Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 20 Feb 1979, p. 8

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fiveff MM évfretrsfh the examiner Tquday Feb 20 £70 gt belen ason on horses Tough breeds in horse pull Hy HELEN Mysox That team cotild hardly pull setting lien off its nest deep country voice critized one of the teams competing in the Drawing Match at the anada Farm Show on Jan 31 The team was right down on its liocks trying to budge load that jtlst wouldnt move nc horse went down on his knees ill his efforts to draw the weight Ive heard of horses drawing themselves blind one observer praised the stamina of the big horses that competed Several others discussed the strain that drawing loads of more than 8000 pounds puts on the liorses legs During each pull the onlookers hold their breath hoping for the team to complete the distance trying not to distract them lieering distracts the horses and drow iis otit the com mands of the teaiiisters Each teaiiister has three tries to pull stone boat loaded with cement weights lle iiittst keep his team within the bouti daries of the track as they draw the boat distance of 20 ft leanisters have five minutes to complete their draw Some stall for time ad justing harness and talk ing to their horses trying to calm them One exchaiigul his blind bridle for another without bliiikers Some horses draw better when they can see what theyre pull ing The weight on the stoiieboat is increased until one horse is left as the undisputed eliatiipioii By the time the fifth round arrives sortie of the teams are so anxious that they try to pull the stoneboat before they are hooked onto it Teamsters and their hookers run after their horses calling for them to whoai Some teams try to pull the weight as soon as they are at tached The good teamstcrs hold them in not allowing them to start until both horses are attentive to voice commands and able to pull together tiiie belly band split as finalist tried to pull the final load The teamster ignored it urging his horses down the track Up Dick Up Dick Up Dick Bobby Steeles shrill voice out through the arena dust His team won the lightweight division drawing weight of 843 lb Steeles team weighed in at 3255 1b just below the 3300 lb weight limit for light teams He has owned 7yearold Dick since the summer He bought his teammate just ten days ago eteraii Steele has competed in drawing matches since he was twelve lie is now 30 Its the horses that make the lit ferencc he vs look for spirit and power Three years ago Steeles favourite team won 76 pulls out of their 12 starts winning him eight State Championships Three years is long time for pulling team he says sadly wad of tobacco clamped in his teeth He rubs his horses legs with absorbine to ease the muscle strain Winners of the Light Pull were Bobby Steele of Itaradsburg Kentucky first Max liedyard of Waldron Michigan second and Benny BUsselburg of Hawcsville Kentucky third Max liedyards big team won the heavy pull heavy am is one weighing more than 3300 lb lement hauveltc of Irinccville Quebec was second with the finest pair of matched greys have ever seen harlcs Ytnler of Durham oiiiiecticut was third Finally Steeles team drew off against Ledyards heavy team Ledyards ere the grand champions Outdoor speedskating championships end SASK ltttiN itl Ihe tanadian outdoor speed skating championships ended Monday with the running of the senior and junior mens tooo iiilttrcecnts lhe championships wctc dc cided Sunday with tani Iip ping of Edmonton winning in senior men in Applcby of Win nipeg in senior women Jean lichettc of thc Norbcc club of Quebec in junior men and Sllll March will be special lay at tlic Barricfurliiigtlub lub members are invited to come otit for Swing into Spr mg special day of curling andentertainment Tickets are $3 each and in cludctwodrawsaiiddinncr Feb tickets will go on