22 the oxamlnor Wednesday Feb 28 1019 Ilm Itfbeecle Re istered Re lremeni SaVIngs Plans llfbtenciel Victoria and Grey has Plans Available Each provides for tax deferrals and the return on your investment may accumulate tax free until you withdraw the funds Put little aside for the future Contribute to or purchase RRSP on or before March 1979 you will become eligible to win trip for two to Jamaica How about tomarraW We have extended our office hours so that our customers will be able to contribute to or urchase Victoria and Grey RSP at their canvenience as Dunlap St Mon February 26 Tues February 27 Wed February 28 Thurs March IIIortgeges VICTORIA AND GREY TRUST Each evening unlt1800 PM Since I844 F22232628 Member Canada Deposit Insurance Carpnrsllon IzIortgeges IF YOU NEED MONEY Immediate 1st and 2nd Open Mortgage Loans Anywhere on all homes cottages farms vacation and commercial properties Wed love to help you To consolldale debts low monltlly payments OHome improvements any wonhy reason 10 pay all existing or matunng mortgage 0ConSIructIon funds free advice try us 0We have realty cash to purchase mortgages MORTGAGE FUNDING 129 DUHLOP ST EAST IARRIE ONT 7160981 24 Pboee Service 347 IAY ST TORONTO ONT 3633421 Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers Assoc 14uoble lanes trailers RUSSELL CHURCH Mable Homes Ltd SALE RENT Parts and Service Exclusive Dealer for Bendix and Glendale Modular Homes Northlanders Travel Trailers Corsair Glendette Shamrock Terms Up To 15 Years Highwayll South 170 Burton Ave 7289866 TF 16tsto rent BARRIE ANNE GARDENS 259 Dunlap St Spacious suites available Utilities included convenient location 7265771 TF THE MAYFAIR Nicest apartments in Barrie Two bedroom Available with many features Bernick Drive 7370027 MWFTF WELLINGTON PLACE APARTMENTS 135 Welhgton St West Spacious bedroom suites Clean well kept building Close to shopping buses Monthly rent includes Heat Light Water Parking Steve and Fridge To view please call 7263827 or 7267l 53 IF Mississauga Cf Apts Two bedroom apartment available Col oured appliances sauna close to shopp ing and bus Telephone 726 35 BACHELOR APARTME field Street Fridge stove utilities and park ing included Telephone 726 7910 FURNISHED ONE and two bodroom apartments available Central Adults only 726 0988 weekdays ONE AND TWO Bedroom apartments $710 monthly plus hydro Central park ing fridge stove No pets Telephone 737 0901 Monday to Friday 900 am TWO BEDROOM one S250 including heat and hydro in Barrie one S220 pay own hydro in Angus Telephone 776 6271 after4pm TWO BEDROOM sunny separate din ing laundry backyard central quiet Adults No pets First and last 5257 plus hydro Days 436 1701 evenings 776 2936 737 3258 IV BEDROOM APARTMENT on John Street Fridge stove utilities and park ing included $775 monthly Telephone 776 7910 ONE AND TWO BEDROOMS S165 to $195 monthly Totally repainted white Call Patrick 728 2785 TWO BEDROOM partment bright friendly by park bus and school ap pliances parking laundry facilities S261 737 3416 TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT available immediately Gunn Street area Outside parking Telephone Lockyer 728 7533 ONE AND Two bedroom at Midhurst TWO bedroom close downtown Barrie on bus route First and last months rent No pets After 726 6725 TWO BEDROOM apartment available April Clean broadloom throughout S745 monthly heat water parking in cluded Telephone 776 3833 after6 TWO BEDROOM Apartment for rent stove fridge laundry facilities 5737 plus hydro Adults only no pets Apply No 701 55 Blake St TWO BEDROOM apartments for rent Fridge stove parking heat supplied Pay own hydro Available March Ist Telephone 737 1893 after pm TWO BEDROOM laundry facilities all utilities plus cable