10 the examiner Friday Mar 1879 Bach to Berlin Gavin ParkerNance plays his verslon of Three th tle Kittens during the recitals of the Barrie branch Ontario Registered Music Teachers Association Sunday at Grove Park Home Twentyeight music students performed pieces by composers from Bach to Irving Berlin Examiner Photo Super film show designed for kids MONIIHIAI ltli hildren watch movies talk about movies and pretend theyre acting iii movies But rarely do they have chance to stand behind camera and maketlieirown Entilm Ttt North Americas first international film festival of Supertl films produced by and for children promises to give more than ltItio schoolchildren their first cgt perience at loingjusl that This wont be festival for bigshot filmmakers or critics Andre lialiancc director of the testtval said in recent interview Its mainly for the kids and to Increase the publics interest of what lilin Is all about Lafrance veteran film maker who teaches on the sub IlJtIIIiIi HARRISON cant sine world Reunion talk iust rubbish says Harrison liliiUlli Ali fume iiiattr George llarv uo reporter that the illï¬ Jz the world tfl iiiI 11 can save mi my Ilixfitif Iv il roiiiincnliiig at new inference called iwdhimdag to pioinote his lateV alhiiii George Harrison said the last he heard of possr blt reunion of the famous Irltï¬blt group was some guy in San Francisco who had some propct of getting Iohn ilen noni laul tIc7artneyi George and Itingo tStarri together All could say to that was Iook that was then This guy is on trip about the Beatles Iles built up this big fantasy about how the Beatles are the only thing that can save the world And that is complete rub bish He said that although the breakup of the group in 1970 had its rough spots Everybtxiys cool now We could all hang out together and have great time but the only thing that would spoil it would be all of you ject at the tniversit ot Ion treal says that throughout the summer 13 children will be handed Supeirtt sound cameras and asked to shoot short film at La Ronde an amusement park at Man and His World Working in groups of three under the supervision of pro fessional the children will shoot process edit and present the films in one day The liuii dreds of films produced will he edited into single feature and released throughout the world in videotapes Suptrt and ti millimetretilms liillllIIIIIC Weve found that child as young as five years of age is capable of making film and often the results are stirpris ing Lafiance says This will he chance for children who watch hours upon hours of television each week to unders tand whats involved in making film Iiafrance added that the only requirement is that the films must be iinderstandable by francophones Enfilm 79 has budget ol 8325000 provided by the operators of Man and His World the National Illm Hoard and private sponsors It will kick olf with an Inter national contest of silent Super it films shot on the theme of childhood Ten movies will be selected by festival organizers from hundreds of live minute films shot by children at schools across the province by the end of March The public then lll have chance to select the live finalists when the to films are shown in May on Radio Quebec the provincially owned ltltvl sion education network through procedure still to lt determined Five other finalists from Europe and the lnited States will be selected by special com inittees in their respective countries WANT QUICK SERVICE Try our bot last delivery Free on orders over $9 00 in Barrie Free limits l0°o Discount on Pick Up Orders over $900 Phone 728881 405 BAYFIELD ST BARRIE delivery COIEIIA DENTU RE THERAPY CLINIC Complete Denture Services 7264721 149A DUNLOP STE BARRIE MEMBER DENTU RIST SOCIETY Editor Stephen Gauer TORONTO 1It lhe iltlir dian content quota for tclevi sion stations should be revised the president of LKttl of Kitchener Ont said Wednes day William McGrcgor told anadian Radiotelevision and lelcommunications Commis sion HICt hearing that televisioti stations should be re quired to allocate certain txrcentagc of their budgets to anadian programming Under current ltlt iegiila tions it per