Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 10 Mar 1979, p. 10

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10 the examiner Sarturday Mar 1Of Central Collegiate senior girls volleyball player goes up for spike in recent match at Central The team among the favorites to win the l979 On tario Federation of Secondary Schools Athletic Association title lost two of three matches at Woburn Collegiate in Scarborough Friday to reduce their chances of winning the provincial championship Examiner Photo Central senior girls lose twice at OFSAA ftarric ciitral ollcgiiitiv scnior girls ollcyball ltitlll has oiin iiiatlicniatical possibility olcapltllllitllllr1071i nlario chcration of scion tar Schools thlctic Associa tion titlc altci losing lwu ol thicc matchcs Friday at Scar boroughs Woburn ollcgiiiti lhr squad highlyratirl ciilral sccoiirl layoiitc ot lhc ll ltllgttllllll sclimii ltllllttl liliitil lcrrilli hillll school iiiil loriititii llcaycrlirac bolorc llllil to KiplingI lolliuiatc ol loriiiii and lioiidoiis Xiiiiiilci riwii lary School iiittul lirat Itinixiiiii 1112 lrllt lost to Kipling 112 lfi and ktlt lrtllrll by Sitlllllltl ii llllil third lillllllL Pistons awesome llir tans yiic rcally part ot this gan1c lilioii coach llick Vitalc cxilaiiiicrl ty thc loolh of thc iiiiiiibcis ou might hau thought thcy Ulr down on thi cour taking shots along will llll Nllllriiiil Irilliltllll til alioii Illtilr Vlirii tiic lllilrdiQ lii zl liltrllit oppcit in it ill MIMI liml luwllhlilll lily Iil flllIN it ll Soniciiiir out bu loriiuii liltlr loo litl iltll if bloat gjnliii iIii said how on ll tlii lcltics prourl tillrl coach llii kiis lIll word luv ot my litc You iut how ti tor gil about thcsi Iilllil ol liigti oi youll gociaj ll illll lint ILrlll ii lij hliiiil til iiuoii ltiii liK liiiliiiriiv 11 illl li loilzziiilliziillintvi llI illlll ltirl itlliiiiivliiiili ici ll vlilll ipci on lIii rt lliii llili llilillli lilll lit ll lilci ilii CADA CAMP BORDEN RANGES The lst Battalion of the Royal Canadian Regiment London Wlll conduct live night firing of small arms pyrotechnics 762 GPMG and MM on and IS March I979 from 0800 hours to l200 hours at Camp Borden Range The range property lies within the comp boundary and is bounded as follows To the NORTH by the Sunnidole Tosorontio Township Line and the SunnidaleEssa Township Line and to the EAST by the Fourth Line of the Township of Essa and to the SOUTH by the fifteenth side road of the Township of Tosorontio and to the WEST by the Fourth Line of the Township of Tosorantio The danger areas are clearly marked by danger signs on all approaches and indication that firing is in progress is glltfll by the flying of red flags at entrances to ranges and at the firing point and butts STRAY AMMUNITION AND EXPLOSIVE OBJECTS Bombs grenades shells and similar explosive obiects are hazard to life and limb Do not pick up or retain such obiocts as souvenirs If you have found or have in your possession any object which you believe to be an explosive notify your loral police and arrangement will be made to dispose of it No unauthoriled person may enter the range property and trespassing is prohibited BY ORDER Charles Nixon Dtrputy Minister Drrpurtirient of National Defence lildtai Ilil ill in ii lltilllll rill srzi ll ii iiiiiiuiiii Itii Niil ltlllll lllltill wii titilll lilo and limit hound0s win riii incl in Lon llllllllilli1lti lli itch lllltl llli ilitl llic lliiii1i ltitlll IIil lll llllllllllli llliillll toili lilll llit lo llllill oi iitiiiii ii lirlli iilliriiril Checlioiit our limited time WE M55 MMEOWNEK 450 unys grab second spot FlyersCambridge series confirmed Itairic Flycis will inch aiiibi iitgc IIUIIKIS in thc first gaiiic of lhrir licst ol livc iuia lian lntcriiatioiial llockcy licaguc scrics tonight in am liriilgc it was confirnicd Fii da cllanrl Sunys rcgistcrcil it victory ovcr Whitby lio quois lo giyc thciii solc posscs lillliltlllll Fla IAIi dccply satislicd llalc Illll WIN hail uscd littlc psy chological ploy on IlllllMll lcancd back sniilcrl and an iiouiiccrl lll lllltll tlic lirll out of II Im not talking just about all IIlt short oncs Im talking about illitM 13 and 33 and 30 loolcils In iiutslicll bayc not had putting round llkt llll in long loiigtiiiic sum of thr lcagucs sccond placc spot rriic point alicad of Yambridgc As thc IIIlltIpIilCt tcain aiiibiiilgi ltltl lastplacc llycis in tlic first round of thc playoffs playoff spot for Flycrs was coiitiriiicd aftcr lcaguc inclting in Toronto lucsday sct iiptodiscusstlic viability ole Irwin makes long putts to take share of lead llc oiic puttcil to limos in cludiiig tliicc birdics from 23 30 lcit in couiscrrccord 10 on dcr par 13 that providcd liiiii llll sliaic ol lllt sccondround lcad Friday in thc $300000 lackic iliasoii Illtlill grill tournamcnt Irwin said his vastly iin proycil putting rcsultcd from cliaiigc in puttcis hc niadc last wck lhc chaiigc was inadc primarily for psychological lcisoi1licsaiil Actually