Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 26 Feb 1979, p. 3

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Children Aid annual meeting society reports on year By NANCY FIGUEROA tions annual re ort couldnt operate as an Dr Alex Bolechowsky past statement of the report said OfTheExamlner workloads increased lg per organization president Staff have been bent bill Amixed bag cent in 1978 They also said Presentations were made The meeting was held not not brOken by the ex Thats how Jean Gradwell older children and longer to representatives of the Bar only to discuss the 1978 weight caseloadSWI president of the Family and treatment caused the rie Huronia Rotary Club and report but also to elect the would be less than responsi Childrens Services of the organization to go over the Maycourt Club responsi 1979 directors bl SuggeSt that the mum County of Simcoe described budget ble for acquiring decorating They are Alex Arthur Bill Will be much brighter More for less seems to be the order of the day from all governments The dif ficulties we have met have produced an unexpected strength which we are sure will equi us to confront the 1978 Financial prospects con tinue to look bleak said Mrs Gradwell at the ser vices annual meeting held Saturday at Georgian Col lege of Applied Arts and Mrs Gradwell also said the increased workload was creating problems for staff The frustration of not being able to devote the amount of time youd like to in dividual cases is more dif and furnishing the agencys first group home Huronia Rotary House The home on Brock Street is for boys tem porarily placed in the care of the service The services is deeply in Barnett Claire Bellamy Dr Bolechowsky Mrs Grad well Lynn Lambert Bill Straughan and Charles Surgenor With the exception of Lambert all were on the 1978 board of directors Technology Budgetary ficult than anyone could im debted to both clubs said Jackson in the closing new chal enges restraints have made things agine she said burdensome and difficult at times But we will continue Awards were presented to to the best of our ability for foster parents who had given the children and families of five 10 and 20 years of con tinuous service Con gratulating all foster parents Mrs Gradwell said Without foster parents we Simcoe County Mrs Gradwell and Don Jackson director of the ser vices said in the organiza Lois Courtney marriage and family counsellor who in troduced the motion told the meeting Saturday mmga The Simcoe County Childrens Aid Society was renamed Family and Childrens Services of the County of Simcoe following unanimous approval at the organizations annual meeting Dawn Gordon goes over careers In the armed forces with Cpl Larry Skaalrud left and PO Pat Reguirements stiffen Forces picking and choosing joining up tougher these days By ARL DeGURSE Greenley The recruiting unit Is at the em ployment centre on Owen Street every Thursday Examiner Photo centre at the employment cen 84 trades but there are not tittenitsmonthsandsoiiictiiiic Of The Examiner it used to be that almost anyone who wanted to join the armed forces could During wars the re quirements for signing up were minimal 17 years or older able to pass quick medical and willing to get your head shaved Often the youth who finally found the nerve to visit recruiting centre ended up in boot camp only days later Times have changed Today the armed forces are more selective about who gets tre in Barrie every Thursday It all depends on what open ing the armed forces have available and what talents recruit has to offer pl Skaalrud says The process for weeding out the undesirables includes in tciligcncc tests rigid physical examinations and interviews all before thc military hopeful cvcn scts foot in training camp it starts easy enough if yoiirc interested in what the armcd forccs has to offer VlSil any of thc recruiting ccir trcs regularly set up at malls schools and thc cmployincnt ccntrc in says Petty Officer Pat Greenley of Toronto He and Corporal Larry Skaalrud set up recruiting town country Thornton youth charged Thornton youth is charged with weekend brcakin at the Bayfield Sunoco ar Wash Barrie police said Timothy ummings 17 of RR lhornr ton was arrested Sunday hargcd with brcaking and cntcrr ing he will appear in provincial court Tucsday Police said the breakin occurrcd somctimc ovcrnight Fri day and small amount of moncy was taken Distillery employees settle COLLINGWUOD iStafti ilinployccs ot anadian Mist Distillers Ltd settled Friday for St an hour wagc incrcasc over two years ending oneweek strikc The 34 members of Local 34H lnitcd chwcrs and Distillers nion went on strikc Feb 17 aftcr turning down company offer of an xiicent increase The union was seeking $1 Iil incrcasc Ron Ralph resident managcr said thc ncw salary for maintenance man will incrcasc to 57 iii an hour from St 77 starting operators salary will Jump to so tit from So 11 he said second increase of So ccnts will be said Ralph said thcrc were also changcs in IllSliiéliltt holidays and pension benefits Negotiations on thc new contract Sliillttl to when the old contract expired Training for program starts The Simcoe ounty Health Init bcgiin training voluntccrs today for preschool cyctcsting program to start soon Margaret Arnott coordinator of thc voluntccr group said threeyearold children will bc tested for amblyopia Amblyopia shc explained is rcduccd vision without any apparentorganiccause thclazycyc Mrs Arnott said two to four per cent of thc population suf fer from the ailment