Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 23 Feb 1979, p. 22

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Mthooxamlnor Eddyl=ob231m sunday tv MORNING CORONATION pour iuniors Au Mont in KA DOT noon hijackings and the loss OI 553 Focus gREET wooov SainteAnne Quebec 90 22 0L GLOBAL tshree raiclear weapons nizzfilgh23fimfigfomm NEWSWEEK tars lenn Ford Erin 7Q 600 PLAYHOUSE CARTOON WOODPECKE 230 YESTERDAYS HEBDODIUANCHE 3338 wry tEgHTSBEAUX HILARIOUS HOUSE Am 630 CONSUMER UPSTAIRs DOWN Dmmcflas OF FRIGHTENSTEIN NORMA OVEIDVENTUI BUYLINE STAIRS Change at 101me Ea UNIVERSITV OF THE DAV Wing Ff LETS GO To THE Scene 99er 24 Hdioootl 62 Am DISCOVERY 1972 RACES son attending James tor MARKETPLACE CANADMN e2 GREEK SHOW ii MOVIE COMEDY NEWS weekends shooting at w5 AVALCADE LE JOUR DU Flutty 1965 NEW FACES baronial Newbury House Lou GRANT help 630 BLACK FORUM SEIGNEUR EVERYBODY pOLKA receives an enticing new less Md may in wheel CHRISTOPHER SOUNDS OF THE CHILDREN SPORTS GAMES iob OIIer but James chairis dumpedmacoumy CLOSE UP EAST ITALCINE pEopLE pLAy thanks to the spiteful hou omce because of bure IN VIEW 103300 ROBERT SCHULLER3°° CANADAN HERE COMES THE Seguess is manoeuwed aucratic wrangle and that ROCKET Roam KIDS ARE PEOPLE EXPRESS FUTURE into much more intimate 8mm smmora searing HOOD Too HEE HAW Guestsz7ooa BEACH temptation Tribune expose shoddy 700 PUBLIC poucy DAY OF Tennessee Ernie Ford COMBERS The Ongy LIVES Foster nursing home pracices FORUM DISCOVERY Stella Parton Greek Town Relicmcks Hewitt Now Just Watch Glues star Jack Guard Hum Fog TODAY 62 ONE OF KIND MOVIE DRAMA Nick an we mes Foster Hewitt speaks to 60 mm pnopesson C13 FLOWER SPOT Great American mg comes win gigan distinguished journalist LE TEMPS DES Tragady tic socaed Turk named Robert MacNeilinacandid Lenineele ROSSROADS PORTUGUESE MANY WORLDS OF Abdul conversation about hock Grand Divorce VEN MILLER SHOW CHILDHOOD 60 MINUTES ey then and now and MC GOWAN AND 730 CROSSRODS 1100 REX HUMBARD PEOPLES CHURCH BATTLESTAR about his colorIuI broad Dummy ORECTONS MEETING PLRCE 330 INTERNATIONAL GALACTICA When Apono casting career 601030 GE CROSS COUNTRV PEOPLES CHURCH CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING and Starbuck capture mins OMBUDSMAN SKI SCHOOL MGM HOTTESTSHOW primitive cryogenic Me 79 SHULMAN FILE 03 w5 CAMERA 0N ONANNOUNCED ON EARTH Usmg lighth boaL the young warriom 830 ALICE Aliceis ecstatic ALICE CANADA 13 CHURCH SERVICE earted animation DaVId realize that potemiai link when she auditions for and TELEJOURNAL CIRCLE SQUARE To GRATTANS sunk Wams abm me to Earth rests in the su lands I°b Singing In LAUREL AND HISEY HOUSE OF WAR Ws our energy spended animation OI its eightclub HARDY LA SEMAINE LAS sources He demonstrates sen era hrs LES BEAUX SONG as 1045 SPORT DIMANCHE CHINESE snow SEMBLEE NATIONALE how homeowner can BIG EVENT MOVIE DIMANCHES Tout RI80111000 CBC News 800 DAY OF11230 FACE THE NATION save money and energy by ThesoundOMuscv1955 Film danimation de NEWS DISCOVERY ANIMALS ANIMALS usmg proper Insulation Stars June Andrews Frederic Back illustrant la CTV NEWS CONCERNS ANIMALS CNEpOP Les 09 Christopher Plummer aissance des COUeUS 50s pRET BMOVE COMEDYPu 12 FLOWER SPOT nieres Neiges du prin SMITH AND SMITH des tormes de la vie MONEY TALKS Souths Yankee GRANDES temps i970 Akim Fehmiu WHAT WILL THEY a4o LES BEAUX POLmOUE PROVN 1948 RELIGIOns Renato Cestie DIMANCHES Lotonomie THINK OF NEXT SUNDAY SURpmSE VOZ DA PROFECIA 400 12 CANADIAN CHEZ DENISE Les Dramatique de Jean SéALE EN ONTagmHME UNCLE BOBBY 545 FESTIVAL SUPERSTARS Italiens Denise ottre lho Pe9 Planle une lemme COUNTRY FATHER MEEHAN ITALIANO Weightlifting and soccer spltame la soeur d9 gagne une