Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 17 Mar 1979, p. 12

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12 the examiner Saturday Mar 17 1979 television guide SATURDAY EVENING VIEWING 600 28 NEWS REACH FOR THE TOP CBC NEWS AMAZING WORLD OF KRESKIN SATURDAY REPORT POLKA DOT DOOR SPORTS CITY 630 INOUIRY SKI BASE CBS NEWS THIS WEEK IN ONTARIO NEWS In SPECTRUM ID DONT ASK ME as SPORTS PROBE MCGOWAN AND COMPANY 700 aHEEHAWGuestSGeorgeJonesEddre Rabbitt Gunilla Hutton Stoney Mountain Clog fia 60 mins INCREDIBLE HULK NEXT STEP BEYOND MARY TYLER MOORE HOUR Wale Bonnie Franklin Henny Youngman THIS ONE FOR DAD BJ ANDTHEBEARBJhslpsatemale sorentist in distress by transporting myster ious cargo to Washington DC for her use at mate hearing 60 mins EIN PROSIT IF THE PRINCE AND THE PAUPER Program MilesHendon pursues and kIIIlDBI Don who hastaken Edward fromjail intending on Sudbrokes orders to murder him At the palaceTornpresidesoverthedistributionofthe Royal Bounty and is recognized by one of the wpients his mother TEAM SHOWDOWN FOUR FOR ADVENTURE 730 EYE ON BUFFALO GEORGE HAMILTON IV DR WHO Pyramids of Mars QUIZ KIDS re LAST OF THE WILD 800 am CHIPS Jon and Ponch are given the champagne and caviar treatment aboard the yacht of speedcrazed Middle Eastern prince In the hope that they wrll overlook his numerous ns 60mins HOCKEYNIGHTINCANADA Minnesota North Stars vs Toronto Maple Leafs rs THE NEW ADVENTURES OF WONDERWOMANAyoungwomanwitha gift for disasterwhen she gets nervous ma SHA NA NA Guest Patti Page chines break downis used as an unwitting ac complice In the theft of priceless historical uments 80 mine DELTA HOUSE ACADEMY PERFORMANCE ioho Mile 1979 MOVIE Beat the Devil 1954 GOING PLACES SHULMAN FILE 830 WELCOME BACK KOTTER WithmarriageplansintullswingtheSweath0gs throw bachelor party for Horshack but he panics at the responsibilities othis new life and disappears Conclusion 900 SJANDTHEBEARBJholpsaIemaIe scientist in distress by transporting mystar ious cargo to Washington DC for her use at ate hearin 60 mins iii SATURbAYNIGHTMOVIEwua Stars Deborah Rallin Clu Gulagor THE LOVE BOAT Three Vignettes Sounds Of Silence Stars Sonny Bono Arte Johnson CyranodeBrickerStars JillSt John Charlie Callas Murder On The High Seas rs Dana Wynter Peter Lewlord 60 Rims GREAT DEBATE ED GEORGE ANTHONY George Anth ony interviews Burt Raynaoéds and Sally Field CONVERSATIONSWITHELWY YOST Guests John Huston Gerald Pratlay OntariOFilmInstituteandcriticCharlesCham Timeap roximate CITYLIGHTSGUESI SusanClarkPart 1000 THE ROCKFORD FILES Jim framed for the slaying of notoriously tough hoodandmuslturnforhelploadisbarredlawyer He from going toieil 60mins FANTASY ISLAND troubled marriedcouplereturnstotheirhighschooldeys inhopesotrecapturingtheperiodwhentheyfell in love and soldier of fortune tries to find the fountain of youth Guest stars Eleanor Parker gig Stevens Dennis Cole 60 mins 1979 WORLD FIGURE SKAT ING CHAMPIONSHIPS Hosts are Johnny Esaw Debbie Wilkes Dnrroch and Otto Jelinek Tonights program highlights the res Free Event 90 minsl SECOND CITY as EDITORS 1030 FOR LOVERS ONLY WITNESS To YESTERDAY 1040 MOVIE The Battle of San Piano 1943 1100 90 NEWS CBC NEWS LOTTARIO FEEL LIKE DANCIN 1105 NASHVILLE SWING MOVIE WESTERNm True Grit 1959 1110 TALKING FILM Time approxiimete 1115 PROVINCIAL AFFAIRS 1120 NEWS 1122 NEWS 1130 SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE Host Margot Kidder Guests The Chieftains 90 WMOVIE ROMANCE My Ollsh Heart 1949 MOVIE MUSICALFANTASY is Finlans Rainbow 1950 CTV NEWS In SOUNDS GOOD 1140 MOVIE DRAMA Indian Love Call 1915 1150 MOVIE ADVENTURE klahoma Crude 1913 NEWS 1200 MOVIE SUSPENSEDRAMA Family Plot1e7e INTERNATIONAL CINEMA 