Frlday Mar 1979 NEWSROOM 7266537 CIRCULATION 7266539 the eXaminer serving barrie and simcoe county Published by Canadian Newspapers Company Limited 16 Bayfield Street Barrie Ontario LAM 4T6 Bruce Rowland as publisher ADVERTISING 7266537 CLASSIFIEDS 72824 Good reason to publish Are trustees on the Simcoe County Board of Educa tion really serious Or are they merely checking to see if the public is still awake Two trustees suggested this week that theboards annual financial statement isnt worth publishing in county newspapers Theysay the average newspaper reader wont understand it Youd have to be chartered accountant to figure it out they say By not publishing the figures taxpayers could save $700 Its required by law but its waste of time and money said one trustee We suppose the trustee has point Few readers are holding their breath waiting to read the report But some do take the time They cant all be studying accountancy So there must be reason Maybe they just want to see how those millions of tax dollars are being spent Maybe they see $700 as small investment consider ing the vast sums involved Maybe they even have thoughts on how some of their tax dollars might have been saved Some might have us believe thats job solely for the experts But few among the public still know how to read ledger line And few still want to read from published financial statements to judge for themselves They would say that accountability to the public is the first duty of elected officials The published financial statement is part of that ac countability Most trustees we are certain would remember that fact We are surprised some apparently did not sieoe yesteryear Barries Dunlop Street as it looked In the post World War era Even in that slower time cars on downtown streets presented problems Thanks to the Simcoe County archives for todays Simcoe Yesteryear Dear Sir saw something recently that really upset me On my way home from work caught the Anne St bus and just as we were ready to leave the terminal two male bus drivers came towards the bus holding onto an elderly gentleman It was obvious the man was having rough time trying to walk It took the two drivers about seven or eight minutes to get this man onto the bus and told the women drivers where to let him off could tell she was concerned on how to get him off the bus once they reached his stop These bus drivers in Barrie are great and Ive never had any trou ble with any of them But feel something should be done to help these elderly people in getting around better than having to take the bus see lots of them getting on and off this bus at the Medical Arts and they really are having hard time Cant something be done for these ople Im 27 and in good health bit really feel sorry for the older people Mrs Fawcett Barrie Dear Sir As residents of Simcoe County think We are all extremely fortunate to have the services of the Simcoe letters to the editor Rescue Squad None of us ever know upon setting out in car just when we will need their help understand that the Squad is in desperate need of money would like to appeal to every person living in this area to put 50 cents tjust the price of two chocolate bars or half package of cigarettes in an envelope and send it along to them If we All did this it Would go long way to eliminate the debt in which the Rescue Squad finds themselves Their address is Simcoe Rescue Squad General Delivery MIDHURST nt Incidentally am not member of their Association Just concern ed citizen who realizes that although hope never do may need their help sometime and would like to know that they are still continuing their great work Sincerely Madigan Barrie Mrs Edith bible thought And Jesus said unto tlictn omc yc after me and will make you to become fishers of men Mark 117 It is in following Him that we are able to lead others Dont go out into eternity without doing all that you can on earth to bring per son to Jesus He that winneth souls is wise BUSINESS 7266537 NEWSROOM Craig lson managing editor Ian Mulgrew city editor Bill Mc=erlane wnre editor Davc Fuller sports editor Claudia Krausc Lifestyle editor ADVERTISING SALE Bert Stevens Julie Franks ian MacLeod Aden Smith Steve Skinner Brenda woods POR TE Carl Dc Gursc Stephen Nicholls Dennis lanthier Nancy Figueroa Lori Cohen Stephen Gaucr entertainment Gary Forbes sports Betty Armor camera operator Dave Burcsik photographer CLASSIFIED Freda Shinner Peggy Chapcll Janice Morton Len Sevick manager Ruth Blais supervisor Dana