY BOWLING BANOUETS DRIVEWAYS PATIOS SIDEWALKS ETC ALSO ALL HANDYMAN AND REPAIR WORK CALL PODEWILS 7269559 TThSTF DRESSES FIT it made by JOSIE AOUINO Specializing In pantsuits gowns and altera tions 42 Euknb St Phone 7266611 ALTERATIONS 10 Dresses coats mm Women and children Downtown area Te one720ONI MARCH SPECIAL PHOTOCOPIES EACH WHITE OTHER SIDE EXTRA COLOR STOCK EXTRA SH 0R UN OFFSET COPY PRINTING WOUPLICATING SERVICES 192 BAY lELD ST BARPIE ONT 7260955 SUPERIOR EAVESTROUGHING SPECIALISTS roofing and rooting repairs Sheet meto work Martin Verstraten New Lowet 4241956 iv Stewart Electronics Repairs to TELEVISION usiness Director gtgtNeed help Just look over the ads below The ad vertisers listed are experts in their field and will assure you of thetinest iob possible FIREWOOD FIREWOOD seasoned mo Ia and ash Delivered Frank Hirschtel Shanty Bay 7339357 SPRING CLEANUP Windows storms removed cleaned Home yard cleanup ORubbish removal small moving iobs Exterior painting repairs LOCAL4873141 Ju7 GEMRAL REPAIRS renovations rubbish used Iurniture and appliances removed Earwiry PJC°9°d 439 55 HOME IMPROVEMENTS CONSTRUCTION House raising loun dations renovations additions Phone 4362955 otter pm NETNEIIN CARPENTRY 5338310 in terior work Rec rooms kitchens bath rooms panellingtinish work 7769007 CARFENTER ruuv EYFENIENCEDVVJIIN renovations cedar decks bathroom tiling Telephone 7261271 TERS lully enced On all interior or exterior additions or alterations Kitchens bathrooms 7762451 ACTON IOOKKEEPING TAX Personal and business returni9am to pm STAN KNICELV MASONRY Brick block and stone work chimney re ir Fireplaces WP9F£9M9L 9524315159 GUITAR LESSONS Classical and Popular 3118 Pavin9vi1955vdjvv 7761999 ACCORDION guitar piano organ begin net and advanced Two months trial mstru ment loaned tor home Academy at Music 1718 PAINTING VELLNGA PAINTING and decorating In MAKE YOUR ideas reality Custom carved wood signs BusinessResidence KNOCth ON WOOD 48755319 am STOW BLOWING KARL FORSTL SNOWBLOWING Driveways parking lots sidewalks etc Reasonable rates Phone 7785791 Barrie PAULS SNOWPLOWING Three trucks tor prompt dependable service at competitive rates Call Paul 7373064 Man SNOWPLOWING ResIdOntlal and small commercial Reasonable rates Fast ciegrdoble service Call Larry 7764599 BILL ALLAN SNOWPLOWING Reasbnable rates Radio dispatched 24 hour service Telephone 7372892 TONYS suownOvaNE Reasonable 74 hour service Radio dispatched Residen tialandformmercial Call 7265217 REICHEN SNOW PLOWING 688 Snowblow in Reasonable rates Contracts seasonal orLchanup Call72765666 gt DRIVEWAYS ONLY SNOWPLOWING 74 hour service Reasonable rates Call anytime Painswtck 7377771 YOUNG MAN will remove snow trom roots Prompt service Reasonable rates Call 7207558 LL STUCCO types INTERIOR EXTERIOR ORDER NOW tor spring and summer completion FREE ESTIMATES RUSSELL TEXTURE SPRAY 7284392 TThSJu14 TV AN RADIO REYNOLDS TV RVKE Repairs 00 color block and white TV stereos etc All was PRIVATE PARTIES STEREORADIO gmpéggmhyzmn 33521333 Er MoogLumm WEDDINGS ome Eiecironac Equipment unusr PAUL Our SpeCIa ty 51 cusrom USHOLSTERY leaenable ROAST BEEF PAINTING Maggy am 22 Paper hanging Mura Interior and exterior VINYL