the examiner Friday Mar 1979 11 televisOn guide FRIDAY EVENING VIEWING 600 NEWS HOLLYWOOD SQUARES CAROL BURNETT AND FRIENDS POLKA DOT DOOR 630 NBC NEWS MARY TYLER MOORE SHow CBS NEWS ABC NEWS NEWS PARTY GAME JEREMY 645 READALONG 655 WRITE ONI 700 DATING GAME EIGHT Is ENOUGH CROSS WITS MARY TYLER MOORE TIC TAc DOUGH MAKIN IT NEWLYWED GAME KIDSWORLD GOOD TIMES PRICE IS RIGHT 730 DANCE FEVER NEWLYWED GAME TRIVIA OUIz HOLLYWOOD SQUARES CIRCUS INCREDIBLE HULK MAGIC SHADows BOB NEWHART SHOW 800 DIFFRENT STROKES ALL IN THE FAMILY SHA NA NA MAKIN IT IN SEARCH OF PROGRAMMING UNANNOUNCED MOVIE DRAMA Hungry 1076 830 HELLO LARRY FRONT CHALLENGE SKELETON KEY WHATS HAPPENINGii DELTA HOUSE WhenFloundertalls 00600 89006 Is 88609000 000909 Stay PAGE toda In love with Mandy the Omega pinup girl the Dallas use all their will to convince her that despite his outward appearance he is the man or drums MOVIE MYSTERVDRAMA Va The Salt 1012 ID DIMENSIONS IN SCIENCE 900 BROTHERS AND SISTERS Checko Ronald and Zipper enroll In cinch course on marriage in which they have to pair with female partnertor research WOIBS JAZZ SESSIONART ELLEFSON TOMMY HUNTER COUNTRY FRIDAY NIGHT MOVIE cm Stealer 1979 Stars Beau Bridges Blair Wit BJ AND THE BEAR DJ is hired by man with an unnatural interest in coffin full of dirt from Transylvania that he wants transported to Hollywood to promote new Dracula movie Guest star John Csrradine mins WINGS THE LOVE BOAT Three Vignettes Age Of Man stars Paul Burke Patrick Labortesux Famlliss Stars Mark Serra Ellen Dry 80 Sam Stars Michael Tucci 80 mine 930 TURNABOUT WHATS MY LINE 1000 SWEEPSTAKES STARSKY AND HUTCH CHALLENGERS THE ROCKFORD FILES Hospitalized by an accident Jim Rockford becomes convinced that he witnessed the removal for transplant of an organ from live or 60 mins WHAT Is TRUTH FERGUSON SHORT AND Ross NEWS UPDATE NEWS 1001 so BARETTA 1030 KOWALSKlLOEB REPORT PETER APPLEYARD ID JOURNEYS IN TIME 100 In to NEWS CBC NEWS CTV NEWS EMPLOYMENT FILE MOVIE DRAMA IA Aloha Bobby and Rose 1015 110 NIGHTMUSIC 1120 NEWS 1127 NEws 1130 THE TONIGHT SHOW CBS LATE MOVIE THE NEW AVENGERS The Last Of The Cyberneuts The Cybernsuts were walking missiles which under evil influence could wreak terror anywhere in the world THE PARADISE CASE 1906 Stars Gregory Peck Charles ohton MOVIE MYSTERY Va alalk Crooked Mlle 1043 STREET TALK 1140 IE OUESTION PERIOD 1145 BRIER REPORT Don Chevrier and Don Dupuid repon from Ottawas CIVIC Centre 1150 MOVIE DRAMA as Brooks Last Case 1972 1200 THE PROFESSIONALS MOVIE ADVENTURE anaemia 1910 OVIE COMEDY The Presidents Analyst 1967 12 MOVIE DRAMASUSPENSE The Boston Strangler 1968 1230 PTL CLUBTALK AND VARIETY 100 THE MIDNIGHT SPECIAL GOODIES 200 MOVIE ADVENTURE Boeratlon cIA 1965 MEDICAL CENTER MOVIE HORR0R Baron Blood 1072 15 MOVIE DRAMA ml The Shop On Malnaswet 1966 MARCUS WELaY MD 345 MOVIE DRAMA The Moon and thedsggience 1042 ID BEWITCHED in history March 1979 The Canadian Parliament ap proved the incorporation of the TransCanada Pipeline Co 28 years ago today in 1951 The plans called for 4900kilo metre natural gas pipeline to be built at cost of $250 million from Alberta to Montreal It was hoped that construction would be finished by 1954 but it was still incomplete in 1956 forcing the pipeline debates in Parliament The Liberal gov ernment wanted to lend US owned company money for part of the line and to found Crown corporation for budding the Northern Ontario section The government enforced closure to pass the measure which con tributed to the overthrow of the Liberals in the next election 1907 Hamilton newspaper dealer was fined $30 for selling US papers on Sunday I918 The Russian capital was changed from Petrograd to Moscow 1929 Alberta Premier Brownlee refused to introduce law for the eighthour workday saying it was unfair to farmers 1912 The 88 Leopold was torpedoed in the Atlantic kill ing 171 persons 1961 Ontario initiated sales tax of three per cent barries stog March 1967 Rev Annette came arm ed with photographs to prove to the joing parks and recreation committee that outdoor rinks in Barrie were badly maintained and ill supervised Father Annette told the com mittee that more artificial ice rinks were needed in the city and that existing rinks needed better care He displayed photographs of rink boards with raw nails pok ing out of them poor ice condi tions and change house closed and padlocked at pm on Sunday afternoon