Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 23 Feb 1979, p. 16

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ELEGROLUX Canada Ltd authorized Sales and Service Free Home Demonstra tiarl IBAlllance Blvd Unit 19 7283392 DRIVEWAYS PATIOS SIDEWALKS ETC ALSO ALL HANDYMAN AND REPAIR WORK CALL PODEWILS 7269559 Sit DRAPERY BUDGET DRAPERY free shopaIhome service Quality drapery and much more priced to suit your budget LET THE STORE CWE TO YOUR DOOR 72371737 DRESSES FIT it made by JOSIE AOUINO Specialising in pantsuits gowns and altera tions 42 En nIa St Phone 7266011 DRESSMAKING ANDTALIERAIIONS 75 Austin Lane Letitia Heights Telephone 7268167 16 MIXED SEASONED HARDWOOD SOOper lace Card delivered Please call 7265724 FIREWOOD seasoned maple and ash Delivered Frank Hirschleld 7289357 100 DRY MAPLE SEASONED YEARS 16 FACE CORD $30 FREE DELIVERY 4872II3 MD HAIDWDOD set fer stove or tees er led sets Free Hun 7265701 FIREPLACES VIC WATSON Fireplaces and masonry For lreeestlmates phonejnISW WA gt CUSTOM BUILT and designed Specialising in natural stone and antique brick using belllires Warkmanshlp guaranteed Peter Henstra 7372871 BRIG AND STONE Fireplace Specialists winter prices 25 years experience Telephone 7288010 or 7283320 GEKRAL REPAIRS renovations rubbish WNeed help Just look over the ads below The ad vertiserslisted are experts in their at thefinest iob possible 7282414 mzmtz FIREWOOD mm STAN KNICELY MASONRY Brlck block and stone work chimney re alr Fireplaces specialty Fr timate INN5158 PICTURE FRAMING OATES 82 Dunlop St East Cusloir framing of all types We stock many sixes Phane7268270 PLMTER REPAIR fancy moulds artistic reli lngs decorative walls apply on plaster or drywall KOBRA Fre estimates VELLINGA PAINTING and decorating In terior exterior Work uaranteed Es tablished 30 years 726222 72723909 PAULS PAINTING Paper hanging Murals Interior and exterior Free estimates Low rates Fast service Satisfaction guaranteed 7371295 field and will assure you EL SNOW BLOWING mi FORSTL SNOWBLOWING Driveways parking lots sidewalks etc Reasonable rates Phone 7285791 Barrle sTEOUD nos days weekly Reasonable rates Residential commercial private lanes HORNES SNOWBLOWING 4361216 PAULS SNOWPLOWING Three trucks for ornpt dependable service at competitive rates Call Paul 7373064 WitH SNOWPLOWING Residential and small commercial Reasonable rates Fast dependable service Call Lorry 7264599 BILL ALLAN SNOWPLOWING Reasonable rates Radio dispatched 24 hour service Telephone 7372892 00005 SNOWPLOWINCImeaII 536 clal and residential Reasonable rates 7288460 IONYS SNOWPLOWING manor 24 hour service Radio dispatched Residen tial and com Call 72652 REICNEN SNOVVPLOTNINGand Snowblow In Reasonable rates Contracts seasonal or cleanupCall 7265666 COMMERCIAL and RESIDENTALAsnOw plow tng Driveways widened Piles blown or hauled away Call Whiskers 726795 Wis SNOWPLOWINT 152 curdb Residential Reasonable rates Telephone 7261728 SNVOWPLOWING 11h hbm FARM FORPROFIT SHOP BARRIE NEWEST