TThsM15 FIBREGLASS REPAIRS nammss REPAIRS boots snowmobiles Free Imales L°w role Sgï¬ilLSLMJEVM anything tiberglass Free estimates Low Fast service workmanhlp guurunnd Satisfaction guaranteed ALLIET RPlACEs 7371295 CHIMNEY SWEEPS mm mm WELL DRILLING NO MESS tree estimatel pm 773199 DEN SlESLING PROFESSIONAL PAINTING Residential Farm Cottage No Fuss cusom musa carsZim 3118837122295230239868 rm esmwes REASONABLE 01310275230072532 11 maar$zm GEORGE sutE mum 7267693 or 7263820 mm 7372871 AAV gee estimates JACK RICHARDSON Riwoon Tutti FRAMING in mintsA2 OAJESI 82 Dunvlyp St hEast Custorr ranting types stoc many sizes Phone 283770 CHIMNEY 050 EXAMINER mm FACECOR $3 4589 FFREE DELIVERY 65mm WANT ADS lngs ecoralive wa app on poster or 4872113 753 ii PHONE 7282414 32 cars for sale 32cars for sale 34 truclrs and trailers 40ertIcIss tor sale 32carslersals 1977 HONDA CIVIC HATCHBACK tour specd 45000 kilometres new paint very clean Asking 57800 certitied Telephone Ken 778 1775 1970 FORD LTD door automatic power steering and brakes $750 or best otter as is Telephone 778 9373 1975 DODGE Charger Special Edition two door air conditioning 63000 original miles excellent conditoin 53000 Telephonend 6701 I970 MALIBOU door automatic low mileage on rebuilt motor AMFM stereo selling certilied 31000 Telephone 776 3177 1971 VOLKSWAGEN Very good condi tion $300 uncvrtilied Call evenings 436 5548 1970 PONTIAC tor sale door 350 motor runs well needs lender and hood 3150 Telephone 737 7997 1975 DODGE DART SWINGER automatic sulvcr with black interior in good condition $7500 or best otter Telephone 776 1471 between 10a and 1973 TOYOTA COROLLA 1600 50000 miles condition certilied great gas mileage$1500 Telephone 835 3447 1978 TRANS AM live months old many extras 16000 kilometres Telephone 474 6484 or 474 6566 evenings or 474 1700 local 7377 days 1971 MATADOR in excellent running condition Six cylinder 87000 miles $750 as is $375 certilied Telephone 778 7738 alter pm or anytime weekends I976 FORMULA FIREBIRD 50000 miles automatic AMFM radio track alt gauges Bucket seats In good condition Phone alter pm 416 779 7677 1971 MERCURY METEOR two door Clean good body will certily $600 Telephone 776 5574 1979 JEEP CHEROKEE SIX CYLINDER automatic radio must sell Telephonc 7761516 tor lurttler in tormation 1964 CHEVY II 851andard best at ter 1971 PLYMOUTH tour door automatic V8 best alter Telephone 377 7961 33cars wantedto buy JUNK CARS WANTED Highest prices paid Same day pickup Holt Auto Wreckers 7768711 TOP PRICE tor top cars Toke Motors Limited 119 Bradlord Street aarrie 728 8I11 WANTED ltean used cars Barrie Hon da Auto Sal 17 Gowan St 776 6488 SCRAP VEHICLES WANTED Top prices paid Frecimmcdiate pick up any time 436 2900 14168842772 74 TIIRD leaded 60000 IL nevi pin A1 Lit OER711 $2925 74 VOLVO Wagon spd lav atlases It DEE577 $2425 75 DATSUN Wagon spd lee tnleage Lic OCR040 $1925 74 AUDI dr aets 39000 MI AT Lic OER777 $2295 74 CENTURY dr aete 57000 mi Llc NOO433 31075 74 MUSTANG V6 spd 44000 MI Llc OCP603 $1025 74 LEMANS db 50000 II Llc OER090 $1705 74 VOLKSWAGEN sunroof 44000 ll Llc OER710 $1025 74 DUSTER st A1 49000 ll Llc OER099 $1725 73 LEMANS 6n 49000 III lit OCP934 $1295 75 FORD Pickup no