1210 9MOVlEDRAMA TheLaet Picture Show 1971 100 ROCK CONCERT 130 CHALLENGE MOVIE DRAMA In Saigon Some May lee GOODIES 200 MOVIE DRAMA The aker Sex 1945 ABC NEWS 215 QMOVIE WESTERN Red Sun 1972 220 MOVIECOMEDY Harry In Your Pocket1973 340 MOVIEDRAMA Nothing But Man 1964 SUNDAY MORNING VIEWING 800 £73 JIMMY SWAGGART DAY OF DISCOVERY IDENTITY MOVIE DRAMA The ngarded Hour 1936 SUNDAY SURPRISE TREEHOUSE CLUB En FATHER MEEHAN $5 MIDDLE EAST REVUE 830 OLD TIME GOSPEL HOUR JIMMY SWAGGART BY THE PEOPLE COMMANDER TOM SHOW FLOWER SPOT In ORAL ROBERTS POLKA DOT DOOR 2E OUEENSWAY CATHEDRAL 1E MACEDONIAN MAGAZINE 900 39 OLD TIME GOSPEL HOUR SUNDAY MORNING CROSSROADS or IT IS WRITTEN ID JEREMY 915 ID GET iT TOGETHER 925 ID BARBAPAPA 930 ORAL ROBERTS REX HUMBARD HISPANOVISION SESAME STREET SEARCH THE OUIET HOUR JEWISH SHOW 1000 REX HUMBARD PEOPLES CHURCH CORONATION STREET WOODY WOODPECKER ITALIAN PANORAMA €113 GREEK SHOW SOUNDS OF THE EAST 1030 ROBERT SCHULLER KIDS ARE PEOPLE TOO DAY OF DISCOVERY KIDSWORLD EB PORTUGUESE SHOW 1100 OPEN RAP REX HUMBARD MEETING PLACE PEOPLES CHURCH ID TOM GRATTANS WAR 1130 REV JAMES ANDREWS FACE THE NATION ANIMALS ANIMALS PROGRAM UNANNOUNCED a9 voz DA PROFECIA 1145 FESTIVAL ITALIANO ANIMALS SUNDAY AFTERNOON VIEWING 1200 CHAMPIONSHIP FISHING 13 GREAT NEWS FOR THE WORLD GMOVIEWESTERNW Proud The Damned 1913 MUSIC TO SEE 0M0ViEMUSICAL11Jambor 1957 ALBUM TV In ITALIAN PANORAMA CONTINUES IE ViEUX FORT WILLIAM PORTUGUESE FIN DE SEMANA 1230 MEET THE PRESS HERALD OF TRUTH MONEYMAGAzINE In NEWS EN SE RACONTANT LHIS TOIRE DICI La Crisa dos Annees 17291939 1245 AGRICULTURE REPORT 100 NCAA BASKETBALL CHAMPIONSHIP 96 COUNTRY CANADAAfascmaI inginSighlintothepredawnhawkrngbartering buying and selling of those oxpensrve 11113 and vegetables that we import from the and uridtne world ITALIAN COOKING ADVENTURES IN RAINBOW COUNTRY 130 to HYMN SING TROUBLE WITH TRACY mMOVIE DRAMA The Hat Blds and the MCCO 1915 ALL YOU NE IS LOVE ansons Populeires MEMORIES OF GREECE 145 NBA BASKETBALLCBSSporiswni televise an NBA Basketball game today How ever the exact teams were not announced at sstime iii KIPLINGERS CHANGING TIMES 200 FARM INSIGHT THE COLLEGE GAME College Hockey Championship From Pornte Claire Arena In Suburban Montreal tho CANADIAN College Hockey Championship game Com mentators are Tom McKee Ted Reynolds and re Meeker THE SUPERSTARS FAMILY FINDER 700 CLUB 230 YESTERDAYS GLITTER OMOVIEADVENTunei Plppl as on Board 1915 SPEAKING OUT iTALCiNE 300 NCAA BASKETBALL CHAMPIONSHIP CANADIAN EXPRESS HEE HAW Guesis JIITl Stafford Zolla Eddie Low PEOPLES CHURCH 330 WORLD SERIES OF AUTO RACING OUTREACH ONTARIO omit Heritage lnurt 400 ROGER SPECIAL DORALEASTERN OPEN RED FISHER SHOW TINY TALENT TIME 89 IN PRIVATE LIFE 430 WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS UNTAMED WORLD Alghanrstan UntilthIrrhundredyearsagiithiscriunlrywasa great cultural Irrossrond have Greek Roman Persian IndianathhincSircuitiiresmetandlolt therrmarks RecndailyinSinnosrwpirtodinthis soda WILD Roalni iithimi FROM FIRE AND AIR In this film we see teams of master rrriflsrnrrri and women it work in Swedish factory blowing shaping tiring and engraving glass Ohjtrdl KIDSWORLD 500 SPORTSWORLD SHOW BIZ CBC NEWS AND THIS WEEKIN PARLIAMENT FLIM FLAM LAWRENCE WELK SHOW VISION 0N ea BUGS BUNNY AND ROAD RUNNER MOVIE DRAMA Great Guy 1935 530 MUPPETS SHOW JOYCE DAVIDSON SHOW BIG BLUE MARBLE WHITTAKER SUNDAY EVENING VIEWING 600 NEWS THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF DISNEY Disney On Parade Famous Disneyctiaracterscometolifeto srngdance and enact the classic stories that have been oritesfor generations 60 mins 65 AMAZING WORLD OF KRESKIN an WILD ANIMALS OF THE ERLD AIrican