Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 3 Mar 1979, p. 5

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Choirs join forces for concert Thirty members of Center Street Baptist Church St Thomas Ont under director Arthur Garraway and the Rev Leonard Hultgren joined forces in visit to Barrie on Sunday evening Feb 25 with the Burton Avenue United Church choir under director Douglas Garraway son of Arthur and the Rev Paul Morrow in an evening of singing Welsh and other old favorite hymns with the participation of large congregation of members and visitors Cof fee and Garraway and daughter Suzan play duet Points to ponder It takes courage to be different It IltllltlIIIY KllIllIt It takes courage to he dilterent Vhen Sir John Macdonalds uile ac eoinpaiiied her Prime Minister husband on the first historic llt train run across Canada she chose to ride on the cowcat cher rouds gathered at the stopping places were amused to see their First Lady sitting calmly on candle box on the cowcatcher tlltlill enieyiiia hersell Thats an alnl llllilL to do and one onlookcr outspoken Sir John preferred the peace and salety of the tltlitlllttli car ith its comfortable chair mg to place ttl lllgt knees and pile of magazines at his side Idll his lady preferred the thrill oi speailieadinzx the thrust of steel through the mighty inonn tains with the drop of teaisonie LIllllts on one side and the spray ol mountain cataracts blown iltllt her law When she was informed that there was tire ahead and that she would be ise to titlllt inside as the train would have to speed through it she refused to budge saying that here was delightful opportunity fora new sen sation And speed through she did Yes it takes courage to lie dillerent It ulco takw courage to he dillercnt Ittl of the inside assurance Weekly meditatng Welsh cakes were enjoyed before the evening closed Above Doug spiritually to make up our minds that we are going to do what is right no matter what people may think about us When Jesus hrist lived as man He had to make the choice of whether He would please Himself or ind He chose to do and say only that which pleased His lleayeiily lather After one particularly doctrinal caused many of His disciples to leave Him He showed His humaness when He turned to the twelve and asked Will alsouoauay Yes iv costs to be different todo hat is Iltllll ltlll it reaps great rewards of peace ol heart The first person that we hare to llt with is ourselves ll we are at peace inside we are better able to cope with other people and their problems llut it we are not it peace within we are like ship ithout rudder The word ot tioti tells us that the work ol righteousness shall be peace and the el righteousness assurancetoriyer lsaiahiti 17 Those are beautiful qualities to have on statement which tinietness and peace qitietness and And they can be ours if we simply place our trust 111 the love that the Son ot iod has for each one of us Can man contact the spirit world By HEY JOHNSON lnited Pentecostal hurch Can man contact the spirit world An interestingI question in deed The subject however rather than withcraft or necroniancy At Lenten service The Rev Malcolm Fife of the StroudLefroy United Church will be opening speaker at the Collier United Church Lenten service on Tuesday March at 1230 pm Shoppers and workers of the Bar rie area are invited to these services which are in formal inspirational and lead in inner devotion Mr Fife comes from business career and the public school teaching world Having graduated from Emmanuel College in i965 he has served previous pastorates in Bala and the London Ont area You are invited to bring your friends or family luncheon precedes and follows the ser vice Cost of the luncheon is $2 but no offering is taken at the service is contact with God The age old question of How does man find peace with God still perplexes men today an men really contact the Spirit of fiod Tan he be filled with the Spirit These ques tions were settled by Jesus hrist our mediator between God and men Tim 25 this spake he of the Spirit which they that belive on him should receive John 739 how much more shall your heavenly liather give the Holy Spirit to them that ask him Luke 1113 ye shall be bap tized with the Holy lhost Acts It became more than prophecy of promise as 120 disciples of Christ including llis mother Mary received the Holy Ghost seven days after llis ascension Acts 214 liollowing his intilling the Apostle leter preached the first gospel serr inon after the resurrection and included the gift of the Spirit in theplan of salvation Actsilzilit Many others received the Ho ly Ghost during the apostolic period Acts it It and 19 Millions live also received the Spirit since ltttiti Iods Spirit plays an essential role in salvar tion and thristian living John til Romans 1128 Yes man can contact the spirit world Have you been lilled with the Holy Spirit Would you like more informa tion We can help Conference date set ltiltttNlt