18 the examlnor Wodnuday Fob 28 1979 High and dry Helicopters plucked six Fort Bragg soldiers from tree limbs where they had clung precariously for 25 hours above the raging Haw River The soldiers had ridden large Army Raft down the heavily flooded river Saturday but were stranded on an Island about mile south of the bridge on US 64 eastof Pittsboro AP Photo Seaway laws criticized by shipping companies BANFF Alta tll The chairman of the Dominion Ma rinc Association said Monday he is worried about the federal governments trend toward userpay policies Norman Hall also president of Hall orp Shipping Ltd said in an interview that ship ping lines will probably find longer St Lawrence seaway shipping season uneconomic if the extra costs to extend the season are loaded on them Were inclined to think that lot of these services are for the benelit of the country as whole and shouldnt be just listed against the actual mode of transportation thats being used said Hall Earlier Monday Gordon Sinr clair administrator of Canadian marine transport told the joint annual meeting of the marine association and the tUSl Lake Carriers Association that Ottawa in tends to pursue its costrecovery policy Sinclair said the government marine service will be finan cially seltsustaining in 1980 in most operations including pilo tage maintenance and major harbor services And he said the government is moving to allocate the costs of icebrcaking dredging or no vigational aids which are not recovered now to the various marine sectors commercial carriers fisheries and recrca tion The fisheries department would pay for services it wants It would also decide the level of services needed for fishermen and how much they should pay But Sinclair said the trans port departments cost recove program is aimed mainly at icebreaking services and navigational aids He said that both US and Canadian vessels would share the costs It is not our intention to dis criminate one flag against an other in our cost recovery pro gram Hall whose associations 20 member firms have 172 ships engaged in Great Lakes and seaway commerce said he will watch the costallocation procA ess closely He said commercial shipping does not have the public appeal of the national airlines or rail ways SHIPS ARRY MORE Were not carrying passen Entire Collection of Skirts Pants Blouses 20 on DAYS ONLY MARCH MARCH For all occasions from every day wear to office and party in lilting Spring colors MilJo ltd Bayflo Mall Barrio 1310351 gcls Vcrc Just carrying freight the guts of the coun try but It not sexy ANNOUNCEMENT HAYS mm ssnvic Lorne Betty owners are pleased to an nounce the op pointment of Kathy Hay as Tour Division Manager of our new company effective Feb 1979 Huy Travel Tours specialized group tours Kathy is graduate of Humber College Travel Tourism and has had number of years experience in group tour programs you are interested in our tour program please call 728 8244 Free travel presentations arr anged HAYS TRAVEL TOURS 4s DUNLOP 51 BARRIE our 288244 If By ARTHUR CHAMBERLAIN The Canadian Press ill the wake of Watergates Deep Throat and flood of anonymous letters filled with government secrets sent to journalists concern is devel oping in Canada about civil ser vants misuse of their access to public information in Newfoundland royal commission has been estab lished to find out who leaked se cret police documents to the Spendin in 1979 flAWA tCll Spending on new plants equipment buildings and other production facilities will increase by per cent this year from its 1978 level Statistics anada esti mates The federal agency said Mon day it expects capital spending in the economy this year to reach $547 billion compared with last years $502 billion The forecast was accom panied by cautionary note that the investment figures available are only preliminary and should be Used prilnarily to detect emerging patterns in the economy The agency also said its pre dictions do not take into ac count how much of the increase in spending will be needed to cover inflation Last ycars llt ruins iuillc lute flavour and Itlllil nturio runners hosetum liis and pears ut their pena and captured their juiry goutHess for your winter enjoyment Iiy the recipes below They include delicious main dishes as us desserts gounnet delight beans lb sausages can 14 ounces Canada Choice Peach Halves drained minutes Meanwhile sausages until cred for another it Makes servings can 14 ounces Canada Choice Peers tablespoons soft butter cup granulated sugar teaspoon cinnamon eggs teaspoon vanilla cupu milk scolded Drain pears reserving syrup Dice pears Set summer utter nulny dry luvs But they rutllc ill time to giltolnpiucus und pours licuuliul media rossCanada Survey by The anadian Press found the situation varies from province to province some have strict laws while others require some public servants to take se crccy oath but provide no for lnal constraints The federal government in addition to requiring an oath of office and secrecy has the ffi cial Secrets Act which provides penalties for releasing informar to rise says Sta costrolrliving increase was nine per cent Broken down into various types of investment Statistics anada predicted Residential construction will MEIlUN DJ DENT UR THERAPIST Complete Denture Service Hours 9am 6p 280 Dunlap St Barrie Member Denturist Society lust lint Secret documents raise questions ab tion classified under the act The Newfoundland commis sioil is to determine what penal ties should be ilnposed on police officers or other public scr vants involved in leaking police reports on fire set in the apartment of Dr Tom Farrell forlner provincial cabinet minister The St Johns Telegram