Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 26 Feb 1979, p. 15

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WHICH ANNOUNCEMENTS DAY SPECIAL NOTICES CASH RATES IS BEST Death Notices Engagements Cards of Thanks $550 minimum 40words additional words IOcents per word Advertisers frequently ask this Biff $550 question Fortunoyetyl 199 is hMemoriam no verse $550 no has day advemse Each Verse per countline extra 22cents day new wants arise bringing Coming Events $322 per column inch new readers as old on fie satisfy their wants We recom mend that au start our ad IM Escomlng PVPM tomorrow ahd cancel it when GOOD NEWS STORY Whtlt you an nounce the birth at Your child in The aminer clippings of the nnltLt are available for Babys Book Family Troi Records and to marl your friends and you get results After many years of experience will millions of want ads we know BINGO St John Vionney Hall relatrvosmthosctar awayplnirs EInii tomrrow ls be day giggnounéclniont to urilm Cali rm start your ad and every day is 55 $200 JOCkPCl the best day to advertise in SMflll MvTF The Examiner Classified Sec OAKLEY KlltllllllSfllttLli trrfrlitly on at Barrie On Saturday ltlVIUiIv It 1979 KonnortiSmiruivrodkri mimmoi year bctovtti misrmni or twrm Galloway rip liIthit Ul tituttri 0t Bill at martiniri innittramp WANT ADS brpthirs whim dtTil twin liritt rim EXAMINER WORN HISflthlllTTZ22 PHONE 7232414 WANT ADS Vt in ttir impir ow to ii two 77 at pm intrim Corrirtury If so trons may by onto to Foundation mmmm rm Royal tori tirinp ml for BAKE Ralph RivMiro fit in iir Vittoria Hospita Ltriii iu savour February 24 NH Hnlp lititrl it in his bird yinir it run tutu iiz oi in lati Avir lli Mirrotiri MM limit dear taintr Roam ltr an Anni Mrs Plum Granuiattnr Vt Mrchml YVll MOlty Dov yl Maramvt Mrs PHONE 72824 80 public notices 297231 tJr lrIv =1 THECORPORATIONOFTHECITYOF BARRIE NOTICE IN THE MATTER OF Bylaw Number 79I7 of The Corporation of the City of Barrie to close Parts of Highway transferred to the City of Barrie by OrderinCouncil dated the 30th of December I959 illustrated on Department of Highways Plan P284793 and variously nuttu ant ttnrr ers 6W ua called Service Road and Port to the West thereof between the Catharina rnnnm lkiKtttg ingot Service Road and the Kings Highway Number 400 lying to the South Lon RM ofWellingtonStreetWest inirrnx uncut Funeral Moon to Worst sr Mr ngnsiiruvglrirsop v4 in can TAKE NOTICE that the Council of The Corporation of the City of mm Mal in Barrie will alter the publication of this Notice at least once week mng can in for four successive weeks in The Barrie Examiner at its regular Egrfilmyu tpvpci praysP Iii meeting to be held at the Council Chambers at the City Hall Barrie PM 5m Ontario at the hour of seven oclock in the afternoon on the I2th asIrusting6Ia MK day of March I979 consider and if deemed expedient pass Bylaw MW NLr Number 79t7 to close and stop up and sell and convey Parts of ElSrt Mrs t3 Limti of Ti otw nt Highway transferred to the City of Barrie by OrderinCouncil dated Snirtcy trio rum sinirri soh 959 my SUMWM ML KM MAW Decem er ustroted on Department of Highways irildrsri anti Lt ulnm tn rir Plan P284793 and variously called Service Road and part to the rs ir rt no rtrr in 0m mtijwv West thereof between the Servrce Road and the Kings Highway Ehapti iHRXu llti liWTII Wm Number 400 lying to the South of Wellington Street West and more om ginnisi git tn gt my particularly designated as Parts and on Reference Plan Number chapvt an TUiStrt SIR8M ti mi Ceifgmv AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that any person who claims that his oi the Enstvrr tm land will be prejudically affected by the said byltlow and who ap plies to be heard shall be heard by the Council of The Corporation of the City of Barrie either in person or by his Counsel Solicitor or Agent onniriunt mutton THIS NOTICE was first published on the I2th day of February T979 Suit rm HOSLitaI tor in saturrta JanuK and sand DVOlItf at Nt Mr and in ir nrsniorr an JL tBurt Lam Emer Ward Euvinri Hg Ma SVtt in the chem inflrltlini it Renointimiwa LN THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF BARRIE by its solicitors BOYS SEAGRAM ROWE T3 Owen Street Barrie Ontario ANY PERSON interested may see Plan of that port of the road proposed to be closed in the office of the City Clerk City Hall 84 vv In Collier Street Barrie Ontario