Barrie Mayor Les Cooke presented trophies to the win ners of the Optimist Club of Barrie Oratorical Contest at Community House Edwin Farrar grade nine student at Barrie North Col legiate took top honors Second went to John Ribalkin Barrie Central Collegiate grade nine student Ald Les Jolliffe said one man could handle the job of parks superintendent and recreation director in Barrie He told the joing parks and recreation committee the city could save money and get the job done just as well by combinbing the two positions In the opinion of Mayor Cooke community winter car nivals were too successful to be replaced by provincial ex canadas stog British Columbia Received Warm Welcome to Join Canada On March 1870 the Red River area was close to rebellion and it was by no means certain that Canada would be able to take over the Northwest from the Hudsons Bay Company Donald Smith had just com pleted his negotiations with Louis Biel and was on his way to Ottawa with Hiels proposals Yet it was on March 1870 that the legislature of British Columbia began debating the bill to join Cana da There were three factions in British Columbia as there were in the Reï¬ River area One wanted to join the US Another wanted to remain separate British colony The third was in favor ofjoining Canada although some of its members were doubtful that Canada had enough people or money to solve the colonys problems It was understood that Canada would take over British Columbias debt and provide money for public works Governor Musgrave wrote to the British government that British Columbia would join Canada if the deal included the building of railway to the Pacific coast British Columbia delegates Carrall Trutch and Helmcken traveled to Ottawa via the Union Pacific an American railway line and began negotiating with the Canadian government on June The Canadians were led by Sir George Cartier because Sir John Macdonald was ill and the British Columbians were surprised by the warmth of their reception The deal included the wiping out of debt of more than one million dollars money for public works and railway within 10 years Canada took over the Northwest territories and Mani toba became the fifth province on July 15 1870 British Columbia became the sixth province on July 30 1871 It was remarkable achievement for nation of about four million people OTHER EVENTS ON MARCH 21103001538 Roberval was given authority to establish colony in Canada lBlZLetters from American spy Captain Henry to Governor Craig of Canada were read to US Congress 1815 Quebec learned that Treaty of Ghent had been signed on December 21 to end War of1812 1824 Patent system began in Canada 1906 Lethbridge coal miners went on strike until De cember 1907 News dealer in Hamilton Ontario was fined for selling US pa ers on Sunday 1956Federa Provincial conference opened In Otta W8 travaganza along the lines of the Quebec Winter rnivul It had been suggested at professional twoweek produc tion to encompass the entire Central OntarioGeorgian Bay region would provide better entertainment and draw more tourists than individule weekend shows The Ba rric Mineralogical Association born at Library Hall Twenty people turned out to the formative meeting of rock and mineral collectors club to elect their executive plan field trips and arrange details for the new club Bill Christianson of Grove St and Owen Jones of Murray St in Barrie were elected president and vicepresident respectively Secretary treasurcr of the new club was John Edwards of Wyebridge Barries first blood donor clinic of Centennial year was to be appropriately recognized Every tooth donor would receivea Centennial gift Mrs MacLaren local Red Cross clinic organizer said the Red Cross blood banks were very low because of the recent rash of motor vehicle ac Cidents particularly those which occurred on the weekend of Feb 25 when Highway 400 was closed Hundreds of area parents converged on Sunnybrae Public School Stroud on the occasion of Centennial Scicncc Fair held in conjunction with Educa tion Week The fairs aim was to foster an interest in scicncc with maximum pupil participation The students all researched their own projects and runawaycnthusiasm was en countered according to Sun nybrae Principal Don McEachern national ccntcnnial childrens essay contest on local firefighting history opcn to all Grade 567 and 11 pupils was announced by Barrie Fire Chief Dan Keast