14 the oxamlnor Wodnooday Fob as 1979 Ana Lgnders No children best for some Dear Ann Landers Recently read an article which made good case for not having children Im ashamed to say it but our two have iven us nothing but grief If it werent for them my husban and coud have had beautiful life The article points out that motherhood is not instinctive its an act of selfishness that most parents have children be cause they want the kids to do something for THEM not because they want to do something for their kids Another point Women get pregnant to get attention Its ninemonth ego trip The pregnant woman is pampered ca tered to and given great deal of extra attention Other reasons for having children Pressure from parents Proof of adulthood Io cement marriage that is falling apart Wed like your views Also Disenchantdd Dear Also Some couples are better of without children especially those who expect the kids to do somehhing for THEM do not agree that pregnancy is ninemonth ego trip especially for women who gain 40 pounds and throw up lot Couples who decide not to have family shouldnt feel an obligation to explain or apologize cant imagine subject that is leSS anyone elses business Dear Ann lianders Ive been married to salesman for 16 years We have theee kids Frank is terrific father and husband The problem is his drinking with his customers to get an order dont mean social cocktail or two mean getting bombed and staying out until 130am Is this part of salesmans job Frank says it is We get along great except for this one problem and its been happening more and more lately Theres no one sweeter when hes sober but lately his drinking to get an order is beginning to get to me need your help Tucson Wife Dear Wife Nobody has to booze it up for ANY reason unless he wants to Ginger ale is for sale in every bar in the country Drinking with customers to get art order is weak excuse for man with weakness The best salesmen are not boozers They are workers Dear Ann How does one keep up with social dos and dont Whats right and whats wrong So many things have changed in the last 10 years really feel out of it Sunk In incinnati DearbSunk Get Amy Vanderbilts omplete Book of Etiquette iIoubIedayt Its an uptotheminute guide for all social emergencies and loaded with common sense Tish Balidge wrote it and shes pistol Dear Ann lianders have an averagesize problem Last week had my ear pierced Not both of them just one Youd have thought had committed an axe murder or something My folks raised terrific howl should have told you at the beginning this letter Im Why all the excitement Im old enough to drive car old enough to buy beer and old enough to fight in war But my folks dont seem to think Im old enough to make this de cision What do you think Long Island Joe Dear Joe Its your ear and if you want to hang an earring on it its OK with me but Im not excited about the idea either Pollys Pointers Needsadvke on bread DEAR PIIY For years have baked white bread and With no problems Now that have decided to bake rye bread follow instructions to the letter but for sortie reason the bread does not rise as it should would really appreciate any Pointers the readers could give me MRS SI DEAR MRS SI am sure you will soon be getting help from some of the good cooks among our readers POLLY DEAR PIIY Many thanks to Marilyn for her tip on placmg lid on the back burner when frying Why didnt think of that keep my leftover coffee in the fridge to have to use in chocoate cake Must admit that at our house there is not much left but from night to morning refrigerate suppose everyone knows about refrigerating ground and instant coffee to keep them fresh between uses JANET DEAR POLLY Recently we needed new bedspreads for our bunk beds but did not want to pay fortune for them so bought blankets and some patterned sheets on sale bought an extra flat sheet for each bed and after pre shrinking and trimming everything to size stitched each flat sheet to blanket and top stitched them following the design on the sheet for quilted effect Now each bed has bedspread to match the sheets and everything is washable rm ARDIIIE DEA IDIIY Use muffin pan as bed tray for sick hild Each section can hold different food and there is less than of spilling than With separate dishes My bandaged finger was too large to pull rubber glove over so wrapped masking tape around the bandage and not only did it stay clean but dry as well found this rtiuch more satisfactory than badly soiled bandage when the doctor said it was not to be removed for several days AW GETTING MARRIED CONGRATULATIONSI from UNICORN PHOTO STUDIO to mid $9 Barrio 125520 SPECIAL PRICES TO CELEBRATE YOUR DAY ON ALL OUR WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHY BOUTONNIER WEDDING PACKAGE SPECIALIII $17500 Album Included Choose from other packages priced with YOU in mind PARENT ALBUMS 85x1 $5000 CUSTOM FRAMING AVAILABLE $Im BUY ONE CASE OF POP AND GET $1 OFF THE SECOND MIX MATCH I2 FLAVORS OFFER GOOD MARCH 3MARCH 10 HIGH ONE POP MART 27 ESSA ROAD 7262101 880 lIIXM Heads McGill Cancer Centre Researcher believes most cancer due to environmental causes MONTREAL CP Thir teen years ago cancer resear cher Dr Phil Gold presented paper to medical meeting in New Orleans on work he had done as McGill University PhD student His discovery concerned substance in the bloodsteam of bowel cancer patients which could be used to diagnose the disease at an early stage of its development Today Gold says his research is being continued in labs and hospitals in virtually every civilized country and he cant even keep up with the literature on the topic We opened up whole new field of cancer antigens as diagnostic tools the 42year old physician now director of the McGill Cancer Centre said during recent interview in his office What Gold found in the blood of bowel cancer patients was an antigen substance foreign to the body which can cause the persons immunity system to react From this discovery he was able to develop way to check patient for cancer by looking for this antigen He called the substance carlt cinoembryonic antigen or CEA carcino because it is related to cancer and em bryonic because the same molecule is also found in the human fetus CALLS IT LlK was young and foolish and it seemed so obvious that so meone should be trying to relate cancer and immunology But the approach took was naive and it was only by good luck that tripped across this molecule He attributes much of the recognition he has received for his work to luck He was given the 1965 annual award of the Royal ollege of Physicians and Surgeons the 1973 Steacie Prize the 1977 JohannGeorge Zimmerman Prize and he and longtime colleague Dr Samuel Freedman dean of medicine at McGill shared the 1978 Gaird ncr International Award Mitch of the choice for these awards has to do with the luck of the draw he comments Canadian awards dont often recognize Canadian researchers he notes con fessing he is something of Canadian chauvinist Gold is Montrealer through and through His parents came to Canada from Eastern Europe and he grew up in an immigrant area of the city around St Lawrence Boulevard He went to the same school as novelist Mordechai Richter and even sat in the same desk He was ahead of me but his name was cnscribcd indelibly in the wood Gold continued his education at McGill University and is still there as professor of medicine and physiology HAS TRADITIth Montreal is good place Sure there is social and political unrest but McGill has strong academic tradition that is lacking in some other universities There are scicnr tists to serve as models here Golds own mentor Sir Ar nold Ilurgen now president of thc Medical Research Council of England and the man who suggested he go to medical school was the only genius Ive ever known lold also is director of clinical immunology and allergy at the Montreal General Hospital Improved patient care is the most important aspect of his work but you cant do applied research without the basic fitn damental information His current research involves looking for other types of tumor markers llr explains that there are an tigin moleculcs III the cells of kidney thn that kidney transplanted itilo another per son the bodys immunity system reacts to these antigens and rcjccts lhc organ told is trying to fitid out whether the antigens found in cancer cells are actually altered transplantation an tigcns or whether they are something different And if they can identify these antigens in the bloodstream doctors may have another way of diagnosing cancer patients 5101 IIIUI Gold who believes that 80 per cent of cancers are due to en vironmcntal causes says im munology shouldnt be thought of as cure for cancer he doesnt expect cancer vaccine will be developed iii the foreseeable future for example but as diagnostic tool discovered it was thought to be When he first CEA UNWANTED NAIR Gem forever Mrs Doris Bowman Ehctoloty hetapisi Permanent removal from lace and body Eyebrows shaped Sale gentle shot wave method Medically approved lttie consultation and test GOODMAN cumc 7263 32 tthars Experience Martha of OM and Alanna brooms Alumni specific to cancer of the bowel and gastrointestinal tract However the antigen soon began turning up with lung breast and gynaecological cancers he says His findings generated great deal of interest as scien tists tried to find out whether the antigen is specific to in testinal cancer and how to use the antigen test for