Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 23 Feb 1979, p. 10

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10 the oxamlnor Friday Fob23 1m lifestyle ScoutGuide ek More than 3000 children in Barrie area take part By NANCY FIGUEROA The Examiner Scout Guide Week in Barrie and throughout Canada is held every year in February to celebrate the Feb 22 birthdays of Lord Robert BadenPowell founder of the movement and his wife Lady Olive In Barrie and area more than 3000 Brownies Guides Rangers Beavers Cubs Scouts Venturers Rovers and their leaders prepared special ceremonies and displays to celebrate ScoutGuide week On Saturday more than 200 Girl Guides and ub Scouts will participate in parade at Georgian Mall in Barrie says Rick Davis Kempenfelt Bay district commissioner As well cub car rally will be held at the mall on Saturday In the past Girl Guides and Cub Scouts celebrated Feb 22 with cup cakes and birthday cakes but not this year said Davis Instead this being the International Year of the Child the money that would have been spent on cake will be donated to UNICEF joint exhibit showing the programs of the Guides and Scouts is on display until Satur day at the Hayfield Mall in Bar rie Guide and Scout officials say they hope the display will en courage inore adults to become Guide and Scout leaders We are in need of at least 50 more Scout leaders in the Kempenfelt Bay District said Davis who has been Scout leader for the past 10 years Davis said Scout leaders work about four hours week planning and attending the weekly meeting There are also special outings such as camp ing and bikes he said All leaders take an initial 12lt hour district training course Charmaine Warden of the First Painswick Brownies said Girl Guide leaders are desperately needed in Painswick There isnt Guide pack in Painswick just because there arent any leaders she said Mrs Wardens two daughters Denise and Janice who are Brownies and the others in the First Painswick pack join the Girl Guides or quit the organization unless leaders can be found in Painswick it Boy Scouts Is camping hiking learning doing good turns loving your coun try and iust plain fun said these boys who participated In display at Bayfield Mall marking ScoutGuide Week in Canada Feb i8 to 24 Seated left to right are Ted Crewe and Bill Mrazek i3 Standing left to right are Reuben Carter ii Todd Crewe ii Derek Wagner ii and Jerry Savers i2 ScoutGuide Week marks the birthdays of founders Lord Robert BadenPowell and his wife Lady Olive Examiner Photo Examiner Photo Leaders 20 Guides plan trip to Bermuda Three leaders and 20 Guides from the First Angus Guides plan sevenday trip to Bcr muda in July The group will stay with the Bermuda Girl Guides who visited them two years ago First Angus Guides are now working to raisc thc $3000 cost of the trip So far we have been having bake salcs at the Lions Flea Market doing dishes for Angus Legion banquets hat checking at Legion dances says letter from Nancy Bennett We have been getting great deal of support from the Angus Legion ladies and men groups the Angus Lions club and the cubs and scouts large auction sale is plann ed in June at the Angus Park Parents are holding benefit dance at the Lions hall in May Anyone with fundraising sug gestions or odd jobs is ziskcd to phone 4240558 after 030 pm National Action Committee reports Desperate economic outlook for women ltltNIti PP The economic outlook for wonicn in Canada is lxconiing tiiorc desperate every year coni mittee representing womcn told the federal cabinet today The National Action Commit tee on the Status of Women said women have the highest unemployment rate of any group in the country and yet the governments actions in thc last year havc tended to make matters worst lhc committcc which prcscntcd brief to Prime Ministcr Iicrrc lrudcau and his ministers prior to their cabinet meeting said the Liberal government has not shown women that it has any in tention of making changes in the economy that would provide full stable employment to everyone who wishes it The brief was critical of tlic governments itlzltltlt toward wouicii ill llll ltiitt llti llll oiiiiiiWm tillt lltItlttl as secondary carnirs At least one out of every 10 women in the Canadian labor forcc is out ot work it said But instead of asking why so many womcn cannot find jobs and what can bc donc to pro vidc work for thcin the policy has been to pretend that women workers especially married women are only marginally at tachcd to the labor toicc hence there is no need to