Sitlt for non members who are ac KtrllHll Robert Bolduc of Norbec won the senior men 1000 iiirtrcs compznnedbymembers Jacques lhibault of orbcc Tickets are available at the who lllllSlltfl second overall bar in thc curling club Essa Sunday was wcond lipptiig ltd finished tlnrd nhl standings illt oiitvrcnnc Boston at tntorado orrn lllll4ill rtliicde 14mm lJIUt ii lflrlttltl Mm lttrl it 1th to tit toniicat ltRlivtlLl loK in 10 211 littioit at tahiiriot lttl Iit two it Boston at ItiK llLtl ash to 14 NJ in Buffalo at tintnto lillltttl 12 ll l7t 12 tit ltirrititi ltllfllttt tlauis Iliy isioii hursrlay lnllllts Boston III LH 1707 St Louis tit Ilaiiiu Toronto 24 It lit l7tt littsliurgh at loniita Buffalo it ll lHtt lTt 37 olorado at tiiimiici Minn 22 21 It ltttt 32 Iiicago it Butlalo auiplirll foufIrcnce Friday Gaines Iatru Iriyisioii lliiladclpbm iii toloiatfo Mintiiwota ill SaluriLn flarigcts at Islandcis to to to tit 17 ti unto ll JH tic tit laiita tl 2r Itl ti NY tliintii haiiim loiontt lliila 11 IV lil til Detroit at Islatidri lllll ltliisioii lhtladclpliia at far nitli bit ago ITI IIi iJ lliriln il llllliftrll Yani onyci fit it itit 210 44 St Louis at Montreal St Louis It 11 tit JR ll Buffalo at yaslinigton olorado tt Hit It hnagtt at Pittsburgh Ionday ltcsulls Toronto Iiitioit llétlltltl it lo Tonights Philadelphia at tislitnyton at Boston at Yancouici Sunday names Angelo NY lSlélltflth ii Montreal at liilslnngli ll tolorado Il sports ca lenda lllISliY llockey it IS piii Richmond Hill vs Barrie op Major Midgets YorkSinicoc minor hockey association playoff game Bar ricarciia pin Wasaga Beach vs American Hotel 030 in lcnctanguishcnc vs Barrie redit linltrll Wasaga Beach ldtimers llockey league games Wasaga Stars arena ti piii Wellington llotcl vs and Masonry 1030 Storey Heating vs Shoriicys Opticians lluroiiia Senior Hockey League playoff games Essa lownslnp arciia urling Mcns playoffs continue today through lliursday at Bar ric Turling tlub Essa ltd WEDNESDAY liaintci aliington tliitago lhtiuit Ill Ya ncou ll Atla ni llockey Braccbridge Bears vs ro 77s Georgian Bay Junior hockey lcaguc semifinal playoff game ro oiii munitycntrc Barrie Kinsmen Major Atoms and Barrie John Ellis on strUctioii Minor Atoms vs Ihoriiliill Barrie Metropolitan 830 pm Minor Midgets vs ltichniond Hill hockey assmiation playoff games Basketball t4 pni Georgian ollege Generals vs anmliun Forms Base Borden Braves Sinicoc ounty Mciis lnterniediatc Basketball league gmc Buell Btnldiiig ltl ltoidcii urliiig Mcns second schedule playoffs and Business Girls playoffs each continue today through ltiursday at Barric Curlingtlub Essa ltd YUlkSlllHUl minor thy luriiliull of Itcgiiia in ltitllttl Clyde Harris goaltender for Oriltio Terriers takes job at the puck as teammate Don Roybould bot tles with Barrie Flyers Poul Regan during their Canadian international Hockey League game at Barrie arena Monday Fiyers won the game 63 Examiner Photo Richardsons pressure play helps Flyers dump Terriers toprnotch lwoway pcr forniaiice by Glen ltichaidsoii boosted host Barrie llycrs to in victory ovcr tiillia lciiicrs in the lone tanadian liiternzi tional llockcy Leaguc gatin Monday Richardson dclcnscinaii led lilycrs to an early ottctisiyc surge which dcyastaicd tcr tters dcfciisin gaiiic and left the visitors lttlpltss until late iii the inatclitip The win lcft tittli placi Flyets tottr poiiitsilicidof last place lcrricrs with tlirci games remaining in regular season play lcriicrs lltt scycti gttllltS ictiiinntlit lhc iockcying for position means lllllt liowcyci atici recent decision by thc leagiic to allow all st tcanis into llll playoffs lhundci lays lw llt nc lll far ahcad ot tltc pack with Welland Sunys hittn lro aunts and tatiibiidiu lloinct engaged lit tight tunic to coiid spot llcrs can do no bcttcr than fittli placc and should lllt hold that tistlltttt will