anonymously received photostat copies of two police reports which concluded that 89 tCan increase by 30 per cent to St billion nonresidential con struction 106 per cent to $231 billion and spending on new equipment and machinery 108 per cent to $199 billion Mon thru Fri 7286810 leaked to media Farrell set fire to his apart ment harges against Farrell were dismissed after preliminary hearing but the province now wants to find out how the news paper received the documents Fedcral civil servants and those ill Ontario must take oaths which prohibit them from disclosing any information they obtain ill theirjobs Stuart Leggatt New icmo cratic Iarty MP for New West minster has criticized the oath He said it is broad enough to allow department head to or der his staff not to release any information at all on risk of los ing their jobs Leggatt has introduced pri vate members bill to change the oath to distinguish con fidential from that which is not Only persons with access to confidential information would have to swear an oath of se crecy Now the only federal system of classification is under the ficial Secrets Act Police officers may be pun ished by dismissal or lesser ac tion for disclosing information The Ontario Police Act makes it an offence to communicate any matter connected with the police force In Alberta the Public Service Act prohibits civil servants from releasing information not normally available to the pub out civil rights lie The offence is punishable by maximum fine of $500 MUST TAKE ATII Civil servants in Saskatche wan must take an oath of se crecy but while they face dis missal they cannnot be fined or jailed The situation is similar in Prince Edward island in Quebec no legal sanctions are imposed but civil servants are sworn to secrecy and are subject to internal discipline such as firing or demotion spokesman for the BC governments employee rela tions bureau said any incident involving members of the em ployees union would probably go to an arbritrator who would decide on any action CONSUMERS ASSOCIATION OF CANADA BARRIE LOCAL Con5umers Association of Canada Barrie local is having public meeting on Thursday March 1979 at 730 pm in The Blue Flame Room of the Consumers Gas Building on Ferris Lane Barrie Topics for public discussion will be Direct Billing by Doctors with Dr Roger Green and Rescue Squads with representatives of the Simcoe Rescue Squad Both topics affect us all so please join us and let us hear your views CA OF CANADA 43 Nelson St Barrie MM 418 Ill round cake pan LSD Mix in brown Artangc Prepare gingerbread batter using pear for adding water to make up the amount if required Carefully pour over for 35 to it minutes Cool 15 min utes before turning over Makes 89 servings cinnamon on top and slices sugar pear syrup as the liquid called pears Bake at 180 3501 Look for genuine Ontario Canned Fruit thn youre shopping for canned fruit or vegetables read the label Look for the ntario canned pcachcs turn plain beans and sausages into cans 19 ounces each baked Heat beans ill 2L baking dish at littltl 375 for cook done Arrangc peach halves and sausages on top of beans Return to oven uncov lninutcs Ontario canned pears star in superb dessert production slices dayold white bread tablespoons brown sugar aside Spread tablespoon of the butter over bottom and sides of quart shallow baking brcad into cubes cubcs Arrange half of illg bread cubes rcniaining granulated and pear Sct baking baking pan lour hot water to linc Makes servings tlp disll or an 8x ill bread with remaining butter spoons of the measured granu latcd sugar with teaspoon of the cinnamon loss with bread cubes in prepared baking dish top with diced pear Add remain lit mcdiuln bowl beat eggs with in the cup pcar syrup vanilla and scalded milk lourchr bread over top Return to oven for it lninutcs or until knife inselted lll centre comes out clean Let cool on wire rack about 30 minutes llllllll it is It table thc lllcad peaches sugar Stir cup flour teaspoon salt dash pepper dish ill tablespoons kplh onions sliced baking pan around dish llakc at cup diced um pom for llllilllltS ahlcspmyn cornstarch brown sugar with remaining cup hoof bouillon teaspoon cinnamon Sprinkle tablespoon so saucc tablespoons Drain pcachcs Slice peaches to skillet over iood ntario pork fancied up with delicious ntario canned can It ounces anada hoicc Icacll llabcs lb boneless Icau pork butt tablespoons butter ii medium yellow cooking pork ut pork across the graill in thin slices Dredge pork slices with mixture of flour salt and pcppcr In large skillet brown pork ill two batches in the hot lllixturc of butter and oil adding more oil it necessary Return pork cookforitminutesLiftporkfronl skillet llrain any cxccss fat Add onion and green pepper to skillet inegar rcscning syrup Set asidc lrim reduce heat and and cook ulltil onion is transpar cnt Dissolve cornstarch in peach syrup Stir in bouillon soy sauce and vinegar Stir into skillet and cook until thick and clear Add pork and peaches loss gently llcat through Makes new look for an old favourite can 14 ounces Canada ChOice Pears V4 cup butter V4 cup brown sugar teaspoon cinnamon package 11 ounces gingerbread mix rain pears reserving syrup Slicc pears thinly Set aside Melt butter iii an 2L or Slinch CANAllACIlfllCli word tanada in front of the Rememberalways Shop Canadian and look for the Foodland Ontario symbol Ontario has the best food produ ccls ill tllc illd thncvcr you buy meat poultry vegetables or fruit look for the symbol below or ask your groccl to poillt out the Ontario products Youll be getting the best foodandslippilltlngourvitalagricul tulal industry grade ic anada Fancy anada Lhoicc CANADA FANCY 0R