wednesday Is for women Speaking in Barrie Abby Hoffman Olympic runner and ex ecutive secretary for the Ontario Human Rights Commission is the scheduled speaker for the second annual fundraising dinner of the Big Sisters Association of Bar no The $25aplate dinner will be held Mav at the Barrie Country Club The association expects to sell about 150tickets Busiest month While Barrie residents want more and more credit some are not coping About 1500 persons or families have sought help from the Credit Counselling Service of SimcoeGeorgian Bay Region since it open ed in I973 The free service is funded 60 per cent by government and 40 per cent by creditors and the municipality Don Whelan executive director says the service had the busiest month in its sixyear history this February For more seetodays Lifestyle Page Concern Sadie Carr is resident at Grove Park Home in Barrie but Rollie Er win comes to Grove Park Home some weekdays to take part in ac tivities offered through the homes Senior Encounter program Now funded by Canada Works grant the program may be discontinued If alternate funding cannot be found before the end of March For story see todays Lifestyle Page Examlner Photo New Brunswick skip Richard Belyea shouts instructions at his rinkmotes at the Canadian Mens Curling Championships In Ottawa Tuesday CP Photo Teachers to lose iobs TORONTO iCP More than 200 high school teachers in the City of North York in Metropolitan Toronto were notified Tucs day that they will be jobless in September became of declining enrolments The North York board of education sent termination notices to 221 of the boards 2400 highschool teachers the president of the North York local of the Ontario Secondary School Teachers Federation said Lyn Frankel the federation president said the boards action would ruin morale She also said the board could not possibly know how many teachers it needs for the next academic year since that is an item to be negotiated in new contract But Lawrence Crackower board chairman said termination letters were sent at the suggestion of teachers on teacherboard committee reviewing staffing Two dont mix TORONTO tCPi The Ontario Medical Association has iSsued warning that common prescription pain killer can be fatal when combined with alcohol The association said propoxyphene which is sold under several trade names the best known of which is Darvon is one of the drugs most frequently Cited in drugrelated deaths Dr Liston director general of the drugs directorate in the federal health protection branch said doctors are warned to advise patients not to combine the drug with alcohol Bizarre escape try falls KINGSTON Ont vClt penitentiary prisoner gouged out his eyes with his thumbs in an escape attempt Sunday police said and his wife charged with conspiring to help the man escape has been remanded iii custody for bail hearing Friday Samantha Hunter appeared Tuesday in provincial court in nearby Napancc Ont and was remanded to Qiiinte detention centre until the hearing Police said surgeons had to remove one eye from Dennis Dale Hunter 29 of Youngstown Ohio The other was returned to its socket but viSion has been reduced to about two per cent Police said Hunter serving sentences totalling more than In years for armed robberies in Vancouver and innipcg and for escaping custody in Winnipeg had planned to escape from the ambulance that took him to hospital Police said they arrested Hunters wife after they were told an escape attempt would be made but had no idea he was planningtomiitilatehimself They said other arrests may be made within the next few days Salary raise OKd Essa Township council has voted to raise salaries in 1979 for its membeis and other municipal employees The increases were approved during salary review in February said Rev Regan counCillor Mrs Regan said employees in the roads department have been granted an increase of 45 cents per hour across the board while inside municipal workers and councillors received raises ranging from seven to nine per cent Mrs Regan said the raises were designed mainly to cover cost of living increases The salary review is an annual procedure among all the townships in Simcoe County to keep abreast of the times she said The raises now in effect have increased Come home to The Examiner can 7266539 for home delivery councillors salaries to $6501 per year that of deputy recve to $8000 and recve to $9300 said rs Regan Township councillors salaries vary depending on the size of thc township its population and the amount of work lllOl ed she said Named Argos manager TORONTO tCPt Tommy Hudspetli former head coach of Detroit Lions in the National Football League has been named general manager of Toronto Argonauts The Canadian Football League Argos rebuilding their front office after an owner ship change earlicr this year announced the hiring of Hudspeth at news conference today Earlier the Argos hired former Cleveland Browns coach Forrest Gregg as their head coach Hudspeth 47 gained CFL experience as an assistant coach with Calgary Stampeders from 1961 to 19m From Calgary he went to college coaching in the United States before winding up with Detroit in the NFL where he took over as head coach of the Lions for four games of the 1976 season He was released following the 1977 season Liberals in lead OTTAWA ICPI Prime Minister Trudeaus Liberal government has slight lead over the Progressive Conservative Opr position in Gallup poll released today but leading Liberals say they have lot of