during regular office hours Oar Mir trunk rw IV Fcbunr lr Grinwrtir rump vi it rmcntw Pari tin or Sortirirrin tic irr rm It lati in at Mrs E1 motmv Hi Wed artwirv The Barrie Planning Board will be holding Public Meeting on Tuesday February 27th 1979 at 700 PM in the Council Chambers of City Hall to discuss the proposed Huand and Danczkay Ltd Site Plan proposal located north of Cundles Road and west of Kozlov Street The proposal calls for the construction of an apartment structure containing 40 two bedroom units and 74 one bedroom units This dtiy Ptff Mir it TIVOVHIIH vv tang development totally rental accommodation is to replace the Soilw previously approved 96unit condominium apartment burlding trour of LIOUtv Funern ririmv SIVVIC no In intrrrrn cummm Dmx Cant llf ii WOOD HOSO tiil lrr or Februriy it in btIOvrt In motto Et Lorre Interested persons are invited to attend or write to express their concerns and opinions The Barrie Planning Board will be holding Public Meeting to discuss Amendment involving the designation of Residential District IO and the proposed Chieftain and Chertkoff and Somers Plans of Subdivision on February 27 I979 at 700 PM in the Council Chambers of City Hall The subject lands are currently designated Rural in the Official Plan and are situated north and south of Edgehill Drive east of the City Limits and west of Ferndale Drive Amendment the proposed Residential District IO and the two Plans of Subdivision within the District incorporates total of 143 single family and 36 multiple family units lnterested persons are invited to attend or write to express their concerns and opinions non rmvwc my childrm tn tut Iatr HIutl vr Vii broth itil all Warin Manda ltitDtl cm In lYliVHr EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 7282414 JONES SecretoryTreasurer Barrie Planning Board F242627 YOU CAN EARN EXTRA MONEY AND WIN PRIZES TOO CUNDLES AWN ROUTES TlFFINFERNDALE ARE NOW AVAILABLE £LMVALE CLAPPERTON ST OWEN WELLINGTON AREA WDUNLOP PERRY ST 8LAKE ST MOUNTBATTEN RODNEY CODRINGTON AREA DUCKWORTHNAPIER AREA ECCLES NWILLINGTON AREA SOPHIAWORSLEY STS IN THESE AREAS Phone 7266539 BURTON AVEHOLGATE ST ARDAGHPATTERSON AREA SUNNIDALE CUNDLES AREA Yes would like more information about an Examiner Carrier Route NAME mm AGE ADDRESS PHONE PARENTS SIGNATURE Clip and send to The Examiner Box 370 Barrie LAM 4T6 11 nunye Ross Rolls centre presents the trophy named after his business to the winners of the mens main event at the end of Barrie Curling Clubs second schedule From left to right are Clarence Hoggarth lead Marshall Camp bell sklp Rolls Maz Murakaml viceskip and Ron Gemmell second Winners of the Mossop school curlers trophy at Barrie Curling club recently are from left to right Richard Dey lead Nancy Henry second Jim Cuthbert making presentation Debbie Henry skip and Mike Daniels vlce skip Larry Brewer presents the Lou Goedemondt Real Estate trophy to the winners of the Business gtrls second schedule flnal From left to right are Marg Green Sandy Shannon Brewer Shirley Crane and Midore Kalle 54 Mike ONeil centre of the Barrie Truck Centre presents his companys trophy to the winners of the mens MondayWednesday second schedule winners From left to right are Art Martin viceskip John Kraft skip ONeil Greg Lloyd second and Ken Petit lead McQuarrie rink edges defendingladies champs MHNIIIICrII itlr Myrnii MiQunrriil Ihv I977 Wltilltl at Halifax isnt lodging the top ionipititron early in llIt tnnn rlinn womins IIIlIIlL rhrun pronship this llltlt nround MrQuurrivs Altwrtn lrorn lithlirirlgv ttlgttl thi tltltltllltl lTiIITlItIl trorn Stony Mounlnin Mon klppttl this your by hrrs lrilrirko in NW highlight Linini ol lllt ionil round Sunrln IIILElIl inrn tilt Fltitlt ol tirst llittt irth tlirii othirr rinks it It lni rinlly plrrnswlf li QLIEIIIH said With Itllil ittir llii Victory thrit lollonrrl rm decision over Anni tiisir ol llilllllltl IT III tlii opinrni round inrlrir III lllttlil Trail with hltQIIiIIIIt ntop thi standings Wtli Nova SLotrris lttltl liltoiiiuv ot llilllliH rink Suv Ann lutllltll ol thrudor iit Ntlrl nnil Lorraini Hows ol lntlt dI rlv for host Qurlwc Nova Siotui limit ttrsurs Nu ltrunswrrk IIlI Iii Jr in the si ionil titIIITtl lIIlt tounrllnnil Iroiinriit intrirros lnt Iiird of Toronto lit and Quolrii liounivit lltlt lhoni sonol Inpnuil lll II it In filth ililtt it II iltir in II conquest ol Margaret thrtloik