storage space park ing Downtown area $790 monthly Telephone 7783487 SUBLET LARGE one bedroom apart ment on 16th floor Highpoint Building available immediately 5267 per month Telephone days 776 7080 or evenings and weekends 487 3312 TWO BEDROOM apartment in apart ment building Central location S255 monthly includes heat parking water stove and refrigerator Telephone 1223250 BACHELOR APARTMENT including heat and hydro $180 monthly Telephone 7371599 after pm t6eptstoreltt ONE BEDROOM Apartment relrigerator stove and parking sup plied Quiet adult house Available im mediately Telephone 778 9291 ONE BEDROOM Apartment $737 month includes fridge stove heat park ing and new laundry room Bus stop location No pets Call 7285816 after APARTMENT FOR RENT Adults only No pets All utilities paid Available im mediateiy Telephone 726 1026 LARGE ONE BEDROOM apartment for rent convenient downtown location Newly decorated Available now Telephone 737 4757 anytime ONE BEDROOM Apartment for rent Includes neat hydro broadloom and balcony Close to all conveniences Telephone 737 7488 APARTMENT T0 RENT for single or married couple furnished or unfurnish ed Hwy 89 and 400 Cookstown Telephone 458 4357 after SMALL FURNISHED bachelor apart ment suit single person Laundry Cen tral location Available immediately Telephone 728 0755 ONE BEDROOM basement apartment available immedlately Fridge and stove included 5180 Phone 737 7070 after 700 FEMALE WANTED to share furnished townhouse with same 5150 month everything included Near malls Telephone 776 8384 or 726 4671 LARGE 0le aEDRooMEpaTtmem available March Utilities included plus appliances minutes from downtown No pets or children 726 8351 after pm 776 3759 ONE BEDROOM apartment on ground floor with basement Available March 12th Stove refrigerator heat hot water included Married couple No children $195 monthly 728 7618 LARGE ONE BEDROOM apartment fully broadloomed stove fridge park ing utilities No pets please Telephone 726 2609 TWO BEDROOM Apartment in sixplex $235 monthly First and last months rent Laundry and parking facilities Available immediately Telephone llajéflt THREE ROOM self contained broadloom Suit couple $190 monthly first and last Telephonernfl 5819 FOUR ROOM main floor apartment suit child with responsible parents Available April lst S235 monthly first and last Telephone 728 5819 UNFURNISHED one bedroom apart merit stove and refrigerator some broadloom $200 monthly pay own hydra Available anytime Adults No pets Telephone 776 5844 ITfhouses to rent wwswxs um REIIAL IWINOIE leutc Little Ave Icyview Dr ML LIMITED TIME OFFER OH RIMAMIIG UNITS $10 PER MONTH IlOUCTNIN ON IIIONTH LEASE 9m 79 $19 7373992 fllklIIIltrii WWSdmc CUNDLESIAYFIELD Attractive bedroom home nearly newl Fully broadloomed Near plazas and bus route Available immediately Call 7284981 weekdays eefy M8 ALLANDALE AREA Large four bedroom home for rent Immediately Ideal for family Close to lake Responsible tenants TELEPHONE 7284563 F28M23 FOUR BEDROOM House minute walk from downtown Two washrooms Available now $350 monthly Telephone 72675721 THREE AND FOUR bedroom houses Available Immediately In the downtown area Telephone 726 3757 FOUR BEDROOM Erick homb Wilh lwa lull baths broadloom paved drive Allandele area 5325 per month Call Rick Hamilton representing Cole RearlEVstaite Ltd 737 2101 or 778 8698 17beeses to rent BAYFIELD AND CUNDLES and bedroom semi detached homes for rent Broadloom garage one year lease Utilities extra First and last monthsd rent required $325 monthly Call Marlene Knowles representing Murray Warsh Realty Ltd 728 9636 or 737 7351 TWO BEDROOM bungalow for rent large treed lot located 115 Edgehill Drive S785 monthly first and last Available Marchi Telephone 726 1177 