NEWSROOM ADVERYISING BUSINESS COMPOSING ROOM Pumlshommlly Hm Craig Elson managing editor Len Sevick manager Marian Gough accountant Jar ti Kcrniy toriman Sunng on Ian Mulgrewcity editor SALES DeivaMiiis iltnlKWlt1llflSgtl torciimn slatutorylioliitiw Wl K1 Vlydrrtt Bill McFarlane wire editor Dave Fuller sports editor DU ntlHKltfs iii no Wons Gail Parland Vikki Grant Bert Stevens Julie Franks the examiner Claudia Krause Litestyle editor an Machod Kathie Minna will iriouiiii 90 Pitta Mon servin arrie an simcoe count REPORTERS Ad ainnww yf Apt ymimw dv Carl De GursO swirl Sirilnner CiRCULAHON Raynor 346 Stephen Nichoils Dennis Lanthier Nancy Figueroa Lori Cohen Richard Thomas Stephen Gauer entertainment Bill Halkes manager um Slechhite aSSistont manugvr EW MHTM iiv Mgthfliirrii 46 Andy Haughon Suimi lit niii Alva LaPlantc mom aiMcot OUNTY Lisa Warry Sih so liaiimin illlKll 55 MOTORTHROWIHT Barb Boulton CLASSlFIE Ruth Blais supervisor Freda Shinner Peggy Chapelt Published by Canadian Newspapers Company Limited 16 Bayfield Street Barrie Ontario L4M 4T6 Bruce Rowland publisher St Montreal 00 Gary Forbes Dana Homewood 0er Ake SENT ormm YM NEWSROOM CIRCUlATION ADVERTISING CLASSIFIEDS BUSINESS gin grizzrkcgrrtgegarapegalor Janice Morton rut pump asst turcniiiii scwur Rf iN ANth 9r Harristllnnrliiiitt 7266537 ltilll Muir COME ON 6W351NCE TltE GRTTS APE STEAUNG OUR 5mm mouaii tT BESTTDMEET tN HERE to Discuss OUR ELECTlON PLATFORM tradition to uphold Here it is just 16 days to spring and we all need spring tonic recent letter to The Examiner gave us just that The letter from Barrie residenttells the story of an elderly man taking city bus to medical centre From the way he walked it was obvious the man was having difficulties What is just an ordinary outing to most was an ordeal to this elderly gentleman The man was not left to fend for himself Instead two city bus drivers took several minutes to help him onto the bus Safely aboard the bus driver and passengers show equal concern in helping the man off at his destina ion The letter quite properly drew attention to the courtesy of the bus drivers It also suggested something be done to help elderly people on their outings Altogether its the kind of refreshing letter we like to receive Were certain theres lot of good out there we never hear about Barrie residents should remind themselves their ci ty is that kind of place Its growing city yes But its city rooted in the friendly ways of smaller com munity Remembering that tradition speaks well for the Bar rie of today and the greater future to come Signs of spring Seen any signs of spring Its too early yet for mud The ice on the bay hasnt begun to break up But when its warm enough to roll down the ar win dow stick out your arm and get splashed when you hit pothole you know spring is on its way If youve seen sign of spring let us know Well publish it and hope its truly just around the corner letters to the editor Dear Sir was astonished at the arrogance reflected in your article of March entitled Not worth publishing report says trustees Who is Mr Frank Prothero to assume that the average Examiner reader wont understand the Simcoe County Board of Educations annual report Granted that for one perhaps havent reached the intellectual spheres of Mr Prothero and his board members would still appreciate seeing his statement in the hope that might find point or two where Mr Pro there and his learned colleagues could save the ratepayers some money Herman Van Wescnbccck Barrie QuebecOttawa skirmishes Hill over foreign policy lighr