other types of cancer Doctors may have been going too quickly and not used the proper testing controls Gold explains Now researchers have been able to refine tests so once again there is specific test for intestinal cancer and tests for other types of cancers are being developed The researcher assesses the importance of his discovery as way of managing the diseasc once it has been discovered not as method of screening for cancer The PAP test is used routine ly to screen women for polyesrerSO Cotton No iron rnotchcd sets so shop OOIIy to best selection Flat or Fined Double Size Sheets Flat or Fitted 559 Mattel Hockey Game Features Erspecd ploy shore buttons and shooting buttons Period ClOth digital scrir ing Simulated sounds of lock SIILFI and referee whistle Out Reg 53495 SAVE $5 07 988 Palmolive 5009 I0 the Whole Family llsw Jlit Uri blitid it it it ii Illl It iSt iliiivi Mwa lllh Jrï¬ilrii iirirf ill il Ptitlt rtgulrir ii brim CloseUp or Aim Toothpaste Valuepriced 100 ml tubci Storlt up niiw fl your favourite btrinrll or Sheets and Cases by Famous Canadian Maker Brighten up your bed at very rnridcat crist Choose from many solids and prints in 50 Just mochim wash tumble or drip dry We rlUl guarantor Twin Size Sheets 90 Boudoir Lamps lri lit ii it fly my iii omit1 ryl ivili il It ili riii pk New Dawn Shampooin Hair Colour Now its so eosy 1000 ml plus 18 to colour your bonus Stock up hair or home now and save All prices in effect until closing time Saturday March 1979 Trust Towers Ikefond Policy If you are not totally happy wrrh my purchase we guarantee to replace ll report it under the warranty or even give you refund And well do it Wllh smile previously undetected cases of cervical cancer says Gold but the CEA test cannot be used the same way You can get false hositive if the patient smokes But if other symptoms TORONTO CPI Doc tors at Toronto General Hospital are attempting to film fetus in the womb with revolutionary technique which when perfected can be used to detect birth defects visually Mechanical failures have ruined the first two films shot using the procedure but doctors involved say they are confident these problems can be overcome Stock Up on Green Snow 20 Illl 30 in Pillowcases 88 Iitiri prim il itii iIIJJ llllii lJl liiit liv iii gtiiiVi Iii Iii Dioporene Doby Wash Cloths Each package contains 70 dIS posoble wosh cloths 288 germqua researched for detecting defects Sew for spring with pictuteapretty fabrics if trtirit rind llll Siigdi 189 Nilji lxfl Ittti il IAlilly ii Reg to $3 29 new Stock up on Dic Shaversthe disposable ones 2188 Scope Mouthwash otters you bonus Im for IOPL SPECIALS make doctor suspicious the test can play role After the tumor has been removed he can use the test periodically If the CEA level stays down you know youre OK but if it in creases youve got problems If we can perfect this pro cedure it will be major diagnostic tool where theres risk of genetic ab Ilall and his partner in the project Dr Ronald Benzie lens attached which enables them to examine the inside of PANTS normalities said Dr Philip are experts in the use of the GEORGIAN MALL the womb with the naked PIECE For One Week Only Hall fetoscope needle with eye 7266231 Stores Ltd 1V VH7 My 3Ply Acrylic Yarn Macrame Cord Lody Golt Ktoy Yarn Stock Rack Skin Rock All purpose 25 100 polypropylene 85 wool15 nylon Keeps several poirs Holds several Skim conon pir boll my core Colourfust 210 It Allfurpose to of stock ncotly skirts withour 59 hung up creosmg 8188 288 4388 NV lmertacmg 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Iiistiiiq titiir the whixli triitiily bed Id IV on liip VIIM loan suitoce iiintirii to in for all him twin Our Reg $4 99 Our Reg so 99 2I88 2I188 zit53 33559 ll iIIIlt iqi pkgs RUN Little Golden Books for Children Nancy DrewHardy Doys Books Cosmetic 8095 Super Scottie minim or myim Boxed Envelopes Aw tllttl styles Ilttltt of Silos illltl piittrrnv Out Reg Stlpk Womens Moc Tieons Wedge heel Teens Itirqc stIot non Assorted IIIIOS and women SIZLS to Our Reg 52 95 ea Our Reg 79 ea 10 Our Reg $699 pi SALE1 8e08 LEO1 Womens City Boots Rubber uppers guor CIOIULd waterproof fl Niiitslip solos Wottivrt SIIOS 59 Our Reg $699 pt am 488 $2 11 Childrens and gt Girls City Boots Womens Moccasin Children sizes Soft Ill0l lining 10 Girls Sizes Icons and women 11 Out Reg sizes to 10 Our Reg S5 49 to $5 pr CbO Cassettes tiipts in bog Cassette Head Cleaner Our Reg 69 ea Stereo Head hones Evereody Transis Model M1 FUI torDotteties privatelistcning or art volt 199Ibog Our Reg $699 on card sag88 SALE SALE Rite Serviettes Pack of 240 Embossed White or colours Out Reg 5139 108 Open Mon to Sat until 1000PM Free Parking SALE Trust For SelectlonVolue and Satisfaction