work to do if they hope to win the next election The gap has narrowed thats encourag ing said Senator Keith Davey Liberal campaign chairman reflecting on poll that shows Liberals with an unchanged 35¢ per cent of the deCided vote Conservatives down two with 38 per cent New Democrats up two with 19 per Cent and others with four per cent But its clear we have lot of hard work to do Thirtythree per cent of Him voters polled in early February said they have not decid ed who they will vote for in an election ex pected in May or June Flights cancelled NEW YORK AP Fuel shortages have forced two more air CitillelS Inited and Delta to canch hundreds of flights and airline indUstry officials are predicting the tight supply picture may endanger some cheap fares and plans to expand routes lnited the largest airline said Tuesday it will reduce its flight Stlitdtllc per cent through March because of fuel shortages That means cancellation of 38 flights each weekday with HR flights scrub bed oti Saturdays and 141 on Sundays said spokesman Ed Williams Delta said it is cancelling nine daily departures from Chicagos iiIIare Interna tional Airport Trans World Airlines TWA last week was forced to ground numerous flights because of spot shortages TWA cancelled 2st flights into and out of Kansas City Inter national Airport iii the Monday period of Feb 2328 Williams said the schedule reduction went into effect Saturday with no problems and future cancellations will be determined by bookings weather Cloudy with sunny periods today Highs to Lows overnight to little light snow Thursday Highs near am your No 66 Wodnooday March 1879 the examiner 5° For Copy Carrier Home Dollvery 90° Weekly serving barrie and simcoe county OneCanada stand economy keynotes of throne TORONTO tCP tough stand on constitutional matters and moderate ap proach to boost the economy were key elements in the Ontario governments speech from the throne Tuesday LtGov Pauline McGibbon accompanied by the traditional monarchal pomp opened the third session of the legislature by reading thL4tiniiiiutespecch The speech statement of overnment policies showed the government emphasis on constitutional issues by containing resolution supporting oneCanada concept Premier William Davis told news con ferciiCe that the resolution would likely be introduced in the legislature later this month Davis added that he is concerned that Quebec Premier Rene Levesque has talked about sovereigntyassociati0n without dcfiningit It would be mistake for Quebecers to assume they could have economic union with the rest of Canada the day after voting for sovereigntyassociatioii On Monday Davis in speech in Vlashiiigton IC described Premier Levesque as mischievous and unfair in state ments he has made in the lnited States However NDP Leader Michael assidy said the premier is inllaming opinions in Quebec with the dangerous kind of rhetoric he has been using here and in Washington In its throne speech the government reaffirmed its rejection of any negotiations involving sovereigntyassociation with Quebec as well as its commitment to patriation of the constitution Davis said the speech also showed the governments concern with creating jobs spurring the economy and containing in flatioii The government promised to establish system to monitor food prices across the province and an employment development fund to assist industry and increase em ployment Of the plan to help industries Opposition Leader Stuart Smith said any fool can give away other peoples money to big business What we need is program to encourage our industries not to encourage branch plantsSmith said Last year the opposition was critical of the governments $24million grant to Ford Motor Co of Canada Ltd to assist in construction of plant in Windsor Ont N0 COMMITMENTS In the speech the government did not announce its financial commitment to programs except for $58million costsharv ing agreement with the federal government Under the fiveyear agreement the governments will demonstrate new technology in energy conservation and renewable energy The government also promised to become tough with critics of Ontario Hydro the prov inces largest Crown corporation Last year the utility came under harsh criticism for overspending and overbuilding The government noted that foreign political instability makes it necessary for Hydro to enhance production to guarantee future domestic supplies What appears to be an oversupply of electrical energy today may be essential to prosperity within short time Smith asked why the government seemed proud of billions of dollars wasted by Hydro The government also promised more money for promoting tourism and the governments annual vow to cut red tape By planning council Reforms urged in tax system TORONTO tIt Metropolitan Torontos social planning council has proposed sweep ing reforms of ntarios property tax system The reforms designed to provide relief from soaring municipal taxes for homeowners and tenants include move ment toward greater reliance on progressive income taxes and less reliance on property taxes Since property tax weighs heavily on the small real property holdings of individuals the government should institute wealth tax which could include small tax on posses sions stocks andboiids the council said Tuesday The council also said municipalities in in farm pay for larger share of education social welfare and health expenditures from property taxes than do municipalities elsewhere in Canada and that Metro Toronto