lifes Editor Claudia Krau se7266537 Heating with solar energy Expensive Its like this said Jack Lubek an energy consul tant as he explained the concepts of solar heating Solar heating doesnt yet make economic In Volunteers for the Simcoe County health units new vision testing take notes during talk by Margaret Arnott volunteer coordinator for the health unit The volunteers but exciting says consultant viz sense he said In recent discussion with members of the Simcoe County chapter of the Solar Energy Society of Canada Examiner Photo who have been omblyopla or lazy eye are the first group of nonstaff members used for such project Examiner Photo testing nursery school By NAMY litilEROA Of The Examiner Solar heating doesnt make economic sense at least not yet said an energy rtsearch consultant Wednesday speak ing to the Simcoe ounty hapter of the Solar Energy Society of Canada Solar heating especially from prefabricated units is an expensive undertaking said lack Liibek an engineer with Middleton Associates Toronto Im not trying to discourage you he said in his discussion on the design cost and impacts of solar heating units in the home Economically however no one should think about building solar heating unit unless they are going to build it themselves lrefabricated units at cost of about $3000 can be pur chased from more than 30 min panies In anada Most frequently it is those who believe fuel costs will con tinue to rise who build solar units In survey conducted during the meeting Lubek found most chapter members expected fuel costs to rise fstcr than the rate of inflation Lubek conceded however that if fuel costs escalate higher than expected he and others may have iinderestiiiiated the tliltilillt Villllt til Stllill heating The surey also showed most members were willing to spent about $3000 on solar heating system that would save them only SJooa year Saving money howeyer isnt the only reason for building solar umt said Liibek Many are interested in solar heating because it leaves them Independent of non renewable llStiUittN llillll ll Ill vironiiiciitally clean and because it offers room for ex plormgandexperimenting Some people claim their lifestyles are changed by solar heating said Iiibck They claim to be more aware of the children for Health unit seeks help of volunteers for shortterm projects director Hy RillRD THOMAS Of The Examiner Wanted dependable women with time on their hands The Simcoe ounty health unit is looking for volunteers to supplement its nursing pro gram staff The ideal candidates would be retired nurses or school teachers who want to get out into the community occasional ly says Florence Iomlinson director of the nursing pro gram We will give them the train ing but they must be willing to give the time to it says Miss limlinson The idea of using volunteers is new thing to the health unit and hasnt been given enough attention throughout the province she says The health units nursing pro gram has currently enlisted about 315 volunteers to work on special vision screening project to detect amblyopia or lazy eye among three year old children in the county But this was only designed to coincide with International Year of The hild says Miss ionilinson Enthusiasm among the volunteers has been high because the project deals with children she says and if the volunteers are really interested we can see lot of other possibilities fortheiruse The health unit would like to establish hcring tests for three year olds as well says Miss lonilinsoii and this could be the next logical step for volunteers The nursing programs staff are constantly involved in other facets of public health such as immunization clinics prenatal classes and even controlling outbreaks of head lice in schools and could always use an extra pair of hands Miss Tomlinson says If we had volunteers to help in the process the nurses wouldnt hac to do halt dozen things at once Many of the projects where volunteers can help would only be short term says Miss lomlinsoii The sort of things parent might want to do The volunteers might hopefully become as much part of the unit as its own stall she says Miss Iomlinson says although the nursing depart ment is pioneering the volunteer scheme other departments such as the dental and home care programs are also keen to consider volunteer services Safety tips for seniors at Parkview on Wednesday The second session of iarkview eiilres information seminar for seniors is sclicdiil ed for Wednesday it to noon Areas to be covered during the session on safety will in clude fire and crime preven titlil smoke detectors lraiid crosswalks and wills Bob lieiicli fire prevention officer with the iarrie Fire Department speaks from it to 1030 in David Smith Bar rie lawyer outlines wills from 1030 to 111 am onstablc lary Logan of the Barrie Police Department