lllltl tlic second place finisher in thc first round of thc plnytitts tut llicliaidsoii sciiiicd determined to do his lti to try to relegate tiiillia to dim ccliiit by helping set up two ind period goals by Vayiic llitii and Geoff Giccii notclctiii powcr plaj goals of lii out to the tttilltl pciiotl iiid itsldlll on iiiothci tiiccii tinnlic ii ll llllill tittitill tiltttittitfllttttitqipldltl1 lilltgtsx each issisctl on tioli ot Richardson on ontl iil ind goals thc only goals of period Burgcss also helped llttltttl son with lilItil tliirdpciioil goal giy iiig thc tough tllitlttlti lrtoti total of twci pot is Itavc llalptn ilttl playing coach Gary lic lllltll scorcd thc othc tini ic markcr latc in tlic tilitllllll period lycrs first on thc scoreboard Itd at thc end of the first period and Il at thc end of the tttilltl ll llsl lciioil llullltt lllt 15mm Hi tiiiltit litti Iiii filHl ll tt lL ttt lllatrii llJltll litliii in lvnatii 114 lit not to llalptiil trcctl it t1 oiirl Iir ioll Itiitio Illtltiill on ttnii lltli Baltic Itttliaid on ll lcnnltit ltii hatd iii it in Hi ci lit slitttltll lit lltlft libi 13 llitthtlii low it tc li or liiiullciioil tilllllii liba lfml lltt io it ttiillia llillli nod Iiinit Ilrilllf tiiiin llltlllltl4tl lltttlt lciinlt lt lltiiti Itt4t ci an lw iitoi llit trlt in fIriilitt llillltlllll t4 hols on goal by Barric it 10 it Urillia lb it Goal Ilillci llillllt flatii ttiillii li Ilycr Yttas lrbas scored ttitllias first two goals both assistctt by ltob Street and thc third was scored on poci ptiy by another former Barrio chitiiiciiittciliick Smith Barrie goaltender l3llllt ltlltt ttcttctl Shots on lit and hi tcatnnintcs tired to at lcirtcrs iictiiinidcr tlydc llar its llycrs took in minutes Ill litlltlllt and tcrrtcrs wcrc iisscssctl Jt iiiiiiutcs liltllltllllt game misconduct in Sliillt goalteiidci Wayne ltlitlchI after sccondpciiod discus sioiiat tlietlrillia bcnch Next outing for lltt scheduled for Friday at Barrie arena against clliiid lllf who itc yyiiitlititI tip tHll gaiiiclIuiopcintourtoniglit ll IillN tlllfi lLtsitlcs lltttlcdgc tlttllttll ttoiii tlic gatiic lllllll iccciycd two other litlltlll result of dcbntiiig lttllllltlttl with rcfcicc lotii ltrowii troyyn ttl bench ltllltttl to for ricrs iiiiiiutc ltclott ltiitlctlgi banishment and ltniican Iiiicli rccciycd an uiispiirtsiiianlikc penalty caily lll tlic tlind pciiod attci playci lllttl tlic pucl and caiiic cloc Ii liittiiii lic of ticial lat littlllxlll llt tllll siincd tfllttltllli toi llycis tlltlltl inakt at back from lliundcr flat in iiiic for tlillctiiti lllillt Blazers earn berth in finals after clutch overtime victory liiltttt thc Villaic lltll film is itllll lolson Hit in thc tllll illttl of tlic llttttt lLittoiiitoill ltlLlli many of ccis prcdictcd llll iitllh would play low hard fought llicir lilttlltlltill held triic niitlay it llssn lowiiship llfllit is illl llliiIts iiocdcii tiycr lllt littoic dctcattiit lolson giyttig tlic itiiict lttltllllfl1lllllllli ot llltt sciiii llllil tllt tlt lb ttlt not Illjl lllttl itlltttl liiiiii Ilp liltlll ttt tlic inst icii illlll itiiiipnn llzti an ttl in lcad iiitl ltiiltl titttl oil it lts ptttiiil tiilttliiti lt lol on tha iti tcli lttll lillJIktV Siiitrlm conic ltilltityitl llt ttiilti ti til lln tit st lllllilIll Httiiii ltid llilitiiii iii set up Ilatill lltlt lot oi ititli lllllllLlt ln It lic hti Ittliilil pciimi flitii tip iiitiii loiidi Ittltfri iutttsl itlHlr Maloney injured in Leafs triumph lly llllf ltl llllf tan lalonc considcrcit by lll coach to bc alualtlc cop lll loionto liplt lciif iinliinc lll liloiicy lti tolic ytttlttltllllt today it it is wotli ltttttlti llic lnnwny lauds lct intici had ntiic llltllt in lll Inct loiidny iitglit bctorc lji lct ti ltllllil ltlttlli whcrc hc liclpcd lotoiito dczil Itctroit Sunys trip ends with win iilall llllllflll tl ltci liahcy