EAST END TOWNHOUSE three bedrooms stove and fridge immediate occupancy $295 monthly Telephone Enid Day representing LePage 7370011 COOKSTOWN TWO BEDROOM bungalow newly decorated elderly 00 pie only $750 monthly plus utilities Telephone 458 9591alter pm THREE BEDROOM HOUSE laundry room garage on Duckworth Broadloomed S400 includes heal hydro cable Available March 8th First and last months Bus school nearby 737 2699 FOUR BEDROOM baths Barrie east end available immediately Rent negotiable Call collect Doug Pitch Bus 416 750 3628 Home 416 638 6876 34 BEDROOM HOME central Barrie washrooms Available immediately Telephone 7370901 between 00 and5 00p Monday to Friday FOUR BEDROOM brick bungalow at tached garage large lot Big Bay Paint Road Electric heat S375 monthly plus hydro References requvred Available March 15 Telephone 726 9873 THREE BEDROOM semi detached good parking close to bus stop 5250 plus hydro Telephone between and 737 4527 ALLANDALE HEIGHTS area Three bedroom house With self contained one bedroom basement apartment No no pliances Heat and hydro not Included Available immediately S375 monthly First and last 776 7223 after 600 737 2975 IT IS POSSIBLE Rent on new home can go towards your down payment For Inlormation call Mr JarVIs 776 6805 74 Hour SerVIce NEW THREE bedroom bungalow carpeted throughout attached garage Hillsdale5300 monthly plus utilities Telephone 737 0659 TOWNHOUSE for rent three bedrooms 17 baths basement garage nicely decorated Close to school and shopping 726 4338 18apts wanted to rent FEMALE SENIOR CITIZEN would llke one bedroom apartment or flat Must be clean Non smoker abstainer Required for April occupancy Call between 59 728 1098 ONE BEDROOM Apartment wrth Iaun dry and parking Working lady Must be clean and reasonable No basement 728 7759 before10a or altarb rn 20rooms To let CLEAN COMFORTABLE room available for one or two Full house prlvileges in warm social atmosphere Fireplace appliances parking TV Luxury at regular prices Youll love It 728 8424 ROOM FOR RENT downtown area share kitchen and bath Telephone 737 4757 for further information ROOM FOR RENT on bus route Sharp kitchen and IiVlng room Parking Woman preferred Phone 737 4886 ROOMS TO LET kllchcn prIVIIcges near bus stop 575 weekly Telephone 474 0042 or 728 6781 LARGE ROOMS suitable for two poo pie also Single rooms Shared kitchin Telephone 726 6397 ROOMS FOR RENT by the day week or month Llnon supplied Downtown area Telephone 728 2445 LOVELY CLEAN home large bright furnished bedroom with sInk Rooms cleaned linen changed weekly kitchen facilities tree parklng Central Gentleman preferred 728 0598 FURNISHED ROOM for rent central locatlon parking kitchen privilegFS Working gentleman preferred Telephone 778 7147 NICELY FURNISHED housekeeping room Lincn supplied Reasonable rent Central location Telephone 776 9806 FURNISHED ROOM FOR RENT linen supplied S70 weekly Central Iocaftion Telephone 726 8358 after 7ljroom and boa rd SENIOR CITIZENS Family at commodation downtown Meals and laundry Non smokers Write to Sally Box 967 Barrie ROOM AND BOARD lunches packed family atmosphere centrally located Telephone737 4950 ROOM AND BOARD for young lady in private east end home Telephone 7260061 73oflices stores for rent RENT AN OFFICE SPACES FOR RENT various sites Rent negotiable by day month or year Furnished or unfurnlahed Extra services available If required Downtown Barrie Piano 7260988 10el te weekdays M12 MODERN OFFICE space for small or large suites immediate 0c cupancy short or long term 726 3400 Angeloff TWO OFF ICES for rent $70 or 5130 men tth parking and utilities Included Downtown area Telephone 776 2777 days or 737 7349 evenings NOTICE Deadline for classified word ads pm day previous noon