Your lltl xaminir IS mcmbor of The Canadian Press tCP and Audit Bureau of irculntions iABCi Only the Canadian Press may rc punlisn news stories in this rwwspiipir lCtlllOfl to Tm Assoriatrt Press Reuters or Aqvnce triiiu PrtSSt 1an l0 al news stories published in The lilmHNV lllt YrIVlnil liiiitis opyriqht on all oriuiniil news iind advertising material ftfllttl by Il ciiiploylcs and publishcd in this nlwspappr Copyright rcuislratioii nunincr 703815 rcqutor 61 National ndvcrtismu otticcs 25 Queen WTorontn864710 deCalhrart tint ilthtlIlJF nuncs that thi publisher shall not be liablc tor mining arts inu out it iirrars in advertisrmcnts beyond the amountpaidtor llllmi1tii lUrllV on iipiit by that portion ot the advertisement in WIiKh thr error iiirriii Wiltiltr surh crror Ir doc to the negligence oi its servants or other WM wm riiirt lhtit shall be no liability tor non insertion of any actproan lly0tll tlic amount paid tor suh advertisement business By VINCENT EGAN Business and Consumer Affairs Analyst Thomson News Service Political bombast about prices and profits is only natural when an election is coming if only it werent so inconsistent though it would be easier to take At the core is the fact that consumer prices are rising fast currently at an annual rate of about nine per cent The federal ministcr of consumcr and cor poratc affairs Warren Allmand whom nobody could ever describe as friend of business is putting the blame for high prices squarely on business Thats always good stancc for politi cian Corporations never inspire much public affection and they dont vote And it totally ignores the ovcrwhclniiiig degree of responsibility for inflation that must be borne by the frccspcnding govern ment of which Allman has for many years been leader and the role of big Labors successful demands for inflationyplus wagc increases every year Perhaps an even greater inconsistcncy is Hockey millions dont need help sports fans votc with an offcr of$13 million to professional hockcy lo cncouragc furthcr cx pansion of the National liockcy Lcaguc in Canada To scc how badly hockcy nccds public hand outs lets look at thc financial statcmcnts of the company that owns the Toronto Maplc Leafs team of iivcragc capabilities in lllt 17 team NHL in thc lti777tl fiscal year optrations of Maplc Leaf iardcns Ltd rcsultcd in nct profit of $1025014 or 95 tinics thc com parablc 107374 figure of 517029 The 1977 78 profit from operations reprcscntcd return of 015 pcr cent on sharcholdcrs cquity down an 841 pcr ccnt rate of rcturii llic privious year and was 120 pcr ccnt of gross revcnucs horrors from Allmand promises to hit at monopoly cor poral ions whilc NHL frzi nchiscowncrs Vigilanlly maintain thiir super profitablc monopolies SPENDING lllllll lf Allmand and his collciigiics in govcrii ll SllI lll liillItH tittiiwii llltilll llioinson iws Scii iic For wliilc lliirc thought wc linglish spiziking tiniiliiii wiri finally gctting itl our paranoid about Qiicbii inyolycnicnt lll torcigiinllzius lhcrc hadnt bccn woid lilltlttl on thi sulijcct for months Quibii tlliltltl lllllllltl wirc hiking thc odd trip illtliiilll ind wi didiit cycn scnd llillllttl ginnhsts along to scc whcthcr thiy iitlrnctcd Aillllltl liniiitsliiikcs than llltll fidcrul coiintcipirts Vic didnt titlllt whin it stray toicign llllllltl iiiiiiistir foliiid his way to Qiicbic ity and was grcitiit by Itinc Lcycsqnc And thcrc llill bccn siyirzil Illlslillltt in llli Qiiibic dcligntcs iiituiilly licld tiilks with totcitii ioiintiics tllllltttll thcri was htllc liirorc