stottd tlircc tttittb and ltayc iltct and lion tico added two itllttt to tend cllaiid Sunys of lhc tanadtan International llockcy League to 02 win over tlic Yugoslavian national team in clnliitioii gniiic Monday night It was lltt siytli win in row for lu nior tllIlt on its ccti tniiic tout of ugoslinia and Austiia Ilic totir ltltl up tonight tlt lttlgrmlc lltck loriis and Stcyc Iiyon scored the other goals for Welland ioc ItaIiigcr scored llt tot Yugoslavia and his lirothct lrancr got thcotlicr Area motorcycle racers capture carnival titles lhrtc tatiic iiiotorcyclc racers topped tlicir divisions at the lintci taiiiival lcc l£lt held on lciiipcnlclt Bay on the weekend litSpllt major tanadtaii Motocyclc Association racc held Sunday in tiiiibridgc Illtllll race held the Stllllt day in Midland and severe wcatlici conditions total of 00 riders took part in tlic two carnival events Barrics Itaii Stewart cap lured top honors lll tlic 130 cc expert division of Saturdays tMA sanctioned races on his tan Am hikc dcfcatint lon tornwcll of Georgetown on Yamaha Mark Yiiitciburn of Barric guided his 230 cc an Alli to first place finish ttl aiiotlici Barrie resident Gary llaugliton III the 550 cc junior class llaughtoii rode Yamaha In the Open junior llllSllt raig Matlncti won the title riding an ltt licatiiittint Ilowc ol lort trcdit on Stinki Saturdays races included of riders in eight tllll In Sundays club races lllltllttllll guidcd his an ni to top spot in the Open junior coiiipctilloii once again cross iiig lllt finish line in front of llauglitonatidhis Yamaha lwcnty two riders in categories took part in daysevcnt Mark lloliday of Oshawa took his Yaniahas to first place finishes Ill both the lift and 310 ccjuinordivisions tithcr winners Sattirday lit cc junior lld Wilson tshawa Itan Amt 123 cc scinoi cxpcrt lcrry Lindsay lctcrborough tYamaha Open ll Sun expert ani Whifling llaiiiiltoii illustpainai 230 cc senior liretl Newlcy Woodstock Kawasaki Sidecar Pierce Port rcdit tllondat lltd tlll ii itj llttclc laxiitlt tlttci ltt lllt itil tilitt lll tlttll ititvti ii plnycd ltiiitld iiii llittttllt liloWi lo Ii It lyinc lltl tutti tiiiil ti liciw lIltll illt ludcd itlldllt lIil llt lltlllllltw niclndwl toast lictwccii ltlttlli iiitl llcll lll lciij llIllvtl until in tho ttr period llny anniloit againlitcititlcpciiotl Ironically the two tiicrly tciiii iiiatc iiiltctiot llic wiiit lltttill it all lliipci and ifch itd llic liusstzin lllt ljtttJtl how it lioclncy cilt bI playtd without thi kiiidot llillllt Tliloiicy and hayc iwc bccii liittid licspcct llIlli Hti ltl pcram llctstliclnstoticl2nit todaniagc Almost lost lit the tiglitini was lhc fact that liari yI Sittlci Lanny lcttoiiild nid Garry Ionaban put on an cccllciit of fcnsivc show each scoi tint pair of goals to pro idc loioiito with tlicftrcpowci it nccdcd to Ictoty llic wiii iiioycd tlic Icit two points ahead of fluttan in their halllc for second plalt in tlic Adonis Itivisioii of thc lalcs oiifcrcncc loronto has 10 points to ltuattlos 37 lrlIl tln Sabrcslioldtwogaiiicsiiiliaiid llic ltcd lings arc mired in the littlitlll of the oiiis lti vision ttur plan is to tic Ittlt slyc lototito conch llotct Neilson said oil can scc how much laloiicy means to this team Neilsoii also had high lllll for Maloncys llllt iiiatc ccntrc at itltlYItlllli right winger Itoii lilllS lu hltlyccliiiic been playing rcal Neilsoii said lliat giycs ll two solid scoring llllt ct ycar opposing team could tic ttpStltltrs lllll lIrrol lhoiiipson and Bill flo gaboninscoicdloiltctroit lll los Angclcs tikc littssy scored his 100th ttllttl goal iii leading the Islanders ttl tlic Kings His goal set an NIH IIttlltl for the quickest too goals in career Bossy scored his llI Iitt games while ltick Martin of Buffalo Sabres had set the pro vious standard of 100 Ill titt gatiics The goal also was his 47th of the season tops