Saturday lease 23ollicesstores for rent 12 FAIRVIEW Raï¬ Convenient location close to highways 400 and 77 3471 sq ft or will divide to suit Long or short term teenagerand ed Immediate occupancyst 416 4446636 days 416 8898515 evenings and weekends FOR LEASE 7400 sw ft Street level Main business block in Orillia Building In excellent condition Ample parking Immediate possession For further details 1311705376 6722 4500 SQ FT leasesublease Presently furniture store ideal for service facility Overhead doors frontfrear 7264265 1700 SQ FT OFFICE SPACE 54F Maple St Available anytime 7781743 till pm 7256899 after pm 24space for rent FOR LEASE OR SALE Industrial space and warehouse Telephone 7763400 Angelolf WAREHOUSE SHOWROOM etc 108 Victoria Street 1590 square feet Gross lease everything included 5475 men Elly Apply Stewart wholesale 778 3051 PRIME INDUSTRIAL SPACE 1000 18000 sq ft lully sprinklered transport and light truck loading docks drive in doors 14 ll 18 ft clear part of large ex panding industrial mall 7267130 76accommodations to share GIRL NEEDED to share accommoda tion 5100 rent everything Included Close to downtown Phone Peter at 7769711 Ext 33 during working hours 728 8214 at home APARTMENT TO share 5150 month close to downtown area Call 7377738 atter6pm PERSON WANTED to share three bedroom house in Barrie $150 monthly including heat hydro and cable Call John Cowdn 726 0393 or 728 6562 PERSON WANTED to share house with three other people All expenses shared Less than miles from downtown Bar rie 726 7263 alter600pm 37cars for sale CHECK RUST WITH RUST CHECK SEVEN wo rk in chemicals in specially formulate OIL IASE Complete iob for ANY AGE vehicle venous $4950 By appointment only Business 4873220 After hours 7264961 MWFAuIO AUTO INSURANCE and home in surancr Competitlve rates Call John Nelson Insurance 778 957195 In 9p 1978 VOLARE 225 CID Slant Six automatic power steering power brakes bucket seats vinyl roof radials console radio Yellow with tan intcrIor 18000 miles Available April Owner posted to Europe 55000 tirm Days 4241200 Ext 2249 Captain Vlncont Evenings 424 6495 1978 DATSUN F10 front WIILPI drlvu low mileage maroon With black InfLVIOF standard in excellent condition Telephone 737 0384 1974 OLDS CUTLASS SUPREME 350 engine power brakes Dowrr SIPPTIng tinted glass tllt steering whrlI vinyl roof four new tires good 1110690 $7700 or bestoffer 7785811 1973 MUSTANG FASTBACK standard 1417 engine certified $1700 firm Telephone 4741603aftcr 5p 1977 LTD CHAMPAIGNE RABBIT 39000 miles Sclrocco instrumentation AMFM radio will certify Telephone 436 4212 1972 TOYOTA COROLLA spend Stan dard door rear window defoqour radio snows body needs minor work motor As Is 5275 John 718 9836 SEeetsforsefe 1978 CHEV CAPRICE CLASSIC four door One owner highway driven Beautiful twotone silver 305 hp automatic air conditioned cruiser con trol AMFM radio tllt steering wheel custom velour Interior power windows and door locks many other extras One year old February 77 Certified 79 licence sticker Private sale no salesmans commission to pay Telephone 7783097 after pm weekdays or all day weekends 1977 MERCURY Marquis Brougham 429 power steering power brakes air 10 options Telephone 737 7014 1977 CHRYSLER NEW YORKER for sale air conditioned power windows seats and steering AMFM radio 440 engine 51200firm Telephone 728 8909 1969 PONTIAC GRAND PRIX Ex cellent condition 51400 or best offer Telephone 778 7887 1977 FORD LTD ll auto radio factory air new radials dr coupe rear del Certified New plates For quick sale $3600 Phone 474 9870 1974 MERCURY Marquis Brougham dr Loaded New plates Certified 51895 Telephone 424 9870 1974 CHRYSLER NEWPORT Custom all power excellent condition in and out 52200 certified