the axamlnor Mondayï¬iur 12 1070 If you park in the spot you must pay meter II It Embarrassed embassies in tittawa have promised to pay oit unpaid parking tickets issued to their vehicles in lit This follows published reports that diploitiats were ignoring their parking tickets Last year Ottawa police gave itsttttt tickets to cars with diplomatic Iteeitce plates litl TH who got the tickets paid up Itiploiiiattc llilllltttlll prevents foreign diplomats irom heiiig prosecuted for parking violations Senegalese diplomats top the list with Jiil unpaid parking tickets white the lgandans were second with t7ii Itotli eouiitiies diploiiials used their immunity to avoid payment of lines French diplomats received tot tickets and paid fines on twoot them titted Statesdiploiiiats receivedfiittcketsand paid tor oi Iheiii lhe Itritish had Jt tickets and paid for ltl Labor negotiations are eXpected to be turbulent in I979 tlI itI relations will encounter heavy turhuieita this ear as workers Illtltlslllgtl described as major betrayal ot labor by the Iederai govern titeiit The conference board pri vate research group said real Incomes deeiiiied in 1978 thereby providing the basis for renewed struggle over income shares and improved living standards The board makes gloomy economic forecast with 34 percent grotht expected in the tross National Product 78 percent inciease iii the ton suiiier Irice Index and an 88 percent level of unem ployntent The board said the antiin iIatton program was effective in holdiitg down wages bttt did not control prices stti tot wage increases to keep up itii ittlldlttttt says the totitetettce Itoaid ttl tanada It ii ill be ayear oi continued uncertainty regarding the tuturc oi the itatioii aitd one oi heightened anticipation on the economic front as the antiIn tiaiion progiaiii passes into his tor the board said III report on the WW industrial relations outlook It appears that ItTI ill be critical eai iii Iahoi manage meiii relations lIlt the econ om continuing to pertoriii poorh as it emerges troiii the restriction of program the in troduction of which has beett or iii Give up Actress All McGraw beats on costar Alan King during rehearsal of scene from the movie Just Tell Me What You Want outside New Yorks Bergdorf Goodman department store Sunday The film which began shooting in January with pro jected April completion is billed as romantic comedy AP Photo MP wants freedom of information law tJIiA ti Itogres site onsetvative government would enac ltItittirtlrittlot niation Iaw lIIIIll siv months of taking power onservative II ierald Italdwiit said tttlitld He said Ills party is con iiiited giving individuals gtiaer access govettttttettt tilltilltittlilttl aitd oiin virgin tloteiiiiiieii that hasnt been ii pout er long enough to have Ios virtue can enact such THE SMARTEST THINGS WEAR Dom snow Ils ltiJ llti si months any govern itietil would begin making this takes it preferred people not to lItitl out about speaking at cottletettee on pi ttt arleon Iniyersity Baldwin predicted the goterii timii II introduce its own littiitttlt oI iiiloimaion hill he Ititt the federal election ex pH ed Iiiioriuiuite ItiiI because the Irudeau go eiiiimii has been in power toi Soft Contact Lenses Ililtlt than to years it pttletted From ti ItttIi its mistakes rathei iItiii to introduce legislation $18900 We can arrange an eye appointment for you and check to see it youre suited for contact lenses attach would ensure truly open LJtlttlillll the member for ItIttt Iti er said SAVE onrcpous l0 7V5 Radios and Sicteas For Qim SPIVIK Fol Moray lock OWNER Coil STEWART ELECTRONICS 7289457 74 Peel St 3th jpltCOl NDuntop SI IN Dome 737 Tragedy not over for victims of Chatham farm flood ItAliIAM nt 4Ii family forch to abandon its flooded home Friday learned two days later that an explosion had ripped the house apart and started fire that burned it to the ground Early Friday Beverley Bag naII 47 realized the water that breached dikes along the north hank of the Thames Itiver on Thursday had won liagnall his wife Agnes 43 aitd son Kelly Itt left the two storey trame house climbed aboard tractor and drove through kneedeep water to higher ground They left every thing but the clothes they were wearing Sunday at the home of an other son George in this city 15 kilometres east of their hover Township home friend telephoned to tell them their home Iiad exploded and burned to the ground The Itagnalls were among It Police evacuated 37 people from flooded farmland In Dover Township near Chatham when These flooded lands indicate the extent of the flooding In the Jeanettes Creek area when this land in