Sponsored by the Public Fire Services of Canada the contest offered total of $1400 in prizes for the best treatment of the subject History of Fire Fightingin myCommunity Dave Viti offensive end for the Hamilton TigerCats predicted in Barrie that most Canadian universities would soon offer athletic scholarships Speaking at the annual father and son banquet of the Barrie Sguadron RCAC Mr Viti urg the cadets not to go in for athletics alone but to uso their athletic ability to pay their way through college was The Doctor 50 Tic douloureux nerve disorder By PAUL RUBIJI MD Dear Dr Ruble Is there any thing new for control of tie dou loureux other than Dilantin and Tegretol IMP Sorry to say weve made little progress in medical treatment for this unfortunate condition sometimes called trigeminal neuralgia As the term indicates if is nerve disorder specifically affecting the fifth cranial nerve the one serving the face area This nerve is supersensitive in tic douloureux patients They get sudden lightninglike stabs of pain Some describe them as searing and burning pains Attacks vary in frequency from several day to only few times year They may last from minute to 15 minutes each Women seem most bothered and attacks seem to come in mid or late life There are little trigger points along the branches of the nerve and these are touched off by the slightest irritation such as chewing or even talking The unpredictability of attacks just as with migraine headache makes control difficult The closest we have to medical nonsurgical cure is the kind of drugs you mention The Di lantin diphcnylhydantoinl is an anticonvulsion drug that is given on regular basis to try to avert attacks It helps some people The Iegretol Icarba mazepine another drug is also prescribed Vitamin 1112 by injection has been tried in prolonged episodes of pain Usually pain medicine used at the time of pain is of little help Unfortunately these are the only drugs we know of that offer any relief from attacks which you know are un predictable Sometimes other methods are called for such as injection of alcohol into the nerve For some this may provide relief from attacks for months An uncomfortable numbness may result Newer microsurgery to try to clip the nerve is also being done Dear Dr Ruble am newlymarried housewife have begun noticing my nails lately They appear to be sepa rating from the rest of the fin gers thought hoped at first might be pregnant but no luck So what do you think the answer is Mrs LT Onychlosis the medical name for this is most often caused by too much exposure to chemicals as those in soaps and detergents suspect the exposure from your new housework duties might be the cause It is rarely sign of any disease although in some it might indicate thyroid disturbance Nail changes are not sign of pregnancy Some women may notice changes during pregnancy but those Would be related to poor nutrition and appear late in pregnancy nl Dr ltublc Docs dry nonfat milk contain more cal cium than whole milk What about eggs Mrs Dry nonfat milk contains considerably more calcium for its volume than docs whole milk cup of reconstituted dry milk has between 850 and 900 milligramsof calcium cup of whole I31pcrcent fat milk contains about 280 milligrams The reason for this is that the processing leaves the mineral in higher concentration ne whole egg contains about 17 milligrams of calcium Most of thc calcium in an egg is in the shell BRIDGE OswaldJacoby and ATan SOntag historically speaking Ideal end play Ooceg Cgt°°W Iowa Vulnerable EastWest Dealer East West North East South Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Opening lead South starts by losing two heart tricks Then he ruffs the third with high trump There is simple play for the contract All South has to do is to find the king of clubs in the West hand Unfortunately review of the bidding makes it almost explained certainty that East holds that king It is up to South to try to find way to make East lead club to him South plays two rounds of trumps and is delighted to find that trumps have bro ken twotwo Now he can work an end play against East He leads diamond to dummys ace Back to his king and then ruff of his last diamond Now he leads the last heart from dummy East wins and South dis cards club If East leads the last heart South discards his last low club and ruffs in dummy If East leads club South lets it ride around to his queen