Phone 778 5659 alter 600 pm 1974 COUGAR XRT for sale power win dows air conditioning custom interior and exterior good condition throughout Best offer Telephone 726 and alter pm 1973 DODGE POLARA V8 automatic power steering power brakes in good condition 8600 Telephone 436 4354 1970 CHRYSLER STATION WAGON power windows power seat cruise con trol radials 70000 mllespo rust 51700 7093 1971 ACADIAN SS for sale 350 automatic new paint brakes and ex hausf A1 condition Certified 51000 firm Telephone 776 9868 or 726 i294 1974 DODGE MONACO door hardtop low mileage certified $1400 or best of fer Telephone 436 5131 for further details 1971 TOYOTA CROWN six cylinder tour door AM FM in good condition Asking S600 Telephone 322 1186 1969 010 JUDGE CONVERTIBLE mags 400 CID needs one cylinder glazed Must be seen Needs paint $450 as is Can be certified Telephone 4246460 1975 FORD COMET GT 307 V8 stan dard floor shift bucket seats mag wheels raised white letter tires bronze With black GT striping and cream leather interlor Asking $2150 certified Call after 30 or anytime weekends 7267255 1971 FORD MUSTANG Mach 429 motor fair condition uncerlified Ask ing 51200 or best Offer Telephone 7374953 1973 IMPERIAL LE BARON fully load ed excellent condition AMFM stereo best cash offer or trade with small vehl clc or van 7371847 ask for Bill or Sue 1974 VOLKSWAGEN Sun Bug cxcnllent condition No rust $1750 certified Telephone 436 2451 anytime 33cars wantedto buy URGENTLY REOUIREO For Borries Newest Car Dealer TOP CASH GOOD CLEAN LATE MODEL AUTOMOBILES ORV HARDY MOTORS 176 BRADFORD St 7284272 MWFTF SCRAP VEHICLES WANTED Top prices paid Frec inimrdiato pick up any time 436 7900 COLE BROS Carsnrld lrutks WANTED for wrecking Fast pickup Phone 435 6327 days 474 5949 Ivenings JUNK CARS WANTED Highest DTICIS paid Same day pikup Holt Auto Wreckers 7268711 TOP PRICE for top cars Toke Motors Lllntled 119 Brndlord Serll Barrie 728 8111 WANTED Claim usrdcars BBFTIL Hon da Auto Salts 17 Gawnn St 726 6488 SPRING SPECIAL TRACY wants cars Full SIII cars S30pickettup Full Size 540 brought In Bonus for xtrn largo cars 726 8487 CARS WANTED for scraps Telephone 458 4275 USIIIESS DIIEOOOI MDENeed help Just look over the ads below The ad ch vertisers listed are experts in their field and will assure you of the finest iob possible 7282414 APPLIANCLS ELECTROLUX Canada Ltd authorised Sales and Service Free Home Domanstra Ilene lBAlllance Blvd Unit 19 7203392 DRAPERY BUDGET DRAPERV Iree ahapafhome sorvlce Quality drapery and much more priced to suit your bud et LET THE STORE COME TO YOU 00081 7371737 DRESSES FIT It made by JOSIE AQUINO Specialising in pantsuits gowns and altera tfone 42 Eugenia St Phone 7266M DRESSMAKING AND ALTERATIONS 45 Austin Lane Letitia Heights Telephone 7268167 ALTERATIONS TO Dre coats suits Women and children Downtown area Temone 7280881 OFFSET DUPLICATING will artt Io with No lob too snlel PHOTO COPIES White or color cepIer paper Mdlng labels Prelectien Transparencies SERVICES Pestee eetc 53MJN WDUPLICATING SERVICES 21AYFILLD 5T BARRIE ONT 073 7260955 Au16 SUPERIOR EAVESTROUGHING SPECIALISTS heading and roofing repairs Sheet metal work Martin Verltraten New Lowell 424I956 FIREWOOD FIREWOOD uaioiioa Via13 aiid aiii Delivered Frank Hirschfel Shanty lay 7289357 100 DRY MAPLE SEASONED YEARS 16 FACE CORD $30 FREE DELIVERY 4872113 SEASONEO HARDWOOD cut for stove or fireplace face or bush cord Free delivery Phone 5707 GEPGRAL REPAIRS renovations rubbish used furniture and appliances removed Serving Barrie Innllfll Call Gordr4365414 HOME IMPROVE TS CONSTRUCTION House rolling foun dations renovations additions Phone 4362955 after WTHERN CARPENTRV Specializing In In terlor work Rec rooms kitchens bath rooms