tlii putlcr lhc Hornets get jump on Kings llllllll lloriicts took tliitiisl gaiiic ot thcir bcsl ol scyrn ltiitiiio llockry irlttl ioii Iiiuior scrics against lciiitziiigiiishciic lliciiiical alcy luriior Kings Ailli xiitoiy Friday it Itlltltlllllltlllllltltlltt lllltlll riiliiiciil to thc tl pliiyoll tl llN iltrr lllillllt out tiiiltoiil lllucs in ltll panics ol tlicii liilltntaiio luniorl lciigucchampionshipriirs lrriiliiiiiiisliciir mirncil tlicii shot in tlic ill Illllilllll tillc tlirl knocking oll Hio is lit tour llUItIIll gaiiiis ol tlicir liciiigviii ltiiy liaigucchampionshipscrics coin lil lll rliciili lllr location ol llir scuiitli tilllll II it llrlelth iiiccssirry GABE KAPLANS HAVING BALL THE AMAZING ADD0N CGE HEAT PlIMIL Cools in Summer Heats in Winter Reduces your fuel consumption AFRL30 0N5 HUNDKEDAND FIFTY GE Weathertion North Americas as No lselling heat pump Call us for an estimate air locum rebutr equals 540 pecial offer V0 have until April 30 l9 to oran Cr heat pump to add to your present Iul nora II installation II Loirplsrted on or before May l979 you Will ratIva rebuilt cheque dirrnt from The rebate II $40 per ton 7XX BIUH plus 550 II Ilncltunlt air cleaner purchased at the wine III For example 75 ion lystaiu 30000 BTU with 25 Iqunls Slot plus $50 oquals $150 OUR installations are backed up by the service of reliable technicians We will provide list of satisfied customers upon request DYKSTRA BROTHERS 38 Ellen St 7261 439 Barrie ting all six teams into llic playoffs In the othcr firstround mat chups rillia Icrricrs will takc on Sunys and firstplacc lhundcr llay Twins will inch fourthplaccWhitby goal by am Bolling with 2t StLtllKlS left to play gavc Wclland thc win in thc third last schcdulcd Tllll gainc club thc brand whalcvcr rcally docsnt makc that much dillcrcncc hc said Manitoba takes title tllAWi Harry Fry and his Manitoba rink from Winnipcg vron lhc 50th ana dian mciis curling champion ship Friday aftcr Saskatchc wans Rick Folk was kiiockrd out of conlciitioii by Nova Scot ias Alan llarragh ltnc drim icmaincd in thc lz rink ltlllllrltlllll ltturllilllltlll but Fry cdgcd lrinci Eduard Islands Wayiic Mallicson of harloltctomi tit and iaisrrl his won lost rccord to lltlt ltairaglis It triumph Folk kliockrl thc Saskatoon rink to it Sunys Will mcct lliundcr ltay Twins today and Sunday in Iht final two rcgularscasori gamcs have Waltcr and Itick Morris addcd two goals cach for Wclland and Lou Nistico scored singlc goal lion llawkshaw scoer twicr for Whitby whilc Wayne rii son Dave Wilson and Rick Kcsscll notched the others Sccond gme of thc 7ambridgcltarric scrics is scheduch for Monday at Barric arcna lamc timc isxtiiri pin Third game is slatcd for lucsday in Cambridge and lhc fourth gamc if ncccssary will go Friday March lit in Bank lhc lcaguc announccd its plan to allow all tcams into thc playoffs last month but thc inoyc wasnt confirmcd until Tuesday nights meeting at the Ontario Hockey Association of fircs Flych owncr lord foates and general manager Steve Cripps said they didnt ex pect the league to allow them into the postseason action sports calendar SATURDAY SWIMMING lhc YMCA Neptune Swimming club IS competing at Centennial Pool in Itracebridge Skating Tho lnnisfil skating club is competing at Stroud arena urling lhc Barrio curling club is holding Brass Group bonspicl Gymnastics pm ticc at Georgian folkg0 The Harrie Gymnastics club is holding prac Racing 715pni Regular post time at the Barrie race track DIRECT COMPANY DISTRIBUTORSIIIP $10000 PARTTIMEStomoo PLUS FUllTIME mums 901mm NOT VENDING 0a FRANCHISING 10m to BILLION 001m mousm YOU PROVIDE WE PROVIDE Exclusive Patented Products We Establish Initial Accounts lmmediote Cash Income 0No Selling Required Resale Option Relioble Background Good Credit Dependable Automobile Time Available Minimum Investment PLAN 290 PLAN II 2580 PLAN III $25I60 JAVA COFFEE NUT SHOPS llMITED ESTABLISHED I907 For Information Call Toll Free Mr Bob Adams 18002687292 or writs MARKETING DEPARTMENT I80 Bloor St 81h Floor Toronto Ontario MSS 1V6 The Employees of Township VeSpra Simcoe County To the Plans for Semi Private Hospital Accommodation Extended Health Care and llltt tllllllttyttH iiirt Illtll littttllltK now lltVi Illt lllol security of ii iiirillth litfltlll pack ago to Stillpltlltttll llltll basil tittVlllltllll lilll covoiiicii ll tlioy iitw illl iii tivo lltilllllttll btlill privato or pllVillt room in hospital nord prescription bugs or Itlllill inii tlicii ltluc Cross iVoiiiiio Will llltll to iawint Wllll tho hills ONTARIO Dental Plan Graeme Hingston 659 King Street East Stiitt108 KIICIIPTIOI Ontario NQGIMJ 519 57874700 As your Ontario Blue Cross representative am pleased to add my personal welcome and look forward to servrng you along With the many others in this region already enjoying the protection of variety of Blue Cross Plans BLUE CROSS IlVltilttN ll IIII UNIAHIU iiiuniiAi Astloi lAI iON

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