COMPLETE ANGUS Ross SIMCOE DISTRICT Registered Music Teacher Teacher of Piano and Theory COOP Instruction in Plano Pl€P°0d for onservot 7266531 reattlres an experienced wholesale Mm ch YExamnoflonwy HE Latin and other All GRADES ALL AGES 57l WITH THE FOLLOWING QUALIFICATIONS th blm 5CPP° 729353 Knowledge of all make Iobber lines 9l Ros $t Barrie 728577 Experienced with vislrecord Inventory system 85 Iso AT THE SUCCESSFUL APPLICANT WILL FIND an mlI BRmrs FARMERS MARK Above average Income potential 1LOOCh0lPOTPIIOnO Smiling 5011 ROCA MULCASTER STREET Company paId fringe benefit program eon pip paperR or Tm in Bankupcy mu Exce ent working conditions °Y° 49 com 53 some hoo pm Please apply in confidence to C°m°rV°l°rY OI Mulc 7284949 MR RUSS McMASTER Parts Manager Jorontio 50 gra esan coonflvow EA MARK Studio 27 Bradford St Will co Oienered Accountants suiiost 95 TUESDAY 59 Wu Sales Limited 7284 24 Dun Em Barrie Ontario APPLES Apply Koale and Son Con 5355 53513 8489 or mm No 379 Bayfield at Cundles Barrie Phone 7372310 All grades of Telephone 72874 APPLES guzccql savvyism Royal Conservatory Toronto 65$ confzainers ZANcILLpX The Home of Service Excellence in Barrie F26 STUDIO FRUIT MARKET l7 Clappertort St 25 w°nky5mulm Barrio éaflpersonah PHONE 737353 Evelyn Lhtdsey ATCM DeemM1ARCT PHONE 72824l4 Ask for free home demonstration today ELECTROLUX 7283392 COUNTER SALESPERSON Salesperson for Electrical and Mechanical Wholesale Retail Counter The successful applicant will have several years related experience Excellent company benefits including medical 71bit edited Tudor Bakery New full instore Bakery ORILLIA MIRACLE FOOD MART BAKERY MANAGER We are seeking highly competent Manager for our new in Iteb wanted HOUSE PLANT CARE AVAILABLE Reliable insured person with references JIM DRIVER 1234193 AFTER Ltd MWFF26 For interview please call WALLWIN ELECTRIC SERVICES LTD 50 lnnisfil St Barrie 7261 859 hours diailv store bakery opening soon in the new Miracle Food Man In Olfigsgllmms 52341212122 mliiillnéllllnégdriggfili F0 SIESUNG PROFESSOhNLTANTTG 2mm °° N° I°b °° C° Orillia The selected candidate will be fully experienced and nteri exterior pa er anglng us or Napbtaa steel workfsatisilactiaknguaglnwteedrf61 DRIVEWAYS CLEANED and widened by front cum wackond knowlegeable In all phases of an Instore bakery operation mmcoflls OMHMpROVEMENIS 3gci7325355r09 driveway sio Call proven managerial and Interpersonal skills are essential RUBBER STAMPS BUSH TRAILS $20 per hour Excellent starting salary up to $83854 weekly plus overtime White orcanrcoplsrpepOr RRCONSTRUCTIONHousoraigtngJoun DRIVEWAYS ONLY SNOWPLOWING 24 reqehse In dations renovations additions Phone hour service Reasonable roles Call TELEPHONETRDSOO WTIGTI applicable wmntmwmm 433235593931 RUBBER STAMPS 9m PaMWKWJTMI MwiM7 FDRTHERN CARPENTRY Specializing in In Milo om roamspanellinLfinthorkJnm FASTSERVICE RIDING INSIRIJL ION Indoor il7trtit tmemIletc CTkpEfigrjuug Efpfilgpégu muswunsuu tlursrs Imdrduil inrrii livv