Eh hm um for the examiner Saturday Mar 17 197915 mm awn WELLINGTON pLACE Illopts for rent TTIeuu to rent Mom on APARTMENTS ONE AND two bedroom apartments tor EASTEND SINGLE tour bedroom rent reasonable rates heat included linlshedtamilyroomrec roomwith bar I35 Wellington StWest tree parking 0n bus route Telephone two washrooms attached garage $390 Pat187 3I400r 728 9201 monthly available immediately Virgo IndiumII Cfllllrï¬l Parts and Serwce Spacious 123 bedroom APARTMENT To SUBLET two ReaW371 bedroomsIaundrylacilitiessaunapar EXECUTIVE TOWNHOUSE tor rent ECV° Dealer Or cram who lwpa ty room game room close to plaza and two bedrooms two bathrooms heated TF Bendlx and Glendale bmdmgi 059 To oppng buses S278 monthly AVï¬I7l953AaÂ¥ garage adults only Grove and Lount For more inlorma ion ca Street location Immediate possession Modular Homes buses Monthly rental In PROFESSIONALS who require unique épm Relerenccs reuwred Telephone personal oltices In thoroughly and Norlhlandels TFOVOITTOIIGTS dd°s hm Wm BACHELOR APARTMENT sell can 5463 beautilully restored downtown century old building should locate with other prolessionals at Berczy Street Corsair Glendette Shamrock Terms Up To l5 Years parking Stove and Fridge To view please call 7263827 or tained private entrance furnished Adults only Telephone 726 8423 FOUR BEDROOM larmhouse large lamily kitchen large living room etc EDROOM artment on Two bathrooms two car garage lpts TelephoneMrsMcMaster726 9021 Highway south 7267l53 33585 bopnmnmiy plus space iustRoutsideblaarrietgzallgblï¬ APPROXIMATELY 200 so It lor small TF hydro Avaiiabie Apr Teiephone any Ime esponsi par ollice or business located on Dunlop St 70 Burwn Ave 728 9866 723 in aner pm or 372 204 857 l236 Pe near paint Phone 7370641lrom TF ONE BEDROOM Aparunen rem ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT Two BEDROOM cusiom bu month Principal Interest and Taxes 9530 BUILDING Available lor immediate lease main tloor 2500 sq lt live overhead doors two hoists and com pressor Second lloor 2100 sq lt sell contained apartment and sun deck I6 opts for rent THE MAYFAIR unlurnished Fridge stove and hot water Available immediately Reliable adults only Reterences required Telephone business hours 726 6774 THREE BRIGHT clean unlurnished AnneDunlap Street area $160 monthly includes lridge stove heat hydro and parking Nochildren no pets Available immediately Telephone 726 2000 THREE BEDROOM apartment tar rent bungalow broadloomed 5300 includes two appliances No pets Available April 15 Reterences First and last required Telephone 487 2381 TALL TREES clean bedroom rooms private bath suit one person No II Storey car garagei balhs Sunken completely new gas heating system Nces apartmems Barng children or pets on bus route close to T3LZngcéfe fffï¬lfmeifn lamlly room with lireplace central air 7281883belorebpm One and two bedrooms BaylieldMalIAlter6pm 728 6649 meaiatety Telephonem 0074 conditioning Option to purchase COMMERCIAL zoning on highway Available with many features ONE BEDROOM Apartment $237 SMOOUS Two bedmom aparimeny 7975 It in Barrie over 2000 so It combina Be month includeslridge stove heat park triage and stove and parking maimed TWO BEDROOM bungalow located tion reSIdence and otlico space or or rmc Ve ing and new laundry room Bus stop rem 5230 Adults