Snakes POLKA DOT DOOR 28 GLOBAL NEWSWEEK 630 WILD KINGDOM Preadtors oi the aaCONSUMER BUYLINE LETS Go To THE RACES NEWS In NEW FACES IE SPORTS GAMES PEOPLE AYCenadasHerita einS orta HERE COMES HE UTURE 700 GREATEST HEROES OF THE BIBLE Jacobs Challenge Jacob disguises himself as his older twrn brother Esau in order totrick his blindedlatherIsaacintobestowing the blossmg oi inheritance on him rather than Esriu Stars BarryWilliamsJuneLockhart 60 BEACHCOMBERS march Part One Nick has not spoken with his father In thirty years Suddenly the old man are was in Gibsons to mend quarrel that reveals some startling secrets about Nicks wartorn boyhood in Greece to which the old man now demandsthatNickreturntoresumehis disrupt fa lile 21 iii 60 MINUTES THE OSMOND FAMILY SHOW The Osmond famin visitstheHDustonWOrld Championnodeo GueststarsKC andtheSun shine Band Tanya Tucker Larry Mahan 60 31531979 WORLD FIGURE SKAT ING CHAMPIONSHIPSHighlightsoftha championships are featured tonight fromVien Austria 60mins SMITH AND SMITH ED GONG SHOW 730 SCIENCE MAGAZINE Scheduled items new method of dating trees which goes back 9000 years certain genetic diseases like cysticfibrosis and sicklecell flnfimta which are called orphen diseasss advanced machines which continue to replace human labour in the cotton processing mstMEDY SHOP Ii PEOPLE AND PETS 11 Aging WHAT WILL THEY THINK OF EXT 800 THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF lion Jeffrey DISNEY The Omega Connec Byron stars as young CIA agent whobecomes ambroiledin aninternationalconspiracy and kidnappinginvOIVIngadelectingscientistnnda ergytormula hrs SUPERSPECIAL Dream WeeverCanadasicesketingsuperstarToller Cranston hoststhis Superspacialfantasywith guest stars Dari HI composerconductor AndreGagnongospel bluessrngerSalomeBoy andStarson Ice skatersJoJOStarbuck andKen Iley 60 mrns ALL IN THE FAMILY Ediths efforts t0rantouttheJalfersonsoldhouserasultinnew neighbors that she adores but that Archie 113 BATTLESTAR GALACTICA Aheavenly emissary commrssrons Apolloto rescue the mortals on the planet Terra from Wear saltdestruction 60 mins HOW THE WEST WAS WON UPSTAIRS DOWNSTAIRS Program 27 Desrrous Of Change Richard Bel lamycharmed byLilideTernayandherbrottier is totally unaware of their true motives He is equally blind to the unrequned yearnings of maid i115 QUIZ KIDS SHULMAN FILE 830 MR DUGAN ALICE In between Irmtloss efforts to hurt newiobeAliceFloandVeratrygentlyporsuad ing the everlinicky Randolph Briggs to sell the diner back to Mal Concluding episode FOR THE RECORD Every son Is Guilty The story of an ax lOUfnaIISI who stumbles upon information that could put him in violationoftheOtliCIalSecrelsAct Starrinchn no and Gerard Parkes 60 mine ALICE lnbetweenfruttlasseffortstofind newjobsAliceFloandVaratrygenllypersuad ing the everfinicky Randolph Briggs to sell the or back to Mel Concluding reads it SUNDAY NIGHT MO IE 111181 cho Mtla1979 Stare Peter Strausa Richard son VEGAS secondrate comic retrievesa huge quantity of cocaine dumped during drug bustsendingDanlannathepolicedapartment anda formercrime bosson frantic search 60 I15 2rHE WAY WE ARE TWIIighl of it wIROOTS THE NEXT GENERA TIONSIn l918thewarinEuropeisragingand Simon Haley ls part olthe 92ndlnlantryDivision in the segregated army Alter the war Simon returnstofindraceriotaand atreetbattleamore violent than those in Europe Episode IV 930 STOCKARD CHANNING IN JUST FRIENDS Susan becomes the in nocent victim of drunken pass by Victorias band Mervin at her birthday party CITY LIGHTSGuesISusanCIsrkPert 1000 WEEKEND ALL ON SUMMERS DAY This special takes revealing look through music song and dance at fascinating part of Canadian history living in New Brunswick