16 the oxamlner Wodnooday Fob as 1979 extra Ottawa offers joint vote on Quebecs future OTTAWA CP The federal government has offered to conduct referendum jointly with Quebec on the provinces future in Confederation John Reid federalprovincial relations minister said Tuesday night the federal government would join Quebec in referendum if the two could agree on question and mechanism for conducting the vote Should joint vote be held Ottawa would scrap its tenv tative plans to hold counterreferendum Reid told the Commons justice committee at the close of daylong discussion on the federal referendum bill However Reid said he doubted Quebecs Parti Quebecois government would agree to such proposal and that there have been no discu5sions between the two governments on joining forces The idea of joint referendum was put forward by Roch LaSaIIe PCJoliettei Stuart Leggatt NDPNew Westminster said the federal government should at least try to have some say regarding the question the Quebec government will pose in Its referenr dum which is to be held before the next provincial election Island of Iona for sale INVERARAY Scotland Reuterl The island of Iona the cradle of Scottish Christianity is for sale Iona with its famous abbey is where St oluniba landed from Ireland in the 6th century and from which monks went out to convert the Picts and Scots Trustees for the 10th Duke of Argyll who died in 1949 have decided the island must be sold by pay death duties The abbey was given to the Church of Scotland in 1899 Carter summons Begi WASHINGTON AP President Carter has sum moned Menachem Begin to find out whether there is any chance to complete Middle East peace treaty The Israeli prime minister is due Thursday evening Carter probably will take him to Camp David Md for talks but US officials said that was not definite nor was it clear how long the talks will last The president told news conference Tuesday he and Begin will have frank discussion of all the issues in the stalemated treaty negotiations At least four issues remain unsettled US officials said after four months of interi sive negotiations for talks These include whether EgyptianIsraeli peace MIINEtIIEM BEGIN terms would provide to Washington timetable for granting civil selfrule to the 11 million Palestinian Arabs on the Israeliheld West Bank of the Jordan River and in the Gaza district Another is whether the peace treaty would take precedence over Egypts pledges to assist other Arab countries should Israel at tackthem Two others involve disagreements about provi sions for reopening the treaty in the future and the timing of the exchange of am bassadors between the two states Brewers ask beer price hike TORONTO CPI An official of the Liquor ontrol Board of Ontario says brewers have asked the board for permission to increase provincial beer prices Board spokesman Robert Purcell said the board will etc amine brewers costs to see whether the increase is war ranted have no idea what they are asking for but you may rest assured the prices wont go down he said The last price increase 30 cents was in April 1978 br inging the cost of case of 24 bottles to $8 30 Exprospector dies at 102 PEMBROKE Ont tCPI Former prospector James LaBine of nearby La Passe Ont has lied here at 102 LaBine was the man who grubstaked Ben lloIIinger discoverer of the llollinger gold mine in the Iimmiiis Kirkland Lake area about years ago He is survived by his sons Eric of Pembroke Ronald of St atharines Ont and Gladsone of Swift urrent Sask and daughters Margaret Brennan also of La Passe athcrine McDonnell of Apple lIiII Ont and Olive Towers of London England Fraud scheme described in court BRAMPTON Ont ItPi scheme to obtain $32300 from 20 branches of Canada Trust using forged certified cheques was described Tuesday in Brampton provincial court Court was told that Edward Spooner who pleaded gUIIty to three charges of fraud and charge of conspiracy to do fraud also used forged cheques to purchase two $8000 cars which he subsequently sold Spooner former London Ont bank employee opened 20 accounts at Canada Trust branches in the Toronto area in October 1978 using faIsc identification testimony showed Parties search for candidates TORONTO ICPI As the legal time Iiniit between elections approaches and fedrral vote comes nearer the three major parties continue their search for candidates Party strategists agree Ontario will be the key to the cler tion and each group is attempting to field its best slate of candidates survey shows the New Democratic Party has Iiii norm nations to fill the Liberals lit and the Progressive iiir servatives 10 Surgical Stockings Mastectomy Bras Breast Forms Surgical Garments fitted by trained personnel as prescribed bv vour doctor HARPERS