Panorama moks tonic for the season Peter Gzowskis Tonic llurtig Publishers $1295 Reviewed by STEPHEN GAUER Spring is the time to dream and some of the pieces in this book are about dreaming writes Peter Bzowski in the preface to his new book celebrating spring Gzowskis never struck me as the dreaming type but hes certainly right about spring its the time of the year you want to embrace with open arms even if the calendar insists its only March long before its due Spring makes us dream about the future and remember the past Spring is the season of the year that has powerful associations for everyone Gzowskis book has an Ob vious and welltimed appeal for Canadians weary of winter and eager for diver sion Its not book meant to be read in one or two sit tings rather its an an thology of prose poetry and art to be savoured slowly in small amounts when youre in themood foralift All the pieces in the book are related to the central theme of spring but Gzowski has been flexible enough in his choice of material to give the book variety and rhythm He draws on pioneer writers like Susanna Moodie as well as contemporary writers like Margaret Atwood Silver Donald Cameron and Jack Hodgins Hes commissioned spring pieces by artists col umnists and show business performers The emphasis of the book is on entertainment not literary merit but some of the pieces like the Wallace Stegner excerpt from his novel Wolf Willow can stand on their own as ex amples of fine writing LIGHTER PIECES The lighter pieces in the book range from Don Har rons history of the Spring Thaw revue to Allen Abels description of the rites of baseball spring training There are four short stories by Greg Clark two spring columns by Gary Lauteits of the Toronto Star and two pieces by humorist Stephen Leacock Theres also plenty of prac tical information in Spring Tonic Gzowski has included recipes for everything from wild leeks and asparagus to whiskey and rhubarb punch Theres advice for seed buyers an explanation of the art of sheep shearing and even an exercise guide for anyone whos decided that Spring In praise First Person Rural Ry Noel Perrin Oxford University Press 8795 Noel Perrin is an exNew Yorker who left the city in the early 19605 to live on an 100 acre farm in Vermont He describes himelf as sometimes farmer he makes living as an English professor and writer but he lives on the land and he respects the land Perrin may be transplanted cigy resident but 15 years of rural living in Vermont have given him in sight into the special characteristics of life on farm First Person Rural is col lection of pieces that Perrin wrote for magazines ranging from The New Yorker to Coun try Journal and Vermont Life The pieces are short and writ ten in sparse supple style thats informal friendly and easy to read Perrins strengths are his sense of humor and knack for bringing rural life close to the reader know absolutely nothing about farming but this spring is the time to finally get in shape Gzowskis selection of material is so eclectic that youre bound to find something of interest in the book particularly enjoyed the four fullpage adver tisements commissioned from ad agencies The ads take different approaches to the challenge of selling spring to the reader some are slick anc clever others use hardsell techniques ne ad describes an excluswe offer from the Canadian Spr ing Companyguaranteed to rid your life of winter blahs for months SERIES The series ad is the one of the most moving pieces in the book Called The Second Spring of Jan Novotny the ad is tribute to Czech writer who fled to Canada after the shortlived Prague Spring of 1968 Novotny found freedom and beauty in the Canadian way of life he called it his second spring but died of brain hemor rage only short time after arriving here Now when spring comes to Canada says the ad copywriter cant look at blooming Trillium or the budding leaves on Maple tree without thinking of Jan Novotny And his second spr Ing Thats sad associa tion for spring but it says something important to Canadians Spring tonicK arent always easy to swallow of life on the farm after reading First Person Rural feel much closer to country life lerrin has special gift for using daytoday events on the