Homewood BUSINESS COMPOSING ROOM Marian Gough accountant Jack Kerney toreman Delva Mills Glenn Kwan asst toreman Gail McFarland Vikki Grant Don Saunders Lorne Wass Kathie Mitchell Wilt Cadogan CIRCULATION Ewinger Bill Hatkes manager Ed lent Steve White assistant manager Andy Haughlon Alva LaPtantc Janie Hamel Susan Kitchen Ron Gilder PatMerson Elaine Porter Barbara Strigi Cheryl Aiken pRESSROOM Don Near foreman Fred Prince asst foreman Harris Blanchard Brian Marr The Examiner is member at The Canadian Press CP and Audit Bureau at Circulations ABC Only the Canadian Press may re publish news stories in this newspaper credited to CF The Associated Press Reuters or Agencc France Presse and local news stories published in The Examiner Published daily except Sunday and statutory holidays WEEKLV by carrier 90cents VEARLYby carrier $4680 Copyright registration number 203815 register 61 BY MAIL Barrie 80 National advertising offices 65 Queen St Toronto 864 1710 640 Cathcart St Montreal SIMCOE COUNTY 35 5° The advertiser agrees that the publisher shall not be liable for damages arts ing out of errors in advertisements beyond the amount paid tor the space tually occupied by that portion at the advertisement in which the error oc curred whether such error is due to the negligence ot its servants or other wise and there shall be no liability tor non insertion at any advertisement beyond the ampunt paid for such advertisement MOTOR THROW OFF 5398 year ELSEWHERE IN CANADA $38 506 year Parliament Hill By STEWART MacLEO Ottawa Bureau Thomson News Service Perhaps it is appropriate that Charles Arthur Gauthier MP from Mistassini Que has become the interim leader of the Social Credit Party of Canada Mr Gauthier is an undertaker Since 1962 Gauthier has maintained respectable enthusiasm in Parliament speaking forcefully on the issues that interest the people of rural Quebec But he is going to have to stretch this enthusiasm to ridiculous By JOIIN IIARBRON Foreign Affairs Analyst Thomson News Service Hidden just below thc surface of Britains industrial disputes and monumental labor walkouts is the threat of future Welsh and Scottish separatism muted at this time in any extreme form but on the risc ncvcr theless To meet the threat with rcfcrcndum on hotnc rule Labor lrimc Ministcr Jamis Callaghan has closed down Parliament for one week so all can vote including members of the House of Commons The two regions concerned arc of coursi Wales where Qucbccstylc issuc over the dominance of language is the main element and the threat of major Scottish separatist action if 40 per cent of Scots vote for some form of separation This is unlikely given the fact that such txrcintagi rcprcscnts 15 million Scots out of total population hearing it it millions who can vote yes vote on the referendum cithir iii Wales or Scotlaan or both mcans thc end to the Scotland and Wales Acts passed last summer by the Britiin larliamcnt But it would not mean cithcr Welsh or Scottish separation rather what the British call devolution that is freedom to run local affairs It would not mean for one moment that either region would have permission to run their own foreign affairs or as in thc casc of Wales separately join thc Eurojwan oin mon Market which the Welsh nationalists have proposed RIIUIONAII IIltilllS Both regions would therefore handle their own roads program housing health outlays iup to point and schools But embarrassing for the proud and determined Welsh is thc fact funds for such SCOOPS limits if he is going to resurrect Social redit as national force in anada more immediate challenge is keeping it from the grave Gau oier inherited the onccproud party by virtue of letter of resignation from Lorni Reznowski the Winnipeg professor who became national leader last May Reznowski achieved immediate famc by emerging from that rather ludicrious convention to announce that were going to set this country on fire with Social Credit am now national figure and will be sure towin he declared Scotland Wales seek home rule activities would still have to be voted by thc Parliament at Westminster If devolution is voted for in thc refcrcndutn assemblies then approved in Wales would remain largely rubber stamp in function The Scots in the same favorable vote would still havc no authority whatsoever to take control of thc offshore North Sea oil and gas The Tories on the other hand are totally opposed to any kind of pandcring to strong regionalism leading to separation and Mrs