itli The first conference of Anglican and Roman atliolic churches in the Toronto area Will he held iii June the head of the Toronto Anglicandiocesesays Itishop Lewis tiarnsworthy said zoo priets from each church will atleiid the two or threedayconlcrence Celebrates 75th birthday Society our oldest interfaith agency TORONTO CP The Cana dian Bible Society this year celebrates its 75th anniversary but as senior citizen it shows no signs of hardening of the arteries Last year the coun trys oldest interfaith agency had the best 12 months in its history Were involved in the pro motion of durable product says Dr Kenneth McMillan general secretary for the last 22 years Others come and go but the Bible has perennialvappeal The typical Canadian home of yesterday had three publication staples They were Eatons mail order catalogue the Family Herald Weekly andthe Bible Coordinates meeting TORONTO CPI Kenneth Macguire became Canadas youngest Anglican bishop in 1963 but after 12 years as bishop of Montreal he resigned with no plans forthe future His resignation however did not isolate him year after Macguire resign ed he was asked by the House of Bishops to coordinate ha tional theology conference He travelled across Canada Lutheran Church 220 Stool St Barrie SERVICE at 400 pm SUNDAY SCHOOL at 430 pm CHURCH SERVICE 11 11 AM ESSA ROAD Presbyterian Church 59 Eua Rd at Burton Avo Minister Rov Gorard Iyiaord Organist Mrs Vora Diamond 1100 AM Cool Hood Warm Hearts Roady Hands Church School for al ago at tho Iamo timo Infant Nunory Caro Providod All WELCOME The Proubytenant iven and Wu Minister Hev ttairvl Waite lt Ill itiiI Jtii Iltlll Informal Son Christian Science Society 159 Collier Street Barrie TESTIMONY MEETING Second Wed each month pm Reading Room open Tues MIC SUNDAY MARCH 1979 950 AM Dynamic Sunday School Duo to our ovorcrowdod foclitioc tho lunlor dopart mtt with approximaton 100 union oro mootlng at Itothor location You wo PM COMMUNION Plus grout World Mission Offering Presbyterian eaiiitfilntbrcwc SeiiitiitItiiiit ll St tiiiiittt 11ini ltiiiitiit tion it fit titiiil it Iiaiit Sacrament of the Lords Supper Sermon Do Memorial 730 pm The Moderator Dr Bigelo preparing for the conference and was asked to conduct others the same year He now is coordinating North American conference on ministry in the 1980s to be sponsored by the Canadian Council of Churches and the National Council of Churches in theUnitedSlates In addition he has parish just outside Toronto and has been appointed to help the primate with some work UNITED PENTECOSTAL CHURCH Timothy Chrian School 49 Ford Lano My FlyNou1000au Truth Worilp 700 pm Jesus Is Coming Are you ready Pastor Johnson 7282353 SUNDAY SCHOOL 130300 pm9 pm ro ttII growhgl WORSHIP SERVICE SERVICE Westminster Presbyterian Church 170 Steel St noar Puget MINISTER PAUL mus 1000 AM Morning Worship TREMENDOUS CLAIM Nursery Caro Provldod 1100am Church School Wodnoldoy 830 AM Milo Study and Prayor Everyone Welcome to ChristCentred Ministry tlffl tit Canada tultyiil with iitiiitt uiailttiiiiit wit pp illrllli Service Boththe catalogue and the magazine have ceased publica tion he says with smile but the Bible is being printed in larger quantities than ever Last year the Bible Society distributed in Canada more than 750000 Bibles and testaments in 84 languages In addition it distributed more than seven million other copies of scripture portions and selec tions Canadians contributed over $1200000 through the society to assist in Bible distribution overseas during theyear DEMAND RISING The Canadian Bible Society distributes more French scrip tures than any other national society in the world including the French Last year 280000 Bible testaments were cir culated in Quebec where the de mand for the Bible has increasv ed dramatically years Although formallv organized in recent Pastor Rov Wayno 945 arn Sunday School 1100 arn Morning Worship Representatives from Emmanuel Bible College pm Evening Worship Wednesday 800 pm Bible Study and Prayer Jocus sold will build my Welcome FREE METHODIST CHURCH 200 Baytiold FAITH MISSIONARY Crawford Street Barrie 737 3062 MARCH 4th TWO WORSHIP SERVICES EVERY SUNDAY MORNING Growing To Sorvo You Better as the Canadian Bible Society in 1904 the work of Bible distribution in Canada has been in existence for nearly cen tury The parent organization the British and Foreign Bible Society came into existence in 1804 That agency in 1805 sent to Canada translation of the gospel of John in the Mohawk Indian language Throughout the 191h century the London based society maintained close relations with Canada where many local Bible societies aux iliaries wereorganized The branch in Truro NS organized in 1810 is the oldest continuing Bible Society local in Canada In 1821 branch was even organized in York Factory in the Canadian north west now Manitoba NATIONALORGANIZATION Today the Canadian Bible Society is organized into 19 districts across Canada Domm 7268750 church Matthew 