in the NIH larkGillicsiuidlayiicMcr rick scored twice foi New York Billy llarris Bob Nystioiii and Bob Botiriic added the others and line has cll tlttl ttic iiiaflt Ht lllltll littt ltlli ti tllli lithiti ltl lililt tiitlttivMtl lii 1m li Icii iti mind it ttt ltlftf klli tittl totir iiiiitic lrJl littttt it Ill llbll lt ttiwtt in lilutl liol Iit stlll lu thinic iiwitttitfl tittitltitl isitwltli IIHit in It iii titli spin lt litilwillllltlttlltillu lttli it tict 11 liltll tlllli glitl htliisz ltl tiit two iiiiiict oi lic tttc tlltlil iicizwl lillit llll iltt LtIilliilltitil ll lt ii it tIli lItwitipl illii ltl oi niIi llitllt liictt iitit liliti ii tlilttl lliitl Iti xil iiwtiiic lcl tiiti llfl lltt Ill ttl titi lltit Ictiit ll with ll llii tit ttu ltilillt tiil lit iit tlttltl ltti littluin ttl1ttl illt llii tlill iii tin llill tip lilii lllili iic llttit 3it titiivliin tut tttlltiI lttlllll it tlvt it iti ititl iit tint lit ltiiiltt initiitltott litti ltttt IHtt Ittttit lttll lttlllli pl lilttttlltl llll xtcckciid facilitac lltt osti natiiciit which mi in ft mitn llltl illttll in tin liill tttii lcitiiwtttitiificiiittoc liiniti tlll tllltilllttlllit lcnltc will diiii Ititt tot liotti pliivciu illlll lli lltlltl pictiitiis Il Itllllttlt Paper says Argos will choose Gregg LllYllLANlt AAIi llic llain lcilcr says loircst Gregg former coach of tlcvc land Browns of tlic National lootbal League will sign tiittltiycar contract to coach loronto tgonauts of thctanti than Football licaituc Hustlers beat top in loop Some good spiking and ltitt cotnt woik lllillillfl iiirrics tltlton llotcl llttSlltls to take fivc of niiic iiiic agatnt thi tlirtc top ltilis iii lllllttlii oltjbifl tittjtlltttt Sctiiot woiiiciicoiitpctittoiiNitidny Ill loroiito llttkillits llittitllttl Myslits ln it iii Illtll first round licfoic ltldllllL Giiclpli iii ii iii The liaittc squad lind inorc piolilcinswillithc itiycnilclab liagctowii tciiiit in tlicir tlitrd iiintcliup ltotiii It lt llic tliict iiintchcs completi llt first round robin play in thc scycii tcani illusion lll action it lioitlcii Scioiidiiiy Fit liool lll titlittttittli tti wotlb itlti lliisicrswoiifiyt oi inncgaiiiw against lllt tliticcilci lltllll iiitliiwliiisioii Stiiidiii to Ilitlt in tlic tlll ltirtititii Itlll thiclpli tililiipirtoyti potiih lyfl ll llitstltts IH lt ttt lllllllt lltllltlliltll looii it iiul lcitiv tutu li ltciil tttt borough ltittitlii tll lll litsllllit Neptunes place first five times lltl iiict tioiii iii lilti lorrii lt cptiiitt iliit ctn tip with 314 tillitvti gt llit viii 13 dc ytlopiocti Illllli llttini lb tltlmt tlttt stuvit itoiiifttiit Il iiillt piiw tyciwti it tlic tinyt Mint tilt pw iii Iic llvlltltitttl titlu lil iii lililtitl giftt ltlllitl lit iitl tltltll lllill lii Ill lt rrctli ttiii illti ltflll ii if lltlll toiiipcitori tltlitlt liiillinkyaiiin ltld llldllltlll it lllll1llit i1 tfl llltll will too ll littl ltllVt liiil lint tl limo lc lttll tttl tinehid tiitliiwhiif Iltlll it do 32c it llttllt llic tilltt lltjildlllyfll cp iitic licii wlio twat tlic lllltl iii tlic glib lti iiitlttttdii IINI lutcksltoltc flitiLis tact lttlici cpttiiic in tlic lllttl wctc litlii nllcy lltcl lci Iai tancilla lion itlcj iiitlJoliiiliiinciiti tl ilittlttlttl lllttl is lclr lllltillilll lltlliltll bolt cs ltt ath Getting ready New York Yorikees newest catcher to join the club Bruce Robinson does his daily olesthenics at Yankees training camp in Fort Louderdole Flo Monday The team has expressed high hopes in Robinsons future as catcher This years camp is the earliest in the history of the club AP Photo The newspaper says Gregg who was head coach of the Browns from 1073 through the sccond to last gaini of 1077 will assume full command of thc lorontooperation lhc Argonauts havc schcd ulcd news conference for in EST today Gregg was unavailable for comment and the