no pets east end aCFOSS Item and In A0905 $775 lices throughout lots 01 parking 66 It 1310027 location No pets Call 728 5816 alter Available May lst Telephone 776 7635 or monthly plus UtilillES lmmwlale 0C lrontage 165 It was usad as lawyers TF 776 477 cupancy Telephone 728 8806 olllce and residence $66000 728 0555 or 728 3706 alter 12mortgages FULLY OPEN Mortgages year term on NHA conventional or high ratio in sured mortgage loans Phone Canadian Imperial Bank at Commerce ask lor Verna Wilson 728 2459 MORTGAGE MONlEs available lirst and seconds We also have private lunds available at lower rates lor prime pro BARRIE ANNE GARDENS 259 Dunlap St Spacious suites Utilities included location 726577i available convenient TF FURNISHED one and two bearoom apartments available Central Adults only 726 0988weekdays BACHELOR APARTMENT on close to downtown lridge stove utilities and parking included Telephone 726 2910 ONE AND TWO Bedrooms SI65 OI $195 monthly Totally repainted white Call Patrick 728 2785 FURNISHED Bachelor Apartment 12 miles north at Barrie Abstainers only non smokers preferred Telephone 728 8067 ONE BEDROOM apartment in Well ington plaza area lridge stove heat and parking included Telephone 737 0942 I7houses TO rent TAMARACK WOODS little Ieyviolrl Drive BEDROOM HOUSE tor rent with garage large lot on city outskirts In cludes stove Available April Telephone 726 2683evenings IT IS POSSIBLE Rent on new home can go towards your down payment For inlormation call Mr Jarvis 726 6805 24 Hour SerVIce TOWNHOUSE tor rent three bedrooms baths basement garage nicely decorated Close to school and shopping 726 A338 perties Call Jerry Rose at Allandaln FOUR BEDROOM House available 737 1277 ONE AND TWO Bedroom on bus route 0W Minute walk from dOWNOWfl TWO FIRST MORTGAGE for sale 1600 MODERNIUXURY Stove triage laundry lacilities First washrooms $295 monthly Telephone wm discount View pp Cm pm VERY LARGE and bedroom and last months rent Nopels Call alter 776 577 DNIY Valuci 10000 Salt 05 apartments for lease Quiet 6775 III tiphouses wanted to rem ment Also have $50 2n mor patted TWO BEDROOM apartment available 17 per cent on Same property our ad buld9 N° 99 April Clean broadloom throughout YOUNG BUSINESS COUPLE require chaser put 10 PW cenldown 73 4777 References 7289682 90 $245 monthly twat water parking in bedroom or small bedroom home OLGATE 02 cludId Telephone 726 3833 alterop May possmsmn peiemnce5 TWO ONE bedroom apartments avail l0h0716 67060ml5 309 TTh STF 60 fr dI rcedalr heatn able April lst Adults only Telephone Wants Ads Mississauga Ct Apts Two bedroom iipnrtirien tnvailatllo bl 728 40l6 TWO BEDROOM apartment in Stroud heat parking nice yard let children low rent No pets Relerences Some with ravine settings Tennis Court Adiacent Molson Park 20rooms let CLEAN COMFORTABLE room avail ablelor oneor two Fullhouseprivileges in warm sOCIal atmosph Fireplace ored applianris sauna close to Shflpp rvqunLI TIlephnrldlo 884 5827 oRems hon15300 er month aPDldrlCCSi Parking LWUFY al ing andllus Toltphont716 351 Two FDROOM luxury aparmm rLcgerlgecs You lilo itf 7285424 priv tll laundry room Trkrng $280 Nsi ll 090 SEMI DETACHED HOMES IN BARRIE my on HEADWAY also We Sim kitchen monguge monguge Tele none 726 6392 Choxeofupgrade two BEDROOM in security building Baltony overlooks hay