the examiner Friday lili 1979 wheel Four afternoons at Florida track By El HARPER Chay have just returned from Florida where spent four afternoons at the beautiful Gulfstream Park Race Track All the race fans were excited about two horses that wer stabled on the grounds One is threeyearold filly by the name of Candy Eclair who had won five straight races as twoyearold and was unbeaten in her first two races this year The other horse was Spectacular Bid who won the Florida Derby last Tuesday at Gulfstream Spectacular Bid has now won to of 12 starts and all three of his starts as threeyeai= oId andy Eclair lid not fare as well as Spectacular Bid when she ran in the Bonnie Miss Stakes on Wednesday February 28th Only three fillies were willing to try to defeat the sleek grey The race was run over seven furlongs with no betting on the race It appeared that it should be another easy win for andy Eclair who had defeated all her rivals this year But there are no sure things in horse racing and Candy Eclair was beaten by half length by the Calumet Farms Davona Dale This fiIIie looked as tough she could run all day and is now good prospect for the Kentucky Derby Work cut out But they are all going to have their work cut out to defeat Spectacular Bid in the Derby Even though he ran into all kinds of trouble in the Florida Derby Spectacular Bid won by Iengths and covered with 18 mile distance in 148 just seconds off the track record It was the eighth successive stakes victory for the Hawksworth Farm Colt trained by Grover Buddy lelp Six tolts challenged the grey son of Bold Bidder and Specr tacular He was boxed in on the first turn by three horses and his jockey had to take him back to fifth place before he could get clear He was again shut off on the rail and jockey Bonnie Franklin had to take him wide around three Iiorses to get him some running room He overtook the front running Pot tltiold at the eighth pole and drew clear for the victory This great colt showed lot of heart in winning the race and will likely be the betting choice in the Kentucky Derby liked the racing at Gulfstreani They have large fields and good horses and some of the best jokeys in North American But they have lot to lcarnabout post parades The horses are all over the track and usually the lead pony is between the horse and the spectators It would never hapr pen at Woodbine Quite game Ballard elated Snider disa ppointed NHL scraps merger plans KEY IAlttlt Fla ttli Reactions ranged from the ef fusive elation of Harold Ballard of Toronto Maple Leafs to the deep disappointment of Ed Snider of Philadelphia Flyers after the National Ilockey Leagues board of governors voted Ihursday to scrap plan World teams to add four Association 197980 season feel so elated its just like the North beating the South in the iviI War said Ballard as he left at the end of the twoday meeting that resulted in the re jectioii of motion to add Ed Hockey for the monton ilers Winnipeg Jets Quebec Nordiqucs and New England Whalers by what was believed to be one vote There is no reality in the National Hockey League said Snider wto was proponent of the plan was at Ioggerhcads with Ballaid longtime chamr Ski race cancelled accusations follow ilIISILEB ttl tancellation of World up downhill ski race touched off chain reaction of accusations Ihursday but in the end almost everyone remembered to blame the weather The race to have been run to day was cancelled after four man jury decided safety bar ricrs erc inadequate to protect skiers on course that had turned to ice from mush That decision made after course inspection several stormy meetings and vote by top skiers not to take practice run drew the loudest protests trom tanadian skiers They werent the only ones with gripe however during day of arguments lobbying charges and counter charges that showed international skiing to be just as much politics as sport The aiiadians charged the Swiss with vetoing the race proper safety netting was by then impossible to get Finally everyone blamed the weather After three days of heavy rain and avalanches left the race in doubt tednesday be cause the cotiise was too soft freezing temperatures