iiimum There are openings for qualified Bakers knowledgeable In vm°i°mc°d°dltk b°mr°°m GENERAL mom 60 bench work and all hoses of on instore bake Ex all T°° TglPhOf 7261l77l iii Cnrrl TtilllilTQ ntitt psyr tiiv on WDUPLICATING SERVICES PP BAVFIELD ST BARRIE ONT IQ 7260955 An SUPERIOR EAVESTROUGHING SPECIALISTS roofing and roofing repairs Sheet metal work Martin Verstraten New Lowell 424I956 Steviart Electronics Repairs to TELEVISION STEREO RADIO Other Electronic Equipment 74 PEEL ST 724457 TF FIBREGLASS REPAIRS FIBREGLASS REPAIRS boats snowmobiles anything fiberglass Free estimates Low winter rates Warkmanship guaranteed SPECIAL estimates all HIIIIIItsllllIlltulltullllltllIllltlllllIIIlIlllllllsllurIiir 40ertIcIes for sale SOLIDPINE FURNITURE Custom made Finished in light or dark stain Specialiling in coffee end tables Tressel table 36x60 $250 Cal 7371039 MWFF28 PETE SURPLUS SALES Just open In Old Bargain Bastmeat in OTillId arross trorn Noolworths by parking IOT ltlfl Bauer skates sin lrflilll hitchvs SIG stereos $50 lrarli tapes SI leisurr sorts SIS watt car strrro sprinters SIS large assortment of macrnmr hangers tints to SI uStrf adding mnchrnt S25 and much much more Wholesale 71QUIVICGIHVIILLI77A 5738 MOFFAT BUILD IN ovin Brand nrw newr usrd $3571 or hrsl oIIrrr TEIfDFIOn 757 l567 STEREO SYSTEM PI SIB Vionrrr Stroblz dirtt rtrivr turntahlr Ironwood nrriplntinr 7d wntt two Kanoorl may sprainrs 90 watt prr Silli S750 DOGI ot lrr 776 7397 altir IR CURNFY rTOf Nith WriVTTlInQ oven good condition S40 TFILfDTTTHI 778 6381 WUWL TIFF ORGAN thirh rrioriiI two 61 now marmala 31 radiating AGO pedal DOIIVl $900 Twitphoni 737 2876 RICVFNBAUKEP Baas intiir fdSl rind Frnacr Bassman III amplitirr Will Slll unparatriy 737 007 COFFEE AND Ni Irilll olnIL top phd walnut hav ltirrI month old Trtipltonr 726 7866 AliIVAN i1 Ilii It JIHONIC runIvor 10 with mm TA YA turntntilr linilimi powrr sninVIrl TiIiptioiii 776 075 FREEZERS Pin socint ordIr tor Woorla titst or upright now and Miri ndvantnoi of iowur priring nll or yint Sinirni Co Op 78 Innistil Strrait 776 651 Automatic Washers Small quantity nl lnulis lIII Iuloiiintir washers tell at I0 plf rent all Call or VISIT SImcor Co Op 759 tnnislil StriiI 726 653i AM FM RECE IVEV l5 Watts and ti trarli BER turntablm good shape $50 Hy Gain CB plus airinl lIkr nrw SIO iiltrr 7793 BLACK PE RSIAN LlMli Cont Silt to to 18 good condition $50 Birrirnoo till Tiliplt0n 716 I5I9 Two More CHESTE RFIEI SUT IF goldgroan pattIrn in XUIllltl rondi tron askinri S700 Two living room LAMPS glass archer hush S50 pair irlirphoni 718 6736 ACCORDIAN Vivorin I70 bass TTIIITIIUTTI moorl rnrirtr In Italy rm and wtiiii prnrl new $550 srvllinu $275 CLARINE Mrirernr Piiri top moorI ibony wood 05 $570 5an $735 All Ill rxuIIirit rendition Telephomlfla 517 PIANO for min apnrtrnInt Slll lTlfltll lirtan imrrimulatr ronrlition SL750 firm litnth IfIllUdlfU Tollphoni Ilfifidll SNOW SLOWF good condition bedroom soitie and many other articles of furniture