S768 includes ROONS FOR RENT Dr day Week Or my hydro parkmu Syomgp Near month Linen supplied Downtown area shopping bus beach Child welcome Telephononeuds LargeSoddedlots 776 mam mpg FURleHED ROOM tor rent BACHELOR ARTS AND COTleEs Petrigorator and linen supplied $25 3Bedrooms Immediate TST Olld 2nd Open MOITQUQO loan Early twrl smirch sow Ials Eniny room Vrlkly Central location Telephone Full Basement Paved Drive Cushion Floorlng Rough inWashroom Urban Flltlluthliil Hurry only homes left AUSTIN LANE mi in DIRECTIONS llllirll ll Ei UJ DIlNllll lil All Allltlï¬l lllll lil Anywhere on all homes cottages forms vacation and commercial properties Wed love to help you la consolidate Ilene low monthly payments Home llnuruvunlellLs any worthy reason lu pay all Iliisung or maturing mortgage Consltucuon lulldS tree aIIVIce try us We have ready cash to purchase mortgages MORTGAGE FUNDING to breathe on ilrrls swmIITIilIg pool lUIVTIslIll or unturmshrd olor TVs all utilitli InClUfllll Bachelor apartments $160 per month otlagrrs $200 per month Willow Park Motel Blakl Strutt norlll on old Hwy It nIilI south ol Hwy 778 8706 or 7371979 TWO BEDROOM apartment on Dunlop Street redecorated stove and lridge Rent Includes heat Immediate occupan Call Simon Beekhuizrn representing LOU GOEDEMONDT REAL ESTATE LIMITED 728 4067 TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT lor rInl stove and llIflgLTilIOF S2l0 rnon PUGET COURT PRESTIGE luxury 8i bedroom townhouses Selective neighborhood Relerences 275 Blake 726236i to pm Evenings 7280776 TThSTF ALLANDALE AREA Large four bedroom home for 776 8358 alter 00 FURNISHED ROOM tor rent central loactlon cable parking share kitchen and living room Telephone 737 4886 ROOM AVAILABLE in Tall Trees ott Cundles and Baylield across lrom bus stop private home US at all house privileges Including washer and dryer Lady with one child welcome 525 week Iy Telephone 726 429 CLEAN FURNISHED ROOM share bath cookinq taCilities 525 weekly Downtown Telephone 726 552A CLEAN BRIGHT turnished room kit ml mg Us rs md Chen and parking laCIlitles available Tll tillVii AvryIilaKlile IlnrnledlatclyI Central Idacsa en ncwredmlell mad for CONN Hallo TCIODNOTC 737 386 Hhm lion Telephone 723 1444 or 728 I322 °5°° 21Â¥mom and board annual two BEDROOM laundry All utilities RGSPOTTSlblelenams ROOM ND 80 RD ilMIIIkIIHIVI paid plus cable Storage space Parking TELEPHON 563 Dr Young II iirl wllrmln XL itv 19 Dun New 347 ST Slow and lrILluI Downtown area $290 28 9lltl NW bulldan LUnChCS san MUM Allt 31 ONT mono on monthly 725 3437 STF packed light launtlry central location titanium 726093 It Wk two BEDROOM apartntpnt overlook Damng Teephon 778 75 Inuba sho andbsutltes Na Hum1 IVITITSTUII April UI Tlellilphorll THREE AND FOUR bedroom house 23 Ofï¬ces SOres for rent FULL pA Mgmbgr Ontario Moi199 ï¬nk Auoc 716 Available Immediately in thr downtown 00 SQ FT OFFICE SPACE 54F BU INETOTORONTO HO 55 TANCE lHREl BEDROOM apartment In noun Yelvphmwm Manllï¬l Available anrllme 72817430 DIRECT ANDBUILDERSREBATE BAYFIELD AND CUNDLFS and rpm 728 6899alter7p ll1l on Duckwnrth Strut Loirer duplex Available April lst rDr nIortin giggzjolgozfmégreggihognhomis Orlfgzl MODERN OFFICE Space tor lease lnIInil7 3Iill Ill tl nm TOIPTI 07 TOPh To POI 10 2B Utilities extra First and last monther 5mm