Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 26 Feb 1979, p. 1

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monday Is for sports MacMillan optimistic Cary MacMillan is thinking positively about Barrie Flyers chances in the playoffs Flyers captain scored the only goal in his teams 21 loss to Cambridge Hornets Satur day but the game gave him catise for op timism It was good hockey game he said It really helps to have our lines set and work ing together If everyone plays as well as they have been theres no telling how far we an go in the playoffs Hornets Bruce Boyd scored iii the second period to give his learn the win over Flyers Barry Alter scored the other ambridgc goal ln other Canadian International Hockey League action on the weekend Thunder Bay Twins swept both games of the hotiie series 64 and 113 Finals next for Blues Bradford Blues advanced to the Mid Ontario Junior hockey finals after trouncr ing ollingwood Glassnien 92 in the fourth and final game of their bestoffive semi final series Sunday at Bradford arena Blties now meet defendingchainpion Alliston Hornets in the bestoilseven ftiial series which begins Tuesday 830 in in Bradford Pressure putt Lanny Wadkins crouches and watches his last l0 foot putt sink In on the eighteenth green to win the Glen Campbell Los Angeles Open with on 8underpar 276 and one stroke margin Sunday at the Riviera Country Club For details on the tournament see page l0 AP Laserphoto deadfine its that time of year Members of the Toronto Blue Jays go through physical exercises at first day of spring training for botterymen in Dunedin Sunday Front row from left Jim Clancy pitcher Rick Cerone catcher and pitcher Tom Underwood AP Laserphoto Avalanches kill skiers BAliltM lltil SPlthtiS tli Weekend avalanches on British tolumbia ski slopes claimed three tiiorc victims bringing to at least to the number of skiers killed by avalanches iii the province during the last two weeks Michael hetig 362 of talgaiy died and female companion is missing and presumed dead after their group was buricd by ati avalanche Saturday on lllt Stanlcy Peak Glacier in Kootenay itlttiiltll Park To kilo metres northwest of Baiift lta The search for the woman whose name has been withheld was suspended Sunday due to poor weather condit ions and the risk of another avalanche On Friday afternoon Hick Straka iii of Edmonton died iii an avalanche while helicopterskiing with three other persons near Hevelstokc Douglas Norman Robertson 32 ot Whistler was killed hist Tuesday in an avalanche several kilometres from the regular ski runs at Whistler about 12o kilometres north of ancouier Seven skiers died Feb when their party of 10 helicopter skiers was engulfed by snow sweeping down bowl area in the Purcell range near iolden Six of the dead were Swiss and the other was trom the lnited States Big day for Herbie TUHUNTU lilitltitS ill the Hospital for Sick hildrcn have scheduled lifesaving operation today on StHilllititilli old Herbert Qutnoneer of New Yorktity The baby who was flown to Toronto on Saturday suffers from defect in lllS windpipe which causes choking spells that have threatened his life several times An operation to relieve pressure on his wind pipe was perfected by Dr Robert Filler chief of surgery at the hospital Herbies parents Herbert and Leticia 24 are of Ptierto Hican ancestry Quinoiies told news conference that Herbie was premature baby who had his first attack at home one day after his mother had fed hitii and put him to bed Its scary to see him ttirti blue like that she had to resuscitate him lie said cant take it when sec him having an attack have to leave thi room but my tie is stronger than me HAD ONE UPIIR Tltt Herbie has already had one major operation at the Brooklyn Hospital He was born with gap in his gullct that had to be repaired before there was clear passage front tiiotitii to stomach Quinones said he is gractiit to the people of Toronto who have contributed tiiore than $10000 in fund opened by Paul iodtrey chairman of Metrotxihtan Toronto to pay for Herbies care and for his parents stay lll Toronto Russians in orbit MS lwo ltiissiaii cosmonauts circled the earth today making preparations to dock with tthaly iii space station Tass the Soviet news agency reported that the flight by Vladimir lakho and Valery Byuinin aboard the Soyu1 Ii spaceship was proceuiiiig normally in its second day There was no indication when they will link up with tiic space station which has been in orbit for it iiiotitlis and has been host to iitiiiibcr of space crews The Soviet television service interrupted program Sunday to show the Soyti rocket blasting off over the Baikonur Space entrc in central Asia It is the first manned space llitSSlIill in almost four months since Vladimii Koviilcnok atid Alexander lvanchcnkoy set spaceretidurancc record of ti days 11 hours and iii minutes and returned to lIarti last Nov The last manned space flight was Apollo lit In in arid the longest was lllt tti day mission of three astronauts aboard Skylabi lll 19734 Gays criticize church ltilttiNTti itPr lhc ttiJlltitli hurch of anadas decision to allow homosexuals to become ordained priests tl they agree to celibacy lS discriminatory ltiUlilt stati dard spokesmen for lorontos homosexual community say Leaders of homosexual organiatiotis said saturday that swearing liotiioscxual priists to celibacy while heterosexual priests are encouraged to have sexual relationships is unjust The Anglican bishops are saying llS okay to be but its not okay to do said George llislop president of the omniuiiity Homophile Association lhiyri saying oetlicsiiincr hatethesin Most ltev Edward