clothes and books All in good LorIdItion telephone 778 soil $29900 reuphoisters Chesterfield and chair Labour and Fabric Included up to Is yalds yr guarantee on workmanship For free inhome 7265721 STONES UPHOLSTERY uteriimmmemiminimiiiiiimmiiummm ACTON BOOKKEEPING TAX Personal and holiness tenants aim to pm 77265218 INCOME TAX RETURNS from your home personal it small busmess pickup E2 prompt return govt forms rebates reasonalbe rates it SMITH 4364828 except 1130 230 MWFF9 GUITAR LESSONS Classical and Popular WCOIPONIDVGUILOI StudIo 7261489 ACCORDION guitar piano organ begIn ner and advanced Two months trial instru ment loaned for home proclIce CanadIan Academy of Music 121 Dayfield 7284799 GUITAR LESSON ClassIcal popular and rods For further Information call Gary 7799999 RR Na SHANTY BAY ONT LDL 2L0 PHONE 13035 SIMEEIE IGN and Display out any Limited MANUFACTURERS OF PLEXIGLAS SIGNS OSTUREFRONT PLYLON SIGNS OILLUMINATEDNON ILLUMINATED ocur our LETTERS LOGOS DESIGNED AND INSTALLED TO YOUR COMPLETE SATISFACTION I40 VESPRA STREET UNIT 7374453 MWFTF 41 articles wanted roof cleared of ice snow chimneys eaves cleaned small moving jobs rubbish handyman repair work LOCAL 4873141 ICE removal from roots driveways Experienced roofers Reasonable prices 728495 after Rob or Frank ROG TOP SNOW REMOVAL prompt and experienced Reasonable rates Call 7262498 anytime SNOW REMOVAL on roofs and driveways Experienced and efficient workers Low rates 726 Wand 7260975 YOUNG MAN will remove snow lrom tools Prompt service Reasonable rates Call 7287558 mm REYNOLDS TV SERVICE Repairs to clot blonds and white TV stereos etc All make and models 424 6I8l CUSTOM UPNOLSIERY Reasonable rates Workmaiiship guaranteed Free estimates Coll LORNE 728 5435 57 livestock for sale to 10 disv serVIce mihummumautumn MWFTF 40 articles for sale COMPONENT PACKAGE For lust $399 you can own this new JVC stereo component system This package includes JVC receiver JVC turntable and pair of AS speakers or pay iust S3 75 weekly on our rentto own plan Phone tonight delivery tonight KRAIY KELLYS BARRIE PLAIA 73711 TF PCL CHTSTEPFILII IIIII brown unir1 ortIy ttirri niontti 355 Ouron sill box Sprint and TYtIIll now $100 TrIipnrmi i1 27in DRYER Now ITlmlvyll IJililt molt proqram rUlUlnrllN rtryir II only $749 99 or no momy riown littii it SM 25 per month NEW AND Ull FURNITIHJE ANT APII IANCI IIII Dunlap lttrrwt HPJ IlI Ntl oi thi liar rir Arrhat 474 lowo Moririaysi LIVING ROOM SUI TE titw or gold Chair swrvIl rorkir inrt ottoman rol OIS to choosr from orin WW 91 or no morw lawn llllll SISII Dlr monlti NEW ANT Jif IIHlillllVf AND APPLIANCE 21 lllfil0p ttrtIvl WWII Iin it lorrIIIr IJnr littllllIl rIItlltI Narrhoumw III1774 Iomi Mon ridSi DIMWAMI unir Wistiiiiitiniii notomnlir utritlint ronrlitiori oiin $169 or no lTIUTiIy down Illlll I3 57 15 per month NE ANT UIL U74 NlllJRf AND AIILIANCEI 70 Dimlori itrmt Wool Iiut what of Tlit iidr riiArimni 7174774 IIosIr1Viorirfnym MAT TRI brand IIIW 51 inrti $1990 Wiiilt tttiy