awn SUI palate APAR IMF NI tor single or marer ou plv Hwy 400 and 89 privatl entrance $115 monthly plus hydro tlrsl and last rent requnecl $375 monthly Call Marlene Knowles representing Murray cupnrlcy short or long term 726 3100 Angeloll slrs monthly Available immediately warshpea 7799 RETAIL SHOP tor sub lease 14 Dunlop CHOLKAN CO LIMITED allrtltilropm 45a 4352 63 735 StrLetWest Telcphone726 3665 AVAILABLE AUGUST or September ONL BEDROOM Aparlmmil wnilahio wo orgy mu maroon oust OFFICE SPACE to rent earlield April lst Close to downtown Monthly Easwmw area 75 monmw mus Streetdowntown various sizes utilities rrnt iniluoes heal hydro lridqi stovc mum enced Yard WEN rm and parking included Call 726 2772 days and parking Returoocrs Telephony men THphon726 3607 or 737 7349tvenlrigs Hit HHS 10 Colller St EXCELLENT THREE bedroom no SECOND FLOOR DU°P 22 Offices Ni BEDROOM APARTMENTrIIiln mm ammo ram oom Wm Street approxtmately 350 square reel IliInl trirluv stow tiealanrlpilrkingin Nplafl 5350 mmmy RMMWK Immediate occupancy $150 per month Bane l0 serve YOU lutlun $210 monthly tIrst and last to qulPd Call 726 948kIOTCOSlHO tiller CUdm mm ca 5mm Beekhum oiliriln adults only rolIronros hours7371935 representing LOU GOEDEMONT REAL ilvnllitbli April 737 0980 THREF BEDROOM GUS clog mt ESTATE IMITE 728 1367 ls ONr BEDROOM APARTMENTS and Joan $260 mommy of COMMERCIAL sPACE smtable lor iIVrlllilllllthltdliIfly IOSIIOIGCIOTNS utilitlps Interested Darinsmall 776 3qu SlOrl OTIICt yt LOCrtllKl SI ColllUY St and this stool no pIt pliiilst For more Ollv llllt00ltl sell contained apartment inlnrrtialionplunsvcnll 728 6520 31 flUqoafWi Baglllll 10V1ller For mori Inlormat on call croleiti an EMPENFELT BAY LAKEFRONT 0V lawns appliances Idotllorlinlily $I75 245 ECG or ren year round 22yearold brick home located almost Within Bat ries boundaries Featuring ltliflt0tl 716 277 days plus utilities 72o JIBS BEDROOM HOUSE for rent south at FOR LEASE OR SALE Industrial space TWO BEDROOM apartment avalltbli and warehouse Telephone 726 3400 Illl Barr mtrl 75 fee gorgeous Shorelme by 360 fast deep In gm an dqi roomwlttltmdrybadrt tYanJIllymroghi with Human French doors into living room with floor to ceiling fireplace LINES IMThIIIU szoii monthly plus heat and umpiau MUS be 5an Mann so WAREHOUSE SHOWROOM on tori and gorgeous View lake tIyIlrL llrst and last T9llpll0l1l77 2772 roiephoneuy 17 Vigor 31mm 1590 aqua him Gross days lease everything Included 5475 men Four large bedrooms and oversized den or office LlMlTED REALTOR two Doomi omdmw may Poiiwqggyxdragf gizgï¬gncflm thly Apply Stewart Wholesale 7213 305i Huge recreation room in basement with floor to ceiling 67 DUNLOPWESTBARRIE 7261881TORONT03647941 bus Wlr WW WWI 7370500 DelRealty PRIME INDusTRIAL SPACE 1000 hull hydro and parklml intludrl SPACIOUS Two STOREY 00 180008 mIWSprmwwod anspon we ace an aroma Harvey Weber 43638l5 Bruce Dangerfield 7284959 28myamhzylllllilfKrzpflld Ill 87 txdraom 5pm ramp joy hrotdkwmw 3nd lgnttrurk loalolno clocks drrve in 9°d P°° Pus °°ds °° °°5 Larry Wood 4873148 Morg Wood 4873148 iAll Tllmis INCLUDED won WW piioilllnlfnoufnllimit Biiriiome 000 5275 nthly pl III gm wore 10 any flclikin 7284035 or 7282485 Deon Arbuthnot 7374720 Esther Kennedy 424547l OLARGE BALCONIES OVERLOOKING BAY 1271 5280231303my ltqulvllgWIl