the examiner Wednesday Feb 28 1979 15 Rev Dr Clyde Woollard minister of the First United Church of Kelowna BC leads pallbearers from the church following funeral services for former British Columbia premier WAC Bennett CP Photo pack eratils 2pack Apock Stock your kitchen with aluminum loilwore by Alcan Your Choice Keep plenty of foilware on hand for all Wr bakin needs Choose from meat pie pans pizza pans readloafoans muffin pans Clio pans deep pie pans and electric burner aurisz PkJS My Aluminum Kettle Stacking Mugs 7che Caddy Set Mixing Bowl 18 Rolling Pin SI Avocado poppy or Orange green red Consists of 12 cup COpOCity Hirdwav=i 11 lUOSmOSIW AU0m0C WO Ce 005 yellow Nonscold or blue amon in giasses with con mixing bowl wrh iii minimalgov Aliiti torr yr iit ri Styling various deSigns venient caddy handle Our Reg 52 68 188 188 SAVE $1 388 Melitta Filters to Dosket Filters Dy Melitta Pkg Metal Vok With wooden handle Super Quick Mixer JihrDS and Us Mighty Scissors idea or finc Melitta coffee kit makes to For stirrfr coois garden shng Moonscr 100 Our Reg righ Pig AC ll ing Our Reg $399 Out Reg $149 Our Reg 53 49 S119 pkg Out Reg $119 pkg iti OutRcr 349 SAVE SAVE $111 SALE $161 SALE SALE SAVE S1 61 KMB nw ScrubaDub Pods Scorch90rd Dish Rock to Set Dust Pan Garbo Can Sturdy plainic Qargaliaon comm Abrasit Srtgbbiflg Furniture Protector McGrOw Edison Automatic Electric Kettle Asserted atrccwe AJJCTJU hr9 LICj put pkg 1f 35 il lttiilit iii in SW VJ coiours pi ate DIJGtL Our Reg $119 pkg Our Reg $4 99 try gt NJ by 135 65 88 as 355 WWW Krazy Glue STP Gas Treatment Child Safety Latch Pine Air Freshener SupoltCham Full Range Dimmrr Dries in seconds Help your Gt Help keep car Synthrirc chamer For aim it iii it If Repairs many things perloirncnce 801 on fresh to 15 Our dramix Pi at itll it It Our Reg 97 Our Reg 44 ea Reg $239 Out Reg 32 49 pkg Our Reg SJ 109 Tron as 188 as as SALE SALE $181 ALEOIQOBV SALE ï¬x Mens Hip Briefs Terry Sleeper 3Shelt Woodroin Unit for Any Room Toddlets leans Nylonacrylic Doys lzoner Pants 100 cotton or 50 Childrens Tshirts 10pOCIs iillIfti tittil lrrr ups 143 at Reynolds Heavy Duty Aluminum Foil Final tribute paid Bennett KELOWNA BC ICP With tears and tributes more than 1000 mourners said godbye Tuesday to former British Columbia premier Bennett at an emotional service in this kanagan city which had been his adopted homc Politicians friends and fami Iy including his 81yearold wilc May and his son Bill Ban nctt the provinces current prcmicr crowded into the rcdbrick First United Church whilc scvcral hundred others lined the streets outside under sunny skies Bennett died last Friday at the age of 78 As the Kclowtia crowd paid its final respects to the man who shaped the province as premier frotn 1952 to 1972 memorial services were being IltICI in Victoria and Vancouver Among those attending the scrvicc in Victorias lVlctropolitan United Church where the former premier and his wife had worshipped while in the capital wcrc Govien Choose ooz 88 ch mp titiru 568 tiny 28° Print or piain 80 cotton20 try wrjarlgtainr rush she for trrrrilv 115 lung U30 lump stretch nylon ton Infants Mt toys lariirk lsriacl Aflplftflflifjlt Xt my WM imp for Lucy Our Reg 5159 pt Our Reg $449 24 high 21 wide 10 rimp WNW will up IUW OUReg so 69 litirit tlltl Miiiiy pitta SALE SAVE 48 SAVE rim it prs $101 S1 B1 Attractive TopazTinted Tum ers in Popular Sizes Heavy base cuts