panelling finish work new CARPENTER FULLY EXPERIENCED with rorlovatlonl cedar decks bathroom tillng rec rooms tc Tale one 7261271 ACTON aooxxszrmo TAX Personal and business returns pm to pm 7265218 INCOME TAX RETURNS from your home personal small business pickup Et prompt return govl forms El rebates raasonalbe rates SMITH 4364828 except 1130 130 MWFF9 Stewart Electronics Repairs to TELEVISION STEREO RADIO Other Electronic Equipment 74 PEEL ST 7189457 FIBRGLASS REPAIRS HBREGLASS REPAIRS boats snowmobiles anything fiberglass Free estimates Low winter rotel Workmanahip guaranteed 4245802 VIC WATSON Fireplaces and masonry For free estimates phone 72871 CUSTOM BUILT and designed Specialising In natural stone and antique brick using bellftres Workmanlhlp guaranteed Peter HenIra 7372871 WANT ADS PHONE 7282414 32oers for sale experience in 78 78 78 NHT129 WVA WWW742M KM KYZ503 you will find new AUTOMATIC POWER title 27 flflflflxflflflxfl 32cen for sale 32 cars for sale MONTE CARLO BLUE V8 AUTOMATIC POWER STEEHIN POWER BRAKES TILT WHEEL 29000 KM MNY394 BURGUNDY ya AUTOMATIC POWER STEERING POWER BRAKES TILT WHEEL 23000 KM Nllzalil CHEVROLET CAPRICE DOOR BLUE WITH MANY EXTRAS 17000 KM MNO854 noon CYLINDERIAIITGMAIIC an STEERINDWOWEII BRAKES26010 Kmyol547 CADILLAC COUPE DE VILLE MAROON MANY EXTRAS 50000 rim RIB0801 HummerBEIGE AUTOMATIC 24m OLDSMODILE CUTLASS BROUG 57000 KM KLN639 HAM BLUE MANY EXTRAS IPUWEIILISTEEBIlldfï¬omy WE INVITE YOU TO FIND OUTMORE CA USE THERE LOTM ORE T0 LIKE chevroletoldsmobilecadillac paul sadlan motors inc 233 Bradford Street Barrie Ontario 7261 81 AT paul sadlan motors inc CAR SHOPPING tells you all you need to know about QUALITY USED CARS acIIIloer IMPALA noon BEIGE WITH MANY 291100 KM NMTIIaa MALIBU CLASSIC DOOR V8 AUTOMATIC POWER STEERING POWER BRAKES 23000 KM NHZJISZ BUICK LESABRE 00011 V8 BURGUNDY POWER STEERING POWER BRAKES 10000 KM NDY845 CHEVROLET NOVA DOOR BROWN CYLINDER AUTOMATIC POWER STEERING POWER BRAKES 22000 KM NHT979 MIAC PHOENIX DOOR BROWN CYLINDER STEERING POWER BRAKES 20000 77 JR GI Wyfl VWJA ext74 CflfJ xxxxxflxrflxxkï¬x 174747 STAN KNICELV MASONRY Brick block and stone work chimney ir Fireplaces specialtyfreeestimate 7054245158 GUIIAR LESSONS Classical and Popular Marcel Potvln GuitarStudio 7261489 ACCORDION guitar piano organ begin ner and advanced Two months trial Instru ment loaned for home practice Canadian Academy of Music 121 defleld 4799 GUITAR LESSON Classical popular and rock For further Information call Gary 7269098 PICT FRAMING OATES 82 Dunlop St East Custom framing of all types We stock many sites Phane7283270 PLASTER REPAIR fancy moulds artistic cell lnp decorative walls apply on plaster or drywall KOBRA Free estimates 7364612 JJcersuented tobey Scrap Cars and Trucks Highest prices pald Free estimates picked up Immediately Telephone 3271115 34frucks and trailers 1976 FORD 350 V8 four speed stan dard power steering power brakes heavy duty suspension dual wheels 17 ft platform with racks Very clean Telephone 726 9998 1975 DODGE VAN automatic power steering poor brakes custom paint mags teardrops roof vent Law mileagn excellent ondltton Best offer Telephone 737 1770 1968 GMC VAN $650 as is 5700 certified Can be 5II1 at 445 Blake St or telephone 726 4851 1963 CHEV tort very good condition new radial tires plywood cap 48000 orlqmal miles 3600 or best offer Telephone 424 5327 1978FORDF1505upercabmanyextras $6995 Including cruise control dual tanks step up rear bumper power steering optional gauges Telephone 124 0738 1977 CHEV CARAVAN lully Insulated long box 32000 miles heavy duty susprnsion AMFM radio 304 automatic Excellcnlcandltlon Asking $6000 487 2006 ntltrSp 1976 DODGE VAN 34 ton 44000 miles insulated panelled and carpeted