Tcltrphotote 424 6909 LS 2000 SQUARE FE Cornmorcial Helen Burns 7262386 Gerald ONeill 7267733 COLORED APPLIANCES TENNIS COURT 72mm elm ieI asriSIPViimuif NEW LOWELL Bland ESncliiilivuili 35311235380 $32 31 ASHBURTON CRES New usrmcs455oo Al Calhoun 8352742 Ross Burwell 4589248 ostonAGE Locxgns ENSUITE Iwo BEDROOM apnrtlttent lttaln $2f°$222 LiiJé $133232 no andhmro Inmqu 5600 hawtth On You Will love this cosy Side 5pm bedrooms Mike Lysabild 7266054 PaulMollory 7288796 ISAUNASI EXERCISE ROOM AND GAMES ROOM LLmlgr¢gSnyatgggrkm $3 AVAILABLF MAY lst three bldrclOltl we omphom r0 Mowe bungalow set amongst the with ï¬nished recreation Hannah Pentland 7288028 Ken Miller 4873365 0CLOSE TO SIMCOE PLAZA PUBLIC BEACH YACHT CLUB 0m Armly at Henry sincl allvr glupnéflrovééligxwgvpdgï¬vflfwgu luff STORAGE AVAILABLE Small or Pines Large kitchen with room Tastefuny RossMiller 7260563 laroe Urllls Innism St Jacobs Terrace lots of counter space Only $41000 Call today for an appointment BE FIRST broadloom Details coll decorated throughout Roberta Duncan 7265240 CREATED AND MANAGED BY KANEFF PROPERTIES LIMITED BROADI OOMED ONE bedroom apart mont opportune love amt lridgl balcony TvaIIatIIIMarth 31st $215 Also one tor April 30th and two bedroom in backyard mco location in Barrie $300 monthly Telephnnn 187 3318atlur pm tor apponttlttvnl FOR SALE OR RENT TnlLt hmlrnortt Shortor long term 7J7 1606 4241070 29rcottages wanted townhouse $17000 or $335 per month MATURE Rt LIABLE Couple wishes to HERE TODAY SOLD cine 2485 37 J°h Wee 33 7269530 373litiLiiZZuZl 7221515 latiii remitii no Georgian canoe 96 mm MU WV 41592 436 II 17 moon allm 9th TOMORROW Details call Also see CEDARWOOD COURT l25 WELLINGTON ST ONE BROOM parmm mr rpm ESMFORT Am F50 TIROE BogSROOM 00 Jean sorrows 728666l 0r 726499 AY AerI Hod hymn home in country But onl rmlnutes lrorII 30° Th TF nupmo and we mommy Barri or Bortli Ava llahl Apr 1st 728 2485 RANCH STYLE BUNGALow LL go 72° 75 can alltrép 9239 FLORIDA CUTE AS CAN BE For rent by the week month or seasonal ON ACRES home nestled among the Just on the outskirts of Barrie on large wooded mun vnulv COIDOHAVION nuuon Tbapts to rent lbeptn to rent tli opts to rent Iliapts to rent Two bedroom two bath home in an adult mobile home community 25 mllls trom Tampa All utilities and linens trees creating quiet lot this home offers you wwued F0 mow Woman on MR undisturbed setting High and your family 47 COLLIER ST orne 26 HARDY 7284272 M24 calhedml ceilings in Ving bedroomslz bathroom Dorothy MacQuarrie 7286358 Helen Hopkins 7281662 r°°m ï¬eldswne mpace country Cher main Corb AdanIs 7286829 Ross Leader 7269245 32u for bathrooms lully floor laundry formal Wu mom are mm contain or EDGEIIIU on ANN st JImQu broadloomed dining rogm dining magi EllInk llIlTQ Carl Emms 7285124 Roland Jean 4364859 wlh Sliding d°°rs °° °° BobFord 7265627 Frank Hooey 7268585 deck Cedar wood galore and much much more Call Small pond and privacy George Coutts and have galore Asking only look at country living at its hr Im AGENTS ON DUTYZ $56900 Details call Sydno best Office 7282485 mifmgï¬l$73351lklhilégiï¬lfgvagfg EARN UP TO L4 weekda AUm BODY MCASklni 7284035 or 728 home 726285 Ctlbrtsrrl Carpets lnrl liltlstllrlqs ODIII 2485 Swag CUOFIDL Raise large bait worms in your 04 pm saluédays tor hyour Iauto body