oii tlic dcpnittuc cirtinoincr tor anbii lrcniici Itiiyniond lnlllt but wc sort of disniisscd tiint zis llill ninniiirs by lttitjltt not it scrioiis ittcinpt to llcy Quibccs iiitci llilllttlliil lllllftll iiiiicinlly spcultinii oyci thc Izisl lcw nioiiths thcii wiic cncoinnging indications lllill wc wcri gradually growing oiil of tho paranoia llltll ltilillttl pcnk ltll Liyisiinc was llliltll grand ottiici of liiincis lcgioii ol llonoi All lliS lhosi wiri liorrilili llil for our tllillltttil Sininin Holt iiiiiiuci Kingswnyi silltl that thc litllltil til lvttlltll Iiiiilcis wits nn tnny tic ll1llttl tot iiiiiti toilpi thi llllil goicinniint tor uniting tltillilll troui llumdgi ot oiin lttttlt lll itcd lll frinir in lllt tnll iil in llt wi lliilitl lll tltll that our piiiiioii ltltllttl cpidiniii piopiir lions liy llt wi cyin lll tlItl to idiliiws tlii Friitch itionil wtlllll in lllllllltl1lllll wc ininigcil to iiitcrprct lltlll to Hi tiwi Hood lltttll lit iicii icit iiiipct tiiwili on pic journalist iiportoil tliit lltlltll liiwi dcnt ili1i tiisinril il lIsliiini llllltil tlll nndiistiindinit in tlic tlllttllttll iit lttttllt lltl sonicliow wc iiiinigiil to iiitcrprit tllill lllltlltltilgtll1ilill lltllti llltltllilltlllltt lltlll1lt ulll1 thought wi wcii graduating lioin thi Itllltlll hltilllillil lint llltll with ltiilllltllllt thump tillllt lhc ncw million of tlic lii is tclcplioiic dirictoi And niituriilly Milili tliltljllisllli tiiiidiin ihcckcd tlic listiiip ot llll Qiicliiw iicliigiition In lrinii lliilioi thc tittiwi ltllllliil lilltl rcporlid 111 lilltltlt lltiltlllllt tJiicliccs liris inilmssy jolts diplonmtii circlcs And is lllt loiiinto filllltt iiid 1ii inst to nnnii iiiiithir ripoi lltl on lllt llttltl pipi Qtiilici olfiic is inilmssy on piipii llllSlN IlltitlIll rt lllill linic itllli litooo xtlltlltlS liiil bccn iiportid killcd in lhc thuicsc iitimni bordir wir and till lltll wax llltlllll loow lll Liiililisiiiii two ttl iitn lltt tllliti tliit tioii illllxdlttl only lliltl1lill titillidlt ltl titllltllitlllllll dii olii itile roni nibissidcihiiicltii llic tiiiidiin llllli twittiifiil nicdmtily And wi wiii liiiii ti tiii inittir wits living liiiikiil into ll Hiii lltlllll lliin llllllt1 lion liillllliill ltll1 tlltltl out for tttlllllltlll tll in it Ht lii in iii tillltll iii thc liiiiili innitti tut Wt illlilllttillilltil1lllllititllt2 iiiw lllill lhc Qniliii tltlttltil wc not lml dclcggitioii it cannot llli lii iitlil iii 11 ill it iinluissy siiilllicotiiiiil Vlicw limitxiii Litii ti ttitl to lliit ltiilllllltt by tlltlllll lmt tii Ill llltlllltillt book dotsit llllli itll ill lll ltiixgy liit wiis good lltRKN iiidcid lliit thiit didiit liilly ipliin lllilllltl pro blcni lhc tiiiiiiliiii licxu piiiiilcii out it stilth tllit tlii iliiiitiil list tlii llllituillt llll tiiiidi lll stindnd lt typc whili thc nibissidc dn Jlltltti hm lirri yju ilt lllt oppositcpiigc filtnl iicsni our pioltli lit llitl lllilll thc Qiicliii goii rmiiini is mind into thc tll vnd lntciiimiiniiiiiiti lilll Ministii tliniilc liiiiii lliil vlilll llltlll to il that llit goiirnnicnt did not ill torn ucw listuii ll hcmiit llli iuiinl liy tliccihtoiot lhc tclipliiiiicilii lt lot the federal government methods of giving away the money of Canadian taxpayers HELP THE 1tlll The Trudeau government is going after thc we want your opinion Something on your mind Send Letter to the Editor Please make it an original copy and sign it The Examiner doesnt publish unsigned lel tors but it you wish pen name will be used Include your