Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 23 Feb 1979, p. 11

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he examiner Friday Feb 23 1010 11 television guide FRIDAY EVENING VIEWING 600 in re NEWS HOLLYWOOD SOUARES CAROL SURNETT AND FRIENDS ill POLKA DOT 000R 630 NBC NEWS MARY TYLER MOORE SHOW ces NEWS Aec NEWS NEWS PARTY GAME JEREMY 645 READALONG 655 WRITE ONI 700 DATING GAME EIGHT ls ENOUGH CROSS mm MARY TYLER MOORE SHOW no me DOUGH DELTA HOUSE NEWLYWED GAME KIDSWORLD Goon TIMES PRICE Is RIGHT 730 DANCE FEVER NEWLYWED GAME TRIVIA OUIz HOLLYWOOD SQUARES CIRCUS CoHosle Cal Dodd and Sherieee Laurence welcome the Smehas Three Lipizzan Stallions the Bruski Bicycle Act The Lucky Brothers Comedy Acrobatics the Amazing Alain Sword balancrnq INCREDIBLE HULK MAGIC SHADOWS BOB NEWHART SHOW 800 It DIFFRENT STROKES ALL IN THE FAMILY SPIDERMAN An Ofllcml of the Peoples Republic of China comes to America to enlist his friend Jamesons old In clearing his name and Immediater becomes target for death Stars Nicholas Hammond Robert Slmon hrs MAKIN IT IN SEARCH OF Klller 8005 PROGRAM UNANNOUNCED MOVIE SPECTACULAR Hercules 1050 830 BROTHERS AND SISTERS Poor grades seam to have doomed Zipper who is dreading the arrival on campus of his Ineer father FRONT PAGE HALLENGE WHATS HAPPENING PIG AND WHISTLE MOVIE DRAMA Va Re II III Eitfsflsiléng nisizience 000 HELLO LARRY TOMMY HUNTER COUNTRY ROOTS THE NEXT GENERA TIONS Alex Haley elmoet 17 In 1930 Is conlueed and uncertain about his life he drops out OI college because he re uncomfortable being younger than the other students he resents hia atepmother and feels estranged his father ieode VI hrs MOVIE MYSTERYDRAMA hrletlna 1011 WINGS THE LOVE BOAT Three weneltes TheDecrsion Stars Debbie Allen PoorLittle Rich Girl Stars Maren Jensen Dannie Cole Love Me Love My 000 Stars Gene Rayburn Fannie Piano 60 mine 930 SWEEPSTAKES um who needs campaign funds to run for Congress bookie down on his luck end heeylly In debt and en unemployed waitress In deeperete need of 550000 to ayoid losing her dream house are the finalists 1n the Million dollar lottery Guest etar Adrienne Berbeeu 90 1000 STARSKY AND HUTCH DALLAS Pam acquires new friend Leanne but Is unaware of her shady past 60 CHALLENGERS WHAT Is TRUTH FERGUSON SHORT AND Ross NEWS UPDATE NEWS 1001 IN Anoe Murray 1030 KOWALSKlLOEB REPORT PETER APPLEYARD JOURNEYS IN TIME 1100 in to NEWS CBC NEWS CTV NEWS EMPLOYMENT FILE so MOVIE DRAMA Driver Taxi 1110 NIGHTMUSIC 0° Mendeleon 120 NEWS 1127 NEWS 1130 THE TONIGHT SHOW non Johnny Carson Gueet Steve Martin 90 CBS LATE MOVIE THE SUPER HI 1969 MOVIE HORROR Lets $ar Jeeelca to Death 1011 TREET TALK 140 QUESTION PERIOD 1145 CANADA GAMES REPORT Ernie Afaoania reviews hiohhghta of the days competition 150 MOVIE DRAMA Will Fight No More Forever 1075 1200 THE PROFESSIONALS MOVIE DRAMAc0MEDY Cinderella Liberty 1013 MOVIE COMEDY HOW to Steal Million 1000 1210 MOVIE SUSPENSE Hlleck 1011 1220 in BEWITCHED 100 THE MIDNIGHT SPECIAL GOODIES 120 MOVIE BI0GRAPHICAL V1 The Etfirggl Sea 1055 PTL CLUBTALK AND VARIETY 140 MOVIE ADVENTURE Flap 1070 220 in MEDIcAL CENTER 225 MOVIE H0RR0RDRAMA Crlmeoggallt 1068 MARCUS WELBY MD 325 MOVIE COMEDYDRAMA Va Good Sam 1040 345 MOVIE DRAMA Bed ford Incident 1065 historically speaking today in histog By TillI CANADIAN PRESS Feb 23 I979 First Lieut William allcy Jr of the United States army testified at his court martial that he had shot some civilians in ditch in the Vietnamese vilv lage of My Iai eight years ago today in 1971 The office yudded that he had been acting under orders and that he had no regrets for the incident of March 16 1968 Calley later was convicted of the murder of at least 22 villagers and sentenced to life imprisonment The SCIE tence later was reduced to 20 years before President Richard Nixon ordered that alley bc taken out of prison to await review of the case 1685 The composer George Frederick Handel was born 1836 The siege of the Alamo in San Antonio Tex began 19le First wireless tole phone broadcast from hclms ford England 1953 Britain granted am ncsty to morc than H000 Sec ond World War dcscrtcrs from the armed forces 1970 Guyana bccamc rc public anti sevcrcd ties with thc British ommonwcalth barries story February 23 1919 Barrie Town Council planned to combine the offices of Sanitary Inspector Tax Ar rears Collector Weed Inspector and several minor jobs in fulltime man to be paid at the rate of $100 per month the premium of suitable bond to be paid by the town total of 46 applications were received By process of selection only local men being included in the list preferred group of 13 names was arrived at These thirteen were to ap