Realtor basement or garage Com l4 pm Sun oys mec anica repalrs 02propeny wanted pletely odorless Small in Plus vestment required National SNOWPLOWING WE CAN sell your property now Low Green Proiec I703 CENTURY 21 COUTTS COUTTS Were National Ml7 ut were Neighborly commission rate Call Malcolm Jackson 487 2975 new John Myllynirn Real Estate Broker OATlots for sale ACRI LOIS In new sliiitllvmion lully sorVICIri Permits to liuilrl tinniw Alb 86 7365 or I705 458 Hll MIDHURSI antl one lol 5s Illlll loritrllohil 14i Illqllls 05larms lor sale 35 ACRES LAND lnr rent or irlll lllitl Mattawa Avenue Mississauga Orttario LAX IKS Telephone 02764560 TSTF BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Starting your own business For free information on small BEDROOMS ALL RENTED BEDROOM Guaranteed the most reasonable prices in town 17 JACOBS TERRACE Am Tltrlii boliliiil Shim Ilocli 7265990 TThs to New Lowrll Wllll IllTIiil0W lmtll lll businesses and lranchising CAR SALES tor horses inipleltllrlt stiIlIl Tamil write TelllpllortLaltorop 04 616 mmth um Dont get stuck with lemon 06larms for rent Mn my com For tree consumer tips on car OLD FARMHOUSL large lmrn 50 mt Relations 555 T0080 buying write acres As package or separately 10th Street Toronto Ontario M7A 2N6 In Concession nearHorseshgoVollly Road M17 mum 2290 dam 726 550 Ittor rn wil Ilnys anytime runner In Conl Lron weekends mle CAMPGROUND near Algonqum IIIIdol Relations 555 Tonga RE 07 business orumhes Park cottages Iokelront large pp runam great potential 9000 down or piece washroom hm Town om 3L2 llndl 6805 M17 wiguoT L255 iï¬clov llslt AND Cltlt and Hï¬lTllJUrll ensulle AGENTS FOR LEO PROCEE CONSTRUCTION LIMITED mont Completely renovated mm nglo Umums AUTO INSURANCI home FOREST HILL ESTATES ANTEN MILLS ordlwd and returnlstIId Complll Wllll Walk in and mi ow MW suiaiiw CIIIIIIMIIIIVI rates till John PINEVIEW ESTATES MIDHUNST 23 Ll2ninlrlw Gross salirs $90000 llrst year Askinii Nelson Insurance 728 9er III JOHN COLE 7288017 ART MAW 7281346 800 Mm WW gvvf3£5351uggnrflfjlnï¬lgï¬ 8ARRYCOLE7287631 RICK HAMILTON 723es9a 07biulmiu opportunth 07blulnou opportunities standard pinii Ioltdition AL BEACOCK notoll4a73o90 DAN HENDERSON 7286065 °°737 03 JOHN KUIPERS 7286724 BOB URRY 7285811 elevators °frldge STOVG mm SUPREME 35° engine power brakes power steering tinted glass tilt steering wheel vlnvl root tour new tins 900d mileage $2200 or bistotler 728 581 1975 HONDA CIVIC clean new paint For the individual seeking exceptionally high income potential rather than tancy titles We have ground floor opportunity representing an international credit management organization Oparking broodloomed oirconditioned sauna EDEMU 79 We seek an aggressive person with solid marketing or sales at 55 U0 ml mum 800 mephm mm background Noam manila exerCIse room If215255WHEELmil or In °° Al INVESTIGATORS 325205 Aleiéplionlirszo 7535mm PHONE 7261405 DIXON COMMERCI MLS REALTOR APPRAISAIS BU BANE 333213 Halo power windows and tactory air lellO ltlIl glass Vinyl root WW tires and snows $1700 Drlu owner Alterop or 436 2396 OR Limit ll Bond Street REPOSSESSION 1976 Datsun Model Th ST CATHARINES Ontario HR 414 $TF M20 FIG door hatchback Please call 728 5949 ask tor Bill HEAD OFFICE 98 IAYFIELD ST 7284067 TORONTO 416 8899487 OPEN DAYS WEEK WEEKDAYS UNTIL PfM