telephone number and address as we have to verify letters Because of space limits public interest and good taste The Examiner sometimes has to edit condense or reject letters Letters to the Editor are run every day on the editorial page mcnt wcrcas scriousziboul chcckinginfliition loigivciihli Aiiit Miiiiiicc liioimc as they arc about gaining yct anothcr rc il Nortlinnibcrliind Mllillllltlll siiggcstcd election thcy would apply sonic common lllill scpiiriiiist iiiidirstriiiii iorsicii illltl ltril sense to lhc govcrnnicnls own financial operations and good way to start would be to abandon thc plan to givc that $13 million to professional hockcy Inflation wont slow down and thc dollar wont strcngthcii as long as thc fcdcinl deficit kccps on soaring lts heading this year toward an iinprcccdcntcd $125 billion or about onc quzirtcr of thc fcdcral budgcl The fcdcral budgcl is to bc about $20 billion or roughly fivc pcr cent of thc fcdirnl budgeti liin but by gully llilll liiggcr tll1 to had with tc fluid that lIl thc it lilll ilircitoiy ow with all thc ltillvt cud llttl up on lllll Iniicillbli tIlI iicpt tor lllt lgiiiii typi lllill is wc cin go buck lo lllllt lllllllillt llkl tlictlinicsc ictimni wir accors ACCORDING TO MY FlNDINGfi THE ENERGY MlNlSTER l5 BLAiizuss lN ins DEALINGS p6 WtTH THE MULTINATIONAL WHAT YOURE STRUGGLING TO SAY IS THAT HES BEEN COMPLETELY EXXONERATED So far political and bureaucratic irrcspon sibility havent taken our cconomy to quitc the sorry slatc of Italy and Britain but wc are hcading down into thcir lcziguc Thcrc may still be limc to turn things around lliiwcvcr thc primc ministcr thinks the economic outlook is finc and ministers like Alhiizuid would rathcr act on their an OIL COMPANIES Send yours to letter to the Miter tipathics toward llig Busincss than develop The IIItho cohcsivc industrial program rim om 370 Willi our miniufacturcrs losing ground at null 0m homc and abroad it sthc wrong tiiiic to conic um to the aid of hockcy millionaires The world today Donï¬seH Canada short By JOHN IIARBRON Foreign Affairs Analyst Thomson News Service Before the 1973 world oil crisis Canadians were told by their governments and the oil in dustry that we would be selfsufficient in hydrocarbons for an indefinite future But after that global crisis which began the current escalation of goods and services in the industrial user countries Canadians were given new story by government and in dustry alike No longer could we count on our own resources of oil and but we would have to import an increasing volume from abroad to meet our needs Western Canadiancrude oil exports to the United States which had touched one million barrels per day by late 1972 were cut back and stiff export tax was charged on each barrel going to the US Even when we were told sclfsufficiency was around the corner eastern Canada with its scvcral major industrial heartlands relied on inexpensive oil imports from Venezuela and the Middle East The recent agreement between Canada and now oilrich Mcxico for the import of 100000 barrels per day of Mexican oil after January 1st 1980 emphasizes even more our reliance on Latin America for vital oil needs ALWAYS IIIINTISIIHIRK But that event also emphasizes the extent to which anada has always beeh an hcmisphcric energy power comparable in known and estimated resources of oil gas coal and now uranium to Mexico Venezuela ltialil Argcntinu and olombia Indccd thc ncw lyiound uranium in most of thcsi countrics has giycn Canada another incrgy outlct in Latin Amcrican potential sulcs