pays larger share of these and other items than do most local governr tits in Ontario counCil study shows iro property taxes are both randomly anti systematically inc quitable considering the market value of tax payers dwellings It says more cqtiitablc system of market value assessment could be implemented in such way that almost no individuals pro perty taxes would be significantly increased and recommends that the Ontario govern ment phase in assessment reform during lllt next five years The council says assessment reform must eliminate discrimination against various classes of residential property cstxcially properties inhabited by tenants It recommends that the government re quire landlords to adjust rental levels and leases to ensure that reductions in property taxes for landlords that result from the reforms be passed on to tenants The reforms should provide low income households with larger portion of total tax credits and should not result in loss of provin cial grants for any municipality Will let Chinese quit peacefully Vietnam BANGKOK Thailand tAPi Vietnam claimed today splendid victory over China and said it would allow Chinas inva sion force to withdraw in peace But Hanoi also reported continued fighting and Viet namesc victories The Yietnaiiiese Communist party newspaper Nhan Dan coupled its victory claim with warning If the Chinese troops while pulling out continue acts of war they will bedtily punished And Hanoi Radio reported such punish ment was meted out tothinese troops it said were carrying otit many barbarous criminal acts including plundering burning peoples homes and shellings It said hincsc troops burned areas of hi lua and Loc Rinh districts Tuesday and to day and looted villages around the provincial Sending arms to Yemenis WASHINGTON APt The United States and the Soviet Lnion are sending weapons to North and South Yemen involved in border dispute As South Yemens proSoviet forces main tained control over North Yemeni territory in the latest demonstration of superpower nvalry in the Middle EastPersian Gulf region offICIals reported these developments The CS aircraft carrier Constellation has been ordered to the Arabian area from its base in the Philippines OfiiCials said the order was based not only on the situation in the two Yemens but also on desire to expand its military presence in the area Saudi Arabia has notified the United States it may use made military equtp ment in behalf of North Yemen The Saudis are concerned that the collapse of North Yemens proWestern government might lead to an expansion of Soviet influence on the peninsula capital in Lang Son province northeast of Hanoi TRENCIIIISDLG It also described recent clashes in Can Bang and Hoang Lien Son provinces where it said the Chinese dug fresh trenches staged ground attacks and shelled villages But Viet nam said it duly punished the Chinese in all these areas The Nhan Dan editorial appeared to cori firm that the withdrawal announced by China on Monday was under way 263 93 Are you saying ou do not support the El inside today Hutylo mmlnmnt upon comicsw guide 21 classiï¬ed 24 27 Moments Food CIty page its breeze for Breeze True to his nickname Breeze Winston Spates of Base Borden is up and over large puddle in parking lot at Minets Bay like strong wind The parking lot leads to number of ice huts on Lake Simcoe lce fishing season speech sssss swssrscvgs closes March l5 With this date drawing near Spates didnt want to waste time walking around puddles to get to his favorite fishing spot to make those final catches of the year Examiner Photo by David Burcsik No defence pact with US Israel OKs treaty compromises JIIItlSAIJIM Al Israeli slittitt said Israel agriwl to three coiiiproiiii in con nection with possible ptlitt trmy wit Egypt but Israel Foreign llllhtr Mosh Iayaii made clear today through all aidc that Israel did not negotiate dtltiltt agriotiniit withthetnitedStates However the aides added that the idm was mentioned briefly in Prime Minister Menachcm Begin talks last week with President tartcr Dayan said the role Washington would play in the event of breakdown of peace was major UllllNllYtfl point in nigoftazois for All Israeli ljgy pt peace treaty Other unresolved lslt liitlUlifl tfIIYJtIIiZt and military assistance for deploying Israeli forces Dayan told brating of foreign ambassadors Thi nitWing was ins ed and Dayans remarks vtrc rcpiiri spokesman Dayan said lléglil had not mnttut bd formal negotiaions on the trim of deftrite pm The spokesman said reports Oi llt p14 Liam from brof Iiiair tirii torizoritor that was not explored further Iiigin mentioned the liltu in reply to question it briefing to senators Dayan said thc optimum result of Carter th to lZgypt and Israel would be agreement on the proposals for linking the peace treaty to the Palestinian issuv and on the con trovcrsial priority clauw IIgypt has resisted agreeing to allow an Israelitlgyptiaii peace pact to take precedence over its mutual defence agreements with other Arab coun tries Dayan statement followin rtpttfls from other Israeli sources with first hand knowledge of the proposals that two Israeli coniproiiiism were involved on the linking of the pm treaty to the Palestinian problem and third on softening language on whether the treaty would supercede prior defence oniiiitnitiits Dayan said that even if these two problem were resolved other serious problems would rvinain It appeared unlikel from his remarks that it treaty could be signed this Wtflklnil