Mrs Norris Cochrane 4246637 The Ladies Aid and WMS met at Leona Misheys Wednes day for its montth meeting filmstrip was shown by Mrs Norris Cochrane entitled hina Take Three Happy Birthday was sung to live Menary It was decided the Worlds Day of Prayer will be Iield in the Presbyterian church March at in Sympathy is extended to Mr and Mrs Paul Kerr on the death ol tlieirthree yearold daughter Norris oehrane spent Tues day afternoon with his sister Emily Hubberl in the IUOF Nursing Home III Harrie Mrs Huhberl has been ill since hrlsttiias Sympathy is extended to the Uauley tamily on the recent death of Lizzietlauley Mr and Mrs Ewart Jeiiiiett from St Pauls spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Norris Cochrane edgarbmves by Ma rion Wrig ht 7286797 Mr and Mrs Jim Partridge attended the funeral of the lat ters brother George McAllister at Lively Sym pathy is extended to his wife Rita his mother and other members of the family Sympathy is extended to Mr and Mrs Meredith MacLeod in the death of the latters sister Mrs Edie Smith of Atwood Mr and Mrs Russ McMaster have been holidaying in iiL1iiiFaIIs Al and Linda Desroches welcome their baby daughter born at the Royal Victoria Hospital on Saturday Proud grandparents are Mr and Mrs Venard Desroches Elmvale and Mrs Marion Wright Edgar We are glad to report that Mrs John McLean patient at Royal Victoria Hospital is showing some improvement thornton by Mrs Holt 4589298 The Thornton Friendship Club will hold it meeting March at 130 pm in St Judes Church hall All senior citizens in the community are welcome Marg Ilew and her daughter Debbie sang This is My Fathers World at the Feb morning service in Trinity United Church The Love Story of Ruth was told to the children by Sheryl Spencer Rev Rice continued his series on the great questions of the Bible with sermon The March Lnited hurch Womens meeting will be held at the home of Irma Brethet at 745 pm The roll call will be sing so Hlpltl Ivy by Jean Jennett 4240238 Mr and Mrs Kenneth Smith and their two grandchildren Kimberley and Kevin Smith spent last weekend with Helen Smith in Whitby Several Ivy residents attend ed the Valentine supper at St Judes Church Thornton Judy Wilson and Susan Wig gins recently spent week in Quebec skiing Mr and Mrs Keith McVanel of Barrie recently spent weekend with Mrs Minnie Ar nold Mr and Mrs Hugh Hunt Lindsay Calgary and Mrs Ruth Hunt visited recently with Mr and Mrs Arnold Banting and Mrs Minnie Arnold Mr and Mrs John Hammond celebrated their 62nd wedding anniversary Feb 14 Mr and Mrs Jim Mellermott Sr and Jean lennett recently visited friends at Siincoe Manor Mrs Ester Davis recent ly visited friends in Florida The Womens Institute met at Mrs Harold Gibsons home recently Mrs Lloyd Howard the guest speaker spoke about the 12 years she spent in Jamaica The Womens Institute will hold Varier Nile April at the Orange Hall IIveryonc is welcome cralghurst by Mrs Max Craig 7287677 Mr and Mrs Ellsmere Mrs Mary Kendrick and Mrs Agnes Ellsmere attended the dedication of the addition and plaque at the Ellsmere Cha at Horseshoe Valley on Sun ay Feb 18 The service was con ducted by Rev Jay of Barrie Rev anon Nainby con ducted the service at St Johns church last Sunday The Rec tor Glen Sim and Sats team members David Jensen Beth Greaves and Fay Craig were at conference held at Not tawasaga Inn Alliston Neil Craig attended Junior Farmers Workshop at Not tawasaga Inn Alliston last weekend Craighursl Womens Institute held their International Family Night dinner Feb 20th Mrs Judy