pear before thc next council meeting for personal inter view Extension of the system of postal delivery in Barrie to give service of two deliveries day by letter carriers throughout the town was to go into effect on April The staff of two letter carriers was to be increased to six and there would also be supervisor who would also act as relief car rier when necessary Barrie had ten more heads of families and thirtyeight per sons more receiving relicf than at the same time in 1938 ac cording to the report of Welfare Officer Thomas Grant which was submitted to the town council The total expenditure for the previous week was $746 as com pared with $72282 for the cor responding week of 1918 in dicating an increase of slightly over three per cent The in crease in welfare recipients from 400 to 438 in the same period was9 per cent In Innisfil Township Wclfarc Officer Allan stated that informer years needy family would be helped through the winter by the more fortunate neighbors but at that time the entire burden was left to the municipality He suggested supplying yarn and materile to competent committee for making articles of wearing aplt parcl for the needy He added that raising money for foreign purposes did not seem the first necessity when local children could not go to school for lack of clothing With the heavy amount of snowfall in Innisfil that year the roads had been kept open throughout the winter Very lit tle if any credit could be at trobutcd to the municipal snow fences which were placed too sparingly Canadas story McCurdy Flew First Aircraft In British Commonwealth This is the anniversary of the first flight by an aircraft in Canada and the entire British Commonwealth JAD McCurdy flew the Silver Dart at Baddeck NS on February 23 1909 The Wright Brothers flew in the US in 1904 but their first flight could take place inside 747 today McCurdy took off from the ice and flew for half mile Later in his career he became the first pilot to use wireless and hold the worlds speed record by beating racehorse around the track at Belmont Park NY He was also the first pilot to fly from Florida to Cuba However McCurdy wasnt the first Canadian to fly an aircraft The distinction belongs to FW Case Bald win His flight took place in the State of New Yor in 1908 distance of 318 feet McCurdy Baldwin Thomas Selfrldge and Glen Curtiss were members of Alexander Graham Bells Aerial Ex perimental Association founded at Baddeck in 1907 Mrs Bell ut up the money for their work Bel experimented with kites at Baddeck for several years before launchln the first successful aircraft Selfridge flew in one of is kites in 1908 and rose 160 feet into the air after being towed across the water as water skiers are today Curtiss founder of the now famous aircraft corpora tion had motorcycle lant at Hammondsport NY and he built engines for first aircraft produced by the Aerial Experimental Association That was why Bald wins flight took place there The Silver Dart had the worlds first watercooled engine The RCAF flew replica of the Silver Dart at Baddeck when the 50th anniversary of McCurdys flight was celebrated In 1959 McCurdy was there as Lieutenant Governor of Nova Scotia OTHER EVENTS ON FEBRUARY 23 1855 Parliament met at Quebec 1875 Wrightstown became Hull Quebec 1879 First issue of La Patric Montreal 1901 Manitoba prohibition act was ruled to be uncon stltutional 1906 Canadian heavyweight boxer Tommy Burns won worlds champions in 1929 George Haldeman flew from Windsor to Havana in 12 hours 56 minutes 1965 It was announced that heavy water plant would be built at Estevan Sask The credit for keeping the roads open had to go to few in dividual farmcrs who con structed homemade equip ment and who with the assistance of some neighbors tumcd out after cvcry storm and ploughed out the roads By resolution the liarrlc Board of Educatlon formally requested total levy of $8623471 madc up of $32094 for Collcgiatc $52154 Sit for public schools and $1095 EH for vocational classes This was 3689340 from 19118 Conservation was not an issue and an editorial in thc paper stated that Harric had the reputation of having onc of the most attractive business sections among thc towns of the province The pleasing effect is due to the many uptodalc store fronts thc liberal use of electricity in the windows and numerous electric signs Not only are well lightcrl storcs pleasing to thc cyc but thcy are means of increasing blisinrss activity The editorial also stated that there is no doubt that the brightly lightcd storc caplurcs the most business and it dots not take great dcal of coni mon sense to rcalilc thc pcoplc will shop whcrc thc bright lightsarc Thc