insrdo Excellentcondilion Telephone 778 2173 1974 CHEV ton six cylinder speed $1500 or best offer 436 2451anytimo 36auto accessories STOCK CAR Frame and roll cage Chevellvl ex ccllent condition well built Asking $450 Willdtltvor CallWhltbyl 416 655 4335 37motorcycles 1973 KAWASAKI 500 Rebuilt motor New drop bars chambers and half fair ing Phone 776 2740 after 30 1976 CAN AM MX2 250 only riden one season in excellent running condition Asking 5800 Telephone 728 i311 SIBsnowmobiles four Talcphone ARCTIC CAT SIDWMOIILES ACCESSORIES SeUet SPORT HAVEN MARINE sitivy lede Barrie 7261001 M18 1976 SKIDOO TNT 340 RV rebuilt engine new clutch in excellent cond tion 51700 or best offer Telephone afternoons 778 7406 1974 ARCTIC CAT Cheetah 440 good condition S650 Telephone 372 7631 1971 POLARIS Snowmobile Charger 400 model 79 license in good running condi tion 5500 Telephone 7371016 after 1973 YAMAHA 338 SL good running con dition $400 With trailer 5500 Telephone 436 4354 1973 SNOWMOBILE with new 1978 440 engine no miles on engine 5450 Tolephonel 435 5006 GP 396 YAMAHA 1600 miles in ex cellent condition new snowmobile trailer 5650 for both or will sell separate ly Telephone 728 7694 1977 YAMAHA FTX440 excellent condi tion $1500 Call 728 9930 1973 SKI ROULE helmets and trailer 40 articles for sale CONFERENCE TABLES OAK 40 120 as is or reï¬nished moron HOLE CABINETS 5w lilin wide 13 deep Openhg she 412 Va ADAIR VOLUME SALES 21 MARY ST BARRIE F28M2 suowiiowmc VEILINGA PAINTING and dezoratlrlg In terior exterior Work uoranteed EI tablfshed 30 years 7262 7269N2 PAULS PAINTING Paper hanging Murals Interior and exterior Free estimates Low rates Fast service Satisfaction guaranteed 7371295 TF DON SIESLING PROFESSIONAL PAINTING hterlor exterior paper hanging custom work Satisfaction guaranteed 72668 RUBBER STMPS susm STAMPS Made To Order FAST SERVICE IILLS RUIIER STAMP SERVICE IRNe1SHANTY IAY ONT LOL 2L0 PHONE 4873035 MWF SIMEEIE EIEN artd Display omgany lelted MANUFACTURERS OF PLEXIGLAS SIGNS OSTDREFRONT PLYLDN SIGNS 0LLUMINATEDNONILLUMINATED CUTIIUT LETTERSLOGOS DESIGNED AND INSTALLED TO YOUR COMPLETE SATISFACTION 140 mm mm UNIT 7374453 MWFTF MAKE YOUR ideas reality Custom carved wood signs Busineui Residence KIDCKIN ON WOOD 4875533 pm SNOW BLOWING KARL FORSTL SNOMTBLOWING Driveways parking lots sidewalks etc Reasonable ram hone7285791 Barrie sreouo AREA days Reasonable rates Residential commercial private lanes HORNES SNOWBLOWING 4361216 40 articles for sale SPECIAL esmnaes an 7m TOdey service STON ES PHOLSTERY II 1éNItltllilllllfllfllllltllPI II IIPCIIIIIIIII 40min for 40 articles for sale COMMERCIAL AIRCONDITIONER 10 led euphoSterng withodual forgthetfoerngm DOLLARS 78714 Itocover it YoIIrsell Wide selection of discount fabrics Foam cushions Tools both amateur professional Needles threads twines Butlons made to order 0A complete line of upholstery supplies UPHOLSTERY SUPPLY SHOP Div of Fabric Drapery Mill outlet lust north of Georgian Mall 7371510 MITF BROWNS ANTIQUE WAREHOUSE now open on Highway 10 in Markdale On tario Beautifully refinished country pine furnishings and all accessories Ivan Brown telephone 519 986 2754 INDOOR SHOWROOM full sized pools on display Come in today or 511776 4606 for free 32 page booklet of inground and above ground pools Pioneer Pools Baymart Plaza PENTON MOTOR bike 125 cc 5200 Yamaha Trombone almost new $175 Lacrosse stick 55 Phone 776 6365 ANTIQUE DOUBLE WARDROBE in excellent condition Asking $400 or best offer Telephone 7787574 for informa tion XL10020 Color Portable 64 66 For Iutt No S4week payments tlll April 79 Phone tonight for delivery tonight KRAZY KELLYS 461 DUNLOP ST 771182 $79900 reupholsters Chesterfield and chair Labour and Fabric Included up