from 1113a lil tonooii speaks tlperatcd by Barrics recrca tion department Parkview Tenlre programs are designed to interest senior citizens in the Barrie area The centre is located at 180 Blake St and is open Monday through Friday it am to4 pm in March 28 the final session in the current information seminar will cover money management Scheduled speakers are Steve Perriard and Any Malcomsoii local insurance agents as well as Mike Rowland of the Barrie branch of Toronto Dominion Bank Their topics will include health insurance car in siirance safety deposit boxes and banking for seniors The first session of the seminar March 14 covered geriatric medicine prccau tioiis care of the feet apd ser vices of the Victoria rderof Nurses For more information call Parkview clitre coordinator Susan Martin at 737 0755 Margaret ordiiiator for Arnott the co amblyopia testing project says it has been in creating en the catalyst thusiasin among health unit of for ficials the voluiit cer scheme Mrs Arnott says she is pleas ed with the response to the vi sioii testing pilot project The volunteers all very interested she says Sltiii environment especially as the sun changes 0f the chapter members about half were interested in solar heating for economic reasons while the rest were evenly split between en vironmental and exploration reasons Although most people will not save lot of money rarely are they disappointed with their solar heating units Using solar energy is very exciting said Lubek You can do lot of experimenting withit With continued experimen ting building and research the cost of solar heating will decrease said Lubek Members of groups such as the Simcoe County Chapter of the Solar Energy Society he said will be remembered as the pioneers of the industry people places St Patricks dance St Patricks Day lance will be held Saturday at the Stroudlnnisfii Recreation Cen tre in Lefroy There will be door prizes spot dances and an Irish stew Dress is optional Tickets are $350 each available at the Lefroy Legion Hall or by calling 4361144 Dance proceeds re in aid of the lniiisfil Pipe and Drum Band ampers welcome Barrie Bmmerangs amping lub will hold meeting at St Marys School in Barrie Mon day at pm All campers are welcome to attend For more information call T28tH85 overs 17th century Jamie iiiinter of Midland will be the guest speaker Wednes day at the public ineetingof the Simcoe ounty chapter of the Ontario Archatxilogical Socie tv Ilunters lecture is entitled 17th entury Acculturation An Analysis of Historic Trade Routes The meeting will be held 111 the third floor lecture room tentrance by the side door of the Municipal Savings and Loan orp Building 04 lunlop St Barrie The lecture is the first in new series sponsored by the chapter The next lecture in Midland in April will feature Bill lox of London int lie will discuss archaixiiogical conserr vatioii Everyone is welcome to at tean both lectures liower arranging basic flower arranging course taught by an instructor from the ivic iardeti entrc Ill Ioronto begins at the Barrie campus of teorgiaii ollege on 1iltlti The course iiins for three Monday sessions from iii to in Registration fee is $211 and students must bring their owiillowers Registration for the course presented by the Summer School of the tls 111 co operation till the tiro lownship llorticultiiral Soeii ty is limited tolti persons iiiest speaking The Barrie chapter of Ainnes ty International meets Wednesr day at it to hear Richard Reocli who has worked for prisonersin Asia Reoch is head of conimumca tions for Ancsty International out ofthe London Eng office The meeting in the faculty lounge of the applied arts building at tieorgian ollege begins at it pm For more im formation call David Mair at 728 5448 Pinball challenge Four local high schools and members of the media will compete in first annual pinr ball charity challenge from Marcth to24 at Bayfield Mall Barrie ihe Kinsmen lub of Barrie eddig album RobinsonHesser Marilyn lean llesscr and ierald Alvin Robinson were married Feb 17 in tollier Street liiited liiircli Barrie The bride is the daughter of Mr and Mrs tiraid llesscr of Barrie and the groom is the son of Mr and Mrs Avlin Robinson of Barrie Rev ll1ll officiated at the service Douglas Stewart llaiitist and Lawrence of the York Winds Quintet played selections from Bach They were accompanied by Jim Leonard organist Maid of honor Karen llesser sister of the bride led bridesmaids Diane llesscr and Anke Meier Riiigbearers were Jeffrey and loiiatlioii lioniei Best man was liiii Robinson brother of the groom John Robinson and Rob llesscr were ushers reception was held at the oiiie of the brides parents The couple now live in Toronto lieriicy oboist two members expects to raise $5000 to sup port the Clbtic Fibrosis Foun dation and community pro jects Schools will