Watson entertained young and old with readings of Cana dian prose and poetry for children This program was ar ranged as one of the ways in which our branch is marking the International Year of the Child We will be making special donation to Oro school fair as another way of marking the Year WORLD DAY OF PRAYER St Johns ACW held their February meeting in the form ofa quilting party at Mary Ken dricks home Members were reminded of the upcoming World Day of Prayer Service Friday at rown Hill Inited hurch tottee is at Willi followed by worship at In The special speaker will Cecelia Dambrowitz ol Hillsdale Sheila Sim is home following2 surgery at Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie Sympathy is extended to Ted Pedlingham whose brother William of England lied recently Betty Mylchreest returned last week from holiday in Hawaii Mr and Mrs Sinton and Stan spent the weekend of Feb III with Mr and Mrs It Gray ot Hawkestone Keep in mind the next euchre is at the ommunity Hall March at Mrs Craig and Mrs Garner attended the tintario Agriculture Societies onven tion in Toronto on Feb 21 and 21nd number of raighursl members of the Huronia Woodlot Miners attended the February meeting when Howard Williams was guest speaker describing how they built their log house Siske Pratt and Allana Wright attended the ministry of agriculture and food leaders course on bread making They will be conducting the course for Womens Institute members and any other ladies who might be interested in gaining or fur thering their knowledge of this agcrold art For further information call 7283434 March WI meeting will be held at St Johns room on Tues March lit at pm lnote change of date You must file tax return to receive the Refundable Child Tax Credit Its our business to keep abreast of changes in the Tax Law like the Re fundable Child Tax Credit At HFt Block we understand the Tax Law so you dont have to Our service is dedicated to making sure you pay only the absolute minimum legal tax HR BLOCK THE INCOME TAX PEOPLE 55 DUNLOP ST OPEN 00a m900 weekdays 00500 Sat Phone 7263822 so In Barrle OPEN TONIGHT Georglan Mall the Furniture Dept During Regular store hours LOCATION HIGHWAY NO II VIOIMILES SOUTH OF ORILLIA IO MILES NORTH OF BARRIE WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO lIMIT QUANTITIES CUT FROM CANADA GRADE BEEF TOP ROUND ROAST BONELESS WASTE FREE CUT FROM CANADA GRADE BEEF TOP ROUND CUT FROM GRADE BEEF CUBE STEAKS BONELESS WASTE FREE CUT FROM CANADA GRADE BEEF BOTTOM nounnz STEAK ROAST MAPLE LEAF BREAKFAST STRIPS 99$ ONT NO WAXED BONELESS WASTE FREE CUT FROM CANADA GRADE BEEF ruu ROUND lB SHOPSY ALL BEEF PORK iliiEExs WIENERS 69 PE NO I0 LB BAG POTATOES WHY PAY 00¢ THRIFTY BULK PAK BACON ENDS 79¢ US NO PINK 485 CANADA GRADE LARGE EGGS LEAN MEATY STEW BEEF SWIFTS EVERSWEET SLICED BACON 119m 33 BONELESS WASTE FREE ONT NO MEDIUM CABBAGE LBS ONT NO FANCY GOLDEN OR RED DELICIOUS APPLES CRUSH ORANGE DRINK 24 IO OZ 299 AYLMER I5 OZ BOTTLE KETCHUP 49¢ WHY PAY 79 LADY SCOTT PLY ROLL TOILET TISSUE 49¢ SAVE 26 WHY PAY 75 NABISCO 500 GR MANNING LB ASST BRAN CRUNCHIES BAG COOKIES 69¢ 69¢ wHypAyost WHYPAYII9ORMORE TOV TEA I00 CUP TEA BAGS 99¢ WHY PAY I49 OR MORE WELCHS 24 OZ PURE JELLY GRAPE JAM 99¢ SAVE 48 WHY PAY I47 NUFLUFF I28 OZ JUG FABRIC SOFTENER 99¢ WHYPAY 769 119 titties MONARCH CAKE PASTRY25 KG BAKING FLOUR 99¢ SAVE 79 WHY PAY 778 JOLLY MILLER 500 GR FRUIT FLAVORED DRINK CRYSTALS WHYPAYI79 SCOTTIES I005 CLOVER VALLEY LB PROCESS CHEDDAR CELEBRATION POUCH PAK CAKE CHEESE SPREAD WHY PAY I64 MIX WHY PAY i9