Magic is alive Ron Oliver magician from New Lowell performs at the childrens annex of the Barrie Public Library Saturday from to pm Olivers show is called Its Magicchildren of all ages are welcome Ballet school is 20 Dancers celebrate birthday TORONTO itll The Na tional Ballet School celebrated its 20th birthday Wednesday with gala homecoming per formance featuring graduates and students from what has become one of the finest classical ballet schools in the world The glittering occasion brought together luminaries from the international dance scene who came to bestow bir thday greetings on Betty Oliphant the schools founding director and principal for 20 years Prime Minister Trudeau along with Ed Broadbent federal New Democratic Party leader and Ontario itrov Pauline liibbon were among the generous sprinkling of politicians and dignitaries on hand for the event dozen pieces made up the anniversary program which resulted in the audience being treated to greater variety than usually seen on the OKeefe entrestage Martine van llamel perhaps the most faiiious graduate of the school opened the long Illir gram with joyous and playful performance in Kenneth lac Millans Solitaire There was also some outstanding dancing TV special highlights tiddlers KVRETV presents an hour oi country music tonight at to pin with the lKlt nivita tioiial Old Time Fiddler toii test The contest part of lIlt tanada Farm show was recorded before live auditrice last month in the Nll iol iseum lwentyone fiddlers onr peted for the Slow first prize and the chance to enter the grand masters competition in Nashville Eleanor lownscnd of Town to was the champion fiddler huck Joyce and lid lyurkr placed second and third Vince Moutford the master of ceremonies for the Shelburiir Fiddle Contest is the host for the special which also features appearances by Rudy Mocks and his band ountry Roads Thrift Box mains pieces oilinger lit kin good Kentucky ITII II ken freshly cooked from olonel Sandels secnt recipe Its great IleIIly lawnitv in mint BAlhiI um 11 rhino our Int um ur All mun out Ili TNUIO nun couewmo It Minoan out In ni vmt Iv VIDIANH an from the schools current students Miss van Ilamel now prin cipal lancer of the American Ballet Theatre in New York ty was with the National Ballet of anada in tutti when she wot gold medal at the internav tioiial ballet competition in Varna Bulgaria The Nationals Karen Ram and Frank Augustyn the most famous partners to come out of the school performed in two pas de deux The first from Flower Festival in len Iano showed them to be in fine form Augustyn displayed good elevation and Miss Kain added distinct charm to the quaint piece choreographed by Auguste Bournonville and ar ranged by Erik Briihn Later in the evening the two performtd in traditional Spanish dance of the last ccn tury But the biggest hit with the audience was the pas le deux frorii le orsaire danced by ugustvn and Vanessa llarr wood ho was one of the first students at the school Miss llarwood now prin cipal lancer with the National exhibited some dazzling danc ing it this standard showpiece especially in the speed and CHINESE FOOD WANT QUICK SERVICE Try our bot last delivery fFrer on orders over $9 00 III Home Free limits l0°u Discount on Pick Up Orders over $9 00 Phone 72888l 405 BAYFIELD ST BARRIE delivery fit It Frlediiiin nut si iUIllflthllJl on In your nu ini mr ti inner wuuv uNmiAil 51 quuA IIA imr Hi my Ilt brilliance of her many turns Augustyn lifted his partner with ease and elicited cur tliusiasm from the audience after one particularly difficult lift The National Ballet School is the only school in North America to offer classical ballet training in conjunction with complete academic education It started in ISISSI with 27 full time students in former Quaker meeting house in downtown Toronto Today the school now trains lfvtl fullrtinie students THESE ARE Paramount Pictures Present THE WARRIORS Ixecutive Walter Hill limt on it RICHARD RODNEY OF THE NIGHT Tonight theyre all out to get the Warriors AKl anon IIEI 71 Lawrence Gordon Produr tron Upon the Novel by Sol YtiTICIi and Walter Hill Produced by lawrence Gordon DINll DE LAURENTIIS PRESENTS WILLIAM FRIEDKIN FILM THE BRINKS JOB 5MPETER FALK PETER BOYLE ALLEN GOURWITZ WARREN RATES GENA RUWLANUS