pioneeringcommunityinthsmld IBOOI Slllring the popular Irish Singing group Ryans Funny and their guests Jennifer Whrilun Mike McDougall James Keane and the Town and ntry Dancers 60mrns MARY TYLER MOORE HOUR BonnioFranklinandlionny Yuuiigmanguastatar hemsalves 60mrna w5 In LOU GRANT LE TEMPS DES INCERTITUDES 119 MC GOWAN AND COMPANY 1030 119 LAUREL AND HARDY 1100 II NEWS CBC NEws CTV NEWS INTROSPEC MONEY TALKS MARITIME COUNTRY 1115 NATIONS BUSINESS 1120 NEws 1122 NEWS 1130 MOVIE MYSTERY Night the Generals 1967 MARCUS WELBY MD MOVIEDRAMA RIslngof Moon 1957 GOOD NEWS ID LA MANGEAILLE 121 IN PRIVATE LIFE NIGHT MUSIC 1140 BMOVIE DRAMA Unholy rtners 1941 QUESTION PERIOD 1150 THIS WEEK IN ONTARIO 1200 MEDICAL CENTER MOVIE MUSICALCOMEDY Va Son lsBorn194s INTERNA iONALCINEMA 1210 DAVID SUSSKIND SHOW 1220 EIMOViEDRAMAm TheRed Pony 1949 1230 CONVERSTION WITH 130 SUNDAY SURPRISE 145 ABC NEWS 200 WITH THIS RING TIME TENTATIVE 215 as 100 HUNTLEY STREET The doctor says Circulation checkup wise By PAUL RUBLE MD Dear Dr Ruble appreciate your common sense approach to nutrition medicines etc have rather unusual problem Ive not seen discussed am in my fourth pregnancy In my second one noticed varicose veins in the labia ma jora and the vulva also had this in my third pregnancy After delivery they return to normal although not quite completely after the last Recently it has gotten quite large and there is bit of pres sure Do you have any advice for this How serious is it After delivery what can be done to correct it Will it get worse as get older Is this reason to avoid another pregnancy Mrs The labia majora and the vulva are outer portions of the female genital structure Vari cose enlarged veins can occur herc and be problem during pregnancy Thcy result from the increase in pressure and circulation in the womb area during that time For most women the eiilargcd veins usu ally return to normal but the strain of repeated pregnancies can take toll and the return may be less complete with suc ceeding pregnancies For some women such veins may be sign of gcricralizcd vcin circulation problem Aftcr your dclivery you should have thorough investigation of your general circulation especially if you intend to have another baby doctor spccializing in blood vessel problems might be able to pinpoint zi spccific vein or artcry causing thc problem For that surgciy might liclp Usually it is not at 100111 problem of this kind howcvcr For now take the usual prc cautions Ihc problem is par gt $536 NN coco 50 0093 gtgtFlt7=C Nicosia3 airI 14 Vulnerable Neither Dealer South West North East South INT Pass ZiNl Pass Pass Pass Opening lead 410 There is an cchllcnt chap ter on safety plays In Play of the Hand With Black wood Hero is an old hand that IS well worth study You are In thrcc IlOlIuIIIp against II of clubs load an you play Siifi for your contract BRIDGE tially mechanical Stay off your feet as much as you can Elevate your hips during rests Some women do this by placing pillow under their hips with the legs resting upward on soft chair Try sleeping on the side Opposite the varicose vein with pillow under that hip Avoid leg crossing and tight under garments You may have to continue this for time after delivery to save yourself other vein prob lems in the future Its good prevention for any woman in cidentally You might expect some worsening of the situation in any future pregnancies Dear Dr Itublc am 13 yearold girl with big prob lem have skipped my period know that cannot be preg nant because am virgin It is scaring me to death Also was sick at the time my period should have started Does that have any connection Im afraid it is serious SM doubt this will reach you in time to allay your