worry if they lose their jobs and no urgent need to provide unemployment insurancc benefits for them it thcy arc out of work lhc commitlcc rccomincnd cd thc government establish jobcreation programs with women as high priority group It also asked that the average comparability of total coinpcir sation concept contained in Bill 722 be withdrawn because it complicates the efforts of women fedcral employees to obtain equal pay for work of equal value Ilic bill is an act to aniciid the Public Service Statf Bela tlons Act and the provision tlic committee is referring to will tie the wages of federal employees in clerical and secretarial positions to the The best thing about being Brownie is the games you get to play but occasionally being treated to ice cream is nice too explained Denise Warden Janice Warden and Sheri Kean of First Painswick Brownies They participated in display marking ScoutGuide Week in Canada at Bayfleld Mall in Barrie this week Examiner Photo Girl Guides meet new needs add unit to change structure The Girl Gtiidcs of Canada in an attempt to encourage more girls to join will introduce new Girl Gtiidc this September lhc unit not yct named will llllll producc nnadawidc changes in thc agc structurc of the association Planting 28000 trees district Scouts goal About 2B000 trees will lt planted this spring by thc Kempcnfclt Bay District Boy Scouts says Rick Davis district commissioncr lhc trcc planting proch Trees for anada is national fund raising project designcd for scouts to perform schicc for anada and also Iiclp Scouts in other countrics The trees will help prevent flooding provide shelter for Wildllft and become Stitltcc of raw materials for anadns future needs says bulletin lrom Boy Scouts of anada Bcforc planting day in curly spring Scouts will seek pledges for threes they will plant Pro cccds will further the Boy Scout movement in Barric and area develop campsites and assist South American Scout associa tions We havent set goal wcd just like to collect as much moncy as we can Davis told Ihc Examiner avcragc of their counterparts in the private sector lhc committees bricf also Rick Davis Kempenfelt Bay District Scout Commis sioner Is one of more than iOO Barrie area men involved with the Boy Scout movement Examiner Photo asked that lit wccks maternity Icavc be accepted as fcdciul and provuicial standard and that woman ncctl work for on ly lliicc months in order to qualify for these provisions Unfairness to women criticized ltllltiNlti Itli no fury like an outofrwork woman thrcc federal politi cians lczirncd Wednesday at public forum on women and unemployment it thrcc malc politicians or the panel Frank Maine Liberal MP for Wellington and parliamentary secretary to Bud fullcn minister of employ ment and immigration got the worst reception Maines comments government cuts in jlllSS benefits were strategy to eliminate unemployment chc qucs as way of life were greeted with hissing and boo iiig Also appearing were David MacDonald Progressive on servativc MP for Egmont and Hell hath that his partys spokesman on the status of women and ltobcrt Ilac New Democratic Party member for the Toronto riding of Broadvicw The crowd of about 600 shouted down thc spcnkcrs wit ll denunciations of unfairness to women and of the growing uncinploymcnt problem in general The women in thc audience who outnumbered men about 20 to one were particularly harsh in their criticism of the govern ments cuts in Outreach pro grams Last October ullcn an nounced that women would no longer be considered as group under Outreach which pro vides employment services for people who have special dill ficulticsfindingwork Also attacked by the audience was an amendment last Dec 22 to thc Ilncmployiiicnt In suiancc Act which reduced benefits to titi per cent from 00 2It pcr ccnt of the uncmploycd persons most recent earnings Staff may spread virus to infants BiSlNtli ltllSéllltl nurses working in hospital nurseries may spread com mon virus that causes scvcrc somctinics fatal respiratory il liicss in infants study warns lhe germ called respiratory syncytial virus can cause piicuinonia liioiichiolitis and other brcathing difficulties lll newborn babies Doctors at the University of Rochester Medical Tcntrc studied an outbreak of lllt virus in an intensive care nursery and found that it appaicntly was spread by hospital staff They said they studied 00 newborn babies who were in hospital for six days or nioit and 23 of them or per cent caught the lIIIS They also found that of 53 nurscry personnel studied Itt or