be competing for prizes plus high school bursary Machines for the event are being donated by Little Joes Family Casino Physician to speak The industrial Accident Prevention Association will hold regular dinner meeting March 27 at pm in the 1101i day Inn Barrie Dr Richmaii an industrial physician in akville will be the guest speaker lie will speak about confidentiality medical assessments and record keeping Tickets are $625 each and may be purchased by con tacting Betty Akers DeViibiss anada Ltd Box 3000 Barrie t72tt55tll Bazaar announced The Senior itizens Get Iogethcr Iub will hold bazaar tea and bake sale April 24 from to pm at the Anny Navy Air Force lub on Anne Street Barrie Everyone is welcome Raising funds The Jack and Jill operative Nursery School will hold fund raising bazaar March 31 from to pm at St James hurch Stroud The bazaar will include baked goods garden goods used clothing books records and play corner for children Everyone is welcome All welcome The Womens Society of St Presbyterian hurch Barrie will hold thank offering meeting April 11 at it pm tiuest speaker is Mrs lIlhs president of the Toronto Kingston Synodical All are welcome Missionary iidrew iiolding crusade lhe Meryle Dolan Team will lead crusade at 745 nightly from May lit to May 20 at West lro Baptist hurch in Edgar Rev Meryle Dolaii evangelist will be ac companied by Lloyd Knight arlos Figiiieredo Bob Knight and Betty Evans Rev Gordon Bonney will act as general chairman of the crusade Everyone is welcome toattend Spring card party The atholic Womens League of St Marys hurch Barrie will hold spring mixed card party March 27 at it pm in the church hall Tickets are $2 each and include door prizes and lunch Bring your own cards For further information and tickets call T2tt0617 or 726 4282 Fashion show The May ourt lub of Barrie is staging fashion show April to model clothes available at the iingham Door nearly new shop at 74 Maple St operated by the club The show at Bayshore Motor ilotel begins at 115 pm Tickets cost $5 and include lunch hapter to hold party The Kempenfelt chapter of the imperial Order of the Daughters of the Empire is holding card party on April 25 at7pm Tickets may be purchased for $1 50 from any chapter member Everyone interested is welcome to attend the party at the Legion Hall on St Vinv cent Street Desserts will be served Butcher says people eat too much meat WINNIPIIH Ii Peggy Wilson says that after 10 years as butcher she has come to the conclusion that people are over indulgent about meat People tend to order more meat than they need eat too much meat and pay too much for it she says adding But Id be out ofa job it they didnt lhe Sit ycarrold widow seldom eats meat Besides being too damned expensive she says she finds it too much trouble to cook just for herself the examiner Friday Mar 18 1979 mum Lack of love leaves scar Dear Ann im 29 and have been married to wonderful man for five years We own our home and have beautiful life together So what is my problem My mother We fought 24 hours day When turned 19 moved out to keep my sanity Mother never forgave me for deserting her and embarrassing her in front of her friends if they only knew the beatings she gave me the screaming and grief left behind No one would believe it Ive tried so hard to get my mother to like me Last Mothers Day sent her flowers She threw them in the trash can in my presence Why is it that this late in life miss not having mother Last week went to the zoo alone While watching the gorillas theyre fascinating the maternal instincts were so touching cried ive been depressed ever since Why cant my mother forgive me for leaving home even though Im willing to forget those 19 years of grief Why do keep trying to get her to like me My father and have wonderful relationship Please help Am hild At 29 Dear 29 One who has not been adequately loved by the principal person in his or her life carries the scars forever But understanding why the love was not forthcoming will free you from your prison of sadness Please get counselling It will help you see that the cause of your mothers inability to love you is not due to deficien cy in you but in her Dear Ann Landers was interested in the Dying Per sons Bill of Rights While it has great merit may suggest couple of alterations have the right to die in peace and dignity Because there is often little dignity in the terminal period of ones life in humanitarian manner would be more appropriate since it implies that the patient deserves to be as comfortable as possible during that period t2i have the right to expect that the sanctity of the human body will be respected after death Respect for the sanctity of the human body after daath may be interpreted by some to mean that the body must be buried intact This would reduce the availability of organs such as corneas