rest AI Lic K6932 $2395 74 ECONOLINE V0 Ian ntleege Lic DER507 $1925 RAINBOW USED CARS 11160 Yonge St RICHMOND HILL 33 cars wanted to Ituy SPRING SPECIAL TRACY wants cars Full 5119 cars $30 picked up Full sum $40 Draught in Bonus tor extra large cars 776 8487 COLE BROS Cars and trucks WANTED tor wrecking Fast pickup Phonr 435 6377 days 424 5949 evenings CAR OR TRUCK wanted Four or 51x cylinder automatic or standard Cur titled Chevy Nova Valiant Dart Hornet Gremlin or Datsun 510 Also or ton truck Will pay up to $1000 Call Clark 737 1735days 34trucks and trailers 1976 FORD 350 V8 tour speed stan dard power steering power brakes heavy duty suspension dual wheels 17 ll platform with racks Very clean Telephone 776 9998 1977 CHEV CARAVAN lully insulated long box 37000 miles heavy duty suspension AMFM radio 304 au tomatic Excellent condition Asking $6000 487 7006alter5pm 1969 JEEP J3000 ton pickup tour wheel drive hilow range Myers etcc tric plow and EILCIliC winch Telephone 474 5460 1974 DODGE VAN Cylinder automatic asking $1500 or best alter Telephone 4361773alter DODGE 1975 one ton duals 17 tool in sulated box Thermo King rector 701001 insulated box with Thermo King roeler Telephone 737 3047 1978 GMC TRUCK VAN One Ian 14 aluminum box 350 engine Roll up door Plywood lined plywood lloor Low mileage 3391 miles Telephone 435 5373 1978 FORD F150 Supercab Many extras $6395 or best otter includingcruisocon trot dual tanks step up rear bumpers powder steering optional gauges Telephone 474 0738 1978 DODGE MAXI VAN powor steer ing and brakes lined and insulated 76000 kilometres certillcd $5700 tirm Telephone 436 3183 1975 FORD TON with small camper 303 motor power steering and brakes excellent condition Telephone 778 42158 Ernest Arnold6l Donald St 1977 DODGE VAN 31000 kilometres power steering power brakes 318 no pollution lactory installed swivel chairs sunroot copper wood tloor Telephone 737 1089 1971 GMC Delivery Van Nrw paint wnll tunished interior insulated skylights propane turnacc Make good camper or mobile Olllll Asking $1500 1974 lTODGE tu equipped camper van 58000 mile cyl std trans Very good condition Cerlitted Asking $7800 776 7571 1969 DODGE ton pick up tour Whlil drive Lock out hubs V8 tour speed Truck 15 in rebunt condition CCFIlYIQG $1600 or best ollcr Svrtous ITIQLIIFIOS on ly please Phone 487 5751 1966 FORD HALF TON V8 automatic good condition 3600 TulopnonrU 3707 I974 CHEV ONE TON C110 Snrns tow truck 377 Standard power steering power brakes Dual wheels CompIin unit 776 0161 35 service and repairs CAR REPAIRS Avoid repair ripoils For tree information on car and transmission troubles write Cettsuntsr Homatlan Centre Histry at Consumer and Cont tstsrchl Relations 555 Yens Street Toronto Ontario M7A 2H6 M17 37motorcycles 1978 CAN AM 750 MX3 very last 31000 or best otlnr Plus 4x4 CHEVY Blazer 53000 miles 35700 or brist ollIr 776 8491 I977 350 HONDA saddle bags roll bar windshield 17000 miles Asking $600 Also I973 350 HONDA Upswnpt pipes 4000 miles very good condition Asking $600 SIBsnowmobiles ARCTIC CAT SIDWMDDIIES ACCESSORIES Sellet SPORT HAVEN MARINE Shanty IeyRI Barrie 1761001 M18 Slnqlr Very low Telnphono I975 SKIROULE Model 5300 cylinder Excrllrgnl