Either way South makes his contract BEL 5190 The bidding has gone one heartdoubletwo hearts You hold An Alabama reader wants to know your correct bid This is easy You should bid three hearts Make your partner pick the suit You can raise whichever one he bids 398 daily crossword ACROSS 41 AIIIIIHIIV llfil 45 flriwrai plot Greek sea 46 Finish Proprietor 48 Seaweed 12 Songstress product Lee 51 Cutout for l3 Capital of 55 Crveleti Austria 56 Costly fur 14 Beaver State 57 Metric unit 15 Earliest born 58 Reduce 16 Appropos l7 Farnrly DOWN member 18 Watch closely Island oIf 2i Strained MIIIBITIIHQUI 23 Ovum Gndder 26 took to Jimmy 28 Looks 8y birth 29 New prefix Woman 30 Repeating name from memory Take as ones 3t Pennsylvania own CIty City on the 33 Amidst tone 36 Felt sorry Slickest about Marries 37 Sea dog Compass 38 Woodwrnd pOInt Instrument 10 En5Ign ahtir 40 Hideous giant ll Rodent 41Year$p 13 Boat 42 Ghostly 18 Faun pas pl 01 Answer to frwmus Puzzle 19 Emit 43 Ititighen by 20 The hull exercrse wds Span 45 Song 22 More tidy 47 Grows darker 23 Plenty 48 Misfortune 24 SpeCies 49 Gallic groups affirmative 25 Egged 50 Energy saying 27 Hariker time abhrl Spanish gold 52 Poetic 34 More verdant contraction 35 Planted 53 Compass 39 RaIlroad point locomotive 54 tion home AstroGra ï¬n CYour Birthday March 10 1979 JOInt ventures with persons who share your ideals and Interests Should turn out quite prosperously for you this com Ing year Your outlook is very encouraging but you must maintain high standards PISCES Feb 20March 20 Youve been making lot of points With Important perSOns lately Because of this today they may provide you with large boost in helpful direc tion Ninthrop surge CAN you THELARGE LEADER l5 ACCUGEPJ DIPYING INTO THE PENEILDN FUNDG Short Ribs LETS BE FRIENDS SUPER HERO CAPTAIN FLUB WHAT ARE You onerun an are only ltrror tiemun tie Array Cape Diet Head Newa Syndicate 73773860 HI THERE AM TELLovI JACKET dig Prank and Ernest NORTHERN STATIONERY 29 Dunlop St ARIES March 11Aprtl 19 You could find yourself much in demand socially with all your pals today but take care you dont carry things to extremes TAURUS April 20May 20 Your artistic qualities are crying for expression today as you putter arOund the house but beIIEr not attempt to make changes for another member Of your family GEMINI May 21June 20 This may not be one of your better days for fixing thingsvYoure little careless Why not lay the tools down for the day and seek other diversions CANCER June 21July 22 You know how to make money or Stretch dollar today but you dont know how to handle it 51 Reg 05 Fur ov IT HA5 EVEWY CONCEIVA 8L5 EXTWA YOU CAN GET ON uuéT CANT wotEsoter How r00 60pr Hart MIT CRIME LIFE THANK you CIENDISH PROPEssoé uONu WEItests We BOUGHT nnouncemen ts Headquarters We provide loanout service THEYVE OT TO 88 NORTH MOZE THAN THAT WHAT WITH lNFLATlON AND Take care especially if risk is involved LEO July 23Aug 22 Because what you do is well received by your friends today you might get wee bit cocky with the family Forget it they wont let you get away with it VIRGO Aug 23Sept 22 Sev eral opportunities could come your way today They wont wait for you to make up your mind so dont hesitate to take advantage of them LIBRA Sept 23Oct 23 There isnt anyone you fail to impress today This however could be your downfall You might unwit tingly attract several lreeload ers SCORPIO Oct 24Nov 22 Concentrate on your more hu IHANK LOT WINTHQQR ILL NEVE BEABLE ID REBAV YOLJ WRTItts IM CURIOUS THE WHAT9 THONE THING THAT Md 7259555 YA MOST ABOUT YER NEW WHEELS VA WA Mr Ewmlj Your HIQHNEGS 14 WIN A125 you ENTERING LEAD LlNED BUNKEQ YOUVEGOT YSELF NEW BILLIARD CUE MONTHLY WHY DIDNT You Juer K1115 THE 0055 LM JUST AN ARGYLE éch TAKEN INFLATION INTO Bornioo Bede Osol manitarian projects today This will contribute to your status as well as allow you to take pride in your accomplishments SAGITTARIUS Nov 23Dec 21 As long as you remain optimistic positive people will be drawn to you The second you turn negative youll find yourself standing alone CAPRICORN Dec 22Jan 10 joint venture looks most promising for you provided you dont try to alter its present course Move with the flow of events AQUARIUS Jan 21Feb 19 philosophical approach is your best way of handling situation today There are times to get tough but this isnt one Of them BACKBWEAKINQ EN T5 nunm M1® SHOULD HAVE KNOWN NUCLEAR EXDLODING CIGAR