PAUL SURVINU DilWILLIAM FRIEDKIN fil WALIIN GREEN visiuisiti NUEL BERN E$RALPH SERPE entertainment CBC film designed to shock Arts may benefit from larger share of Loto Canada profits The federal governments promise of another $24 million to $30 mllion year for the arts starting in 1980 renews hope of major new advances being made in all forms of popular and classic entertainment But there are lot of hurdles to be jumped before the pro mise turns to performance First the bill intrxluced in Parliament last week by the government making new allocation of Loto anada revenues has to be passed And that seems highly unlike ly before Parliament is dissolv ed for general election Whatever happens there will have to be sortie new allocation of loto anada funds made for the future The existing scale earmark ing 82 per cent to pay for the Olympic Games in Montreal and the Commonwealth lames in Edmonton runs out at the end of this year ARTS IIOIINU The arts have of course hoped they would get Slfllllll cant share of federal lottery money They have beiiefitted handsomely from such provin cial moneys as Wintario grants inOntario So far arts organizations have been generally unob trusive in their solicitations for part of the new loto anada money Now it seems they should more vocal to ensure that the ï¬lopercent allocation promised by the government is translated iiitolaw Proceeds from loto aiiada amount to Still million to Stilt million year after paying off the prize winners and costs The bill stipulates that minimum of to per cent of the proceeds shall go to arts and culture programs lolm Roberts the secretary of state hose office will have the allocation of this money tc the arts plans to niwt the AT 71589IS PM THE ARMIES Based Screenplay by Davrd Shaber limited by Producer liaiili Marshall 2nd WEEK AT pm NOM irumvmendnl if ADUIT lNIIlIAINMlNI BENNETT Canadian onleience of the Arts and other organizations to discuss the criteria by which grants should be made NIIW PROGRAMS He says the money shouldnt be used to sustain existing in stitutions with their present programs That is the work of the anada Council which will continue to have its indcpcnv lent budget based on Parliamentary grants and its endowment fund What Roberts has in mind is to provide special financing for projects which will be com pleted in stated period of time There are for instance number of regional theatres which would like to establish permanent resident acting companies This means under taking an expansion of ac tiitics which could be costly for few years but be self siistaniing once certain level is achieved There may be merit in iiiak ing endowment grants to some companies such as in the costly field of opera and ballet to enable them to use interest ear nings to meet deficits NH IHIIJHNU loto funds might also be used for building new theatres or concert balls or expanding or ICllllpllltIXISIITlROTltS But lIl this case Roberts would like to see the loto funds Nov dont MOVIEW used only to match money rais ed locally It is likely that in the field of the performing arts the federal government will contiue to sup port professional companies lhat has been the orientation in the past leaving it to the pro vinces to support amateur theatrics Since the federal and provin cial governments agreed last October to divide the lottery field between them it is also likely that allocation of Loto Canada funds to the arts will be clearly marked as federal government enterprise The provinces wont have voice certainly not veto in where the money is spent FAMOUS PLAVIR CIA RilliA THEATRES ENEV IbWEST ST 33266331 TORONTO tCPi While suggesting that parental guidance be used in viewing one of the most dehumanizing dramas ever presented by the CBC production staff are urg ing parents and their teenage children to be in front of their television sets Feb 28 at 930 Filmed in Vancouver and Toronto Drying Up The Streets focuses on the drug and pro stitution subcultures that infect big city life The 90minute film is bound to leave viewers enraged and shaken by the horrors inflicted on street children and teenage runaways lured into crime by pimps drug pushers and hoodlums Vivid scenes inside some of the two cities sleaziest bars depict ISAyearold girls dancing in the nude