Dover and East TiIbury townships While other families began returning to their wet ice choked homes on Sunday the Bagnalls still were trying to comprehend their IOSs FARM lNlNthlIl Their 75acre farm is lllr undated The water that crashed through weak link iii the maze of dikes surrounding the Thames River has frozen and bitterly cold northwest winds are adding to the agony otcleaning up All we heard was front neighbors who said theyd Iieard an explosion said Iiag nail They said the roof blew right off the house and it htirst into flames The fire chief said there was nothing lett Fire hiet Iton Itenoit said the townships two fire trucks could not get within 3o metres at the house It was complete loss by He said one tire truck had to be abandoned iii waterfiiled ditch and firefighters had to hitch rides on fourrwheelrdrive vehicles to get to the scene Bagitail has lived in Dover Township all his lite lie divides his time between working as scheduler for local companv and growing sweet corn and beans He could not estimate the mine of his loss but said trac tor and other tarm machines wereunderwater KRBLRY and other ï¬ne liars imm Cavalcade FontMercury Sales Ltd families forced to leave the the time we got there It OWOW high wafer from spring flooding Of 19 Thames PhOOgrOPh was made salurday affernoon CP township when water rushed must have been gas but were Rift 645443 River faced Owner femporarlly move out Photo over H000 acres of flat farm stillexaminingit misï¬t madamemm gDOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DUUULA uuuuLm UUUULA UUUULAZt uuuuma ult2i£tr= an anemia magmas purimgflygimgoig tUW you GET HERE your gamma We intend to become the No Front End Alignment all Inolm MD CITY SPECIAL PRICE ONLY TlIE LOW OVERHEAD rm Whtor 1mm Room 510 dunnoInuit rod ol Thu Ford CNyChuow Excellent solution of Only new vehicle at vary competitive prices Retail Dealer In Huronio WE HONESTLY BELIEVE THAT rte nation BRAND NEw 979 MONARCH door sedan 2506 cyI automatic wsw radial tires 1979 FORD ECONOLINE Ioo CARGO VAN Roar door gloss paucngor 979 MARQUIS METEOR Sedan 302 V8 automatic PS PB WSW bumper guards 975 FORD LTD power steering electric rear 133 1232 131 at wostorn mirrors high Mndow d°fr°5l°n Wh°°l doluxo wheel covers No 0mm h° sue No covers 9065 m9 FORD cm SALE PRICE ONLY mo cm ma om CI SM PIKE on s5798 V788lEEIlUCEIl BRAND NEw Bargain Prices 1979 pong FORD Eioo LlNCO BRAND NEW 979 ZEPHYR Sedan occont group deluxe whool covors WSW bumper AT SPECIAL STYLESIDE PICKUP 300 CID knitted vinyl trim speed wheel covers group electric defroster radio electric defroster low mount bright mirrors radioNo9058 frontdiscbrakosdemo I475 I59 90 SPInQS N0 mo cm SALE PRICE ONLY mo cm on mc 9008 ottlY FORD CITY SALE PRICE ONLY $4998 BRAND NEw 979 COUGAR dr HT 302 V8 automatic BRAND NEW 979 LINCOLN CONTINENTAL I919 EoRD BRONCO 351 VB automatic traction tok bright western mirrors FM Stereo turbine wheels etc No 9163 FORD Cl SALE PRICE ONLY pkg tow hooks HD bat tery chroma bumpers No 239 Roman SALT ma oIILr covers bodysido mIdg No 9I72 FORD CITY SALE PRICE ONLY numb any hotter DOUGLAS LincolnMonty Solos ltd Bl Essa REL Barrie The only deals we min are the one we dim know about will limo exactly as odvortiud Now an will freight P0d DlIorgo Salon tax OIIII advorlllld If you have any problem to hoor about it porsono £33233 mm IOICAI CAPRI OMONARCII COUGAR NIARoIiIs mm VANS PICKUPS IIRoNcos NEVER HAVE so MANY PAID so LITTLE FOR so MUCH mm mm em mm twat notions DOIthAS notioiiis Donate Meet mm MW I977 MARK 1976 THUNDERBIRD I977 vinyl roof Lic No EDS314 PS PB bumper group WSW haggling pk9 bodyng otoctrtc defroster radio root In ro vinyl roof deluxe wheel mdd Im 9r°p AM console dual horns cooling I978 FORD F250 Ill and enrol Spock Show will In Ioltl Dag4g itll not 48month 60000 Q0101 If Alonlna now YOU EA VI 0095 Always our 250 Now It Used Vehicles for Immediate Delivery CITY GIVE us TRY din V8 auto P5 P8 tinted glass air conditioning vinyl roof WSW wheel covers Lic No HJV 276 WRITE AN OFFER WRITE AN OFFER Fully loaded air Conditioning only 38008 miles Lic 43757 LN WRITE AN OFFER Loaded tilt wheel air leather stereo Lic No KMP239 WRITE AN OFFER VB auto P3 P8 AMFM WSW WRITE AN OFFER VB outot PS PB step bumper LicNoA33oII9 DONT DELAY BllY TODAY SALE ENDS MARCH 17th mic that ma DISCOUNT DIAL DISCOUNT WE NEED USED CARS mot 7235553 YOUR USED CAR Amomam PB wheel covers radio electric defroster tinted gloss console body side mldg ctto $167 WSW bumper group con Ileana venience group No 9023 FORD CITY LEASE PRICE ONLY at all wont My IF IT HAS WNLELS WEll LEASE IT vuucus ANY MARE 0R NOON Wfl ï¬ftu