IN per cent caught the germ At present the Brownies unit is for girls scvcn to 10 years old Girl Guides for girls to to 14 years old Rangers and adcts for girls to 18 years old In September with the addi tioii of new unit Brownies ill bc for girls six to nine years old Girl Guides for girls nine to ycrars old the new unit for girls I2 to 13 years old and Rangers and Cadets for girls 15 years and older The ncw units name will be selected by the associations national council says Lynda Barker national Girl Guides public relations administrator The names being considered include Pathfinders Explorers hallcngcrs and Voyageurs said Mrs Barker BASEDth STIDY She said introduction of the new unit and changing the age structure have resulted from findings of twoyear study completed with the aid of child specialists hangcs in the association said Mrs Barker are necessary to meet the needs of todays young people tc want to offer girls 12 to program that will capture their attention one that re quircs lots of participation and one in which she will be the ini portant person said Mrs Barker Slic denied reports to The Ex amincr that changes were in troduced because of low cniol mcnt and high dropout rates in Girl Guide groups across tanada An internal study has shown that Girl Guide enrolment was up by 4000 this year said Mrs Barker The changes are not due to high dropout rates or low enrolment NEEDSCIIANGING Every youth organization goes through the types of struc tural changes we are going through she said The needs of young people are always changing To make this role vant group for young people we must also make changes lunc Schwecke Allandalc Brownie leader and public rela tions representative says Girl Guide attendance in the Barrie area has shown slight decline in recent years The Brownics unit lichver has continuously shown good enrolment she added There seems to have been problem with the age structure of the Girl Guide program said Mrs Schweckc Putting 107 yearolds in with I4ycarolds as had been done it was hard to keep the group together she explained She said the new age struc ture would not only be easier for the leaders to Work with but also would keep girls of the same age more closely linked 1980 will mark the 70th year of Girl Guides in Canada Ann Lgnders Protests smoking in car vv iv Dear Ann Landers Do have the rightto tell my grand mother that she cant smoke in my new car Its second hand actually but its new to me got this car week ago and laid the law down to the whole family N0 SMOKING IN MY CAR Both my mother and my grandmother smoke hate it but have to put up with it in the house because have no choice But dont think should have to put up with it in my car bought the car with gift money some of it from my grandmother and the rest from what earned working two summers Im I7 now My grandmother lit cigarette just before getting into my car yesterday and asked her to put it out She refused We got into an argument and she slapped my face and hailed taxi This whole thing has become gross My mother says am disrespectful that Grandma isnt going to change and shouldnt be such bullheade smartaleck punk What do you say No Exceptions Allowed Dear NEA Its your car and if you dont want anyone to smoke in it your wishes should be respected Im with you Dear Ann Ive got letter for you that will curl your hair without permanent At first couldnt believe it but know now its true My husband has been having an affair with his sister knew she and were close but never suspected anything like this was going on think it started four years ago after her husband died It was few months later that developed trouble with my back The doctor suggested put boards under the mattress complained so we got twin beds Then he developed trouble with HIS back work from 800am till 400 is retired Recently when was changing his bed linen found hairpin dont use themi and the sheets looked awfully messed up for one person asked him straight out whether he had had female in his bed He denied it Then remembered that his sister comes over to keep him company almost every day so said Ill bet its The look on his face was so guilty knew had guessed right He still wont admit it but Im sure Now what Im 56 is 62 He has been good husband and our children are gone Should divorce him Yes or no Second to Sister Dear SS wouldnt make yesorno decision of this kind for anbey First Im not sure guilty look is solid evidence Second If he did admit it ask yourself the question would your life be better with him or without him Only