cent of stations programs must be anadian Mctiregor who also is chair man of the networks board of directors said his pro posal would allow stations to concentrate on quality rather than quantity The proposal also would allow anadian stations to develop quality programs to compete with those from the lnitedStates The commission was told that it must help If anadian broad casting is to improve Iaul Morton president of the Global Television Network said the number of anadian programs may decrease if the ltlt allows cable television en HARDCORE OI IIMIIIA IK IlRlb lRlSIN TS GEORGE SCOTT an ATEAM PRODUCTION ot PAUL SC HRADER iIIM HARDCORE PETER BOYLEl tummy SEASON HUBLEYiXit ltlll rRooucER JOHN MlLlUS and language iitoouctoin BUZZ FEITSHANS MUSIC ADMITTANCE TO PERSONS l8 YEARS OF AGE OR OVER WARNING Some scenes be of The Branch may lensive atres Ont ACADEMY AWARD ADM TANCE IO PERSONS 15 YEARS of AGE 09 OVER CINEMAX AsMons NOMINATIONS tinment Change in quota needed TV official tells CRTC companies to increase number of television signals IIIUIAIIIHZIII IlIINI Global was told during the hearing that it had jeopardich its broadcast licence by moving its nightly news program to II pm from to pin ommission ltoy iiaibish said that by changing the time of the program the network broke commitment to the Itl to provide an alternative to news programs on major stat ions News is the heart of the Global network today liaibish said Except for news and public affairs it provides no alternative and youve mov ed it ilohal officials said they made the change so their news program could compete with It the pin broadcasts on other net works hilt unninghanr ilobals vicerpiesidenl of news and public affairs said the network found that most people prefer watching entertainment at 10 pm liaibish said that when ilobal applied for licence it said it would pitivitle an alter native to It pm news pro grams on and starring WRITIin ANlt DIRH Itoin PAUL SCHRADER 20th CenturyFox Presents PAUL MAZURSKYS MICHAEL MURPHY Produced by PAUL MAZURSKY and TONY RAY Written and Directed by PAUL MAluRSKy Music BILL CONTI Now in Paperback from Avon Original Motion Plcture Soundtrack Avallablc on 10th Centuryon reltords and tapes IMPERIAL CINEMA CENTRE 7283440 ACADEMY AWARD NOMINATIONS BEST PICTURE BEST ACTOR BEST SUPPORTING ACTRESS BEST SUPPORTING ACTOR BEST DIRECTOR BEST SCREENPLAYW STARTS TOOAI Morton asked the ltlt to help television stations in Wind sor Ont obtain programs He said that because the city is close to Detroit US broad casters consider it part of the American market As result commission was told that plans are being made to otfer new programs with written captions for the leaf Moses Znaiiner president of IIY IV of Ioronto said his station is working with Rogers able TV and Metro ablc to Introduce the programs pIOLZIilIll distributors often do not allow American programs obtained by anadian networks to be shown in Windsor unless addi tional rights are negotiated In another developimnL the He said the broadcasts would be available only to viewers with special decoders The hearing cont inucs IENEVA IOWEST ST 326633 W74 PJA Wltikl dtltMAN iwmim WWI MOMMA WEMOMmm WARREN JULIE JAMES BEATIY CHRISTIE MASON tuitiiiltkm CHARLES DYAN BUCK VINCENT GRODIN CANNON HENRY GARDENIA One at years IO best films 037 50mm Aftr it New it ll MLCur g1t FUNNY FUNNY One of the funniest movies in long time Audi 14 Eu av ehfl Mitiitwlli MlOthllE 00 IMPERIAL WILDERNESS FAMILYPARQ marvel of stupendous filmmaking movie extravaganza This one will outgross them all This enchanting film will sweep you away into world of unparalleled entertainment 425x REEDN DAILY NEWS Immondod Al AM marthum ovll ordiéilCISCOII MATINEES SATURDAY SUNDAY 130 IMPERIAL mass entertainment of high class and energy major feat in filmmaking JACK KROLL NEWSWEEK 5th GREAT WEEK BY JACK NITZSCHE ti I070 cannotoi Pit lows inausloos Int roe BEST PICTURE BEST ACTRESS BEST ORIGINAL SCREENPLAY WT FAIRY TRIMMER IMPERIAL 9IWTUIIOI 45 IS ALEXANDER SALKIND mum MARLON BRANDOOENE RACKMAN iN RICHARD DONNER FILM SUPERMAN CLIFF GORMAN l0R MOVILl AB PRINTS RY DelUXL mmgt=ï¬ ltltm=n to row tipIM Nina