stripping serving drinks to execonvicts with wandering hands and being drugged so that leering photographers can capture them in lewd poses for skin magazines Ralph Thomas executive Hold Over Youll never close your eyes again iBestiMovie of the Year Clyde Ciiirnoro TORONTO STAR IMPERIAL Robert ll Solo Production of lhilip Kaufman Film llltltill tiltlit XIV SIIIIUIIIIS Donald Sutherland Brooke Adams Leonard Nllllt RALPH BAKSHI HAS MASTERMINDED TRIUMPHAIIT VISUAUZATION OF ONE OF THE EPIC FANTASIES OF OUR LITERARY AGE mm shim WNIK IV Today Show WW HINDU ANAht IIN ANITA UNION zraignagrraa AiAll NI Ilklllllll th ltAl Ill IlAhvIIl II IMPERIAL marvel of stupendoustiImmaking the examlner Friday Feb 23 1979 producer of Drying Up The Streets said that the essential question this film asks is How can society tolerate the use of children as prostitutes strip pers drug addicts What kind of society can tolerate the exploitation of peo ple for sexual entertainment and not care about its effects Thomas got the idea for the film from seeing young strip pers in Vancouver bar He discovered they were 14 to 17 years old and were prostitutes supporting drug habit The film stars Don Francks as Brennan pharmacology professor turned addict and Len Cariou as Larry an RCMP officer who coerces him into helping the authorities break heroinimporting operation in return Larry promises Brennan police help in locating his lost daughter Ellen an ad dict and prostitute Jayne Eastwood plays Sheila an aging prostitute whose pimp Jim portrayed by Calvin Butler is determined to involve her threeyearold daughter in child pornography Jacques Hubert and Warren Davis also are in the film writ ten by BA Cameron British Columbia poet John Kennedy head of televi sion drama for the CBC said the production has been done with great care and is based on extensive research CAVAEI EMPTOR In the purchase of home or blith the rule stll LET THE BUYER BEWARE There are two ways to protect your investment Consult your lawyer BEFORE you sign an OFFER to PURCHASE Call CIR INSPECTION SERVICES You will see your lawyer in any case It makes sense to speak to him BEFORE you sign not after It also makes sense to BE CERTAIN that your purchase is not going to cost you $5000 more than you NECESSARY REPAIRS expected in UNFORESEEN BUT REMEMBER No deal is so great it wont wait another day Its BIG INVESTMENT PROTECT IT 47 CALL CIR INSPECTION SERVICES we offer some day service anywhere in Simcoe County Our inspectors are all professionals able to examine all aspects of building inside and out It could save you 1000s of dollars so call us at 7288363 or after hours Sat Sun collect at 705526 61 I3 ask for BILL DODDS IMPERIAL CINEMA CENTRE Ci 1283440 GOLDEN GLOBE AWARD WINNER Ellen Burstyn Best Comedy Actress They couldnt have celebrated happier anniversaries if they were married to each other The Minsr ti Corporation presents Ellen Burstyn Alan Alda IMPERIAL BACKSTAGE ameTImct Yext air III IIIIRSIVN and MA Kl IVA llI sxw IIVII IAIi Walter ersil lintcit Vliillrim lrorlw Iron 54 irvriiilm Iiv Ill ltNAltII slAltI Iindiu Ittlll the static ti MURIUN trill II II It Vitiin to Imdin ml tv AAI II It VllRlEvtH llltl Mitltltiv it it It II it Dun tlwwrsm in in muons iu iron trial adoti no ItvAliiSlAlil Hi7 lIMl IN MRITIIIRT 1tllllli Now it II II Ilrmk no vvi Rmmndod Adah Entertainment Wnhg Language my In OHOMIVI to Iomo people MATINEE SATURDAY 130 mass entertainment of movie extravaganza This one will outgross them all This enchanting film will sweep you away into world of unparalleled entertainmentf FiEX REED DAILY NEWS high class and energy major feat in filmmaking JACK KROLL NEWSWEEK ALEXANDER smmn gmms MARLON BRANOOGENE mum in RICHARD oouum FILM SUPERMAN CHRISTOPHER REEVE vNEO DEATHJACKIE COOPERGLENN FORllTREVOR HOWARD MARGOT KIDDER VALERIE PERRINE MARIA SCRELLTERENCE STAMP PHYLLIS TNAXTER SUSANNAH YORK STORVBV MARIO PUZO scnmmv av MARIO PllZO DAVID NEWMAN LESLIE NEWMAN AND ROBERT BENTON CRUTIVE CONSULTANT TOM MANKIEWICZDIRECTOR or PNDTOBRAPRV GEOFFREY UNSWORTN 880 nonunion omnnm JONN BARRYMUSIC nv JONN WILLIAMSEKECUTIV mmucm ILVA SALKINO PRODUCED av PIERRE SPENGLER DIRECTED av RICNARO DONNER PANAVISION TECNNICOLOR AN ALEXANDER AND ILVA SALKIND PRODUCTION nun umst Ionr wnnum minimuons muniv IMPERIAL