condition mileage Make an otlrr 436 27l4 1977 TNT 340 as is t974 ME RC 440 as is both tor $1700 CGE humidilinr 575 Telephone alter 630 rn 778 6397 1969 ARCTIC CAT PANTHER new track good COTIUIIIOTY needs engine workSl95 Telnphone 778 7415 40 erticss for sale Xl100 20 Color Portable TV ile 466 Pay must SAweek No payments till May 79 Phone tonight tor delivery tonight KRAZY KELLYS 46100NLOPSTN 7371182 TF INCREDIBLE For only $650 week you can buy this 76 RCA XLILK Spanish console colour television Put no money down and start payments in May 79 Phone tonight and take tree delivery tonight KRAIY lELLYS 461 OUNLOP ST 7371102 TF lNDOOR SHOWROOM lull Silcd pools on display Come in today or call 776 4606 tor Nov 37 page booklnt ol Inground and above ground pools Pioneer Pools LliIYIIIrITlplrIIcI PENTON MOTOR bikn 175 S700 Yamaha Iromtmnu tlmnst now $175 Lac TOSSI SYI $5 Phnnr 776 6365 ROOM DIVIDE With planter box Wllll rollers 7011 long by It high Bayshorc Hotrl PIANO BABY GRAND throughout SIISO all 416 781 I796 NAME BRAND Mattresses at discount DTICES Odd Sims madr to ordor Barrit Mattrvss 15 Dunlop East Downtown Barrio COMMERCIAL AIRCONDITIONER 10 ton 3phase water cooled with dual compressor $1500 Cd JIM 7372432 TF SWIMMING POOLS T0 RENT Will leash and install tor homeowners lamin sum aluminum swrmming pools with patio Choice ol styles meeting all tenc inc regulations on one two or three year rental basis with option to own Try bolorv you buyl Call toll iron 800 268 5970 BARRIE TENT and Awning Company prowdris omplete repair service on tarps traitors tents and awnings Bo rrady tar spring act now avoid the Inlay Telephone 776 6437 Barrie Tnnl and Awning Company 34 Baylleld St downtown FRIDGE STOVE Special buying allows lower pricing EXAMPLE 5660 both for Compare then visit IAIRIE TV APPLIANCES 00 DUNLOP 7204297 TThSA3 FURNISHINGS CLARKS HOME WAREHOUSE ANNEX has good SLIOLIIOTT ol good used stoves rrrlrigarators and washers recondition ed and guaranteed 30 days Used chustorlieid sets IILSIS dressers chairs kitchen sols plus many other itcns Im low pricrs will surprise you 33 BaytIcld Street downtown PINE FURNITURE custom made solid wood turniture reasonable rates Calico tables diningroomlabtosctc 737 1039 SEWING MACHINE Singer Svtectric1 year old Iruc arm cabinnt chair Built in buttonhollr stretch stitches including blind hem PaideSO Sacrilice $3001irm 458 9109 qunnus FREEZER tor sale chest typv 77 Cubic turt Viscount in very good condition Asking $160 ILIIDIIOIH 436 5095 MOVING all household turniturc Anti our and modern in A1 condition plus china rocks picture tramps mirrors tools gardening tools and numerous other articles Tollphon0436 543 BUSINESS SOLD EVERYTHING GOES nracocks ADIIIIULS and used Iurnilurcn 11 Yongi SIroLt mile south ol Barrie Hale starts Saturday March I71h Sun day March 18th to days only Thousands 01 articles to sell No reasonable otter relused TWO 40Itlclss for sale 30 OFF New 26 0x100 colour TV In crates tor lust $59995 or pay 06 weekly on our weer renttoown plan No monev down now payments till May 79 Phone tonight delivery tonight RRAIY IELLYS 401 DUNLOP ST 737 10 SWIMMING POOL MANUFACTURER has new 1978 Pools regular price $219000 