Big boots for big Hans Hans 62yearold elephant at Houstons Herman Park Zoo is fitted with pair of handmade boots to protect his front feet which are plagued with infections Zoo keeper Lucille Sweeney left checks the fit of the boots with Sal Maida of the Maida Show Hospital who made the boots In Hans younger days he was not so docile and zoo keepers were not able to keep his nails cleaned and trimmed task necessary for elephants out of their natural environment AP Photo Alcohol power drives forklifts FORT SMITH Ark vli The oil embargo several years back got Stanley llarher think ing about alternatives so he started experimenting lllt eohol as fuel tor his ear lt yorked yell enough he says but he has siiiee found more pttlttltttl it more limited application torklitts the squat tkhoises of industry that require clean burning luel beeause they are used my doors Whirlpool oip and ierber lioduets agreed to let Bar MPP returns and gasoline have been tried rom trip elsethere inttinting lllt No Lovely modern desrgn wrth easyfilt easypour sp0ut Contemporary good lookswnh mirrorlike chromed hous braska iasahol program in ln ll ndl had selector SU rbu to Cuba whim mm mm Wipe clean chromed body molded plastic handle top be te es pe iotdott smith lt Mllttlit East saidhrreeeiilly travelled to tulia yith tiidusiial represeiiatiyes on trade mis sion Smith parliamentary assis tant to the Minister ot liidiisiy and lourisiii said the mission yas to prinote prodiiets Irom tl iiaiio industries and to gain lirst hand epei ienee it ill the tubanset up Mission members met tllt goyernment purchasing groups llllt Smith said he and lel iailaiid ttlllt tlilltltt ol tlte lliistoti ot Industry and Trade me lllt tourist pur ehasingaiidbankiiigageneies lhe nario group also toured parts ot ulia hesaid Smih said the mission nieiiiliers ere pleased ih the meetings lheie were many opportuiiiies presented ihieli eoiild be ot real tieiieli to all lltil4Itt1tlittllltilillltL saidsiiiitli iiiili said eoopeiatioii lie Utlt ministry of iiirlusiy and tourism oltieials and eoiiiier parts in ltlayuis Trade toiii missioiier Sen He helped make theripsueeessliil Brennans Meats bei experiment at their plants here Today tour loiklitts are rolling about under aleohol pouer and Barber has begun selling eonyeision kits to others They had an tlllltitllllttllll interest in this thing holding down pollution in their plant says Barber 48 who oyyns bridgebuildingeompaiiy The other reason as the fact that propane the typieal forklift liieli could beeome short in supply if ye had an other oil embargo and theyre looking for an alternate route to go Alcohol and blends ot aleoliol 90000 gallons ol gasoline aleo hot with good results The ditleienee betyieen liis experiments and others Barber says is his siireess in squeeuiig reasonable mileage lrotii aleohol His 1971 lontiae iith 41 eubie iiieh ll engine gets nine to it miles per gallon on either gasoline or aleohol he sa AlllUl Illll Bl IllHlS Barber applied for patents on his auto and torklitt designs and =n INT wrote ieiieral Mo tors orp and Ford Motor suggesting that they explore the of aleoltol ltoth replied that heir tests using too per cent alcohol hail shoun that it would yield only hall the mile ge as gasoline liar her says he has aehieyed good mileage in part beeause the tiiel is heated to torm por before it is burned in the engine And he tunes the engine to here it yould kiioek it burninggasoliiie llut he is eniieeiitratiiig on torklilts tilt and has given Iulsa kla eoinpany per mission to market eonyersion klls Moulinette ll Grinder and Willi EasyClean FastHeat Electric Kettle PROCTDR SILEX helps make life easier Kitchen shortcuts Economy 2Slice PopUp Toaster SELECTED FOR omian Shredder Unit Takes the muscle work out ot making ham burger coleslaw french fries more SIICGS grates grinds chops minces 473 19 blades FastBoil Jubilee Kettle Stainless steel body Harvest Gold color plas tic top with big easy pour spout 999 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