over night produced exactly the opposite problem the course was too hard and fast The 3183 metre Whistler downhill which drops tttia met res from start to finish is one of the toughest in the world and neither jury nor skiers wanted repeat of the tall last weekend at Lake Placid that seriously injured Italian skier Leonardo David The jury found several trouble spots and said race oi gaiiicrs only had bales of hay and the wrong kind of fencing to protect them There were nets but they werent strong enough said Serge Lang who founded the World up circuit Itacc chairman Ieter An drcws said Federation Inter iiatioiialc du Ski iFISI delegate approved the course Saturday litit the ram that lollowed melted about metres ot snow exposing rocks stumps and ravines that had to bc cov cied They wanted the IIiiropcan style netting that we just dont have here he said pointing out that permanent netting at Lake Placid cost $324001 Andrews said about Szoirooo had been spent on the race with about $11tiiio to szoooo spent on protection BARRIE MINOR pion of antiWllA forces in the NIIL Expansion requires that threequartcrs of the NHLs l7 clubs vote in favor and only 12 Were believed to have sup ported the plan presented Iliursda Ihose opposed it appeared were Toronto Montreal anae dieiis Vancouver anucks Boston Bruins and Los Aiigelcs Kings ZIEGIJZR IISlllINlI€I NIIL president John Ziegler went to pains to avoid saying who lined upon each side of the question but he acknowledged that for him personally the result was surprising and disappointing think that everybody went about it on the basis of Icts make decision one way or the other and get it behind us whatever II is that should be it Ziegler said ertainly the whole ap pioacli was that it we were go mg to do anything for the 75Htti season we should do ll now and nobody has any stomach or desire to go through this cxcr cise in the near future ROLLER RINK As you are aware the roller skating business is rapidly expanding in Canada as it has in the States If you are in From procedural stand point no member club is precluded from asking that anything be put on an agenda But from practical stand point Id have to say that the matter is expired Ziegler has said he believes that hockey would benefit from having only one major league Youre disajmointed in the sense that lot of people put lot of work on it aan as Ive said still think the best thing for our sport is one professional league so the fact that we have not accomplished that Im disappointed in yes SllilltlSESWIItII Jacques ourtois of Mon treal an apparent surprise No vote in light of hi past statements that the anadiens favor aborting stronger WHA clubs into the NHL declined to say directly how the Stanley up champions had voted John Ziegler suggested that the release of the vote should not be itemich because it could be misleading because you arent necessarily against ex pansion it you vote against specific plan Courtois said But you know there are some gu in the NHL who are prepare to make deal at the expense of the others They give up nothing but they say Oh its very good deal You give up this you give up that and well have deal If Montreal did to against its previous position it likely was because the anadicns did not feel they were receiving ade quate compensation for or reacquiral rights to the loodd playes who jumped from their wellstocked organization to the WHA This is the third consecutive year in which NHL governors havr discussed some sort of ac commrxlation with the rival WIIA to avoid antitrust pro blems no one dares call it merger and it could be the last for some time if not forever $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ WANT TO EARN BIG MONEY Do you want to make at least several times the amount of money you are earning now doing the some or similar type of job You can if You are willing to work Overseas Whether you are presently working or out of job for complete details send large sell addressed stamped envelope to FOREIGN EMPLOYMENT SERVICES BOX 6756 STATION TORONTO ONTAIIO MSW IXS mar1 ivrn SJIIIII lion Always Jeffrey Fell of Mississauga who rode on the Ontario cii cuit for couple of