1618 tothe at Dalton St 900 am Worship Service 1000 arn 1100 arn 630 pm Sorvico of Praise Preaching Cut Bull FIRST CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH 156 St thont St Phone 7286035 REV BIERMAN Join us for worship at9 and 11 arn and 7Ozpm no 9am service on last Sunday or the month Tuno Into tho BACK TO GOD HOUR RADIO MESSAGES SUNDAYS Toronto CHINFM 800 on 1010 Toronto CNFN 930am1430 Rov Michaol 1000 arn Sunday School 1100 am Morning Worship 700 pm Brad Mcloan and Merrill Woolo tint hand loprooy Mission In India time of Fellowship to follow Growing Church in Barries South end SUNDAY 945 on Biblo Clones tor ovory ago 1100 arn What Happens If Person Return To Deal With Sin and 640 pm Youth Orchestra Plays 700 pm Rov Gordon Housor by film and commont sham what God is doing through momborc of tho Latin American Minion Wednesday 730 pm Prayor and Bible study YOU ARE WELCOME AT ALL OF THESE SERVICES FIRST BAPTIST 37 CLAPPERTON ST Minister Rov Stewart ledell Pastors INNISWOOD BAPTIST CHURCH 17S Yongo St Barrio 7280718 EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH 128 St Vincent St Sunday School Worship Service Evening Service Bruce Swanson CUNDLES HEIGHTS CHURCH At Cundles Heights Public School 11 am Morning Worship and Sunday School Guest Speaker Tho Rov Ian Cuthbomon Too many people pray like little boys who knock at door then run away War Cry For information 72871 33 Strain Pastor report on tho Barrio 7283017 Guiity in Gods Way FAMILY WORSHIP 1030 AM HOW TO Tho Ordinance of USE lENT tho lords Supper 700 PM YOUNG PEOPLES WEDNESDAY PM Prayer Bible Study At the Heart of Barrie with Barrie at Heart Whool Chair Romp avalloblo at tho side door the examiner District secretaries coordinate contacts with churches of all denominations which support the work of Bible distribution More than 3000 local branches are organized in communities from coast to coast The society operates 15 book stores in major centres across the country Its Edmonton store is the largest of the more than 200 religious book stores in Canada The Bible Society is an inter faith agency supported by the whole spectrum of Christian denominations The district secretaries and national office staff include ministers of 12 dif ferent denominations The Canadian Bible Society is one of 65 national scripture distribution agencies that make up the United Bible Societies The Canadian organization is the fourth largest in the world behind the United States Great Britain and Germany Those agencies and others Anglican Churches St Georges Anglican Burton Granville 900 AM HOLY EUCHARIST 1030 AM HOLY EUCHARIST Church School and Nursery Rector Rev Kaye BA All Welcome arn Holy 10 am Choral Eucharist Sermon pm Prayer Praise Upper Room Come into His gate GRACE UNITED CHURCH Grove St east at Cook Mhhtor Rov Arthur Storey 1030 am Morning Worship Ross Next to the RVH Invites you to Celebration of Worship at 1030A MISSION AND JUSTICE IN SOUTH KOREA TODAY Rov Dr Douglas Jay Toronto School of Theology Tho church school meets at the some hour 800 AM MENS BREAKFAST Speaker Rov Dr Douglas Jay Welcome to ChristCentred Jo ful Fellowship Collier United Cliumh 112 Collier St near City Hall SERVICES AND SUNDAY SCHOOLS 930 AM II AM Sermon TRUNNING PEOPLE DOWN TRINITY CHURCH BARRIE 24 Collier St Next to Post Office Canon Spears Rector Rev Samuel Obol Assistant Tst Sunday In Lent MIDWEEK EUCHARISTS Tuesday 730 pm Thursday 1030 arn Friday Noon Hour Bishop Road 1230 Noon Luncheons at 12 and United Churches United Church Young Ads moot Monday PM Gods Wings for the Weary WELCOME Saturday Mar 1979 have translated the scriptures into more than 1600 languages Last year they distributed fit million copies In its 75th anniversary year the Canadian Bible Society is undertaking three Special proi jects financing new Eskimo translation of the Bi ble support of literacy pro ject in India and an increase in overseas financial support of Bible distribution McMillan who is chairman of the general committee of the United Bible Societies feels that Canadians have respon sibility to assume larger responsibilities in funding world Bible work We can subsidize transla tion publication and distribu tion of the scriptures in developing countries only if Canadians and other Christians in the developed world increase their support ian think of no greater contribution to interna tional peace and goodwill St Giles Anglican Church 95 Cook St Barrie 830 AM HOLY COMMUNION 1000 AM MORNING PRAYER 730 PM LENTEN SERVICE Goort Proochor Tho Rov John Dobton St Thomas Shanty Bay 830 AM HOLY COMMUNION 1030 AM MORNING PRAYER Communion with Thanksgiving THE DARK SIDE OF THE MOON Sermon Theme at Burton Avenue United Church 37 Burton Ave Barrio 1030 AM WORSHIP SACRAMENT OF COMMUNION with Nursery Care and Church School at the some hour Ministor REV Hut MORROW Music Diroctor MR DOUG GARRAWAY Everyone Is Welcome and Toronto Streets Barrie Ontario

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