lust DiIIvrry rrlrn NEW AND IJuf fllIJtillUlJf INI AffL lATleV 7U lmrtliiri rJTTTIT Wit llTI ttii loririir Illililitlllll fllllltl Wantioiisri 71 4111 Irltl Nlrm ridSI FOUR lilJRNI ii 14 In Wllll iii rItIrii toot roriiition RtiiSoriiitilt iiIiptmiii HO lil ELI ilJll Iilifik lllrlfk Infl itilrl ttotinrr rnrrintiI All Iyntt itriplitIir Hill 30 supnrnlily lll ottrr IIIII YAMAHA Dllli INDURO ixitlliiit onuitiririliootiriri Ilii 7304 AKAI HTTL to rlwl liipt Ill1k WIIll nlitoiriiitir rawrun ixrlint rontlition SHi lllllillnnl days 776 IIIIIIJ 0r lVtTI iriq IrIIl wuikInrl R7 illY Il AND AND wall tuturiq strrI ginIv inq oilii iquiptiIInl lllllTItFlUi llIIlrl lixlurrs iiumniu Hours lTl Iritw Book Shop SiMIiIIiI UI Illlrl 41 boats and motors Sailing Supplies Popiu harrlwnrin riririinti lririiili Marint Ill Aiti Wll riortti Tllllrl 315 lllI II LxriIltnt lsllTllIlillI Usvrl tour Surrtrtiir Rnli init TIIISI lQIIIDUItI Many rrtrii our irllln rnr IIIiIinti iKJIIT Mrirr I5 ASPIqu SIIIJIIII till Illillll rlnys Ill HAIivrriinti Airarticles wanted CANADIAN Sll VI COINS btlliri I967 Amirurnn tIlori 1914 No Ulllt lion too Iargi or small tirinrimn stamps lllll writrtws postirirria iIwrIIrr IIr Ihhl rvvnings 16 ilnl CASH lOR olrl liiriiiluri tmokn liillt old pi turIs clor lillli1illlllltl llI I950 items I7R RIM CASH toil 0L rrorks lurniturir pit tuns glass IIIITIrI tools or what er0 you Telephone187 LOIvv vN it EIni xrtriir titiiilnc it ryvti errQl ltrIlVItlN itlrtino WITII min lr 73 IM IVHHITI Im SIM 44 dogs and pets if9+ POOL ranion Htiiivripooirio mri iltt1 at all Drvtrl JDITIT rshout int tIsI FOOD Tie IMAiNiL Dflrlrfnlitldl ornorviino iII llrttVIS put Lit rtltfl in uyiry HAHNIi lit yTlJIlII TROPICAL Iitt iiiSI Stlirtirirt in town IIIIIIiruiiill tltr1UllTfitilelll or rII tltTTllTU rlrU wllktTltl 10 lllllfslivstlrt latirdtiiitilunrt 716 Iilwt JtiV IIJOIDII IAlrtf awnii Ilippiriq mitt grooming onutxv rub whom11an AANTI lil UUV twina RiII ltiiiiii ti Ut Iiiiii ivuat mostly IIIIITI rltiltl timrrtt TITVlillt llilHrIlIllt rir Toy Tirrirr iroiivt tyi iili iiIrl itrnv tiiiyr to UV litlleirl yyiiti 31 lli irmniw Iin iti mu IMF iiflei Elil pilrtllrtll my piipvr III twili Two lilylik iiitl on lillnllt Slimurn iiIIriiioriiv 71H iRIn IIlly wronn 54 service and repair Tl WKION FlfiIV IlIirIiir III utrrrw Ilr Quits llTitIlanitvIVJIlClrl As withw ili trIli riirtiii II flarin Tilll ITiNfVl fillZlVUNH 775i ytSl 57ivestock for sale NANTI It Al or rripiiIiri tnriri Iinirtinlu tor irii VIITIIIJvIl Call yiTtTITTIl iriiIirt 70m 17 tyzli irrII lam yr linu HOVUI Niillll Mao solo or trnrinil iIi ilm liiir Tlr piiiri Tllllllltilli iia 54 service and repairs health the ice banks MASTER VACUUM SALES and SERVICE 16 MULCASTER ST Sellng Latest Models In HOOVER ROYAL EUREKA Bags and Accessories for Most Makes and Models COMPLETE REPAIR SERVICE 7267102 LEAKS WELL FIX THEM This time of the year the dry snow will become five times as heavy when wet Why jeopardize your roof structure or your Call us Well