now at our all season speclal ol $1355 00 Pools come with walk around deck patio tencing pump motor and litter delivery arranged to your conve nioncr For best selection and lnlorma tton call toll treat 800 768 5970 SMOKE GIASS TOP Coltec and End tables excellent condition also mat ching table and swag lamps Telephoni 726 7866 BASEMENT SALE and assorted household goods too numerous to list Saturday March 17th Sunday March latttallday4CamplireCour1 Barrie FOR SALE OFFICE EQUIPMENT Kodak 140 Carousel slide projector Phllips 313 Codeaphone Olivetti logos 41 PO calculator Sony beta max SL 8700 vice cassette recorder Paymastor cheque writer unused with insurance desks secretarial chairs table 30 Polaroid land camera Smith Corona 770 electric typewriter Fountain coin operated collce mahcine typewriter desk tiling cabinets and storage cup board Call 776 7400 or 737 3736 alter 40 CHANNEL CB Eversonic is anten na power converter 50 It at coax 3150 complete Telephone 737 7997 STEREO COMPONANTS AMFM recrivcr duel 1015 turntable in mahogany cabinet with matching ex ternal speakers Asking $300 or best 01 ler Telephone 776 7463 YASHICA TWIN Ions retlex camera couch chair desk lootstool caller table rug bed metal bed trame dinette set lamps book case night table101nch reel to reel tapes 70 gallon aquarium equipped two mens 10 speed bicycles 776 $160 alter pm CHILDS TRICYCLE like new $20 childs tractor good condition 810 Telephone 737 0077 PIANO Mason and Risch 47 upright Four years Old 31000 with bench Ex cellent condition Telephone 436 5645 NEW PC KITCHEN SUITES trom $6999 pc ilvnng room suites tram 579999 NEW and USED FURNITURE and APPLIANCE STORE 707 Dunlap Street West iust west 01 the Barrie Arena 737 4774 Closed Mondays PACAOE For lust 3399 you can own this new JVC stereo component system This package hdudes JVC recetver JVC turntable and apolrolASepeakersorpaylustflJS wedlty on our rentloom plan Phone tonight delivery tonight MY mm 461 ST 73702 USED REFRIGERATORS tram 04999 used electric stoves tram $7999 NEW and USED FURNITURE and AP PLIANCE STORE In Dunlap Street West In the tarmac Unclaimed Freight Warehouse 717 4774 Closed Mortdeys USED KITCHEN SUITES pa 07999 Washer spin dryers 06999 automatic washing machine 040 NEW eND US ED FURNITURE end APPLIANCE STORE In 01min Street lust west at the Barrie Irene 717 4774 Ctuea Martan BRAND NEW 54 INCH Du or mettressestremva lac table sets tram 8900 tEW end USED FUN NITURE one APPLIANCE STORE 002 Street in he turner unclaimed Freight warehouse 7314714claaeaManaeys smoce 116 no rumors lure sewing machine my 0114 Vacuum cleaner tram Save at git modiï¬es Mina lnasr St Sole tan Sheer qulno me 197571 FT TAURUS cabin Weller lull east oped sleeps Nearly new may 3141 TWO MENS 10 speed bicycles tor sate twin Dad who baby clothes Telephone 717 0226 VERTICAL GSW air conditioner 8Tu years old recently cleaned and overhauled 8275 Telephone 4740511 ELECTRIC STOVE inch Molten with timer etc tn mint condition Telephone 774 5035 alter pm BLACK AND DECKER DewIt 10 power deluxe radial arm saw with steel stand Used only tow times 025 or bestotter 03117769538 76 IN SPANISH DESIGN three year old XL 100 color console Excellent condition