farm building fences raising sheep making maple syrup as the starting point for short essays that draw larger conclusions about way of life and way of looking at the world SMALL WORLD Perrins world is small one physically point he admits with approval and hes fascinated by traditional methods and traditional ways of life He devotes one essay to the superior qualities of unhomogenized milk bought directly from the farmer another essay compares the merits of different types of fences while third serves as howtobuy guide to chain saws Several essays discuss different aspects of producing maple syrup including one that examines the results Of Per rins experiment to test the ability of Vermonters to distinguish homemade syrup from supermarket brands Although the book isnt in tended to be guide for city slickers whove decided to take the plunge and move to the country First Person Rural is filled with common sense ad VIse from the ignorant Perrins writes about fences pickup trucks Chainsaws and animals with the candid knowledge of someone whos learned from experience He can laugh at his mistakes and that gives the book warm appealing humanity LARGER QUESTIONS Some of the essays in the book raise larger questions about the way rural life in Ver mont is changing often for the worse and about the way ge nuine farm products are being increasingly replaced by chemical or synthetic substitutes Perrin isnt die hard conservative who wants to preserve some idealized vision of farm life hes aware of the hardships and disadvantages of living in the country but theres great deal of good sense in his criticism of con temporary society First Per son Rural may be short book but its also very wise and thoughtful one 86 EVENING 600 II as NEWS HOLLYWOOD SOUARES CAROL BURNETT AND FRIENDS POLKA DOT DOOR 630 NBC NEWS MARY TYLER MOORE SHOW CBS NEWS Aac NEWS NEWS PARTY GAME JEREMY 845 HATTYTOWN TALES 655 WRITE am 700 DATING GAME LITTLE HOUSE ON THE PRAIRIE CROSS WITS MARY TYLER MOORE SHOW Tic TAc DOUGH HEADLINE HUNTERS NEWLYWED GAME DOOMBOLT CHASE GOOD TIMES PRICE is RIGHT 730 MUPPETS SHOW Guost Ellie NIB NEWLYWED GAME CONLONS ONTARIO FAMILY FEUD PATSY GALLANT SHOW Dtn Molina Monchollu Gloria Gaynor EIGHT is ENOUGH Abby tindu rolultonohip Mnth hor Ion Tommy threatened when oh return to touching and tlunltu Had bankolball Star 80 mini IE MAGIC SHADOWS BOB NEWHART SHOW 800 HOCKEY Buttlto Sabra VI New Yorti 88 HAPPY DAYS on Earth nurt drIvrng Mont bonnnu he at star Robin Williams CBS REPORTS CLIFFHANGERS st trapped In wild tion pit ershat Donner is attacked by hideous creature With enormous tango and Count Dracula plots to mini Kurt Von Holsmg With deadly poison Stars Sun on Michael Noun 80 nuns 35 FAST FORWARD ea WHAT WILL THEY THINK OF NEXT MOVIE ROMANCECOMEDY lb HOW to Pick Up Girls 1978 830 RENE SIMARD SHOW ED LAVERNE AND SHIRLEY Whon Laverne realizes that shes going to have to change her personality If she has any hope at attracting more man she nooks help Shirley TWOS COMPANY 19 COPE 900 THREES COMPANY Jack gets caught in an oxnporuting Vrrtlpowor contest with Chrissy to determine Whether he can give up women tor longer than she can lood ERAND OLD COUNTRY Guests IO Frictto Gloria Kayo Larry Gatlin CHARLIES ANGELS ID NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC WAR YEARS 930 FIFTH ESTATE TAXI When Alexs ear is nearly shot all in holdup attempt in his taxi ho stuns his tollow cobble by quitting and he oxchanqoa his driving clothes for wailors tuxedo 1000 STARSKY AND HUTCH Starnliy and Hutch toad their polico badges into the up utter the department torcu them to reveal the identity In inlormnnt Pt pt on ioodo 60 rntno 5UlthY Only Quincy can save the career Ol muchdecorated Murine drill instructor charged with causing the death at Iocrmt who was the son at me hated commanding otlicor 80 mtfll lb ROLE CALL NEWS UPDATE NEWS 1001 turn to Fonxio Richro and tho gong tor holp BARETTA Haileys latest an energy tale When asked in 1975 how he scored one bestseller after another Canadian novelist Ar thur Hailey replied The trick is to develop an instinct for what will have wide appeal three years in the future He explained that it took three years for him to research alid write book His favorite