ltoxy Thcatrc fcaturcd The Shining flour with Joan Crawford Margaret Sullivan Robert Young and Melvyn Douglas The Storm starring Charles liickford Barton Machanc and Ircston Foster was showing at the Granada Theatre Zellers storc in liarric advcr tiscd mens broadcloth shirts at 77 cents ties at 14 cents bell ewart by Georgina Mitchell 4563232 Gwrn ollings and loc olson were the two high scorcrs at thc licll Ewart Community cntrc cuchrc Feb 13 Adrianne McMicking placcd second in thc ladics scoring and lack Slthtil ill thc mcns Davc Davidson won thc fill50 draw and Effic Ewing won the extra draw Mrs May Cole is in hospital About 40 young pcoplc en joycd an cvcning of gamcs and dancing at the llcll Ewart Iom munity Icntrc litb 16 lhc Hcll Ewart Youth Tluhs next meeting will bc hcld March chbs Snack liar hold pool tournamcnt Feb 18 ltrucc Gillctl took home first prize of trophy and $15 Stewart Switzcr tmk second placc and rcccivcd trophy and $10 About 24 pcr sons participated Max and lcanc llofland parents of Doug Holland re cent wrote letter of thanks to Innisfil Township residents who helped their son after fire which dcstroycd his business dccrcasc of Plastic surgeon place to start By PAUL BURLE MD Dear Dr Ruble Would you please discuss facelifts am 48 and my eyelids have excess flesh and are wrinkled It cer tainly detracts from my ap pearance How safe is the surgery to correct this seeing as how it is so close to the eye itself Also how long does healing take and would have to take time off or have it done on my vacation Mrs IBR You are talking about several different problems not all of which can be corrected by facelift gather you have not discussed this with plastic surgeon which is the place to start He will tell you what is possibleand what is not can only generalize here The facclift merely tightens skin around the face and neck The eyelids are an entirely dif ferent matter They are not helped by facelift As mat ter of fact different procedures are required to correct either upper or lower lid imperfec tions drooping per lid may obstruct vision an that can be corrected by removing excess skin there The lower lid prob lem results from protrusion of tissue underneath the skin not the skin itself This can be cor rected by removing the bulging tissue You can see why referred to different problems different solutions It is doubtful that all would be corrected at the same time Some results are spec tacular but time does march on and none lasts forever have seen some women who managed to look five even 10 years younger The healing time including that required for skin dis coloration to disappear is from two to three weeks With proper timing months vacation and hialthy savings account you should be able to manage it Dear Dr Ruble Im 57 yearold woman have started to notice that when get up in the morning my fingers the joints are swollen am told this may be sign of rheuma toid arthritis True Mrs DB it can be an early sign About 90 per cent of RA atients report this The time to begin control is now if that is what it is Dear Dr Ruble am 26 stand 511 and weigh 140 pounds feel should weigh at least 160 pounds am in good physical condition but am thin in the arms and legs particu larly eat well have started trying to eat between meals but notice no improvement What can you tell meMr TK Not much to tell you since suspect you are just heredi tarily thin You cant argue with hereditary slimness Those who do usually end up learning to their regret just where those extra pounds end up dont have to tell you do Dear Dr Ruble If man has genital herpes can he pass it on to woman Can she get cancer from herpes There is chance woman might get the infection if there is contact intercourse The Virus causes many little painful blisters Healing takes from two to three weeks Then the Virus remains dormant linactivcl and is not contagious until the next outbreak of blisters Sex should be avoided at this time The cancer question is bit more iffy and difficult to answer definitely There is thought to be an in creased frequency of cancer of the cervix mouth of the womb in herpes patients The woman with this should be checked periodically thereafter BRIDGE Os aldJacoby and Alan Sontag Difficult slam bid makes Vulnerable Both Dealer South West North East South INT Pass Pass 7NT Pass Pass Opening lead 02 have been stretching thin trifle and with 17 he real had South in trouble Fortunately for North and South West had been taught to lead fourth best of his longest and strongest suit against notrump and opened deuce of ades Dummys 10 held trick and South was in business All he needed was to collect four tricks in either red suit