somme ronn1o CINEMAGAZNE THIRD STORV AFTERNOON skills get the attention In Fedenco pom une nu delette la lOterie Sonnnsa NATIONS JIMMY SWAGGART Emmiéon Week SUN mais cest Six personnes mar 89 comPorie comme BusmEss COMMUNIOUER THE WORLD 535 Competlon Tom dune meme IamIlIe QUI eta ll Que Chancengoo 53 NEWS MIDDLE EAST MOVIE COMEDY MM and Erme Aagans sannouncent avast iavorise se Iivre1122 News REVUE You Cant Cheat cover the echo 60730 121 SCIENCE IoYeusemenladesproiels113o MARCUS WELBY 8300 JIMMY SWAGGART an Hon Manv 939 mins MAGAZINE Tonights QUI Daraissem tout mO BY THE PEOPLE MUSIC TO SEE GLEN CAMPBELL show looks at multi aluels Ih MOVIE COMEDY COMMANDER TOM MOVIE COMEDY L05 ANGELES OPEN mirror telescope how tish 9100 13 FOR THE Famefs SHOW The Love God 1969 Fa0Ud Way talk to each other new RECORD Donl FOIQBI Daughter 1947 TREEHOUSE CLUB ALBUM 11v PGA Tour golt tournament sources or enemy mclud Je Me SOUVIenS An GOOD NEWS ORAL ROBERTS ITALIAN pANORAMA with Vin Sculty Ben mg the wmd me sun me EngliShCanadian man and LA MANGEAILLE 12 THE CHURCH CONTINUES Wright Jack Whitakerand des and hydmgen pom FrenchCanadian IN pmVArE LIFE 13 CROSSROADS 12 REX HUMBARD Ken Venturi providing the prams Hghgm or the woman happily livmg in CAMERA AND POLKA DOT DOOR 13 TALENT Commentary from Riwera show rue economy Montreal must lace the SONG OUEENSWAY SHOWCASE Country Club PaCIIic Palr ntesi promems bough IO bea111406 MOVIE ORAMA CATHEDRAL pAYS ET pEUpLES sades Calil hrs COMEDY SHOP ontheirmarriage when the Waterlooaridgen PASSEPARTOUT LA SEMAmE RED IfrISHéERTSgavEV PEOPLE AND PETS Iustband his olteretd Ian 1940 79 MACEDONIAN TINY AL Travelling as IC io opporuniy In GAZINE RpTgRTUGUESE FiNoE OUTREACH ONTARIO PROVINCIAL Toronto Starring Len Car11508 OUESISIOILEEQOEIL 9009 OLD TIME GOSPEL SEMANA Our Native Heritage LOTTERY ICU and Loutse Marleau ONTARIO HOUR 12300 HERALD 0F TRUTH Ul LES BEAUX 50 mm 1155 83 SUNDAY MORNING MONEYMAGAZINE 430 IN PRIVATE LIFE DIMANCHES Faul VOIr ca CELEBRITY CHAL DHIER DEMAIN La Mahe ertDc FLOWER SPOT News WIDE WORLD OF Monique Leyrac lnv LENGE OF THE SEXES an reams pa 520 IT IS WRITTEN EN 55 RACONTANT SPORTS Viola Leger chante un TwentySix teIeVISIon and Coward La longue WHATS NEW LHISTOIRE DICI La UNTAMED WORLD elra dlopea Nam move Stars take pa marchepacitiqueatravers 13 DAY OF Guerre de 19t451918 Galapagos The Lfmomagne rawmeur me hghsprted head le Sahara quentrepren DISCOVERY 1245 AGRTCULTURE development ol Charles accompagneal harmonr tohead SpOrtS competi aem le 16 octobre 97s JEREMV REP RT Darwms evolutionary ica Andree Lachapelle tion Celebrity contestants 350 000 hommes sous Ia WICKIE 1009 izi PEOPLE TALK process Is revealed chante Ies Mlmes elecr InCIUde Valerie Berlinellrt direction dHassan II GET TOGETHER ING BACK through an extensrve ViSit triques Lou Ferrigno Suzanne EARBAPAPA do REx HUMBARD HISPANOVISION JIMMY SWAGGART SESAME STREET Er SEARCH THE OUIET 915 925 930 ITALIAN COOKING ADVENTURES IN RAINBOW COUNTRY 13 MOVIE COMEDYDRAMA Bye Bye Braverman to the Galapagos Islands 800 which proves to be microcosm OI the evolu tionary process at all creatures WILD KINGDOM 12 SUPER SPECIAL Love and Mr Smith Starring Singer Grant Smith and cast ol Sixtysnt beautiful girls headed by Barbara Law SomersDan Haggerty and Sammy DaVIs Jr hrs ROOTS THE NEXT GENERATIONS ln Alex Haley has retired Irom the Coast Guard and Cette marche voulait Sig nilier aux Espagnols que ce desert ne Ieur ap tenait pas 80 ar $012003 MEDICAL CENTER MOVIEADVENTURE East of Borned Home 1968 13 QUESTION PERIOD this speCIal traces In is pursuing his career as 1931 GRISU LE PETIT MUSIQUE KIDSWORLD words and musrc the un Ireelance writer Haley 13 MIKE DOUGLAS DRAGON WNIATURE 