bestseller Air port hit the bookstores in 1968 when many new sleek jet airlt ports were being opened his Wheels about carmaking was published in 1971 when Detroits auto industry was be ing lambasted for builtiii ob solescence and unsafe cars and Hotel made its appearance in 1965 when in the authors words there seemed to be lot of interest in the worlds secondoldest profession in nkeeping The Money Changers 197st sold because money is aways of interest Now four years after the authors statement on instinct Overload by Arthur Ilailey Doubleday Canada Ltd 102 pages 395 may not be as wilder appealing as he envisag Most people when they read in newspaper almost daily about an impending energy shortage the books central theme yawn and turn to the comics or the sports pages The time for such novel was right after the Yom Kippur War Of October 1973 when peOple were indeed alarmed about shortage of all forms of energy including electricity from oil fueled generators PRESSURE GROUPS Haileys latest opus carries an important message however Not new message perhaps but one that needs em phasizing Environmental groups have reached such positions of power and influence that they now Op pose and in many cases pre vent the building Of new conventionallyfuelled power plants And the construction of nuclear power plants demonstrated to be safe method Of power generation in many countries including Canada has been virtually brought to standstill in the United States because of pressure exerted by en vironmentalists The price industrialized society will pay Hailey argues will be mass unemployment hunger and economic depres sion due to lack of electric power in the 1980s Overload is peopled by unrealistic characters such as Nim Goldman assistant to the chairman of Golden State Power and Light California electric utility accused by en vironmentalists of putting pro BABRIC DRAPERY MLL OUTLET Nth HUGE SELECTION OF ODress Fabrics oDrapes Upholstery and Drapery by the yard OSewing Accessories AT REAL SAVINGS 547 Baytield St Barrie Georglon Mali tuesday 1030 SEARCH OF FORTUNES Grlpe Expecta tiono study Oi wineproduction and con plion in Canada ONE WORLD 1100 In NEWS CBC NEWS CTV NEWS GE EMPLOYMENT FILE MOVIE WESTERN Flattul of Dollars me 1115 IE THE REAL STORY 1120 NEWS 1125 QUESTION PERIOD 1127 NEWS 1130 THE TONIGHT SHOW at ï¬r Rich Lima 90 min CBS LATE MOVIE SARNABY JONES Tho Killing Dotonu brilliant deionuo lawyer auccoulully dotondu level Ihial and than murder him to get the gems tor hlmaell NOTORIOUS 1946 Start Cory ni Ingrid Ber man 35 MOVIE OMEDYMYSTERY Love ntor 1907 STREET LK 145 BRIER REPORT Don cumin and Don Duguid report lrom Ottawao Civic Centre 1150 MOVIE COMEDY Va Was Male Wgrogrldo 1949 WORLD AT WAR WhirtWInd tilm tenures some loarsornoly spectacular shots ol the bombing at Gonnnnyu tactorias Citron by Allied pianos 80 min Iii MEDICAL CENTER £8 MOVIE COMEDYDRAMA VI The Optlmluto 1913 210 MOVIE COMEDY Tho Solid Gold Cardiac 195a TOMORROW Ho Torn Snyder at Gore Vidal 60 nuns tit MARCUS WELBY MD to PTL CLUBTALK AND fit ahead Of its customers In terests Nim is short for Nimrod the mighty hunter mentioned in the Bible but in this case the mighty hunter of women and thus Hailey has an excuse to speckle his scenes with sexual conquests Unfortunately the sex scenes are as devoid of titillation and sensuality as clamping ones teeth into desiccated pear Throughout many implausi ble sexual exploits and the ex ecutive crises back at the utili ty Nim never becomes more than tired No nervous tension no ulcers no nearcollapse just tired STORY TELLING Haileys welLknown subplot technique shortcircuits in Overload Many of the scenes are vignettes and we just begin to be interested when short choppy paragraph or sub chapter intervenes and were back lying to pick up the threads of subplot left 20 or more pages behind HARPERS PHARMACY LTD SPECIAlISIS IN Ostomy Supplies and Accessories Breast Prosthesis and Mastectomy Bras Orthopedic Supports Surgical Elastic Stockings Private Fitting Rooms Professionally Trained Personnel Mail Order Service CONVALESCENT AIDS Cones Crutches Walkers Commodes Baths Bathtub Rails Seats Hospital Beds Wheel Choirs Etc Rentals Soles 7285407 I28 Ponotung At St Vheollt BAIRII