Scott pritnatc of the Anglican hutcli said the churchs decision earlier this month came from recognition that homosexuality is social reality The condition that such priests abstain from homosexual acts was included because the bishops are not prepared to take the position that hoiiioscxtiality IS lifestyletobceniulated hcsaid Students write little ltilttiNll itlt Writing assignments in some Metropolitan loionto high schools are so minimal that students speak more words iii two minutes than they rife in day an Ontario government study has found lti addition most of the writing students do involves copying or answering textbook questions and requires no thinking the study said Researcher Bryant Fillioii blames tlic lack of writing on an administrative system that presses teachers to finish curriculum rather than give students tnorc opt portuint ltS to express llltllIStl cs on paper lrillion curriculum professor at the tintario institute for Studies in Education surveyed five schools onc elementary two Junior high and two secondary and completed his project last fall weather forecast of clouds threatens to blot out local view of the solar eclipse Brisk northeasterly winds Highs to Clearing overnight with lows l0 to i4 Mainly sunny Tuesday Highs to Your day isnt complete without The Examiner Call 7266539 for home delivery Experts gathered at Manitoba Eclipse onceina lifetime sig WINNllEG CP Thousands of persons in southern Manitoba and northwestern tario got good look at todays total solar eclipse oneeinalifetime experience for many loud cover that had dimmed hopes for groundlevel observation largely dissipated overnight and the eclipse was visible frotn most parts of the region Other parts of Canada saw partial eclipse or watched the total eclipse via BC national television special front Winnipeg The eclipse will be the last total solar eclipse visible in North America in this century and the last in southern Manitoba for two centuries Scientists say total eclipses occur every 115th year No 48 Monday February 26 1979 years on average but many are seen by small fraction of humanity if at all Any given area is likely to experience total eclipse only once every 360 years Todays event marked the culmination of months of preparation by scientists and ama teur astronomers alike Canadian and US scientists began shooting up rockets last week from launch sites near lied Lake Ont thcrs set up shop on the roof of buildings at Brandon University in western Manitoba city altiiost directly on the centre line Also in Brandon was crew from the Japanese Broadcasting Corp loaded with vi deotape equipment and special filters in hopes of recording parts of the eclipse that do not show up well on live television Meanwhile the Canadian Association of 5° Per Copy Optometrists planned countrywide survey in an effort to determine the extent of the damage done today by direct sunlight on the naked eye total of 145 cases of damage were reported during the last cclipsc in North America and unreported cases were said to be iiiucii more common People were urged to watch the eclipse on television Those intent on direct observation were advised to use visors made of aluminized film or No 14 weldcrs glass direct look at the sun at the height of total eclipse is safe but viewing even small sliver of sun is more than enough to cause permanent eye damage Devices such as sunglasses photographic filters smoked glass atid many types of film were branded unsafe Wig3y Total solar eclipse Carrier Home Delivery 90° Weekly the examiner serving barrie and simcoe county Cabinet officialswarn US prepared to use force to protect Middle East oil lASllthiltiN iAPI lhe lnited States is prepared to use its military force to protect the flow of oil from the Middle lIast say two nicnibcrsof President artcrs cabinct Defence Secretary Harold Brown silltl Sunday the tnitcd States would take any action thats appropriate to protect the Middlc East oil flow which iic said is clearly part of our vital interest in separate interview Energy Sccrctarv lames Schlesinger said the administration is considering the issue of llilllltil presence iii the Petsiantltilt tltt That would involve military personnel he said Whether it would involyc deployment of troops is another question in Friday Vice President Walter Mondale said the administration has shut the door on using troops abroad except undcr the most extreme compelling circumstances SAYSUII lll Brown questionle on BSlvs Face the Nation tlisirilwil lllt Middle lll till flow as clearly part of our vital lllltltsls lit protection of these ital iiitcrcsts well take any action that appropriate including thciiseot military torcc but military force is not necessarily appropriatc in ll lll Slitiiti liisiiid Brown who rcccntly returned from Middle lCasl trip said countries in that area are concerned about possible threats from outside the region and man lltilli more radicalstatcs tit thc Soviet lnion he said Its well known that the Soviets are not responsible for all the problems in the area but they clearly arc willing to in tact eager to lisli Ill nitiddy waters by aiding one coiiiitr iLJIIItSl ittltilllll in Soviet threat llt said The is prepaicd to counter such threat front lllilil powci with lttlttl means are iicccssary Again lct inc say the tiitcd States is prepared to rlclciid its ital intcrcsts wiili iliatIycr llltllltS iic ippiopriatc iii cltidiitg military toricwhctc lltl essary til io lli Schlesinger questioned on Bi Meit lllt lriss dccliiicd to speiity what action llllLll iiitaken think that the point maili is that thc lnitcd States has vital intcrcst lit the lctsian litlll