500 SHOW BIZ tolding romance OI Grant becomes one or the lead MOVIE DRAMA 79 JEWISH SHow 130 THUMB TAX CBC NEWS AND THIS and Barbara the love oi ing interwew leumalisls in The Little Foxes 25 NE FLEUR WA WEEK IN PARLIAMENT his Me 60 mins the country wnh list oi DIT ngyoMUNBLsENGWITH FLIM FLAM ALL IN THE FAMILY sublects that Includes 841 INTERNATIONAL 1000 PEOPLES CHURCH TRACY LAWRENCE WELK Edith is blamed for neg American Nan leader CINEMA MOVIE SHOW ligence when She IS the George Rockwell Starsr122109 DAVID SUSSKIND ROMATlcDRAMAtoIu 12 JANE GODALL last person at the Sun James Earl Jones Marlon How Do usne Lives 1973 SPECIAL Baboons ot shine Home to be With Brando Concluswn 212220 MOVIE ALL You NEED ls Qombe lonely old lady who wanIS hrs DOCUMENTARV or LOVE Le Ragnme Mac 13 UNTAMED WORLD to die IE THE WAY WE ARE In Search Noahvs Sco Jophn Jimmy Galapagos The EVENING IN BYZAN Sunday Scotch Whiskey Ark 1976 Dwante development OI Charles TIUM Part Two Terrorists and Sex 130 SUNDAY SURPRISE AUX FRONTIERES DU Darwins evolutionary take over mOVIe screen SCARED STRAIGHT 145 ABC NEWS Cl CONNU LEmologle Der process IS revealed tng event andthe producer Documentary about pll 220 100 HUNTLEY TQRONTO WP WWW mere Episode Les through an extenswe ViSIt has it to recent airplane son program deSIgned to STREET International dancch teachers Mgmons Ohm Galapagots Lands and choreographers say they GREECEMEMORES zéfocoggvasmg evil are concerned about the ottert Nona recess or 145 NBA BASKETBALL unions are having on the ballet Beryl Grey of thc London Festival BaIIct said that unions in Europe have made it almost Impossible to fire danccr She spoke at dance and edu cation conferencc that was part of the National Ballet Schools 20th anniversary celebrations Bad influences in company Should be eliminated quickly She said Tuesday becausc it is 200 Washington Bullets vs Seattle Supersonics or Chicago Bulls vs Kansas City Kings Region wrll determine game to be televtsed In your area FARM INSIGHT OPERA TIME The Violins ol SaintJacques5530a MUPPETS SHOW This work by Australian born composer Malcolm Williamson conststs OI creatures VISION ON BUGS BUNNY AND ROAD RUNNER SECOND REGARD MOVIE COMEDY My Favorite Brunette 1947 JOYCE DAVIDSON SHOW 13 OPEN ROADS EVERY DAY LOW PRICES Ifl FILM DEVELOPING leave your films here for developing and printing md SAVE unfair for danccr with poor Wee acs we scenes BIG BLUE MARBLE I2 20 24 attitude to keep othch out and prologue The met uPosuIt rxposuiu unsung Sir rcdcricklAshton 73 for Is om the novel by EVENING COLOUR FILM COLOUR FILM COLOUR fILM Incr artistic dlttCIol ORBrib paulck LeIQhFGmm and DEVELOPED DEVELOPEDAND PRINTED DEVELOPIDANDPRINTLD ains Royal Ballctt said It IS Imr Inspued by me 1902 érupV FUL WORLD OF DISNEY AND PRINTED pOSSIbIc to be fair In the thczitrc on volcano Mam How The way was Los and thc Important thing IS to Ique which desnoyed the An ammated comedy uscthc most talented people my samrperm and whlch The Oldnmerl Jufl mu Just inn Just In cost the lives OI some pioneer relative ol Don hum In In 30000 people hrs THE SUPERSTARS MICKEY MOUSE 100 12 FAMILY FINDER ald Duck tells how modern ClVIIIZaIlOn has Spoiled the old West Fl 60 mins PLUS NEW ROLL OR REPLACEMENT FILM FREEI MN EVERY NIGN CHARGE DREAM OF 13 NEWS 5676 BAYFIELD ST DOWNTOWN BARRIE bbxmz Wh mm JEANNIE AMAZING WORLD 01 Hilarioi MIIICOOIIMIPIO Arom mi obligatory VI1IIl for an 700 CLUB KRESKIN nunA animal or fictitious charattci LIUNWERS DES WILD ANIMALS OFi mi often is used to register SPORTS Championnat du THE WORLD Australianl monde de ski Nordique Marsupials Ilse cards in Woolworth Stores Aorois Canada protest vote

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