for our tANlll nuclcar reactor which is fuclicd by natural uranium in Argcntina our first such rcactor should go on strcam by thc beginning of 1980 with iiiiadzi bidding on tour ncw oncs planned in that countrys nuclcar powcr program Argcnlina rcccnlly has found large reserves of natursil uranium lhc snow is trtic in olombiii and cnczuclzi also both major oil producers but who cslimatc it dcclinc in known rsscrics of hydrocarlxins by thc end of this century tanzidii wants to scll Aiils to both of thciii And Mcxico in spitc of the possibility it could lic as lairgc an oil produccr as Saudi l£llll£l has found uranium and is making plans for about ttt nuclciii plants Morcorcr tiiniidzi has about dozen lllltltill plants in commcrciiil tiptltllltm all if thcni opcriitcd by Ontario Hydro from which Latin Anicriciin countrics can scc how the tnnzidiun llttl1 of thc nucliar rcactor acts lirslhzind ltllllltS FIRST llut nncltiir rcgiciors likc oi molc na lions politics lhc Mcucans itlt inlcrcstcd lll our ANlJl not uni lltLtlUSt it uscs natural uranium but also bccausc it rcprcscnts major pool of North mcricin high tcchnology which is not American based lhc cycr nationalistic Mcucans illt fearful of lllt influcnccs of any morc Anicriczin tcchiiicnl cxpcrtisc in thcii ccononiy iiniidzi is litst known in Latin America for its historic riilc as supplicr of hydroelectric powcr though wc do not cxport this energy commodity to Latin mcrici Such giant powcr corporations with cxpzin sion lltlllS taking thciii wcll into llic 1080s likc tintiirio Hydro Hydro Qucbcc and thc British olnmhizi lowcr iilhoriiy rank with cqinyiilcnl1ilniIncricangiants Qucbccs Hydro Qucbcc will be about as lurgc its llatpu thc mussch anti joint llriililiziiiliimgiiiiyun projcct which will cost about Siobilhoii licforc coiiiplction compared with Jill csliniiitcd $13 billion for tho cxpzin sion of dro Qucbcc lllli Hill DIG lé lf anndii nccds Liitni 1lltl1tl oil sonic of thc rcgioiis ciiinilrics iiccd our nticlcur and othcr cncrgy tcchnologics thc kind of quid pro quotnniidiiins must dcyclop abroad Know this week We could have May election lll itli lClcclion lcycr is rising again and this timc lhc libciils arc doing nothing to cool it linnc Ministcr liudciiu dcclincd on Fri day to sct dutc for this sprmgs long illllltlpéllttltlttlltlll lint lic liltllltllttl into shiirp attack on what hi itisiriliixl is lrogiissiyc tonscryatiyc tltlil mg tnctiis lll tlic oninioiis whcn he was aiskcd by Toronto Liticriil lini Flcming wliclhcr goyciimicnt ltftltlltllllll lcgishilion will bc passcd bcliiic iin clcction is callcd And tlic lltll iiiiiiiiig lllNlll lttls and party biickrooiiicrs is llilt lriidciiu may iiinoniicc £1tlllt1llll is lll wcck whcn hc illlthS honic from wcckcnd trip to thc wlicrc hc is to nicct lrcsidcni liiiiniy tnrtcr Canadians could cxpcct May clcction if lrndcini who llllllt dccidcs tlic dittc miikcs his more out wcck iiiiipiiigns arc 60 diiys long otiiig tzikcs pliicc on Monday tiulcss its holiday lilicr lilllS tiiiitcd iis possiblc polling dle lllltt lriiiii May 14 lo luiic til lcw suggest lindciin will lll longcr although lic could by law wait until liily licn his firc your ninndiitc would bc slrctclicd to llic lfniil HAS LON AII llc ilrciidy hats wiiitcd loiigcr than llic customary four ltll giip lictwccn clcclioiis Last ycin liudciiu biickcd away twice from an clcctioii whcn polls indicated public discontent with his govcrnniciil lly tlic cud of thc ycur lic was 10 pcrccntago points behind Opposition Lcaidcr Joe Clark hi the Gallup poll