LTD 28 Emma 51 AT 51 VINCENT Squeeze caused by cutoff tightening Oilproducers take sides on price action By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The worlds oilproducing countries have begun taking sides in the debate on whether they should speed up the oil price increases scheduled for this year Meanwhile there were more indications that the oil squeeze caused by Irans current oil cut off is tightening Before the inutdown Iran ac counted for 10 per cent of the worlds oil About half of that has been made up by other oil producing count ries Mobil Corp the secondlarg wt US oil company said Tues day high demand and problems with getting crude will force it to limit the amount of gasoline it sells dealers beginning Thursday And Trans World Airlines which earlier this week can celled flights out of Kansas ity because of jet fuel shortages there said it cancelled 10 flights originating from there Tuesday and was grounding an additional three flights from there today SPLIT OVER PRICES Saudia Arabia Iraq and Mex ico said Tuesday they will not institute special price increases to take advantage of the Ira nian situation indicating split in how to handle the Iranian cutoff Saudi Arabia and Iraq are the two largest members of the ganization of Petroleum Ex porting Countries and though the usually are at opposite an of price debates have forged an alliance this time Mexico though not an OPEC member carries weight among producing countries because of its large reserves of crude oil The strength of these three states is pitted against group of smaller countries that have already pushed prices up by five to 10 per cent Kuwait Venezuela Qatar the United Arab Emirates and Libya have all increased crudeoil prices in recent weeks In addition the Venezuelans have added 15 per cent to the price of heavy fuel oil The Saudis are charging more for the extra oil theyre producing to help make up for the loss of Iranian crude but have left other prices the same WANT MORE MONEY And while Iran said Tuesday that its production may be up to three million barrels day half its previous level in few weeks it added that it will sell the oil to the highest bidder Iranian officials expect that to bring in as much as $20 barrel compared with the OPEC base price of $1335 barrel Prices are going up because the producing states want part of the high premiums being paid for oil on the spot market The spot market is where the small amount of oil not covered by longterm con tracts is traded Under the graduated 1979 price increase approved in De cember OPECs base price is supposed to rise 39 per cent on April from the current $1335 barrel But the cartels members are to meet in Geneva March 26 to discuss what the Iranian situ ation has done to the market and may make the April in crease larger PRICES EFFECTIVE TILL SATURDAY MARCH 3rd SNAPPY GLASSWARE PRINTED ARNEL Itm II ENSIZE PN OTTON MANUFACTURERS RTED ASSORTMENT FULL BRIEFS PAN FACE LOTIIS YARN CLEARANCE SCIIEWOISIISEJER SET Supor assortment of houoohold gioooworo Julcoro Mlxlng Bowlo ond Soit ond Popporo Arnol Triocototo with olootic wolot ond logo ond Cotton guooot SML In oooortod printo Rog ru Stretch brlot with ooom iooo otrotch otocklngo Lt Boigo ond Dk Boigo Ono oizo tlto 175225 Ibo 100 Cotton Foco Clotho In oooortod Jacquard pot torno ond colours Three to pockogo oz okolno In oooortod colouro of knitting wor otod and bulky weights 100 unknown fibres SmoII household fixups are breeze with this pco screwdriver sot As sorted sizes mori Flo iilor Lixt Prico Each mort Special Price marl Ra ulor List Pricot Each mort Spocloi Price it mart Regular LIst Price 117 Set mort Solo Prico mort Solo Prico mart Sale Price EVERYDAY SANDWICH GIFT BAGS WRAP 25 GIFT SBIC BOWS PENS MEMO CAOOY 12 MARKING ANO PEN PENS BIG TIME ASSTD PET POCKET PINBALL DIE CAST DRE COLOURING BOOK PUZZLES GAME VEHICLES l2 DOLEs CRIEIATPUURPES mort Solo Prico mori mort mort FOR mort mart Solo Prico Solo Prico Solo Prico Solo Prico FOR Eur Solo Price Eur 88° Eoch or TOOTH PICKS WIHOLDEH mort Solo Prico Euh CALCULATOR STAND mort Solo Prico COASTERS SET OF 88° NAPKIN OLDER PAPER MATE PENS mort Solo Prico Each DOOR GUARD mort Solo Prico mart Solo Price mort Solo Prico STAINLESS STEEL GRATER mart 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Advertised Merchandise Policy til Our lirrii intention is to have every advertised Item on stock on out stirIves It an advertised item is not available tor UHIldSt due IO any uiittrresueii reason mart WIII Issue Harri Crier ii till quoest tor the viiiIctltindise 10 be purchased at the sale price whenever availableoi mil sell you Ionipdhmle Quality Item at comparable reduction in price Our policy is qwe um uï¬lilliuix Smmm 85 riiart Canada Limited