Early diagnosis and trcatmcnt is essential she said because the problcm can li corrictcd in small children An amblyopitic threeycar old will rvspond to patching and glasses after thrcc to our wccks but an cight ycar old may have identical treatmcnt for six to to months without success she said The volunteers spent four hours today working with representatives from the Canadian National lnstitutc for the Blind Vision screening of youngsters will soon begin in local nursery schools and day care ccntrcs shc said cntral clinics for other three year olds will also he cstablishcd for vision testing said Mrs Arnott Junior Farmers conference More than 350 junior farmcrs from across the will meet in Toronto March 16 to lit for thcir ference Dare to be Different is the theme of thc confcicnce which involves guest speakers discussing ways in which clubs can try different programs Delegates to the conference from Simcoc Iounty arc Henry VanderWielcn RR Mincsing Don Atkinson RR Barrie Charlie Jacobs RR fl Elmvaie laulinc itaks RR Elmvaie and Joe limms Elmvaie Milkshakes found cleaner January was blitz iiioiitii for inspection of food premises in Simcoe County with 73 inspcctioiis conducted the Simcoe County District iloard of licalth rcport stated The blitz occurred after routinc bactcriological sainpi ing of milkshakes at county restaurants revealed scrious contamination problem involving fecal matcriai total of 149 milkshakes were tested after the contamina tion was discovered The report said followup testing found the problem lessened was carried out in conjunction with an education program for restaurant operators and staff deal ing with proper handling of products storagc of equipmcnt sanitation and cleaning procedurcs Deadline for summer jobs The deadline for summer employment applications is March says Bob Baker of thc Barrio Parks and Recreation department So far the city has received 70 applications for various jobs in the city playgrounds swimming pools and beaches says Baker There are total of 1m positions tipfll Cassidy to speak Michael Cassidy Ontario New Democrat Party NDli leader will be in Orillia Tuesday to discuss labor and unemployment problems in that city said Ralph Leigh Jr vice resident of the Simcoe East New Democrat Party F0 lowing dinner with the Simcoe East executive Cassid will speak at Regent Park School on Simcoe Street in Oril ia The meeting at pm will also include the elec tion of Simcoe Easts new executive givcn ncxt ycar hc province annual con tfficcrs will givc you list of always openings in many The minimum rcquircincnts are simple You have to be Canadian citizen betwccn 17 and 24 years old have birth certificate and social insurancc card and be of good moral character The amount of education needed varies but minimum of Grade is needed for most trades When you choose sonic trades the officers Wlll cxplaiii what is involved and what chances there are of being acr ccptcd Then youre put on waiting list until an opening conics up in thc arca yoiirc qualiticd in longer Pt lrccnlcy says For each opcning the forces contact four or five pcoplc who havc applied for thc position lrcciilcy says Thcy arc intcrvicwmi given mcdical cxannnaton and inter vicwcd again Thc applicant bcst suited for thc job is then told tbc spccifics and given chancc to change liisiiiind Thc rccrint is thcn cnrollcd takcs thc oath of illcgiancc and is nicnibcr of thc aiia dian Arnicd lorccs iltlll thcrc hc gocs to basic training camp for 11 wccks in tornwallis or St ictin lilt Orillia locks out workers RllllA ISpccialI Twcntytwo cmployccs of thc Conference attracts i50 Hospitality updatc 1979 licld ovcr thc wcckciid at lcncva Park in rillia ittractcd about 130 studciits says lat iiicrgis of thc information StlVlttS dcpartmcnt of tiorgian tollcgc Thc updatc 1S hcld on ycarly basis and is run for stiidcnts In thc hospitality programs at tin tario community collcgcs ticorgian ollcgc was host tor this years event now in its eighth ycar Topics undcr tilliSSlilil in cludcd incdia usc and intirkcting and thc iisc of coin putcrs in thc hospitality in dustry Larry lrossinzin provincial ministcr of industry itilfi tourism officially opcncd pro cccdings Friday morning Tho coursc ran all day Friday and Saturday Dcnnis Ralph instructor at lcorgizin ollcgc who ran thc scmintirsaid it was trcnicn dons lcariiing cxpcricncc Out of town guests includcd group of students from Grand Rapids Michigan at city works llltlliltlS of thc intcrnatonal lirothcrhood oi Fltctrical workcrs Local tilt wcrc out on tlic strcct lltlS morning lhc city works dcpartnictit lockid thiin oiit ill thrcc work cintiis today iini 1iciiy itt prcsidcnt tor thc union in intnrio and city cinploycc said lli icccivcd word by totegrain Sunday night that sciviccs Ill tlic ciiiployccs would no longcr tic rcqiiircd as of in Monday iiipart incnt lit said thcrc is no indication ot it icconciliaiion nicctiiig it llllsllillt llii lock out Illtilttl mostly tittllitlilllS and construction pipi fiticis cniployiwl by thch ty to scivicc thicc utility icii trcs llc littlltttltti tlic llltit by iiianagiiiiciit is iincvpictcil llic cniploycis wcnt on work to iiilt liltiH ittcr ti icli 13 iiicdiatiou niccting taich to itSiiiHtillltliiitt Rcloic that thc local hcld lllltt nitclings with city ncgotiaiors and two further conciliation nicctings with ministry of labor rcprcscntzitivcs prcsciit Local iLiti tlllllltiytts ot thch ty lllt bccn without it contract sinccAiig il Youthful admiration Sandy Wllson l2 left and Michelle Teflord