Asking $500 telephone 7766430 ELECTRIC TYPEWRITER Smith Corona hardly used ottice desk and chair tiling cabinet Telephone 436 1947 I977 MASSEY FERGUSON tractor with manure loadcr Price negotiable with or without point hitch attachments Rototillcr Jakos and Hayes seller with gold velvet Collectors Item gun Cnntcnnial modrl 30 30 l979 440 Yamaha snowmobile in mint condition Call 776 0065 tor more details ask tor Joel 41boats and motors GULL ROCK MARINA miles no1 at Barrie on Lake Simcoe Larweon 5th 6th at Ora CERTIFIED MECHANIC ON DUTY Your authorized Mercury Outboard Mercrulser Dealer AU2122 RES 7260032 Ju2 Sailing Supplies Rope hardware rigging Pringles Marine Ltd 438 West St north Orillia 3751713 1977 CAPRI DEL UXF Poterborough on Iy 70 hrs Deep hull 750 HR Marc 10 power sleertng hard top Full camper back twin berths mini gallery Length 73 $17000 Phone 474 9870 47articles wanted LOGS WANTED Pine spruce hemlock etc with large diametros Bldlng with Logs Ltd 776 1966 evenings 778 5800 WILL BUY house contents or any usotul items or will trade Telephone 778 I311 CASH FOR OLD FURNITURE books dishes old pictures clocks odds and ends Pro 19Soitrms 778 8734 CAMERA WANTED 15 mm AGFA Ambi silltle camera in good condition Tclophom 778 6337 USED AUTOMATIC WASHER With suds savor loss than 10 years old Telephone 474 5089 CANADIAN SILVER COINS bulort I967 American bolero 1964 No collection too large or small Canadian stamps old watches postcards iewellcry 7761661 cvunings 776 3167 itildogs and pets BARRIE POODLE Salon Shampoaing and clipping at all brands Sophia Street East 776 4141 POODLE TRIMMING prolcssianal grooming all breeds pick up and do livery 776 8798 Pet Studio TROPICAL FISH Best selection in town Aquariums all sizes at unbeatable prices Evenings and weekends Edgv hill Aquarla 143 Ardagh Road 776 0094 MAYS POODLE PARLOR Protes sional clipping and grooming Chargex accepted Phone 776 0061 BEAGLES temales tour months old purlbred dewormnd shots pot and hun ting stock partially tramrd Telephone 833 7949 REGISTERED FEMALE DACHSHUND six months Excellent With tuidrtn $100 with papers Telephone 718 6933 KEESHOND PUPPIES excollvnl show possubilitics vet serviced tattooed ready April 151 Please telephone 705 375 9777 POMERANIAN PUPPY live months old tomato white purebred dewormed Telephone 776 5454 LABRADOR PUPS black and yellow registered shots dc wormed ready to go Telephonel 435 4777 Alliston EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 7282414 47 has Impresstents 33 BETTER BUSINESS BUREAU Glass Aluminum Frame Vinyl Thermal Break Sryrotoem insulation 118 Thick Thermal Removable Sliders Insect Screen Essy Cleaning STORM WINDOWS AND DOORS QUOTATIONS ON REQUEST Maintenance Free One Day Installation Cut Fuel Bills Any size or design SPECIALIZING IN ANY THERMAL REPLACEMENT BOW WINDOWS BAY WINDOWS PATIO DOORS SOLID WALL CUT OUTS FOR PATIO DOORS STORM DOORS AND WINDOWS ALUMINUM SIDING SOFFIT FASCIA EAVESTROUGH WW STORE FRONTS PATIO DECKS WARDROBE DOORS FREE ESTIMATES NO OBLIGATIONS WE SERVICE AND INSTALL WHAT WE SELL OUA UT WORKMA NSHIP ALL INST1 LLA TIONS FAST DELIVER WELL INSULA TED mt KEEP THIS AD ORDERS PLACED FOR OR MORE WINDOWS RECEIVE FE OFFER GOOD TILL