and kidneys which would enable the blind to see or the person with kidney failure to be free of cumbersome dialysis unit Furthermore this statement implies an objection to an autopsy which can be an invaluable contribution by the deceased An autopsy can provide knowledge to confirm diagnosis or lead to the discovery of unrecognized conditions which could be boon to medical science and promote better care for future patients believe the patient should have options such as the one expressed in the following statement have the right to expect that the sanctity of the human body will be respected after death but this does not preclude the postmortem examination or the donation of any bodily organs which may benefit others Mi Rochester Minn Dear Ml Both suggestions are excellent Thank you for writing Erma Bombeck Diets mean compromise The Diet Workshop recently came up with survey that didnt hold too many surprises The most hated food among dieters is liver Anyboclys Personally dont like to eat anything that moves when cook it excites the dog or inflates on impact with your teeth used to go to weightecontrol group that preached the gospel of liver think the slogan they used was Drink liver malt with someone you love We all tried to disguise liver by working our quota of it into other parts of the diet lid everything but put dress on mine It didnt help Liver is not like any other food KNUW Its the kind that when you drop it you find yourself apologizing to it have met few pro liver people iii my time although try not to cultivate them They are usually people who sit around and make ridiculous statements like an you get any rhubarb in this town or didnt like eels either until tried them in butter ihey ill regalc you for hours on their favorite methods of cooking liver and what you have to do to kill the taste but Ive never converted Even in my fantasies cant see Sophia Loren Jaclyn Smith or heryl liegs having liver breath even for hip bones Ive done lot of compromising during my diet years which began the year afte was married and my knees began to blouse pretended to crave lettuce sneaked carrot sticks into my bedroom and ate them under the covers and even layered cottage cheese and pretended it was cake but liver have done lot of thinking on the subject as to why liver is thinning Some people think it is because food has to taste bad to make you look good This is an old wives tale and is simply not true The reason why liver makes you that land why two per cent of the dieters polled refused to even try iti is because liver goes long way Not only will pound of it feed city the size of Seattle for an entire month but single spoonful of liver into the mouth of dietee will be chewed for three days thus eliminating all the fattening food you might have eaten Billys Pointers Pastry brush cleans iron DEAR POLLY hadnt used my electric waffle iron for several years seasoned it but the waffles always stick and it is mess to clean do hope you will have some suggestions to help me correct this MH DEAR MH When you seasoned the waffle tron you may not have gotten all around those many little humps pastry brush is great help in being sure the oil or whatever gets in all the comers Then too on may not be using enough shortening in your hatter How about this readers POLLY DEAR POLLY My Pet Peeve is with the high cost of halfsize clothes They take less fabric to make but are usually several dollars more CATHERINE DEAR POLLY piece of decorative tile from around my kitchen sink came off tried all those ma ic glues but they did not make the tiles stick because the excess moisture Then thought of my denture powder which secures my dentures and withstands moisture tried it and it worked The tile has been on for several months MRS WHW DEAR POLLY too crochet snowflakes that stiffen find that spray starch is very satisfactory Stretch and pin the snowflakes to the desired shape on one of those cardboards that holds bolts of material in store Most stores will gladly give you one Place waxed paper between the board and snowflakes and be sure to shake the spray can well while spraying Saturate them with the spray and then put the bolt end out of the way and allow the crochet to dry thoroughly about 24 hours They will be stiff and white and the waxed paper allows the excess starch to stiffen the underside too LINDA DEAR POLLY Recently one of the readers asked what she could do with birthday hristiiias and other gift cards cut mine into strips about inches wide tso there is picture of sorts on each Sillpl make hole near the top rim yarn through and make tassel of the wool on the end The result Is book mark POLLY Polly will send you one of her signed thankyou newspaper coupon clippers if she uses your favorite Pointer Peeve or Problem in tier column Write PULLYS POINTERS in care of this newspaper