Margaret lhatchcr lory Opposition Leader says so many tiincs ovcr For thc lorics it the United Kingdom one and indivisiblc with all the advantages of thc parliamcntary system the health dclivcry onc too and Parliaments authorin to defend the rcalm available cunIy to all Britiin subjects which means all Welsh and Scottish This doesnt wash with the Wclsh scparatists who will also get movement of about 1000 civil scrvants front the London area to assuage their scparat ist views The Scottish bcing typically more canny will wait until the money investment and of course oil matters are in position to be better resolved in their way of doing things That might not be for sortie timc begging the question that thc Scottiin could be the Qucbcckcrs of northern Europe sure they will make it sonic day if not the day after tomorrow IMIAIIIZNI WELSH But the Welsh stormy scrappcrs and impatient arent prcparcd for any such long wait The countryside which produccd the likes of thc latc ficry Labor lcadcr Ancuriit Bevan and thc ladykiller Prime Minister Lloyd icorgc will want action from Callaghan today and perhaps truth the adamant Mrs lhatchcr the day after tomor row llacating nationalists is going to bc dangerous for both gt lflllfilitlll ta SillCE IRAN CANCELLED irs MULTIBILLION ll 00 LLAR NW ORDERJ DONT KNOW WHAT WELL DO WITH ALL THE EXTRA WEAPONRY YOU COULD ALWAYS BEAT THEM INTO Interim Sacred leaders face an almost impossible task It was pathetic promise Rcznowski ran himself in St Boniface last October and amassed less than three per cent of the vote He did not excite the electorate with his com mitment to Social redit monetary theory and his promises to rid the country of abortionists homoscxuals and unscrupulous bankers PLAN FAIHZS Even his promises delivered with fiery oratory to reduce retail prices by 25 per cent failed to set the country or his constituency aflamc In fairness to the 50yearold authority on medieval literature he faced an almost im possible task Social redit hasnt elected nonQucbec Ml sincc1965 and the nine mem bers now in Parliament have displayed little interest in problcms outside their provincc lhis disinterest also surrounded visits to Quebec by the national leadcr ReznoWski ncvcr develotxd any rapport with the Quebec group all of whom are pro occupied with their own problems aught between the powerful forces of thc larti Quc bccois and thc provincial Liberals as thcy battlc ovcr the future of Qucbcc thc small struggling band of Social redit MPs scent to be lost in the shuffle Recent public opinion polls indicatc they have the support of only eight per cent of the population half of thc support they enjoyed when they elcctcd 11 Qucbcc Mls in 1974 Back then of course they had the colorful charisma of Party Leader Real aouittc to lead them onward He died in 1976 and six months after his death the new leader Andrc Fortin was killed in an auto accident aouettcs son itllcs bccamc intcrim lcadcr until Rcznowskis clcction but hc was uick to realize the party was on the ski in Englishspcaking Canada The younger aoucttc even took the liberty of referring to some Social rcdit delegates as bunch of monkeys rctnark that didnt particularly cndcar him to whats left of the party brass But he didnt look worried During his tenure as leader Reznowski had little contact with Social rcdit Mls llis trips to Ottawa were not frequent and when he did confer with caucus the conversations were said to bc singularly insignificant His advice was scldotn if ever sought and dc spitc rcasonablc facility in thc French language his oratory was not demanded in Quebec Eventually he got the mcssagc from the Mls that his services might be better employed elscwhcrc As Party lrcsidcnt Brucc Arnold said about the resignation think he was wondering if it was the thing to do and sotnc members of the caucus scented to cncouragc him that it would bc good thing to do at this time In any other party that would constitute firing So Rcznowski picks up his books again with the intention of completing dictoral thesis on medieval litcraturc And fittingly the party is left in the hands of thc undertaker TRUE BUT WHO WANTS PLOWSHARE THAT CAN DO The Examiner claims copyright on all original news and advertising material created by its employees and published in this newspaper Your business How to cope with stress By VINCENT EGAN Business and onsumer Affairs Analyst Thomson News Service Success in business brings not only rewards but also all too often new