shovel Off your entire roof or part of it and cut relief channels through FREE ESTIMATES ON REQUEST TELEPHONE Kimar Roofing Eavestroughing Cookstown 4589013 Mimi Si fijIity llrl tinii IiiN tiIIy Titilllt Hyii iili It rt lIllrlIlI lilitt Ltiiutrli rini ttty IUTrI innmt on Is vi it mum nit rw nut tln 718 RH at VIIIIIIIIQI new ia it TIIlTTtt1I4TIIT Illrtly tt ftITV iviii riot aw primn IIIIII ltlIIITIIlr UA Slim 59 poultrychicks iini1IPlfDYltilrlyiLIlIvl latiti TTIil tllLl LJyITIt now tor Ill rm Huntm Wriijltry im Iln Mil iltl ililti IUWI Apprix ltilit lllv SI II II fiyitililitli lllTIl NM II rain Hittilll Imuiir irm til Iiilt Lilli ll ANT Ill vl Iwi writ Livll iiiip twat ritim lrir Hi Im tum Inti Itllt IIIIi iirLii Unam lii mt lti rilli 60 Iiirrdsecdqinin HAY fiill BALI tiril III tiiit iiti LIMII tmliv tiIiptmrii llJI IIgtii litll Nikif II Si lt IIIT lirtli HIin tililvlIr Whom717 ItIll LSIIII iii mi mm tin Tlliiilvlll 71 Mai HIY If Iiiiiiiiin ivriiIr triwi Tiliriiviiiii UR iii HAY llftll llltfltll AILIIM itllil lrviumr lrIiflTTITTIlt Aln IltVy Iitlllt grimw SIIS lIliritiiittr 72H ifilli HA rmti lJllii itm iiiii llilli It Straw iiliriiiiiIil IMI EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 7282414 54 Eervice landirepairs FI92I23H F27 salary range up to $29754 weekly plus night shift premium and overtime when applicable CAKE DECORATOR qualified Cake Decorator with at least one years experience is required Excellent salary range to $28054 weekly ALL POSITIONS are based on 38hour 5day week with complete range of company paid benefits IMPROVE YOUR FUTURE PROSPECTS lrioni IOIHIullItItI Ill Liliitllttttlti 7i III1 tor JD to perform data entry functions on keytodisk equipment and to control input to the Data Processing Department One year of Data Entry experience is required as well as general office experience Please contact Bantty 7372210 ext 43 for further details If Mar Wity TtIIlil your Lrlillili Iloiii Lot Iftttltl titIr iill TiIirnii 7M 7Viiytniir IACIit AN IIODY tinr DIOllltttl luitIIIwti mrrnnnrnity Mimi TIITIsllt Ililliltll ltlft mtsultntmn LyIlii tinvi Liiiik lll7itltllisl 717 Linl ltILTtt ONIIvIII INF IJMATION 56 Mary StIiit miii Monday and Tutgrin 3le iii tlltl lltlilstlity III It iii 71 41 71 lilklf xt 3M HUWLI lrI WAN 1F iiiiiII tIIi Iiimyl F23 itiu Siitaillt WlTll ul iiiill ltiillljt at kliIvKIVIlW litiwi Ipinimi IIII Itytlllillfli mm Ivliltliti umpii Aim tyilISigtI illiill VIII rlizi mm It rNorivwnr UH WI 17 Peter Street ORILLIA you vivni iiiii yttil Iwm It you Willtl TULIII tIiitrIIIrs all tiny lt Telephone 3267336 LllefJll ll AXIIOUI AllillilN ltiili Ilri iIIIrtitittvt iii 7M wax in Fz Tl IlIli swim lit tmivs in inn1 ti iliimmwv iIm an to LilJiin iimrtn illIIl LIIVIilllIt fun Tumult trivi fwny Iltvtit SIH Vtiiiiiv It Ail lllEIEIE illl lift INI Jilh Jtmt 11 Iw Iriii irii rmqu llilitllI my in my vrt Itlriillilltl on ttHIII71IIW Hi ri AfI Won requlres illrllitlltt4l IIIH lri Willi twat 0mm 55 on Sales eo ie HIlvti lIKIIVN ii vlt in rim