MARCH 31 1979 BARRIE 7281202 41hsshsrevsesets Es SINNG and SOFFIT SYSTEMS Reynolds 47 Itonte Improvements BUILDING TRADES Fixing up your home For tree information on how to avoid ripalts when youre renovating installing siding insulating or paving your driveway write Mr Herarise Centre shy at Consumer 14 Catn uecht Relations 555 Tongs Street Tweets Ontario MTA 2H6 M17 54service and repair TELEVISION REPAIRS also repars to stereos etc Quick etliclont guaranteed service within 30 mile radius ol Barrio all STEWART ELECTRONICS 778 9457 57iivestock tor sale WANTED DEAD or crippled larm animals tor tree removal Call anytime Collect I705 376 9743 Simcoo Recycling HORSE BOARDING largo box stalls daily turnouts New Lowell area For moreintormationcalt4741717 REGISTERED Arab Welsh pony 141 Eleven years Pony rlubid 000d Iumpor vary quict Asking $900 716 1770 alter 7p EIGHT YEAR OLD standard brId thoroughbred gelding 163 hands high has been shown successlutly at approved shows good mover bold Iumper 7761581 s9pouttrychicks DEKALB READY to lay outlets Farm trash eggs Lavina cages tor sale Craig Hunter Poultry Farms4361811 60iecdseedgrain FOR SALE Good mixed hay 75¢ per balc TelephoncEtmvale 377 1355 HAY FOR sale good quality Telephone 770 7677 ATTENTION DO YOU HAVE THE LATE WINTER BLUES FEEL TIRED AND RUN DOWN WHY NOT CALL DOCTOR SIDING For Spring Check Up May it so last FACE LIFT er connm OVERHAUL Get that lit16 new fruit look with ALCAN ALUMINUM Call HURONIA ALUMINUM PRODUCTS for free estimate JOHN HYNONEN 4361687 WE MAKE HOUSE CALLS TAP ALUMINUM INSTALLATIONS SUPPLY AND INSTALLATION OF Reynolds Aluminum SIDING SOFFIT FASCIA EAVESTROUGH SHUTTERS FREE ESTIMATES PHONE 7288176 ALLISTON 4357974 TOTAL HOME IMPROVEMENTS DIVISION OF 380862 ONTARIO INC 47 heats improvements AN Utopia Ont M1617H 60h seed and grail QUANTITY OF HAY tor salv Allalla and Timothy YTle Telephone 519 978 5746 7000 BALF OF HAY tor sall Ielrphonv 705 534 7690 anytime 1000 BAL straw and 500 bales ot hay tor sall Apply Mrrvm Booth RR No Strand tilophonr 436 1011 1700 DALES OF STRAW mostly whrat straw approximately 4000 bales lirst cut ttay no rain International row cyclo air corn planter No 400 years old in anodcondition 436 4770 64tarm machinery MASSEY FERGUSON I65 IIPSLI trac tor good condition Inw hours Telephone 705 534 7690 anytime 65Atarm machinery wanted WANTED USED Italv elevator np 60 personals GINSENG AND YOUR HEALTH It you value your health you shold know the truth about ginseng Send stamped addressed en velope and learn the facts HERBAL PRODUCTS RR No Lalroy Ont LDL 60 personals OPEN HOUSE The lastly at IVAN AND LENA CALDWELL at Time Ontario re pleased to eslcortts you to an OPEN HOUSE In THORNTON UNITED CHURCH an the occasion at risk 50th WEDDING ANNIVERSARY SATURDAY MARCH 31st 1979 treat 130 to p111 Please No Gills Best wishes only MI 724 SHAMPOOER POLISHER Ask tor tree home demonstration today ELECTROLUX 7203392 FACIAL AND BODY hair problem7 Removed pormanontly Malc lomalv clientele FTLICDDSUIIHIIOH Lydia Hrcn Chuk Fierlrolysrs clinic 7372671 BIRTH CONTROL INFORMATION 56 Mary Slflll Open Monday and Tuesday 100 30pm and Thursdayo 30 30 1737 4777 776 9300 Ext 736 ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS 778 6581 you drink thats your busnnvss It you want to quit thats ours Call any IIITIL CONCERNED ABOUT ABORTION There are alternatives Call 776 8955 or 737 3040 AUTOS TO BE DRIVEN to Florida gas allowance also cars to Western Canada and sometimes East Toronto Drive Away SorVIcv 5185 Yungc St Wit Iowdale Ont 416 776 4616 RIDING INSTRUCTION Indoor arena Horsvs boarded Barrio two minutes proximately 30 telt TlDII0111 778 3459 WWW Hal9 FM 776 097 attvr 6p andwookands 67vlruits vegetables APPLES Apply Koole and Son Con 055100 Oro 778 8489 or 716 1907 No Sunday sales APPLE BUSHEI5 Georgian Bay Ex tra lancy Macs S6 99 Spy S7 99 Your containvrs CANCILLA FRUIT MAP KL 17 Clappvrton St Barrtv P01 ATOF CHOICE quality also 501110 Seconds wII llllvll Telephone 7711 7677 or 778 9378 68 personals MURRAY NALL NOW OPEN For weddings parties dances banquets meetings etc 15 minutes at Barrie Hwy 26 7209902 evenings TThSM 15 BETTY Card reading and psychic counselling etc Phone 737 3074 tor ap pountrncnt TE LECARE Why light your problem alonc Let triend help Call Talccniv 7767977 anytime WOULD LIKE to loin or start band tor weekends Il interested call Lynn 776 3819 PEOPLE FACTORY Introduces dynamic new modelling and salt Irn provomrnt classes tor WOITH at all agvs Includvs all areas at makeup tian tashiun walk pvrsottal attitude andcmttidcnco Day and eveningclassrs beginning March 19th Six week course Call 737 0965 altvr 4p HAIRSIYLING Perms scalp treat ment lactats dam in your own home Telephone 778 7634 RESORT CONDOMINlUN time shan lor sale 75 weeks available over 75 year period Spend your holiday anywhere in ttw world in your own condo For more inlormation teloptlonv 487 3036 ask tar do iuda ARE YOU UNATlACHED separated single or divorced Moit that specml person Apply PO Box 104 van Sound NAK 5P1 60 persoIIaIs lNCOME TAX returns proparoa il your own home 56 and up TDODIIDTI Jun 776 8169 IT Is POSSIBLE Reduce and maintatn the weight you want Call Foodaholim Marilyn or Glenn 776 6805 INCOME TAX SERVICE porsoml roturnsonly CallDiane737 355 70lost and tound BLACK AND WHITE cat tutry ltldl lost In Innislil Street area at behind ear Telephone 778 0757 bolero 71 bsb eantsd OCCUPATIONAL THERAPIST The Royal Victoria Hospital at Barrie invites applications for Occupational Therapist Psychiatric In Patient Ser vice We are progressive dynamically oriented general hospital psychiatry service maintaining close links with University Medical Centre Barrie is prosperous city oi 30000 one hour trom Toronto in yearround vocation and resort area Please reply with curriculum vitae and reterences to DR JAMES HENDERSON INrector Psychiatric Services The Royal Victoria Hospital at Barrie Ierris Ontario HR 164 7051109002 Ext 140 M23 EXPERIENCED SECRETARY Must like meeting the public and take charge oi local ottice tor out at town executive Dictation and good typing speed necessity Fulltime all benetlts Reply stating age marital status and relerences to X191 THE EXAMINER DARRIE ONT ILACRS CAMERA STORE IeyllsH Mel Parttime Summer help wanted Apply in person or phone 7260322 M22 CHEF Experience necessary Apply in person to Port oi Barrie Restaurant 10 Dunlop Street West AA