to 15 ydlds yr guarantee on workmanship For free inhome PAIRS SNOWPLOWING rim Trucks for prompt dependable service at competitive rates Call Paul 7373064 MIH SNOWPLOWING Residential and small commercial Reasonable rates Fast de dabie IervlceCaILar 7264599 BILL ALLAN SNOWPLOWING Reasonable rates Radio dispatched 24 hour service To one7372892 DOUGS SNOWPLOWING Small commer cial and relldentlal Reasonable rates 7288460 TONYS SNOWPLOWING Reasonable rates 24 hour service Radio dispatched Residen tial and commercial Call 7265217 In Reasonable rates Contracts seasonal or cleanu Call7265666 COMMERCIAL and RESIDENTAL snow plow Ing Driveways widened Piles blown or hauled away Coll Whiskers 7269512 NANDAS SNOWPLOWING 152 Cundles Residential Reasonable rates Telephone 726I728 DRIVEWAYS CLEANED and widened by front end loader Average driveway $10 Call on ime 7265333 DRIVEWAYS ONLY SNOWPLOWING 24 hour service Reasonable rates Call anflme Painswick 737272 SW REMOVA GENERAL HAHDYMAH real cleared of ice show chimneys eaves cleaned small moving iobs rubbish handyman repair work l0CAI 4873141 ROOF TOP SNOW REMOVAL prompt and experienced Reasonable rates Call 72624980n time SNOWI REMOVAL on roofs and driveways Experienced and efficient workers Low rum 7265606 and 7260975 YOUNG MAN will remove snow from roofs Prompt service Reasonable rates Coll 7287558 rv AND RAD REYNOLDS rv SERVICE Repairs to color black and white TV stereos etc All makes mdmodels 4246181 CUSTOM UPHOLSTERY Reasonable rates Workmanship guaranteed Free esfl at Coll LORNE 7285435 VINYL REPAIR VIP VINYL REPAIR SERVICE We can fix my vinyl material sofas chairs car tops Mi£Prompt service 72645m NOTICE Deadline for classiï¬ed word ads pm day previous noon Saturday 40 articles for sale iiumiiiiiimiuiimuiltltliumuiii ti IlnbfllltllulIIIISIIIIIIII TF SWIMMING POOL MANUFACTURER has new 1978 Aluminum Pools regular price $219000 now at our all season special of $1355 00 Pools come with walk around dock patio fencing pump motor and filter delivery arranged to your convenience For best selection and information call toll free 800 268 5970 SWIMMING POOLS TO RENT Will lease and install for homeowners family size aluminum swimming pools with patio Choice of styles meeting all lenc lng regulations on one M0 or three year rental basis with option to own Try before you buy Call toll free 800 268 5970 ROOM DIVIDER with planter box whh rollers 70ft long by ft high Bayshore Hotel SOLID PINE FURNITURE Custom made light Finished in or dark stain Specializing in coffee end tables Tressel table 36 60 $250 7371039 MWFM5 PIANO BABY GRAND throughout S1750 Call 416 281 1796 DRYER New Admiral custom multi program automatic dryer only $74999 or no money down as little at 51025 per month NEW AND USED FURNITURE AND APPLIANCES 20 Dunlop Street West lust west of the Bar rio Arena 737 4774 closed Mondays LIVING ROOM SUITES new pc sofa chalr swivel rocker and ottoman col ors to choose from only $79999 or no money down as little as $1750 par month NEW AND USED FURNITURE AND APPLIANCES 202 Dunlap Street West in the former Unclaimed Freight Warehouse 737 4774 Closed Mon days SUCCESSFUL TV SERVICE to our many customers allows us to again offer our $2550 Repair in your homear no obligation special Oily at IAIRIE TV AND APPL 88 DUNLOP 7284197 MWFM26 DISHWASHER used Westinghouse automatic excellent condition only 5169 99 or no money down as little as $725 per month NEW AND USED FUR NITURE AND APPLIANCES 202 Dunlap Street West tiust west of the Bar rie Arena 737 4774 Closed Mondays MATTRESSES brand new 54 Inch $4999 While they last Delivery extra NEW AND USED FURNITURE AND APPLIANCES 707 Dunlop Street West in the former Unclaimed Freight Warehouse 7374774 Closed Mon daysL