Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 20 Feb 1979, p. 9

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Computer moniters television pttlertteeloped lot tinaiov can tell pioliiicii their shoe pleath Ini illltIll and tell adveii vr lil tni their tltIItltttItItil Itli ed Itand Ielai on titrationi ot project reseaiel toi lliet ii to IZducational Authority operators ot tin tario said the eotopntei ll haye iiiaiiy ioiuinert ial ti Invasion of the Body Snatchers paragon of paranoia It SIICIIII lIII it The laminer lwcnty three years alter the original vered as grade Hollywood sciencetictioii thriller lnyasion ol the llody Snatchers rat the Imperial returns to the screen in remake by director lhilip Ivaulniau The result is two hours ol superb suspcncc ecellcnt acting and some ol the most ettectiye tiIm photography and use ol sound that can recall Invasion ol the Itody Snatchers rises aboyc an essentially silly storelinc San lraucisco is invaded by plant like he mgs lrom another world who replace humans with eiiio tionless Iombics that are cact duplicates by tocusmg on the human tear and paranoia created by such in insidious method ol conquering ITarth Its one thing to imagine an in vastiin ol alien spaceships but its sonietlnne else again to discoycr that the people around you are no qtnlc what they seem The world looks the same but Ill tact its undergoing radical change and the horror hes in the rcalititioii that you cant distinguish It tends tioin enemies The Itrs halt ot the blot builds suspense slowly and relentlessly as Ilonaltl utherlanil play mg city health in spector and llrooke dams playing his coworker are caught up in the early stagi ot lln alien unasion ilinis wakes up one lllttlllllit to lithl that lttt boytricnd letticy is no longer the sport vtrscsscit dentis he uscil be hes cold and emotionless and is remote is distant galayy ot stars ilams is so crruietl slie can tiaicly cope Ill her paranoia nd its this iopempoiary ct ling ot paranoia soprcyaleu III the ItTils that the Illtl oploisso well tur ning the litIIIIlttl sltiiits ot saii Iixmcisto ItIltt menacing and trightcmiiu batlcizi onud to sin at Uncc suthcrlauil cala es hat is happci inc the city he becomes the heio the Hill ties the locus ot our hopes entertaimet that the body snatchers can somehow be defeated Sutherlands performance is so restrained and convincing that he almost singlehandedly accounts for the success oI the him Hes very believable hero Unlike most other science Iiction lilms in recent years Invasion ol the Ilody Snatchers places more importance on characterization than on Impressive special eltects Sutherlands character in the lilm comes across as likahlc and real he wants to win an impossible battle and we get caught up in his quixotic mis sioii to save city IIut the second hall ot the lilm doesnt work as well as the lirst Ihe suspense seems to flatten out as Sutherland and Adams tlee from the growing hordes of snatched zombies We get qttick peaks ol horroi but the chase scenes go on endlessly and the more we see ot the pliltttllkt aliens the less territy mg their invasion becomes Its as though unseen evil is more frightening that any Iiiarre and otherworldly torm ot lite could ever he and seeing huge green pods spt bodies trom then mouths is so ludicrous that It Iun ny not territymg Still Invasion ot the liody Snatchers conveys the human element ol the story so well that its laults are mostly Iorgivable Kautman has taken dated science tiction fan tasy and made It appear as contemporary as newspaper headline Iles managed to giye the film texture thats so rich and cyocativc that Sutherlanils paranoia is like punch in the stomach tainera angles dark lighting the use at real sounds and orchestrated music to create suspense ill ot these technical aspects ol the Iltll work superth The result is tilm that brings biarie tantasy to tile right up to the tinal tramt when the image ot utherland hits the screen in terrin mg gesture that makes us almost lump on ot our seats that tmal image will linger in the mind long alter the rest ot the lilm is torgottcn You want me to what Rock star Alice Cooper in Madison this week for concert was introduced to Wisconsin Holstein as part of milk in with state government and Itllttfiiltt ttilll la lil toinninuixitioti FOR 351m PRINTING JOHN COCKBURN le50 66 MORRow ROAD BARRIE 728282t Printers Since I960 Adults Studontn $3 00 No pom accoptod dairy industry representatives When shown where milk originates Cooper termed the whole process disgusting and said he never drinks milk AP Laserphoto Mutt Entertainment taut $125 214 IS NOW II MAGNIFICENT FILM NASHVILLE Ienn AM For more than 50 years starry eyed country singers and musir cians with dreams of breaking into the bigtime have nourished their hopes by tuning their radios Saturday nights to the Grand Ole Opry show The pry has been picked up by radio listeners throughout the Its and Yanada and even in foreign countries because it is broadcast on WSM clear cliaiinel station That means there are no other channels on its frequency And with such an extended reach the pry became the most cherished and influential show in country music But the distinct sounds of the famed steel guitars and tiny icutls revered rendition of the Wabash annonball may even tually be limited The US Fed eral ommunications oinmis sion ircci has given prelimi nary approval to ending clear channel status for WSM and about 23 other radio stations Officials at WSM have vowed to tight theaction think those ot us who leave and go on the road would be more conscious ot the great service the station does said tipry star Minnie learl who has pertormed on the legendary show since 1940 LIVE FOR Silt We come in contact with people who just live for that Saturday night show she said These people depend on WSM to get the pry Millions ol people sit by their radio on Sat urday night It would be awlul it the audience was cut down The action which is not expected to take ellect loi two or three years would limit the present clear channel stations to range of 1200 kilometres This would mean the ttpry could be picked up in the south east north to