and he was home This was bi hlevel game and South id not visualize squeeze but he did stumble into one He started with diamonds and cashed his tops while West chucked couple of little clubs Then he decided to run the good clubs West had to make two discards The first was easy low spade The second was not so easy He had to chuck heart and South had his 13th trick Bernice Bede Osol cYour Birthday February 21 1979 This coming year you may participate in venture where you have minor but rewarding role Profit in this instance will be more gratifying than the limelight PISCES Feb 20March 20Your intuition and hunches are enor mously valuable assets today They can provide you with revealing insights your logic may overlook ARIES March 21Aprll Winthrop 19 HEY FU 0091 HAVE YA GOT NEW NEIGHBOK GET DEA 6NACIlt Short Ribs SNEII UP 75 THE KlTGHEN AND When dealing wifn friends today keep your views as flexible as possible Should you show evidence of stub bomness youll get their hac kles up TAURUS April 20May 20 Sub stantial achievements are pos sible today so concentrate on major goals Temporarily shelve that which you deem to be less important GEMINI May 21June 20 Make an effort to broaden your per spectives at this time The wider your horizons the greater your possibilities for opportunities CANCER June 21July 22 Your talents for research probing Or detecting are especially keen Investigate today Situations YES HE MOVED IN Two VAYE AEO THIS STUFF HAVEN NAMED IT yer about which youve been curi ous LEO July 23Aug 22 There are two sides to every story Keep this in mind today lest you jump erroneous conclusions and 0f fend companion unnecessari ly VIRGO Aug 23Sept 22 Be careful you dont start some thing today thats little too complicated to handle on your own If y0u run into trouble there may not be anyone around to help LIBRA Sept 23Oct 23 You may experience bit of group pressure today to go along with something youd rather not Be good sport Abide by the will of the majority 22 SCORPIO Oct 24Nov o1mayuw¢rulgushm WHY 1710 You INTEWWUPT MY CORNET PWAcTICE To ASK ME THAT LET ME KNOW IF YOU NEED ANY HELP Khow FEW NAMES LIKE 10 CALL IT Youll strive to exert the proper effort to neatly tie up loose ends today because anything left undone will frustrate you SAGITTARIUS Nov 23Dec 21 Today you are likely to be more mentally than physically restless Seek stimulating companions with whom y0u can exchange ideas CAPRICORN Dec 22Jan 19 An Opportunity may present itself today whereby you can lay the foundation f0r future accomplishment Have your trowel and mortar ready AQUARIUS Jan 20Feb 19 Appearances are important today so put on positive face if you hope to inspire or direct others Its essential to look like leader YOU QIJLDW ID DEATH SELLING MUSIC APPREClATIW AROUND HERE You hold YOU WEIGH 156 NOT DEPOSIT CIVE COINS 102 241 COUNTING THE ARMQQ THE llME AND PLACE As North tabled the A632 YOU WILL SOON FACE dummy he remarked DEA Nineteen points plus ten spot shoult be enough to glve you good play for Florida reader asks if seven we open this hand with four South replied You ades Everyone is vulner sllould learn to count All le have is seventecn 111 No We just en one ihcards spade This han Is too ven with 19 North would strong for preempt daily crossword ACROSS 44 Retired Answer to Prayious Pulzle 46 Mayday signal Old time 47 Measure of Fifteenth time century royal 50 Cleverness family 52 PM beverage Fasten with 55 Large comp stitches wd lmltates 58 Sweet l3 Malarial fever potatoes Do 14 General 59 Time zone Eisenhower abbr 15 Country by 60 Toy baby way 61 Slanted 16 Tamed 62 lndeed 18 College 63 Slngle degree abbr 64 Cats and dogs 22 Comedian 39 Canal system THAVES 223 19 Accelerate Caesar In northern motor DOWN 24 $wrss moun Michigan gmnua taineers song 41 Rowing tools ame pre Ix DU 25 Before this 43 Landing boat 23 orgrans PYOU 26 Actor 45 Result HURRY WANT YOU OLD Sig recrous lewe 26 Determining Version 27 gews 47 223222 54 TO CATCH l6 age Noun suffix 29 Prophecy Connecticut 23 WW 4831 $7966 IMPOSQIBLE 33 Keenly universny clearing 0t ard r5 desrrous Pomted arch 3O Ancrent Greek 49 Feed the kitty wHLE 34 Sleeve Speed natlon comp 5i Vain GITTNCO 36 Author Small cask wd 53 Throw Wme Male We 31 Pralse 54 Snakes DOWN 37 Recent prefix 10 Squeezes out 32 companion 56 Menu 38 Emrt coherent 11 Monroe Odds component Ight I7 Lioness In 39 Button Born Free 35 When 91 40 Golfer Palmer 19 Mens 38 Law degree 57 Animal park 42 British Insurer nlckname abbr 58 Canine cry Your Wedding Invitations Announcements Headquarters We provide loanout service NORTH ERN STATIONERY 29 Dunlop St 7373860

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