arco that we have been prcparcd to discuss tlicquestion of military presence in the area with the states involved and tha that would lime to bc workcd out in Pmt llltH tltSiics and with some flexibility Cant find cause of NS mine fire HIAtlC BAY itPv Federal authorities approved limited return to work today lll two of three scctions of 3t colliity the site of weekend explosion that killed to miners and sent six lillltlS to hospital Bcrnic Powers the federal labor depart tiiint chief inspector of mines in this area said iii an interyicw Sunday work was to icsoincatita tn ASl He made the comment after zit inan team of investigators tailed to turn tip any ltll as to what had caused the explosion lhat failure ch otticials of the apc Brcton licvclopment orp lNHli to ask for the is Sistaiice of top initic disaster epert from Britains National oat Board He is to arrive here today Those who perished iii the early morning explosion Saturday were lred Matiicsoii to Michael Young in Wayne Mills in littord Sharp flit Fabian Ward tJ illiani tooki l2 Michael ltolicrts 3o llcginald MarNeil Ito and Paul Purcell al of ilace Bay and James it lllltlstiii to of liomiiiioii licvco Interim president Stcvc ltiiiikiii said Sunday the tritish expert was littliL brought in bccausc local incstigators liiiyc been unable to titid any cause for the ignition or men precisely where the ignition occurred WlllflISltllltfllllttilliSttill IllSIIjlll ltankin also said the inycstigators were unable to find any cidciicc ot high gas concentrations iii the levcl lhc llitllltitil gas monitor was checked four hours before the explosion and was working properly its still working properly now Rankin said That monitor showed normal gas levels throughout the shift when the in ex plosioii occurred Rankin described the llltsllLitlltill as toiighoiii Chinese reinforcements brought in for attack BANGKOK Thailand API Sources in Peking predict big thtncsc ottcnsiyc ill the Vietnam border war ill few days iapaiis Kyodo news service reported while llanoi said hunt is sending in ttltilt reinforcements after losing tooo troops in four Vietnamese counter attacks Kyodo said sources iii the tliinisc capital told it the goal of the lllllllSlllttl ptinitiyc action against Vietnam ill be to destroy at least one Vietnamese army diiision and What makes you think Shes not married niilitaiy bases tlltl artillery ciiipliciiiiciits ncar thc hoidcr But British rcpoitcrs in Peking said icc lriinicr an hcn told llitlli lltI hinisc iii asion force will not try to ittlilllt down tlic ted ltiicr yallcy toward llanoi Kyodo Sittl lcking ltadio rcpoitcil lllllltS troops llill engaged ictninicsc irniy icilu lars in hand to hand fighting near they illagi ot lionr Hang it kilometres from thc key northeast town of Lang Son lhi bioidcast Sttil htticst battalion ovcrran llt hilltop posit ion iicar oiig long but gave no casualty figures and did not say whcii the battli oc curred KS lilSlltti lull Hanoi ltadio said counter attacking troops killed almost it itoo liincsc and ltSliitHtl too tanks in weekend battles It said total of loom tiincsi have been killed since the iii vasioii began leb IT lhcre is no of eiity tint tlic claims of iitlicr Sill but lllltlllLItltt Stilllt cs ill Lingkok belieyc lllt ictiiiiiicsc insanity tiiztitis iiitxaggeiiiltd inside today lifestyle entertainment sports cornicetv guide 12 classified 1315 LS7 Love in pajama factory The Pajama Game musical comedy set in the l950s is coming soon to Georgian College The plot revolves around pajama factory and workers demands for wage increases The matter is complicated when member of management falls in love with woman belonging to the union The play will be held at Georgian College theatre Wednesday through Saturday at pm There will be Saturday matinee at pm Tickets are $350 The play is being run by Georgian College Music Theatre Carter urges leaders to resume peace talks tSllltiltt Alr Prcsidciit tarter wants lsracli Prinic Minisici Mctiacliciii Begin to come to taiiip liavid by the end of the week to try to conipIitc pcacctreaty terms with ligypt The presidential announcement Sunday put tegin in the spotlight because it would be up to him either to approve or tigicct coin lilllilttili of undisclosed lS and ligyptian proposals tor dealing with the Palestinian issilt The door was ltll open for Egyptian President nwar Sadat to jtilli the Session in the Maryland mountains if the negotiations succccd in the tncantinic Egypt would be represented by Premier Mustata Khalil Iiigin response is expected after special cabinct tiittllliL luesday goycriiinciit soiircc Ill Israel said Begin is not likely to attend without Sadat New ltlttIS for resolving the Palestinian disputi arc iiported to have been submitted by lS State Siiiiiir tyrus Vance at amp David last week in talks ith Khalil and lsraeli Foreign Ministcr Moshe liayan The idea lS to litik the treaty to civil self rule for the million Palestinian Arabs living on the lsraclilield west baniL oi the Jordan River and in thetlaa district The Begin government does not want peace with Egypt to be dependent on ltlllllt iicgoiia tioiis over the Palestinians particularly because no Palestinian lcadet ha indicated he IS willing to participate in those talk liayan flew to lsracl after tartcrs an nounccinetit which was drawn tip with the approval of ayan and Khalil tarter read his statement to reporters on the White House south layyii iayan and Khalil were at his side am picpared to spare no effort it achieving the peace settlement toicseen iii the amp liay id accords reached last year artci said

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