l2 of Allandale Helghts Public School lend moral support to Roy Carter fitness instructor at the Barrie YMYWCA The Grade and classes from the school were on their last day of sixweek elective program in fitness and lifesaving techniques Examiner Photo YMCAYWCA school program With one last stroke Allan James through the surface of the pool For Al but like many of his friends around him he tried or Lynn Stevenson prompts him on his way The smile on his face shows his satisfaction He was at the as par ofa school program Examiner Photo Orillia driver charged after threetruck crash An Orillia driver is charge with improper passing follow ing Thursdays accident involv ing thrcc tractor trailers which blocked Highway 69 for scvcral hours Midland ll said David Thompson 29 was charged after the tractor trailer he was driving collided with truck drivcn by James Stark 24 of Dorchcstcr and another truck driven by Douglas Matlrcgor 42 of Mississauga total of $126000 damage was done to the vehicles involv cd said police Committee await pollution report Members of the Lake Simcoe Couchiching Strategy Commit tee are awaiting the final technical report on nutrient pollution in the lake Howard Shillington acting committcc chairman said he has notified committee members that the report will be mailed to them from the ministry of the environment The report committee of on vironmcntal experts met Fri day to give thc technical report its fiiiai touches Shillington said he hopes the opening thc highway Thompson rcmains in rcstrictcd to one lane of ti satisfactory coiiditon in the in tcnsivc care unit of lrillias Soldicrs Memorial Hospital Stark was takcn to hospital but released Friday morning said police The accident occurrcd on Highway 69 km south of Six Mile Lakc Provincial Park about 10pm Policc worked for about 12 hours to clear the highway of debris Highway 69 was closcd sons truck was southbound vchiclc lrcgors truck was also bound said police for several hours ovcriiight Thursday bcctiusc of ttic wreckage chcral hours after rc report will be released to the steering committee of municipal reprcscntativcs in about 10 days lwo wee after the political representatives receive the report meeting of the full strategy committee including the technical report committcc and the political steering com mittee will be held he said Each municipality par ticipating in the Lake Simcoc study will be asked to cotifirm their appointed representatives to the committee Core project Approval expected tonight i3 of Portage View School breaks lan It was hard swim and one of his was affic Midland ll said lhonip northbound whcn it collided with Starks Mac north Ry DENNIS LANTHIER The Examiner The downtown improvement project is on the agenda tonight at the regular meeting of Bar ric city council and is expected to be approved lcncral committcc recom mcndcd approval of the scheme last wcck if council givcs its approval thc way will be cleared for the city to apply for provincial ministry of housing grant The city is elcgiblc for million grant Thursday is the deadline for the city to obtain funds in 1979 ity and ministry of housing officials mct Friday to discuss details of funding and repay ment Detailed funding plans will not be known until later when negotiations have begun with tenants said Rick Bates direc tor of planning and develop ment Representatives of Citizens for Downtown Barrie will make presentation tonight The newly formed group 0b jccts to the project On another matter Brian Wiles representing another citizens group will discuss proposed installation of signal lights at the corner of Grove and Davidson Streets Local member criticizes inflation rate aiiadas inflation rate in 197K was the worst of the in diistrial nations with the cx ccption of two countries says Sinclair Stcvcns tl¥irk Simcoct nly France and ltaly were highcr than Canadas ninc per cent inflation rate in 1978 Stevens says in news release Since 1975 there has been 27 per cent inflation in Canada anadas rate of iiiflatiou has been rising since that timc while the rate in countries such as Grcat Britain Japan and ltaly has been falling Canadas diving dollar has added one third to thc inflation in the past two years Stcvcns says Without depreciation of the anadian dollar the in crease would have been about six per cent he says Most other countries have been following tight spending policy The anadian govcrir incni however has been try ing to hang loosc he says Canadas spending deficit with the rcst of the world is the worst of any industrial country he says lhc dcficit drives up intcrcst ratc which adds to costs and inflation says Stcvciis Avcragc food gone up 65 have since prices per ccnt April 1974 and 54 per cent since April 1974 As long as the dollar falls in flation in anada will continue to rise Stevens says it is because of Canadas cheap dollar that Canadian pro duced consumer goods sell for 20 per cent more than in the US says Stevens The federal government has predicted prices will moderate to about nine per cent in crease in 1979 he says Seed feed show ready The annual Seed and Feed Show sponsored by the North Simcoe Soil and Crop Improve ment Association will be held Marchtt and at the Elmvaie ommunity Centre Farmers will exhibit grains forage seeds feeds maple pro ducts and potatoes for prize money Entries must be placed before 730 pm March at the community hall Judging will take place the following morn ing Exhibitors must be NSStlA mcmbcrs

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