fears but it might allay those of other young girls in your situation Yes an illness can cause perilt 0115 to be irregular or to be skipped Also young women of ten experience irregular periods until their ovulation and mcnustration patterns become set Dczir Ir Itublc Why is thc tcriii pulmonary em physcmzi used thought all emphysema was pulmonary having to do with lungs Can you explain Emphyscmzi mcans air in the tissue The term is almost always used in connection with the lung disorder Ilowcvcr air in tissuc can occur in nthcr ways such as in thc chest wall from stub wound TOSWaldUacoby and Alan some Safety play for contract You certainly can unless that lead happcncd to bc Singleton Just duck in both hands The actual hand shows East with three clubs to the queen If he puts up his queen South just plays his ace and gets four club tricks If he holds the queen back South gets only three clubs But two spades and four diamonds get him to the magic total Of nine If West has led from QIO 98 South will play his ace of clubs next East will Show out and South will have proven finesse And if West started wrth quccnIOsrnall thc quccii would rlrop on the third lcad South would collect inc less trick than ht could havc scored but his contract would have bccri safc Ask the lxnerts You hold OKXXX VAX OJXXX OAXX WlellllSlll Itittitl wants to know thc llrrtfl rtsporisc 11711 to partners oncdiariiond opening The iirritt rcspiirisc IS onc Spndc Yiiti plan to bid again dain crossword ACROSS 44 Accountant lahhr First fillt 46 Not forward iCOlep wd 48 Not at all Acknowledge wrls PfevilflCrIIf 50 liarrlwftfi 12 English rivier 53 Mouth part 13 Half prefix 54 Mllqu 14 Gold Sp 56 Smear 15 Car 58 Landing boat 16 American 59 Melody lridians 60 Light Ian 17 Golfer Hogan 61 TWIce 18 Georgia City 62 Skinny 20 Hereditary bliicpririts 63 Departed 22 Brick carrier DOWN 23 Southern state alibr Auto Club 24 Pounds alibi Egg cell 27 last letter Note Lat 29 Eastern Tennyson mystics hero 33 Bowman Apart sport Animal doctor 35 Style ahbr 36 Admirer last letter 37 Swain Sagacmusly 40 December Visnm 10 Irritates 42 MiiSIrjaI pair 11 Era 43 Noun suffix 19 Strep 01 La 01 no Part of the car 34 Chest Willi Answer to Prewoufi Pullle 21 Ruth 39 Mohorovtcrt discontinurty 41 Havrng iiri feet companion 24 Experiment rooms 75 In If 45 Conscrmis pits 47 Sing Swrss 26 Scrutinim SWIG 28 Gmup of Mn 28 Conditionally 3O Inliirc Willi Chooses 51 Ornamental mns fabric 31 Roman date 52 32 my QlIdIlC sport 53 law degree ahhr shelch 55 Actress 38 Cleaning Farrow implement 57 Fitcept NI on on 01 U1 is Li 01 AstroGrap Bernice Bede Osol 1m lYour 13 March 18 1979 This coming year you could be rather lucky at things you or ther create or inaugurate Usr your ambition and imagination to the fullest PISCES Feb 20March 20 Sit uations where you can usr your leadership qualities wrll be the ones you shine at today Your way of dorng things lf rust shade or two better than Others ARIES March 11April 19 Things you do With the lamin wrll turn out to be the most pleasant today It might be crazy but extremely fulfilling day TAURUS April 20May 20 The more people you are around today the better youll like it If you dont have plans make some which Involve Sharing In group activrty GEMINI May 21June 20 Coni petition stimulates and brings Out the best in you today This should be rewarding day if you choose actrvtlies with this in mind CANCER June 21July 22 Your magnetic personality is Show ing today Dont be surprised if Bugs Bunny ALLOW ME To NTRODUCEI MYSELF IM THE FIENDJSH PROFESSOIZ FiCJi our Dotty Mini runn II Andy cop olll r1 Nsp Iruts NORTHERN STATIONERY 29 Dunlop St 7373860 you find yourself surrounded by friends and admirers