and higher level of stress than the successful ex ecutive has had to deal with before If you are in an executive job say three professors at the University of Western Ontario London it could be killing you Professors John Howard David Cunningham and Peter Rechnitzer discuss the causes and effects of stress in their newly published book Busting Out Burning Out Bowing Out Macmillan 136 pages $595 The individual most susceptible to stress is the one that specialists have labelled Type the person with intense drive and aggressiveness ambitious and competitive feeling constant pressure to get things done often racing against the clock That type is more than twice as prone as others to the onset of coronary disease five times more prone to second heart attack and twice as likely to have fatal heart at tack SLOWING DOWN Here are some tips from the three UWO professors on ways to overcome the com pulsion to hurry land thus to improve your chances of living normal lifespan Try to stop doing more than one thing at time Example Watching TV listening to your spouse reading the paper Lcarn to listen without interrupting lo things that require concentration not just the trivial utivate your sense of humor Oncc week review the causes of your hurry sickness Learn to savor your food take time to enjoy it Rcmind yourself that you tend to be quicktempered ontrol yourimpatience Takc time to show your thanks and ap prcciation to others in genuine way WORK HABITS The authors suggest these ways of modifying your work habits for the better Work hard to shed events instead of trying to do more and more in less and less time Ask yourself what there is you should stop doing lont lcave halfrcompleted projects all over your office They simply remind you that youre behind rlliiiiiiizite business luncheons where possible Takc break to meet with your self and cxcrcisc Try not to see every situation as challenge Tell yourself that no enterprise ever failed becausc it was executed too slowly too well Cultivate good judgment and decision not mere speed I0nt intcrfcrc unduly with people who work more slowly Try not to project your scnsc of time urgency on othcrs Esaminc your tclcphonc habits An swering cvcry call can make you un productive Rccnginccring your pattern of living helps rcducc stress fcw ideas tict up earlier start the day in leisurely way and dont begin it with fight against timc Try to find period in the day for total body relaxation Noon hour is best Rcstructurc trips and vacations One doesnt need to bc inactive on vacation simply unhurricd say the authors Sonic stress is both necessary and desirable in your life thcy conclude The basic issue isnt its elimination but its containment and allocation the manage merit of stress inter retin the news Views need for all control BytilJINNSOMERVIIJJI WASHINGTON ili An increasingly chaotic world oil price situation may soon force President artcr to abandon his efforts at preaching voluntary energy conservation and move to more heavyhanded methods The squeeze on United States consumers caused by the lack of Iranian oil supplies for nineveck pcriod began to tighten this week Major oil companies began rationing gasoline supplies to retail dealers and some airlines cancelled flights because of fuel shortages Meanwhile sis of the members of the Organization of lctrolcum Exporting tountrics iOPIGtt movcd to take advantage of the US supply shortages by raising their prices 935 per cent above the cartcls official lcvcl Asked to commcnt on the increases tartcr could only say We havc no control over it chcplorc it For weeks now tartcr has urged Amcricans to practise voluntary measures such as observing speed limits and lowering thcrmostats to rcducc the nations daily energy use He has repeatedly called the situ ation serious but not an emergency Rising priccs threaten to make mockcty of tltc administrations antiinflation efforts and shrinking supplies are cutting into in dustrial prixiuclion ongrcss this week received package of proposed inandalory conservation measures ranging front wcckcnd closings of gasoline stations to rciniind lower thermostat settings in public buildings Gasoline rationing allowing individuals as little as two gallons day per car could be introduced as last resort tongrcss has tit days to approve or reject the measures Energy Secretary James Schlesi cr added urgency to the proposals Wed ay by suggesting the weekend closings and lower thermostat settings might be imposed before summer