seasons won his third straight riding ti tIe at lulfstream Park this week The 22yearold native of Hamilton nt won two races on the last day of the meet the ltith and final downhill ot the season to protect their skiers World tup standings The Swiss argued that the terested in owning or leasing an ultramodern facility we have one in LACROSSE REGISTRATION which begaln otn Jan for Ihosetytvins ioughthis total tolso mum MINUS humorous operation and some vie ories iici was we more ian acin asquez in Hwy rm Hugh NAHUM excellem loco Ilzhod second said the course was as sale as available ons ere are many trainers ant owners roni anar racing In Mum mm in Florida this winter Frankie Merrill who always has runqu mum hm mm lo we design and build lag fiilllfltthiztxlg races on the Ontario circuit had winner mm mm lnmylxnyqivms DUNLOP Complete lUTn key 15 given an ex ta ray ie jury The likeable Art Warner who has trained horses for as mum hm hmQ Hg1 EASTVIEW ARENAS operalloni Wthh In Iong as can remember on the Ontario tracks was at Hump and AM TO PM cludes hiring and Gultstrcgagi and SlttlthtI ilnekaipicitureof lhore byithe training of staff name quare riang iici ia won jus ew ays 0°C before arrived Ihis horse was owned by Art Powell well Managers Team ASSSlonls budgelngr elc known Barrie sportsman It was claimed the day it won and lusms may also Sign Up This l5 COSh flow Art Warner was feeling bad about losing the horse But that business WHh no is all part of the racehorse game rec Yes was winner at lulfstream but the races return to on FURTHER INFORMATION All éIVOble lmled and ireenwmd in Toronto on March 19 and they will probably eOSi controllable get my winnings back You can beat race but you cant equPmenl and in heat the races ventory also minimum labor costs ror more information please write to PO Box No 694 Sudbury PSE 5K4 and Other Fine Cars From Cavalcade FordMercury Sales ltd 5454435 iamiflitttt Mpg at up imAriiiiettii March 0th BEE DARE BOB WEBSTER 7265485 Receivers better says Argo coach Ioltoxio ttii Mike Faulkincr says Toronto Argo nauts ot the tanadiaii Football League had better overall pass LACROSSE IS FOR EVERYONE Eidéfllljfl WIZARD the IL year contract with team on Thursday After the signing he studied reccncrs last season than ï¬lms ll Ami rocmwr RUMHMM WNW Slade Willis Ieter Muller dnmflm Mike Harris and Dwight IJd tioiial ootball League And Faulkiner should know he was the Redskins onsidering the ability to receivers coach last year Now catch the ball run the route and hes reijinsible tor Argo toughnesstheIorontoguysare Assorled fragrances 450 grams receivers after signing one better Iliiilkiiiersaid BARRIE MINOR LACROSSE REGISTRATION BOYS AND GIRLS SATURDAY MARCH 1079 mart Reg Price 78 NOW fjiiffl POTTING SOIL l0kilo bag mart Rog Priu 257 NOW YOU PAY ONLY 43 6¢ BABY SCOTT DISPOSABLE DIAPERS Daytime Toddlers lint log Price 229 NOW mow HOSTESS FRENCH FRIES Assorted flavors I25 gr aint log Prlco 69 NOW YOU PAY ONLY ll7 ROD STEWART Blondes Have More Fun TOTO BEE GEES Spirits Having Flown VILLAGE PEOPLE Cruisn BONEY Night flight to Venus mart Special Price 461 lanair PLAZA HWY 27 BAYFIELD ST BARRIE ONT Your IAPA has safety skills to share And it doesnt cost taxpayers penny QWvaIwo Safety at work everywhere cw IAPA The Industrial Accident Prevention Association is totally funded by business and industry If your company is in manufacturing or retail industries very likely its member of IAPA How does it feel to be part of world authority on health and safety without costing taxpayers penny Good Now get your own moneys worth lfyou have need for information or consultation contact IAPA today Were constantly updating health and safety theory and practice at work at home everywhere ITtTONlYWj KODAK COLOR FILM 126 20 ex Limit per customer mart Reg Price NOW 43 IE DE IAIA Industrial Accident Prevention Association Bloor Street East 23rd floor Toronto Ontario MAW 3C2 Alb 9658888 NON PROFIT BUSINESS lUNDLD SINCE If MODEL XSI IOOF CASH REBATE $5500 Rebates also on 22 other models Get yours from yce 5M OPEN MON TO FRIDAY it 10PM SATURDAYS itifllPM HGHWA QMILES SOUTH OF BARRE I84 YONGE Sf BAHHE ON7lil0 L4N 705 7268I