anada and west toIexas Ihe tlpry has been on the air 515 years longer than any other radio show It has never missed broadcast not even during the Second World War or when spring rains IIooded the lrand tile piy House in In It is approaching its tltttth con secut ive broadcast lhe proposes to assign approximately 123 more ra dio stations to the lltqttttltlts which now enjoy clear channel status Ihesc stations probably would havezotitoimuwatts The current clear channel stations haveupto3ttotiowatts Roots sequel is struggle for equality HULLYWHHI vII In the lrican village ot Iutturc Alex Ilaley listens lor five hours nearly nodding oil as the village storyteller spins tale IIaIey hears the name Kunta Kiiite youth who went into the woods to cut tree tor drum and never returned It is the same name and story he had heard trom his aunt and cousin years belorc In one mo ment Ilaley has found his roots This scene is at actor James Earl loiies portraying author Ilaley the hour Ilt series Roots The Next itlltlitllttIIS The series is Iits Sit million gamble that people will be as enthralled by Ilaley iin mediate ancestors as they were by his slave Iorelathers Shown two years ago Itoots was the most watched show ever tilISIIHIHTS SIIHIEHIJ Ihe lirst Hoots was the struggle tor tieedom says producer Stan Marguhes This is the story ol the struggle tor equality Ilaleys lamily in its upward driye to middle class takes us through two world wars the civil rights movement and racial strife as llaley meets Malcolm ot the Illack Moslenis and American Nai leader ieorge Lincoln Rockwell IIxecutive producer Itavc Kolper says The lirst Itoots was signiticant ot the ex perience of all blacks in merica Itoots is not typical ol the black experience Its llaleys tamily Its not the ghetto its not black ex ploitatioir or blacks on televi sion comedy What we have in this series are strong lainin stories the emotions that come oiit ot relationships rather than brutaIiation Ilaley is portrayed by close triend Iames IIarl Jones titorg Stantord Ilrowii plays llaleys great grandtather Iom Harvey in both series and directed one chapter in the second Jones says he has some hangups about playing his friend My job as an actor is to stay out of his way and not in vest II with so much of my own sell he says just say the words ICXIIAINHIIXIRAtUSI The original series cost flit IIIE thlllll NUMBER IINE BEST SELLER Ellen Burstyn million but this tist $tt million partly because ot intla tioii partly to build replica ot llennmg Ienn partly toi higherpricwl actors than in the original such as Iones Henry Fonda tlivia de lIay illand and Marlon llrando who makes his television debut as Nai tieorge LincolnRockwell ltiando asked to portray heavy He appears next Sunday in the lmal chapter which is likely to make the bigeest ratings impact Not only will public interest hiiild bu the chapter is packed llll such highlights as llrilcys en counters with Malcolm and Rockwell and his emotional discovery ol his roots in ica Miss de Ilayilland was per shadedtoappiarwhentoIiltha she would be the only per tormer to appear in both maioi stories about the South in the tiyil War era Gone With lllt Vttitlattillhitils accusation made against the lirst oots was that nearly all the whites were shown negatiyely Iherc were stereotypes Wolper says were tillitic the story troni the slayes poin ol view and no master is goodguy In this Itoots we dont haye that problem but coiubina tioii ot good whites and bad whites eevenhavcsoniebail blacks It this had been ghetto story dont think it would have been sttcccsstul This is blacks in small southern town It the reverse side ot iiani Faulkner and Tennessee Williams ilont think youye ever seen that lieloic 5m WT IMPERIAL IACISIAGI Show1in 89 Samcfimcfcht car RilliA ThEATRES ENEVA t6WEST 51 326633 Alan Alda the examiner Tuesday Feb 20 1979 US government may end popular Opry radio show William Gargan dies Veteran actor William Gorgon who lost his larynx to cancer was presented with the American Cancer Societys annual courage award in I974 by First Lady Pat Nixon Gorgon who went on to achieve equal fame as cancer crusader after losing his voice to the disease died Friday after suffering heart attack on flight between New York and San Diego He was 73 AP Laserphoto Canadian film producer had meagre beginning llilttlylti li Ralph Ihomas never saw tilm until he was yetts old btit it only took one moyic and he was hooked Muee that day It years ago Thomas has pursued rainlil mg path littll led to his cur rent position as respected tilm producer whose credits range lroni teleyision dramas Iottill lenghlcaturctilins He won the tanaihan Iilni ward in tth tor haying in creased the stature ol ttlttt drama on tanadian television and another ot his protects won the international critics prie last year at lllt Montreal orld llIlI ltlltl Over Winning language may be of tomivo to some plopto Ihomas was born and raised in lirall where his lather ran lawn taught primary secoii dary and Ilible classes and preachedottSttItday hen Italpli was Is his la ther contracted beri beri and the tainin moyeil to Three IIills lta where his lather taught at the Irairie hble In stitute His mother nurse planned tor hnn Itlltttttlltt missionary doctor and ltalpli enrolled in the loionto Itibli olliiti to comply with her wrlio In soon dropped out in pursuit ol lilsncw passion uuu URN Itztkci He took acting classes tor couple ot years while support ing himsell with the money he earned as stock clerk III tie partment store thn he realiva lit unlit be terrible actor he registered in an arts coursi it the Inner sity ot Ioronto wlu lac be came inyolvid it va tlililti newspaper He is reinan It 1th tl his arrou itt ilowiz liit is lllliliityillliilldillfltkl vIt art izot ri IIZIlllltt iil an gimbizous wouittie maker NOW PLAYIN AT 7t5 915 sum Hw Iitiiiiiitit livtuiex Irmciits it Iawiinti ti lyeiiitive Producer ti it itautitt lyip iimi it wiwwiw t3 Sciwuutay hy lldvitl SlialkI iiitt Willii the gt to UNIVERSAI ELEASE Ettttlllflttttt NDW PLAHING All mommsimio tlltktinliut zoom is wt wot ADUII INIIHIAINMINI

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