IIit mm 11 aium mi 00 ritrisIIiIICIrsLssvuiossLosiicorrourioti NIII Hut DmIi Our Dunlopand Owen branch has an openingfor the position of IIitlTll IUIIII Lill fill lliiitt lIvtiiitlliii tIvIrtt 73H 47 Iiir ri ll nitIii lllliiIJINt To you in mi Home Improvement llllithl IviIl lttlL NITTI TIIllI yyiii tiIv Previous banking or trust company experience would be an iiiynrw Huiiti IIIIIIIHHI Miltp iwmi ll now 1li um asset IHIvl III nl iillJN tinDWI ForaninterviewcallDNEWBERYat7269311 ywr mm liiiltil iiii iKI llllltliiillt ltlhl F24 These are fulltime positions offering comprehensive company benefits including profit sharing INDUSTRIAL ELECTRICIAN Immediate opening Ontario certificate required three to five years industrial experience Apply to FOX PILLSBURY CANADA LIMITED Taylor Drive MIDLAND Ont 5262241 ARE YOU DISABLED SUCH EPILEPSY AS ARTHRITIS POLIO ETC We have full and parttime positions available Pleasant telephone work hourly rate plus bonus No experience necessary 7374778 Apply In person to Personnel Office SimpsonsSears Ltd 509 Bayfieid St Barrie SimpsonsSears Ltd F2223 F21 23 MOULD MAKER TOOL DIE MAKER Experienced Mould MakerTool Die Maker required by established Plastics Moulding Plant located in Barrie to repair and maintain existing tooling Competitive Salary and comprehensive offered Please forward your resume in confidence or contact The Personnel Manager Plastonier Division of Consumers Glass 151 John Street Barrie Ontario 7260225 OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH NURSE BELL CANADA BARRIE AND DISTRICT Brocebridge Orillia Huntsville Midland Lindsay Peterboraugh REQUIREMENTS Bachelor Science degree in Nursing experience Public or Mental Health Mobile CALL COLLECT 6T 32395731 fringe benefit package is F23 YOU CAN EARN EXTRA MONEY AND WIN PRIZES TOO 7CUNDLES TIFFINFERNDALE ELMVALE CLAPPERTON ST OWEN WELLINGTON AREA DUNLOP PERRY ST 8LAKE ST MOUNTBATTEN RODNEY CODRINGTON AREA DUCKWORTHNAPIER AREA ECCLES NWELLINGTON AREA EXAMINER ROUTES ARE NOW AVAILABLE IN THESE AREAS Phone 7266539 Eleven yearsandiip To work evenings and weekends for our subscription department Transportation supplied You can earn up to $80 weekly CALL 52733 ea tel BURTON AVEHOLGATE ST ARDAGHPATTERSON AREA SUNNIDALE CUNDLES AREA an 115 and SOPHIAWORSLEY srs Human SALES REPRBENTATIVE Selfmotivated and confident person to Yes would like more lnformolon an EXOMiner Adive oflice requires on work own territoiy for large financial Roue experienced ypisl Must have own car Com gm Responsibilities include in up mm voicing sales reports filing andgeneralclericalduties PERSONNEL snwcss LTD nous p23 EXPERlENCED HAIR STYLIST salary plus commission Apply House of Bellini Baylield Mail or call 726 4621 or 776 87l2atter6pm NEEDWORK Full or part time Call 776 7407 ADDRESS PARENTS SIGNATURE WW Clip and send to The Exami er Box 370 Barrie LAM 4T6 PNONE Please call for Interview 7310220 nuroocx sun SERVICE CENTRE co LTD F24

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