Peter Nosh once member of the Wailers who split up in i974 is making it on his ownand now hes setting isnt political singer but he does for messages to and for people up his own record company Tosh says he admit that his music functions as vehicle Bacall writes with honesty Lauren Bacalls new autobiography Is departure from the usual pablum of Hol lywood biographies the actress writes about her early career and her marriages to Humphrey Bogart and Jason Ro bards with unusual honesty and candor Alex Barris reviews the book on page of Panorama British pop resurrected new British band named Horslips may just be the best thing to come out of the English music scene since Elvis Costello The band plays rock and roll thats bright and melodic without being slick or simpleminded The name of the first Horslips album is The Man Who Built America For review of the record see page TV highlights Tonight at ABC broad casts the slxth episode of Roots The Next Generation The final episode of the Roots se quel will be shown Sun day at pm Saturday at pm on CTV Julie Andrews and Chris topher Plummer star in The Sound of Music the 1965 film based on the musical by Rodgers and Hammerstein Sunday at pm on CBC Len Cariou stars in Dont Forget Je Me Souviens the second program in the For The Record drama series