LEO July 23Aug 22 FacadeS Of superficial people dont fool you today YOU know where the real values in tile lie and this is where and with whom youll spend your time VIRGO Aug 23Sept 22 Joy and happiness will come to yOU today from two separate sourc es yet each will involve your sharing Of something LIBRA Sept 23Oct 23 Even though it is Sunday something quite fortunate could happen today to affect your career or work in some manner The rewards are large SCORPIO Oct 24Nov 22 Lady Luck is making certain that all goes well with you today Dont be Surprised if you pick up an admirer or two SAGITTARIUS NOV 23Dec 21 When you arent looking today something very unusual could occur to bring you happi ness as well aS possibly add ing to your collection of things CAPRICORN Dec 22Jan 19 There isnt much chance youll be bored today Friends who always come up with new and different things to do will be camping on your doorstep AQUARIUS Jan 20Feb 19 Your ingenurty can be put to very profitable use today so be prepared to use II Something benefrcral could even develop at social gathering TONIGHT IM PWEGID we AT MY FIRGT MEETING A9 NEW PWEfiIVENT OF THE WOYAL ORDER OF MUGKWATS VOL WET URN CAPTAIN LUB SUPER HERO8ACIlt NO HONORABLE FROG MISTER TARLEIONS MOHON CARRIES ST VOIE oFUH FOUR To THREE BUT WHAT WOULD YOU SAY i9 HlébUT PiicH Woul Birthday March 19 1979 This coming year offers excep tional promise in two unrelated areas One is with your social standing and the other could fatten your bank account PISCES Feb20March 20 There are special advantages earmarked just for you today Dont let another who has been drag tag along and upset your chances ARIES March 21April 19 If someone is giving you hard time today Speak up for what you believe in Youll discover many supporters ready to back you up TAURUS April 20May 20 condition you didnt figure on may look like it will half your plans However everything works out so successfully youd think you planned it that way GEMINI May 21June 20 Something is in the offing today to give you an Opportu nity to make much more mOney than you were able to previous ly Stay alert CANCER June 21July 22 Use your head today instead of just your muscle YOU have Chance to bring together sev eral factors that will result in an extremely successful adven lure LEO July 23Aug22 If things arent exactly right for you talk to as many people as possible today Someone you least ex pect will Step forward with your solution VIRGO Aug 23Sept22 The old saying that we can never have too many friends will prove true when several re cently made acquaintances prove extremely valuable LIBRA Sept23Oct23 There is major change coming one with an advantageous effect on your career This could come about through someone you run into today SCORPIO Oct24NOY22 Your ideas are exceptionally sound today You Stand Chance to correct an annoying problem and to receive great recogni tion as well SAGITTARIUS Nov23Dec21 Make your personal goals sec ond to those of others Suprls lngly youll receive for greater rewards than those youd have gone after CAPRICORN Dec22Jan19 Alliances made today are espe cially fortunate for you Thls will be doubly true if you team Up with highcaliber people and it youve prepared to adjust your thinking AQUARIUS Jan20Feb19 fortunate development that could affect the status OI your work or career might present itself today Accept it for the blessing it is THAT sworzos GONNA TAKE Ll tu4571 991 ILL WILL GLADL KISS THE ONE THAT KONKS THEIR NOINS HERES HOVU TO ORDER WELL30 LEASTILL BE ABLE To LEAP TALL BUILDINGS TRAVEs 317 Your Wedding Invitations Announcements Headquarters We provide loanout service

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