down on spLIIS JUICQ 601 rocks or 1002 beverage size Collect complete set at this lOw price Stock up on delicious Shoppers Choice Jam lillOwbtrl or raspbriry Jain 14 mi 3h ii is Lip an Putt ii Ji hi pt riri tilItd wear at cm out Chips Ahoy or Oreo Cookies by Christie it it itiiriptiiyu Oior Cit lYH iltlc if Chips it lp yaui car Iii bumr titrlitiirianu Minlt frii till wontth Urt In all iypt of rats Add nil yr iitsvll rind SUNl Volvaline Oil 10W30 First Quality PantyhOSe Priced Law Nude pantyhose with roinlottod tov Onc sizr Btlgi of spice Stock FUDAS OFRILL LtG0v their Edward Schreyer Henry BellIrving and wrves In his eulogy Ray Williston cabinet minister under Ben nett said it was not time for sorrow but time for rejoicing that divine providence allow ed this remarkable man to serve as our leader of govern mcnt for so many years BONNER WICEIS Hydro chairman Robert Bonner an early ally after Ben nett led the Social Credit party to its surprising election win in 1952 delivered the eulogy at the Vancouver service attended by about 800 people in Kclowna many wept 0an ly as the coffin draped with the sumemblazoned provincial flag that Bennett introduced was led from the church by two bagpipcrs and an honor guard of six RCMP officers from the Kelowna detachment In eulogy Grace McCarthy provincial human resources IN norm BARRIE PLAZA awr 2627 BARRIE BRINGING YOU LOW PRICES BECAUSE OF LOW OVERHEAD NO EXPENSIVE XT RES NO CARRY OUT LOW RENT SIIORTER HOURS NO COUPONS NO GIMMICKS NO BAGGING NO FREE BAGS EA II NO CHEOUES PLEASE BRING YO OWN OpenTuosTBBnivloilw 107 pm Thurs l09 pm Fri 109 pm Sat 96 pan We reserve the right to limit quantities minister called Bcnnctt man of principle strength vision enthusiasm and energy US No1 FIRM TOMATOES LARGE TROPICAL BANANAS Your Choice 488 SCHNEIDERI LB MARGARINE VALLEY FARM LB FRENCH FRIES ONT FCY RED OR GOLD DELICIOUS APPLES ONT NO MEDIUM CABBAGE ea ONT NO MEDIUM COOKING ONIONS CUDNEY I902 SWEET PEAS i$1 CLARK 14 OZ BROWN BEANS SAUCE ONT NO WAXED TURNIPS 05 CREAMETTE JUST ADD PURINAI KG DRY CAT FOOD HAMBURGER CARLTON 28 OZ PEARS 69 MANNING BAG COOKIES LB VIVA2 ROLL PAPER TOWELS p9195 CLARK I4 OZ CREAM CORN SOFTNPRETTY ROLL TOILET TISSUE ValuovPriccd Sheer KneeHighs Slit Iillt high htlit lot wrimin air if lltt iitiilrittiitfly erit for undei Doys Hip Driels Print or plain Stretch nylon SML Our Reg $119 pr cotton50 polyes tet Assorted col outs Sizes 12 Our Reg 5799 Western styled With Zip front Sizes 20X Out Reg $549 to $599 Fluorescent Light 18 long Plugs lit to to ulrir Ulltt Trouble Lamp pitiJI iiiyli ll Iii llt rjlr etitrlrgtiliiil Our Reg $799 100 acrylic Crew neck Lon Sleeves 470x Our eg $399 Out eg $995 89 STIRNFROST CAKE MIX alrii ls Uru illf 78 aii455 353 iii 255 535 655 at 55 ave tessypants Pick pair of pants in pretty spring shade 100 polyester 10ch km Front rippertwa button extended waistband SinS 10 to 16 Our Reg $1499 restau rant en iriliii tl lltt Day Old Fashioned lliit M1 ii Pu at wart wllit priiriiri brawn iiiriy llflbll II iiirl butter Out Reg 52 25 All prices in effect until closing time Saturday March 1979 GARDEN PATCH 14 oz PEAS ONIONS HOME IS 25 ALUMINUM FOIL tllltl mmtlltfll SAVE ONLY Towers Barrie Boyfield Rd Hwys No 26 and No 27 Trust Towers Refund Policy tt yr llt not lrtlrlliy happy Wlllt any purchase we guarantee in replaw ll repair it tliltltl itw warranty or tvItt give you refund And well in it With smile