tho examiner Wednesday Feb 23 1979 11 Not By STEPHEN GAUER Of The Examiner Jazz fans in the Barrie area should be pleased to learn that CKVRTV in taping music special featuring Art Ellefson one of Canadas finest sax ophone players Eliefson whos performed in Canada England and Europe now makes his home in Barrie heard Eliefson lead small band at Poor Richards last fall during shortlived experiment with Sunday jazz concerts That experiment faitered for number of reasons including disappointing response from Barrie jazz fans and thats shame because Eliefson is superb jazz musician who deserves much greater ex posure and recognition Watch this column for more information about the Ellefson Austria loves imported TV VIENNA AP The faces of American actors like Karl Maiden and Barry Newman probably are more familiar to many young Austrians than those of prominent local politi cians and business leaders And if it were not for voices dubbed in German North Americans could really feel at home watching Austrian TV The Streets of San Francisco starring Maiden and Newmans Petrocelii are big hits here The Ministers and The Muppet Show recently have been getting good ratings as well American movies and TV series make up some 90 per cent of all prtxiuctions purchased abroad an Austrian TV of ficial said We would be unable to make program at all without the American stuff German productions and movies from itaiy France Spain and elsewhere could be more easily dropped But to the chagrin of some Austrians the LES films shown here are thoroughly Gernianix ed since RF as the AUstrian radio and TV corporation is called is unable to pay for separate synchroniuition into the mellow Austrian accent Thus Maiden becomes raucousvoiced detective pro babiy hailing from Hamburg and policemen and gangsters are arguing in what Austrians regard as slang that is sometimes not properly understood Unlike North America Austrian viewers have to pay monthly subscription fee om merciais have become impor tant fundraisers but still play much smaller role than in Canada and the 1s in Austria show movie or sports event is never interr rupted by commercial and Austrians who have watched North American television are grateful for the finest in Movie Entertainment entertainment Barrie iazz musician stars in special special including the broadcast date and time Its busy week for amateur theatre in Barrie The Pajama Game the 1954 musical about strike in an iowa pajama factory opens tonight at Georgian College Theatre for the first of five per formances The musical is presented by students in the colleges music theatre workshop and features Joyce HarrisNoble and Rob Town send in the lead roles The play is directed by Wendy Hicks Curtain time tonight is pm Performances continue Thurs day Friday and Saturday at pm with Saturday matinee at pm Tickets are $350 and are available at Sams Music World The Bandstand or by calling the college switchboard 317281951 The Littles iiill Players offer live theatre of different kinds this weekend with four per formances of Marmalade Drops childrens fantasy written by Carol Lauck Curtain time is 730 pm Fri day and 11 sun pm and pm on Saturday The play is directed by John lrwin The Players have constructed special theatre in one of the va cant stores in the Bayfield Mall Mews next to the cinemas and the sets designed by Collette Begnoche an interior designer promise to be highlight of the production Marmalade Drops will be Ballet draws atull house TORONTO itPl Karen Kain and Frank Augustyn openv ed the National Ballets Swan Lake on Thursday night to the usual capacity crowds at Keefe entre Produced by Erik iiruhn the ballet featured music under John loss with violin solos by Joseph Pepper Steven Godfrey in The ilobe and Mail called the production restrained and uninoving waste of what it could be in choreographic terms Godfrey said Kains rendition of dettcOdiic failed to pro duce the effect of frustrated or helpless Swan Queen iii stead offering resigned and remote one As for Augustyiis Prince this was one of the least melan cholic creatures imaginable unless one counts the slight look of worry in his shaky solo at the end of scene one wrote lod frey The reviewer said Peppers violin solo in the first act and solo dancing by women players provided the highlight of the evening apart from flawed pas de chats nearperfect dance of the little swans and charming dance of thc princesses Youll never close your eyes again IMPERIAL Adults lle pene accepted Student $300 Oildveu $125 entertainment Art Ellefson super jazz saxophone player stars in TV special taped this week at CKVRTV in Bar rie Examiner Photo repeated March at 730 pm and March 10 at 11 am pin and pm Tickets are just $2 and special group rates re available for parties of 20 or more For more information about the play call iiin ilrown at 7372952 or 7286256 More on amateur theatre iii Barrie the Littles liili Players have announced that additional auditions for Present Laughter the groups June pro duction will be held March at King Edward School starting at 730 Nick Scliols director of the Noel oward comedy will be casting ii roles for the play Hes also looking for people to help with sets costumes and backstage production of Pre sent Laughter Anyonc in tercsted in getting involved in Ill Rilliihli iitiAN aiSAN HAMtn NtAinHi Liawp AM ARHN thins av IMPERIALCINEMA CENTRE 7283440 IMPERIAL The 650 915 it They couldnt married to Ito thw in ERIK ONE WEEK ONLY happier anniversaries if they were Recommended or Adult Entertehment Ellen Burstyn IlEll Thermal 910 am Iiiiccht Year ill WIHSIYN mid MAN At Iii SAMI llMl Ni Xl VI All the play is welcome at the March audition King Edward School is located at it Burton Ave in Barrie The ilarric branch of the in tario Registered Music lcaclicrs Association presents an allrboys concert at trove Park Home 214 ook St on Sunday starting at 30 in small donation will be re quested at the concert lISKHlt ll DONATED lflitthlt li The Art iallcry of Ontario recently received gift of 603 pieces of llskiinoait sculpture prints drawings and wallbaiigings some as iiiiicii as 2000 years old The gift was made by Toronto collectors Mr and Mrs liariy Klaiiier and family Americas favorite family is back WILDERNESS germane RNA Show times Cell 7283440 AlAdultEntortolnmem have celebrated each other In mom Aida IAI name TH PORK one GRADE ROASTING CHICKENS 9055 $33305 Stuffed with real FRONTS BUTTS meaidrosslng FRESH HAM LEGS LOINS °BACON ETC While thOY All cut freezer wra ed to our order GRADE AI lOIN arias signifier 595 CHOPS mm MAINS mwiiiiioorllllloflusi cum EIIEEHWSE AIDOI ROASIS mucm smut ll flour as ll AVERAGE new 15 its M06 APPROX 15 ll toms CUT TO ORDER IEANFIESH lEANSltCED Fltlflrgdcltléfliis SlICED PORK SIDE man 79¢ 89¢ 39 mm mohair 333 ioiiieoxrs lioness GRADE RED FRESH HAM um OIIyutihléiirweir1rtes 5m 10 £65 or PORK $263 cutting Wes 98 am 55333 No mus preparing ORDER No inflation orders Just Good Food Value CASN In CAR Orders may be placed in person at our plant HARGKX 133 7373 323 3313433 Very aiiordalple Cosmet from Boots Bonne Bell 34 flow LipstickLipgloss Potion Combo Special Special 275 on banded packs only Save 40 Sall Hansen Hair as Nails Nail Enamels Clear Creamy Gloss Frost on Frost and Frosted collections Boots Reg Price 119 07 each Save 50 to Maybelline Great Lash Mascara Two Tone Ultra Frost Eye Shadow or Fresh 8t Lovely Kissing Potion Boots Reg Price on Great Lash Mascara 239 Boots Reg Price on Two Tone Eye Shadows 219 Boots Reg Price on Fresh Lovely Kissing Potion 229 Your choice each Prices effective until March 11th 1979 We reserve the right to limit quantities Due to space limitations all items may not be available at all locations Cover Girl Clean Makeup Liquid Matte or Pressed Powder Boots Reg Price 203 049 each BAYEIELD MAll BARRIE STORE OPEN SUNDAY DUNlOP ST BARRIE Dru Stores TM of the Boots Company Limited