iicwspapcr says he was on his way to Toronto on Mon lay night Gregg 43 compiled an 10723 rccord in llevcland and was named lltflltlll toiilcrcncc coach of tlic year by The Asso ciatctl lrcss in 107 after thc trowns ran up surprising ft season He was dismissed the next season after the Browns fol lowed start by losing five of their next six games How ever his contract with the Browns runs through March and the newspaper says Gregg will not sign his contract until that pact officially expires Gregg was an allpro offen sivc tackle for Green Bay lack crs in the latc 1030s and titis and was named last Season to the Pro Football Hall of Fame Since he left the Browns Gregg has remained out of foot ball cxccpt for brief stint in lilTIl as an assistant coach for San Diego Chargers that ended abruptly crosscou ntry na aridlteurrt Good Imingnitlr llockley fllllS IVltlft rtltlrin hntllvld Mansfield tinst tluf llisLon otawasaga llllt too lineyfotcl twenSuunll Bay SkiYillagc Saugecti flighlatilb Illaw alley Beani Yallcy Bud lLl1 labs 14 lluniiiia Allfllltlilt lttl ltnsoit lltifstfditl nib ledonc ltilsori lark ltlitlsllrttr Stritigwaci Golf lt tiuis Styiiitj Ski Ilaici iitrw alIc lrrlla nd ltllltllrllvt lrnItariguisticnc lIltl tiiic fusbtlta ntiridiirii limit lirail liar Nlltl allIj hiQUit ants Rainbow ltidgc 1ii tlu listinu tciiiirot lLiIiliurloii Vordo littistoiie tIllind Itan li hauarlhas they lIlltim luliit livii In yrtm Ir ii llll kl orufilioiis amt Fair Spring Poor Limith packed now inactinio groomed with no bare spots FAIR iiiachiiit grmiinisf trails packed snow has ith less than to per cent bare spots of rtni toiiditinns such as hard or wet snow lvllITEt rnt iiaic spots Plum ll trails ith more than to per less than 30 per cent of trails reported open SPRle lllllll oiiitnvitnre ltt titlltllllltll changing from firm to loosc granular snow alpine flJ and Iltstrrl Good Fair magiillit Ilocklc lliiis llillzlcy Yatli Iotitt la dlc St lltl anfield laiisficld tlislun Lonno tNrnSourul Bay SkiYillagc Ilmyer illcy Betiycr llll iileiniioy ltllsllltlt lollingnomt llhltltllltltili tmiigzanlcals lpini tmigtuth lliironul illitc llil alley lcdoiitc louiitani luoiiutoiic ltliiitSt outs liticllidyit llM nllct spring lrdland Muintaac itw lttskiiu Iliilcw llitldcti illcy Muskoka llltl annbow ltidizc lully llo llalibuiton su iiii lnii Kawartlias Bethany INy it Elbow lutar luuntaiti trxhawa Kirby Skit oiulitiom titrtrl packuf natural man llltlilt ttl lifthlllt groonitd SINM 0n pnikcd haw with no baiy spots on normal nuts and less than 10 per cent icy spots on lllL lair machine groomul packed base with more than 10 per cent icy spots Ifll ll that to per cent bari spots or other conditions such as haid packed or wet snow ltltlt icy slopes with more than to per cent ban spots LIMITED less poi llll of lttpq oi lifts open or operating Sllth mild ttnitwratures mow tonttinoiis hanging ti om in in to loose granular snow snowmobi ing and illsort ood lluroiiia alu Suiic Bati lract lLiiuiigaii Hoistshim akc Kasaga llcai hair it lair ILiiio llitidlotd hisltolta tttMlicad Kearney Iiiixti tytoiigiic lliatvbiidgc Itesuurcc lall lities lallx Inkl llrirlrrv Ilallbiirlon loints rails thilvl falls ltlly Silind Nguiii lyiwanga ibtulil ioiiit liin lllt lll lllk giicinent ond kll Illlllllltll Hill cl no ltllls iiu inagcnie tl critic Spring Ioor Limited pan kuf natural than llltl oi iiiat liiric groomed snow lust has Kllltllttlidllllll1lnlllllltlll1lllllllllhlllll11lllll lll hino gi ouinuf pii lust biisc Ilh more than to per crit It poiv ind l1s than to pci ttlillrl1ptlllll other nuditiorts such as hard In lust oi at know fllll toort slumx ith mori than per IcrIl bare spots lcss lllll ill pct tllll of ltlllK or ltlls open or operating SINIM llhlil ll nitct alurcs snow illlllllllll hanging from In lit to loose uranul mM

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