you can decide Dear Ann Landers was married in an exquisite ivory satin wedding gown It has the traditional covered buttons at the sleeves and haartshaped neckline Its such beautiful dress and we paid so much for it its shame to wear it only once What do you think about wearing it to formal parties instead of letting it rot in the attic Practical Polly Dear Polly Sorry dear bridal gowns are for wed dings If you wear that dress at parties in order to get your moneys worth youll look like bride who is trying to get her moneys worth It neednt rot in the attic Have it professionally packed and put it away for your daughter Erma Bombeck Men have legs dontthey Because am basically shallow am always drawn to lists of the ten best anything Somehow feel my life will have no meaning unless know who are the ten best lovers the ten best dressed people or who have the ten best noses naturally pored over the story listing the Ten Most Sen suous Pairs of Legs which best epitomize the beauty of human limbs It was interesting because sandwiched between Liza Min nelli Angie Dickinson Shirley MacLaine Jane Fonda hris Evert Bianca Jagger Nancy Lopez heryl Ladd and Bess Myerson was Rosalynn Carter To tell you the truth didnt know Rosalynn Carter had legs that went to the hip There must be thousands of pics turcs of her legs filling the wastebaskets of every city room in the country but they rarely see the printed page of newspaper That is not the point The point is why women Why dont we honor the Most Sensuous Pair of Legs in men Here are my nominations For the Most Sensuous Legs on Television Personality Walter ronkite Walters legs iii indeed there are two under the desk for years have titillated womens imaginations For slicer mystiquc and lingering fantasy no one tops Walter For the Most Sensuous Legs in the Literary Field Jim Fixx whose legs dominated the cover of the No best seller of 1978 RUNNING Legs have not had such an impact on the American way of life since the two hind ones of Mrs Learys cow kicked over lantern in hicago in 1871 The Most Sensuous Legs in the Military Klinger on MASII who proves week after week that when youre in war zone it doesnt matter if you shave your legs or not you can still bcattractive The Most Sensuous Legs in Science Fiction The bionic oncs belonging to Lee Majors When they come with varicose veins it will open upan entire market for women The Most Sensuous Legs in Sports Joe Namath who proved to the world that the claims made by pantyhose are true one size fits all The Most Sensuous Legs in Politics Harold Stassen and Ronald Reagan whose legs have logged more miles on the campaign trail than any other legs in political history And finally the Most Sensuous Legs occupying White House in tashington Jimmy Carter because hes married to Rosalynn Carter and Sensuous legs marry sensuous legs and if you dont believe me just check the wastcbaskcts of the city rooms Pollys Pointers Mouthwash removes stain DEAR POLLY have ruined several of my shirt tops with perspiration odor Whenever wear One for an hour or two it starts to smell Since use good deodorant feel it is the shirt and not me causing the trouble Is there any way to remove perspiration odor 77 JKH DEAR JKH You mtght try sponglng the shlrts with rubbing alcohol or colorless mouthwash or soak In strong salt water solution If one does not work try another Good luck POLLY DEAR POLLY put safety pin in the top of any stocking that get run so can tell at glance that they are to be worn only with slacks GDP DEAR POLLY hope my Pointer will help other wives whose husbands get grease and oil on their pants My husband does lot of work on cars so put waterless hand cleaner all over the greasy places on his pants rub it in well and then wash them in warm or very hot water All of the grease comes out and his pants look very nice BRENDA DEAR POLLY To keep rug edges or corners from turning up cut plastic margarine or shortening can cover to fit around either round or squared corner and sew it to the rug One is put at each corner and they fit very well BARBARA DEAR POLLY find most rust stains can be removed from fabric that can stand the sun by wetting the stains and covering with mixture of equal parts of salt and cream of tartar and then putting in the sun Never beat eg whites in an aluminum pan because It tends to darken em To get more juice from lemon heat It before squeezlnfii Also slightly warm an orange before peeling and the alt will come off more easily MRS EKK Mss

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