ot lln lirvir ltptthlllllllfl lllt Iirrrtorris HIS llIItlSI szirkvs lllt lfttllrilt tolurnhru skip Irorn North Vzrniomir Munitohn His srxth ill Klltlt Snskntilwwrrn which hrirl it Stttllltl plurv lt siVinth til it Ii llIt lir ritoriis Nt lirunswrck inil ntoriotrnilvrlnt it In tillltt trrst round Hlltlll Williamson takes Nets blame praise It llllltll lltllSS John tillrninson lttttll nirnil tnkrnu iriilrt klttll Niu llt Nuts III llIIl lIt ilso dotsnt IIIIIItl lukrnp1 lllt lllillIIt iliin thiy ltiht And Will lltt Nuts splittingl wvikrnil srrris Illt lllt rrinl New York Knriks thi husk gunrrl Htlllltl up trilkrni out ol hoth sidis of his mouth lhi Nets In solid position to riuiki thi Nutronnl lfilltlltilll Assorrution plnyotls lot thi lltl llIIIt iiiriiil til loss Saturday night to llIt KIIIk In Niu York Irv liltlllil the New Yorkers out in litll thiril iiiiortii nnil irrrl lourth ltllillltl spurt Sunday to hriii ltttIII ith it III litL ltltll lIlMtiliiri hurtiluy Inslnnulon trillits tltltlttl olilin Striti Warriors 1H tilt Sun Antonio Spurs ihippiil Houston liorkits I27 I07 ltVtlitIItl EIVJIlIttS lltill Iiringo Hulls 117nm llllliitltlpltlit 7iirs durnpiit Iinir Nuggets llttlll Sun negotlippirs rizillopiil Hostoti 0ltiis tiltllti Kansas it Kurtis tltltl Stitlllt Supir Sonics ltt Itlti Portland Trail liliiirs tilintiil lltllttll lrstons131iliftrindIosniilis Lokirs ltll Inilrrinn lniirs llll Hill In othir Saturday riotous llitlllil lltl lrinl lhoirux SHIT Ilitth Ni tlrlinns li tlllttl liwilrinil motto inil lttltl lililSltIl ll1llllktl littiks ll llT trllrornsons lioxsiorv lIIlt In tittll Littlllt ltllS lth story Suturiln tit llllllllltK tor llitillllll louls tuoportlts Suititu Illtllltlt IL lol 2i Slittitllllu trorn lllt lloor ii tor lrorn llIt lltlt thrii louls unit utirnv lIlKlt topoints as wry ltpStl Innng to sit tliill irth lIt touts Sutur In let thi ltillll down llt sriril hurt to how this grime lIt sriirl ol Sunrlriys irn Wu nuiili lllt ltliltl rnous lllt right puss Il lllt IILllIl Mu lt its zi grunt III for us as wry llitI to strr lll lllt uninir llii Iltl gives Niu lirsi titttlttllitlllt edge for lllt Iinul plnyoll spot in llIt lilllll on liriiiii lhiy linil Boston by fliltttts uni sown lth Kuriks Nova Scotizi MIitlilittl Srisktit ihminn ti it Ntltilllltllttll nip port Hi fit it Mrinrtohn ilrop pod tntnrrofiii inil Quihii ttlL Ht lllt lirirtoriiis ti Ive only lII to oni itnnn lion hnrnpionslnp but trorn llit llIItin lTltt lrl so llttti are some tnntnstii tennis li Qunrrii Stiltl It should ltt oni ol lltt lwst lTiIlTIplilIIllI Ivor Itt lorrnnt lllI inr NIltl thi Sttitllil itITtl third plittt tinnis thtttl to llttttl III sirnrlinnl tor llIt right to Itlttl lltt first littt rink for llItllllt iont knou Iltllll this is oir lttllltt liki it llt Lgurirrri stud Itiitht nou sit lilont llki Il hut Il Im In llIlItl position Im prohnlrl going to think its tiirilri ll shi ttITllIIlIt to knock olt thi illlil highly riiznrilid IIttl shi shouldnt lti third tlltlt pluyill trini New in Town Youll find it lTItITl Vltl you we this sign Lotto Iiisrhiss eliciilnl lor Itltt intorrrnttion all 7286748 or ii 94mm llioiii John Tribble presents the Cottys Cleaners Trophy to winners of the Business Girls second schedule final From left to right are Fran Cadeau Joy Glasman Tribble Lillian Watson and Judy Spring Hugh Merriam president of the Barrie Curling Club presents the Brass Group Trophy to the winners of the second schedule mixed curling final From left to right are Fran Gemmel viceskip Ron Gemmel skip Merriam Bob Preece second and Marilyn Nicholson lead 93 pm can it Winners of the Paul Sadlon Motors Trophy are presented their award by Bill Ware From left to right are Roy Cameron second George Show skip Ware Bob Fenske viceskip and Paul Hargreaves lead To Irotlur sorvrrto your Retirement SLTVIITQS lltin needs Canada Trust Will be open Saturday February 24 and Monday llIItl Thursday tLllllfl til in February 26 to Mirrrlil opening or Withdrawal charges norocHapC loans for making deposrts over two decades of RSP experience Even if you have RSP consider Canada Trust In most cases SWIlLZlTlItg is easy Call or come in tor details All RSPS are not alike Conipziru thaw features Widest rnvuutinvnt choice excellent IITlCICSl rates no sales ornrnissron Canada Trust ll BARBIE Durilop at Memorial Square 7261848

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